OSDN Git Service

Altered note table to use a display delegate to show dates rather than convert the...
[neighbornote/NeighborNote.git] / src / cx / fbn / nevernote / gui /
2010-08-24 Randy BaumgarteAltered note table to use a display delegate to show...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteFix problem which prevented cutting attachments between...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteCorrect problem where images may not be pasted properly...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteAlter sync logic to examine new notes as they arrive...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteChanged source URL from a text label to a push button...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteModify tag completion to be a little less ugly and...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteRemove shortcut code that was causing an ambiguous...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteImproved performance in the editor by not forcing a...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteFix tag completion problems created by prior feature...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgartePerformance improvements when switching notebooks or...
2010-08-22 Randy BaumgarteAltered note table list to use QAbstractTableModel...
2010-08-06 Randy BaumgarteAlter behavior of the tag line editor. If focus is...
2010-08-06 Randy BaumgarteCorrect problem with src= not being closed properly...
2010-08-06 Hiroshi Miura (mom... add missing tr() for I18N
2010-08-06 Hiroshi Miura (mom... add qt message catalogs and build rules
2010-07-28 Randy BaumgarteFixed a problem with the tag entry text field on a...
2010-07-23 Randy BaumgarteThere are multiple changes with this commit.
2010-07-23 Nick ClarkeChange generation of files/paths in res dir to use...
2010-07-23 Nick ClarkeFix handling of return status of PDFPreview.setupPrevie...
2010-07-23 Nick ClarkeChange generation of files/paths in images dir to use...
2010-07-23 Nick ClarkeChange generation of files/paths in home dir to use...
2010-07-18 Nick ClarkeRemove all .class files from repos
2010-07-13 Randy BaumgarteNeverNote 0.88.