OSDN Git Service

Merge branch 'master' of git://repo.or.cz/TortoiseGit
[tortoisegit/TortoiseGitJp.git] / doc / source / en / TortoiseGit / tsvn_app_automation.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE appendix SYSTEM "../../dtd/dblite.dtd">\r
3 <appendix id="tsvn-automation">\r
4         <title>Automating TortoiseGit</title>\r
5         <simplesect>\r
6                 <para>\r
7                         Since all commands for TortoiseGit are controlled through command\r
8                         line parameters, you can automate it with batch scripts or start specific\r
9                         commands and dialogs from other programs (e.g. your favourite text editor).\r
10                 </para>\r
11                 <important>\r
12                 <para>\r
13                         Remember that TortoiseGit is a GUI client, and this automation guide\r
14                         shows you how to make the TortoiseGit dialogs appear to collect user\r
15                         input. If you want to write a script which requires no input, you should\r
16                         use the official Git command line client instead.\r
17                 </para>\r
18                 </important>\r
19         </simplesect>\r
20         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
21         <!-- ======================== SECTION 1 ============================== -->\r
22         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
23         <sect1 id="tsvn-automation-basics">\r
24                 <title>TortoiseGit Commands</title>\r
25                 <indexterm>\r
26                         <primary>automation</primary>\r
27                 </indexterm>\r
28                 <indexterm>\r
29                         <primary>command line</primary>\r
30                 </indexterm>\r
31                 <para>\r
32                         The TortoiseGit GUI program is called <literal>TortoiseProc.exe</literal>.\r
33                         All commands are specified with the parameter <option>/command:abcd</option>\r
34                         where <literal>abcd</literal> is the required command name. Most of these\r
35                         commands need at least one path argument, which is given with \r
36                         <option>/path:"some\path"</option>. In the following table the command \r
37                         refers to the <option>/command:abcd</option> parameter and the path\r
38                         refers to the <option>/path:"some\path"</option> parameter.\r
39                 </para>\r
40                 <para>\r
41                         Since some of the commands can take a list of target paths (e.g. committing\r
42                         several specific files) the <option>/path</option> parameter can take\r
43                         several paths, separated by a <literal>*</literal> character.\r
44                 </para>\r
45                 <para>\r
46                         TortoiseGit uses temporary files to pass multiple arguments between\r
47                         the shell extension and the main program. From TortoiseGit 1.5.0 on and later,\r
48                         <option>/notempfile</option> parameter is obsolete and there is no need\r
49                         to add it anymore.\r
50                 </para>\r
51                 <para>\r
52                         The progress dialog which is used for commits, updates and many more commands\r
53                         usually stays open after the command has finished until the user presses\r
54                         the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button. This can be changed by checking\r
55                         the corresponding option in the settings dialog. But using that setting\r
56                         will close the progress dialog, no matter if you start the command\r
57                         from your batch file or from the TortoiseGit context menu.\r
58                 </para>\r
59                 <para>\r
60                         To specify a different location of the configuration file, use the parameter\r
61                         <option>/configdir:"path\to\config\directory"</option>.\r
62                         This will override the default path, including any registry setting.\r
63                 </para>\r
64                 <para>\r
65                         To close the progress dialog at the end of a command automatically without\r
66                         using the permanent setting you can pass the <option>/closeonend</option>\r
67                         parameter.\r
68                         <itemizedlist>\r
69                                 <listitem>\r
70                                         <para>\r
71                                                 <option>/closeonend:0</option> don't close the dialog automatically\r
72                                         </para>\r
73                                 </listitem>\r
74                                 <listitem>\r
75                                         <para>\r
76                                                 <option>/closeonend:1</option> auto close if no errors\r
77                                         </para>\r
78                                 </listitem>\r
79                                 <listitem>\r
80                                         <para>\r
81                                                 <option>/closeonend:2</option> auto close if no errors and conflicts\r
82                                         </para>\r
83                                 </listitem>\r
84                                 <listitem>\r
85                                         <para>\r
86                                                 <option>/closeonend:3</option> auto close if no errors, conflicts and merges\r
87                                         </para>\r
88                                 </listitem>\r
89                                 <listitem>\r
90                                         <para>\r
91                                                 <option>/closeonend:4</option> auto close if no errors, conflicts and merges\r
92                                                 for local operations\r
93                                         </para>\r
94                                 </listitem>\r
95                         </itemizedlist>\r
96                 </para>\r
97                 <para>\r
98                         The table below lists all the commands which can be accessed\r
99                         using the TortoiseProc.exe command line. As described above,\r
100                         these should be used in the form <literal>/command:abcd</literal>.\r
101                         In the table, the <literal>/command</literal> prefix is omitted\r
102                         to save space.\r
103                 </para>\r
104 <!--\r
106 Don't touch these lines:\r
107 <entry condition="pot">:about</entry>\r
108 \r
109   The condition="pot" prevents the strings from being extracted into\r
110         the .pot file, so nobody translates them.\r
111   The colons in front of the command have to stay there to prevent these strings\r
112   from being translated if the po file "by chance" contains a matching translation.\r
113 -->\r
114                 <para>\r
115                         <table id="tsvn-automation-1-table">\r
116                                 <title>List of available commands and options</title>\r
117                                 <tgroup cols="2">\r
118                                         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="2*"/>\r
119                                         <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="6*"/>\r
120                                         <thead>\r
121                                                 <row>\r
122                                                         <entry>Command</entry>\r
123                                                         <entry>Description</entry>\r
124                                                 </row>\r
125                                         </thead>\r
126                                         <tbody>\r
127                                                 <row>\r
128                                                         <entry condition="pot">:about</entry>\r
129                                                         <entry>\r
130                                                                 Shows the about dialog. This is also shown if no\r
131                                                                 command is given.\r
132                                                         </entry>\r
133                                                 </row>\r
134                                                 <row>\r
135                                                         <entry condition="pot">:log</entry>\r
136                                                         <entry>\r
137                                                                 Opens the log dialog. The <option>/path</option> specifies the\r
138                                                                 file or folder for which the log should be shown.\r
139                                                                 Three additional options can be set:\r
140                                                                 <option>/startrev:xxx</option>, \r
141                                                                 <option>/endrev:xxx</option> and\r
142                                                                 <option>/strict</option>\r
143                                                         </entry>\r
144                                                 </row>\r
145                                                 <row>\r
146                                                         <entry condition="pot">:checkout</entry>\r
147                                                         <entry>\r
148                                                                 Opens the checkout dialog. The <option>/path</option>\r
149                                                                 specifies the target directory and the <option>/url</option>\r
150                                                                 specifies the URL to checkout from.\r
151                                                         </entry>\r
152                                                 </row>\r
153                                                 <row>\r
154                                                         <entry condition="pot">:import</entry>\r
155                                                         <entry>\r
156                                                                 Opens the import dialog. The <option>/path</option>\r
157                                                                 specifies the directory with the data to import.\r
158                                                         </entry>\r
159                                                 </row>\r
160                                                 <row>\r
161                                                         <entry condition="pot">:update</entry>\r
162                                                         <entry>\r
163                                                                 Updates the working copy in <option>/path</option> to\r
164                                                                 HEAD. If the option <option>/rev</option> is given\r
165                                                                 then a dialog is shown to ask the user to which\r
166                                                                 revision the update should go. To avoid the dialog\r
167                                                                 specify a revision number <option>/rev:1234</option>.\r
168                                                                 Other options are <option>/nonrecursive</option> and\r
169                                                                 <option>/ignoreexternals</option>.\r
170                                                         </entry>\r
171                                                 </row>\r
172                                                 <row>\r
173                                                         <entry condition="pot">:commit</entry>\r
174                                                         <entry>\r
175                                                                 Opens the commit dialog. The <option>/path</option> specifies the\r
176                                                                 target directory or the list of files to commit.\r
177                                                                 You can also specify the <option>/logmsg</option> switch\r
178                                                                 to pass a predefined log message to the commit dialog.\r
179                                                                 Or, if you don't want to pass the log message on the\r
180                                                                 command line, use <option>/logmsgfile:path</option>,\r
181                                                                 where <option>path</option>\r
182                                                                 points to a file containing the log message.\r
183                                                                 To pre-fill the bug ID box (in case you've set up\r
184                                                                 integration with bug trackers properly), you can use\r
185                                                                 the <option>/bugid:"the bug id here"</option> to\r
186                                                                 do that.\r
187                                                         </entry>\r
188                                                 </row>\r
189                                                 <row>\r
190                                                         <entry condition="pot">:add</entry>\r
191                                                         <entry>\r
192                                                                 Adds the files in <option>/path</option> to\r
193                                                                 version control.\r
194                                                         </entry>\r
195                                                 </row>\r
196                                                 <row>\r
197                                                         <entry condition="pot">:revert</entry>\r
198                                                         <entry>\r
199                                                                 Reverts local modifications of a working copy.\r
200                                                                 The <option>/path</option> tells which items\r
201                                                                 to revert.\r
202                                                         </entry>\r
203                                                 </row>\r
204                                                 <row>\r
205                                                         <entry condition="pot">:cleanup</entry>\r
206                                                         <entry>\r
207                                                                 Cleans up interrupted or aborted operations and\r
208                                                                 unlocks the working copy in <option>/path</option>.\r
209                                                         </entry>\r
210                                                 </row>\r
211                                                 <row>\r
212                                                         <entry condition="pot">:resolve</entry>\r
213                                                         <entry>\r
214                                                                 Marks a conflicted file specified in \r
215                                                                 <option>/path</option> as resolved. If \r
216                                                                 <option>/noquestion</option> is given, then resolving\r
217                                                                 is done without asking the user first if it really\r
218                                                                 should be done.\r
219                                                         </entry>\r
220                                                 </row>\r
221                                                 <row>\r
222                                                         <entry condition="pot">:repocreate</entry>\r
223                                                         <entry>\r
224                                                                 Creates a repository in <option>/path</option>\r
225                                                         </entry>\r
226                                                 </row>\r
227                                                 <row>\r
228                                                         <entry condition="pot">:switch</entry>\r
229                                                         <entry>\r
230                                                                 Opens the switch dialog. The <option>/path</option> specifies the\r
231                                                                 target directory.\r
232                                                         </entry>\r
233                                                 </row>\r
234                                                 <row>\r
235                                                         <entry condition="pot">:export</entry>\r
236                                                         <entry>\r
237                                                                 Exports the working copy in <option>/path</option>\r
238                                                                 to another directory. If the <option>/path</option>\r
239                                                                 points to an unversioned directory, a dialog will ask\r
240                                                                 for an URL to export to the directory in <option>/path</option>.\r
241                                                         </entry>\r
242                                                 </row>\r
243                                                 <row>\r
244                                                         <entry condition="pot">:merge</entry>\r
245                                                         <entry>\r
246                                                                 Opens the merge dialog. The <option>/path</option> specifies the\r
247                                                                 target directory.\r
248                                                                 For merging a revision range, the following options are available:\r
249                                                                 <option>/fromurl:URL</option>,\r
250                                                                 <option>/revrange:string</option>.\r
251                                                                 For merging two repository trees, the following options are available:\r
252                                                                 <option>/fromurl:URL</option>,\r
253                                                                 <option>/tourl:URL</option>,\r
254                                                                 <option>/fromrev:xxx</option> and \r
255                                                                 <option>/torev:xxx</option>.\r
256                                                                 These pre-fill the relevant fields in the merge dialog.\r
257                                                         </entry>\r
258                                                 </row>\r
259                                                 <row>\r
260                                                         <entry condition="pot">:mergeall</entry>\r
261                                                         <entry>\r
262                                                                 Opens the merge all dialog. The <option>/path</option> specifies the\r
263                                                                 target directory.\r
264                                                         </entry>\r
265                                                 </row>\r
266                                                 <row>\r
267                                                         <entry condition="pot">:copy</entry>\r
268                                                         <entry>\r
269                                                                 Brings up the branch/tag dialog.\r
270                                                                 The <option>/path</option>\r
271                                                                 is the working copy to branch/tag from.\r
272                                                                 And the <option>/url</option> is the\r
273                                                                 target URL.\r
274                                                                 You can also specify the <option>/logmsg</option> switch\r
275                                                                 to pass a predefined log message to the branch/tag dialog.\r
276                                                                 Or, if you don't want to pass the log message on the\r
277                                                                 command line, use <option>/logmsgfile:path</option>,\r
278                                                                 where <option>path</option>\r
279                                                                 points to a file containing the log message.\r
280                                                         </entry>\r
281                                                 </row>\r
282                                                 <row>\r
283                                                         <entry condition="pot">:settings</entry>\r
284                                                         <entry>\r
285                                                                 Opens the settings dialog.\r
286                                                         </entry>\r
287                                                 </row>\r
288                                                 <row>\r
289                                                         <entry condition="pot">:remove</entry>\r
290                                                         <entry>\r
291                                                                 Removes the file(s) in <option>/path</option> from\r
292                                                                 version control.\r
293                                                         </entry>\r
294                                                 </row>\r
295                                                 <row>\r
296                                                         <entry condition="pot">:rename</entry>\r
297                                                         <entry>\r
298                                                                 Renames the file in <option>/path</option>. The new\r
299                                                                 name for the file is asked with a dialog.\r
300                                                                 To avoid the question about renaming similar files\r
301                                                                 in one step, pass <option>/noquestion</option>.\r
302                                                         </entry>\r
303                                                 </row>\r
304                                                 <row>\r
305                                                         <entry condition="pot">:diff</entry>\r
306                                                         <entry>\r
307                                                                 Starts the external diff program specified in the\r
308                                                                 TortoiseGit settings. The <option>/path</option>\r
309                                                                 specifies the first file.\r
310                                                                 If the option <option>/path2</option>\r
311                                                                 is set, then the diff program is started with those\r
312                                                                 two files. If <option>/path2</option> is omitted,\r
313                                                                 then the diff is done between the file in\r
314                                                                 <option>/path</option> and its BASE.\r
315                                                                 To explicitly set the revision numbers use\r
316                                                                 <option>/startrev:xxx</option> and\r
317                                                                 <option>/endrev:xxx</option>.\r
318                                                                 If <option>/blame</option> is set and <option>/path2</option>\r
319                                                                 is not set, then the diff is done by first blaming \r
320                                                                 the files with the given revisions.\r
321                                                         </entry>\r
322                                                 </row>\r
323                                                 <row>\r
324                                                         <entry condition="pot">:showcompare</entry>\r
325                                                         <entry>\r
326                                                                 <para>\r
327                                                                 Depending on the URLs and revisions to compare, this\r
328                                                                 either shows a unified diff (if the option <option>unified</option> is set), \r
329                                                                 a dialog with a list of files that have changed or if \r
330                                                                 the URLs point to files starts the diff viewer for \r
331                                                                 those two files.\r
332                                                                 </para>\r
333                                                                 <para>\r
334                                                                 The options <option>url1</option>, <option>url2</option>,\r
335                                                                 <option>revision1</option> and <option>revision2</option>\r
336                                                                 must be specified. The options <option>pegrevision</option>,\r
337                                                                 <option>ignoreancestry</option>, <option>blame</option> and\r
338                                                                 <option>unified</option> are optional.\r
339                                                                 </para>\r
340                                                         </entry>\r
341                                                 </row>\r
342                                                 <row>\r
343                                                         <entry condition="pot">:conflicteditor</entry>\r
344                                                         <entry>\r
345                                                                 Starts the conflict editor specified in the TortoiseGit\r
346                                                                 settings with the correct files for the conflicted\r
347                                                                 file in <option>/path</option>.\r
348                                                         </entry>\r
349                                                 </row>\r
350                                                 <row>\r
351                                                         <entry condition="pot">:relocate</entry>\r
352                                                         <entry>\r
353                                                                 Opens the relocate dialog. The <option>/path</option>\r
354                                                                 specifies the working copy path to relocate.\r
355                                                         </entry>\r
356                                                 </row>\r
357                                                 <row>\r
358                                                         <entry condition="pot">:help</entry>\r
359                                                         <entry>\r
360                                                                 Opens the help file.\r
361                                                         </entry>\r
362                                                 </row>\r
363                                                 <row>\r
364                                                         <entry condition="pot">:repostatus</entry>\r
365                                                         <entry>\r
366                                                                 Opens the check-for-modifications dialog. The <option>/path</option>\r
367                                                                 specifies the working copy directory.\r
368                                                         </entry>\r
369                                                 </row>\r
370                                                 <row>\r
371                                                         <entry condition="pot">:repobrowser</entry>\r
372                                                         <entry>\r
373                                                                 Starts the repository browser dialog, pointing to\r
374                                                                 the URL of the working copy given in\r
375                                                                 <option>/path</option> or <option>/path</option>\r
376                                                                 points directly to an URL.\r
377                                                                 An additional option <option>/rev:xxx</option> can\r
378                                                                 be used to specify the revision which the repository\r
379                                                                 browser should show. If the <option>/rev:xxx</option>\r
380                                                                 is omitted, it defaults to HEAD.\r
381                                                                 If <option>/path</option> points to an URL, the \r
382                                                                 <option>/projectpropertiespath:path/to/wc</option> specifies\r
383                                                                 the path from where to read and use the project properties.\r
384                                                         </entry>\r
385                                                 </row>\r
386                                                 <row>\r
387                                                         <entry condition="pot">:ignore</entry>\r
388                                                         <entry>\r
389                                                                 Adds all targets in <option>/path</option> to the\r
390                                                                 ignore list, i.e. adds the <literal>svn:ignore</literal>\r
391                                                                 property to those files.\r
392                                                         </entry>\r
393                                                 </row>\r
394                                                 <row>\r
395                                                         <entry condition="pot">:blame</entry>\r
396                                                         <entry>\r
397                                                                 <para>\r
398                                                                 Opens the blame dialog for the file specified \r
399                                                                 in <option>/path</option>.\r
400                                                                 </para>\r
401                                                                 <para>\r
402                                                                 If the options <option>/startrev</option> and\r
403                                                                 <option>/endrev</option> are set, then the dialog\r
404                                                                 asking for the blame range is not shown but\r
405                                                                 the revision values of those options are used\r
406                                                                 instead.\r
407                                                                 </para>\r
408                                                                 <para>\r
409                                                                 If the option <option>/line:nnn</option> is set,\r
410                                                                 TortoiseBlame will open with the specified line\r
411                                                                 number showing.\r
412                                                                 </para>\r
413                                                                 <para>\r
414                                                                 The options <option>/ignoreeol</option>, \r
415                                                                 <option>/ignorespaces</option> and\r
416                                                                 <option>/ignoreallspaces</option> are also supported.\r
417                                                                 </para>\r
418                                                         </entry>\r
419                                                 </row>\r
420                                                 <row>\r
421                                                         <entry condition="pot">:cat</entry>\r
422                                                         <entry>\r
423                                                                 Saves a file from an URL or working copy path given\r
424                                                                 in <option>/path</option> to the location given in\r
425                                                                 <option>/savepath:path</option>. The revision is\r
426                                                                 given in <option>/revision:xxx</option>. This can\r
427                                                                 be used to get a file with a specific revision.\r
428                                                         </entry>\r
429                                                 </row>\r
430                                                 <row>\r
431                                                         <entry condition="pot">:createpatch</entry>\r
432                                                         <entry>\r
433                                                                 Creates a patch file for the path given in\r
434                                                                 <option>/path</option>.\r
435                                                         </entry>\r
436                                                 </row>\r
437                                                 <row>\r
438                                                         <entry condition="pot">:revisiongraph</entry>\r
439                                                         <entry>\r
440                                                                 Shows the revision graph for the path given in\r
441                                                                 <option>/path</option>.\r
442                                                         </entry>\r
443                                                 </row>\r
444                                                 <row>\r
445                                                         <entry condition="pot">:lock</entry>\r
446                                                         <entry>\r
447                                                                 Locks a file or all files in a directory given in\r
448                                                                 <option>/path</option>.\r
449                                                                 The 'lock' dialog is shown so the\r
450                                                                 user can enter a comment for the lock.\r
451                                                         </entry>\r
452                                                 </row>\r
453                                                 <row>\r
454                                                         <entry condition="pot">:unlock</entry>\r
455                                                         <entry>\r
456                                                                 Unlocks a file or all files in a directory given in\r
457                                                                 <option>/path</option>.\r
458                                                         </entry>\r
459                                                 </row>\r
460                                                 <row>\r
461                                                         <entry condition="pot">:rebuildiconcache</entry>\r
462                                                         <entry>\r
463                                                                 Rebuilds the windows icon cache. Only use this in\r
464                                                                 case the windows icons are corrupted. A side effect\r
465                                                                 of this (which can't be avoided) is that the icons\r
466                                                                 on the desktop get rearranged.\r
467                                                                 To suppress the message box, pass <option>/noquestion</option>.\r
468                                                         </entry>\r
469                                                 </row>\r
470                                                 <row>\r
471                                                         <entry condition="pot">:properties</entry>\r
472                                                         <entry>\r
473                                                                 Shows the properties dialog for the path given in\r
474                                                                 <option>/path</option>.\r
475                                                         </entry>\r
476                                                 </row>\r
477                                         </tbody>\r
478                                 </tgroup>\r
479                         </table>\r
480                 </para>\r
481                 <para>\r
482                         Examples (which should be entered on one line):\r
483 <screen>\r
484 TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit\r
485                  /path:"c:\svn_wc\file1.txt*c:\svn_wc\file2.txt"\r
486                  /logmsg:"test log message" /closeonend:0\r
487 \r
488 TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"c:\svn_wc\" /closeonend:0\r
489 \r
490 TortoiseProc.exe /command:log /path:"c:\svn_wc\file1.txt"\r
491                  /startrev:50 /endrev:60 /closeonend:0\r
492 </screen>\r
493                 </para>\r
494         </sect1>\r
495 \r
496         <sect1 id="tsvn-automation-idiff">\r
497                 <title>TortoiseIDiff Commands</title>\r
498                 <indexterm>\r
499                         <primary>automation</primary>\r
500                 </indexterm>\r
501                 <indexterm>\r
502                         <primary>command line</primary>\r
503                 </indexterm>\r
504                 <para>\r
505                         The image diff tool has a few command line options which you\r
506                         can use to control how the tool is started.\r
507                         The program is called <literal>TortoiseIDiff.exe</literal>.\r
508                 </para>\r
509                 <para>\r
510                         The table below lists all the options which can be passed\r
511                         to the image diff tool on the command line.\r
512                 </para>\r
513 <!--\r
515 Don't touch these lines:\r
516 <entry condition="pot">:about</entry>\r
517 \r
518   The condition="pot" prevents the strings from being extracted into\r
519         the .pot file, so nobody translates them.\r
520   The colons in front of the command have to stay there to prevent these strings\r
521   from being translated if the po file "by chance" contains a matching translation.\r
522 -->\r
523                 <para>\r
524                         <table id="tsvn-automation-idiff-1-table">\r
525                                 <title>List of available options</title>\r
526                                 <tgroup cols="2">\r
527                                         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="2*"/>\r
528                                         <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="6*"/>\r
529                                         <thead>\r
530                                                 <row>\r
531                                                         <entry>Option</entry>\r
532                                                         <entry>Description</entry>\r
533                                                 </row>\r
534                                         </thead>\r
535                                         <tbody>\r
536                                                 <row>\r
537                                                         <entry condition="pot">:left</entry>\r
538                                                         <entry>\r
539                                                                 Path to the file shown on the left.\r
540                                                         </entry>\r
541                                                 </row>\r
542                                                 <row>\r
543                                                         <entry condition="pot">:lefttitle</entry>\r
544                                                         <entry>\r
545                                                                 A title string. This string is used in the image view\r
546                                                                 title instead of the full path to the image file.\r
547                                                         </entry>\r
548                                                 </row>\r
549                                                 <row>\r
550                                                         <entry condition="pot">:right</entry>\r
551                                                         <entry>\r
552                                                                 Path to the file shown on the right.\r
553                                                         </entry>\r
554                                                 </row>\r
555                                                 <row>\r
556                                                         <entry condition="pot">:righttitle</entry>\r
557                                                         <entry>\r
558                                                                 A title string. This string is used in the image view\r
559                                                                 title instead of the full path to the image file.\r
560                                                         </entry>\r
561                                                 </row>\r
562                                                 <row>\r
563                                                         <entry condition="pot">:overlay</entry>\r
564                                                         <entry>\r
565                                                                 If specified, the image diff tool switches\r
566                                                                 to the overlay mode (alpha blend).\r
567                                                         </entry>\r
568                                                 </row>\r
569                                                 <row>\r
570                                                         <entry condition="pot">:fit</entry>\r
571                                                         <entry>\r
572                                                                 If specified, the image diff tool fits both\r
573                                                                 images together.\r
574                                                         </entry>\r
575                                                 </row>\r
576                                                 <row>\r
577                                                         <entry condition="pot">:showinfo</entry>\r
578                                                         <entry>\r
579                                                                 Shows the image info box.\r
580                                                         </entry>\r
581                                                 </row>\r
582                                         </tbody>\r
583                                 </tgroup>\r
584                         </table>\r
585                 </para>\r
586                 <para>\r
587                         Example (which should be entered on one line):\r
588 <screen>\r
589 TortoiseIDiff.exe /left:"c:\images\img1.jpg" /lefttitle:"image 1"\r
590                   /right:"c:\images\img2.jpg" /righttitle:"image 2"\r
591                   /fit /overlay\r
592 </screen>\r
593                 </para>\r
594         </sect1>\r
595 \r
596 </appendix>\r