OSDN Git Service

LDP: Fix translation bug in shm_open.3
[linuxjm/jm.git] / admin /
2012-06-26 Akihiro MOTOKIcups: Add po4a files for non-posted pages.
2012-05-30 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: (JM-tl-modify.pl) Get name and email from enviro...
2012-05-30 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: JM-tl-modify.pl clears status/version field...
2012-05-30 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Update po4a/howto.txt.
2012-05-27 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Add a script to generate release tarball per...
2012-05-27 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: If "-c" is specified, reset statuses of related...
2012-05-15 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Ignores .PD or comment lines just after .TP.
2012-05-12 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Update po4a/howto.txt.
2012-05-12 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Specify po4a-gettextize options to po4a/ja-impor...
2012-05-12 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Extract basename of specified pages in po4a...
2012-05-12 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: New script JM-release-all.sh
2012-05-08 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Add tools that help po4a-gettextize.
2012-05-07 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: Remove print for debug from JM-tl-modify.pl.
2012-05-05 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-ldp340'
2012-05-04 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-ldp340'
2012-05-04 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-ldp340'
2012-05-04 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: New option "-c" for JM-tl-modify.pl.
2012-05-03 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-ldp340'
2012-05-01 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-ldp340'
2012-05-01 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin/ml2cvs: Correct a sample commandline in comments.
2012-04-20 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: JM-tl-modify.pl takes options -n and -e".
2012-04-08 Akihiro MOTOKIMerge branch 'work-coreutils'
2012-04-02 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin: chmod +x for script files.
2012-04-01 Akihiro MOTOKIConvert web pages to UTF-8.
2012-04-01 Akihiro MOTOKIConvert ChangeLog to UTF-8.
2011-10-30 R4000 2.2man2html: Fix a bug that a table which has a format...
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Fixes a bug that `maxcol' is not calculated...
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Skip leading space in each items in a table.
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Handle table format spec which consists of...
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Supports \(Tm (which means a trademark).
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Apply Debian patches (part 5: man2html).
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Apply Debian patches (part 4: man pages).
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Apply Debian patches (part 3: template).
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Apply Debian patches (part 2: hman).
2011-10-30 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Apply Debian patches (part 1: file paths).
2011-10-29 Akihiro MOTOKIReverts commits for man2html/* to apply Debian patches...
2011-10-20 R4000 2.2man2html: Fix a bug that a table which has a format...
2011-10-19 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Fixes a bug that `maxcol' is not calculated...
2011-10-19 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Skip leading space in each items in a table.
2011-10-19 Akihiro MOTOKIman2html: Handle table format spec which consists of...
2011-09-27 Akihiro MOTOKISupports \(aq (which means a single quote).
2011-09-27 Akihiro MOTOKISupports \(Tm (which means a trademark).
2011-09-27 Akihiro MOTOKIAdd .gitignore files for man-1.6g directory.
2011-09-27 Akihiro MOTOKIImport man-1.6g.
2011-04-13 Akihiro MOTOKIChange the post address of JMpost* to sj.jp ML.
2011-04-01 Akihiro MOTOKIml2cvs: Remove trailing slash in $ROFFROOT, $WWW_ROOT.
2010-12-08 Akihiro MOTOKIChange <changefreq> from weekly to daily.
2010-12-08 Akihiro MOTOKIAdd a another shell to update web and manpage archives.
2010-12-07 Akihiro MOTOKIAdd a shell to update web contents periodically.
2010-11-16 Akihiro MOTOKIAdd --delete option to rsync to remove obsolete files...
2010-11-16 Akihiro MOTOKIUpdate sitemap.xml only when it is older than www-html...
2010-11-11 Akihiro MOTOKINew script converts git log output to ChangeLog style.
2010-11-11 Akihiro MOTOKIml2cvs: sf.jp の環境で動作するように修正
2010-11-11 Akihiro MOTOKIsitemap.xml を生成する機能を追加。
2010-11-11 Akihiro MOTOKIRename a directory which contains web site maintenance...
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKINew script "JM-release.sh" to convert a draft manpage...
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKINew script "JM-orig-upd.sh" to copy upstream manpages...
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKINew script "JM-tl-modify.pl" to update translation_list...
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKI$Id$ を削除
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKIGoogle webmaster tool の verification 用のファイルを追加
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKIadmin/cgi 以下から sf.jp では使用しない .htaccess 関連ファイルを削除
2010-11-10 Akihiro MOTOKImake 時の *-modified の生成先を stamp/ ディレクトリ以下に変更
2010-10-24 Akihiro MOTOKIoriginal 更新時に git status の出力から update_list を作成するスクリプトを追加。
2010-10-23 Akihiro MOTOKIWeb server にコピーしない .htaccess の生成も行わないように修正。
2010-10-23 Akihiro MOTOKIsf.jp の Web Server では nkf が利用できないため、あらかじめ表示用の漢字コード
2010-10-23 Akihiro MOTOKIJM Project の連絡先を JM@linux.or.jp から linuxjm-discuss...
2010-10-23 Akihiro MOTOKI.gitignore を作成 or .cvsignore から流用
2010-10-22 Akihiro MOTOKIsf.jp では .htaccess は設定できないなので、.htaccess をコピーしないように変更。
2010-10-16 Akihiro MOTOKIImport JM CVS Repository from cvs.linux.or.jp.