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This closes #1723, fix panic on read workbook in some cases (#1692)
[excelize/excelize.git] / adjust.go
1 // Copyright 2016 - 2023 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
2 // this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
3 // the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
6 // read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
7 // writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excelâ„¢ 2007 and later.
8 // Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
9 // API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
10 // data. This library needs Go version 1.16 or later.
12 package excelize
14 import (
15         "bytes"
16         "encoding/xml"
17         "io"
18         "strconv"
19         "strings"
20         "unicode"
22         "github.com/xuri/efp"
23 )
25 type adjustDirection bool
27 const (
28         columns adjustDirection = false
29         rows    adjustDirection = true
30 )
32 // adjustHelperFunc defines functions to adjust helper.
33 var adjustHelperFunc = [9]func(*File, *xlsxWorksheet, string, adjustDirection, int, int, int) error{
34         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
35                 return f.adjustConditionalFormats(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
36         },
37         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
38                 return f.adjustDataValidations(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
39         },
40         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
41                 return f.adjustDefinedNames(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
42         },
43         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
44                 return f.adjustDrawings(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
45         },
46         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
47                 return f.adjustMergeCells(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
48         },
49         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
50                 return f.adjustAutoFilter(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
51         },
52         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
53                 return f.adjustCalcChain(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
54         },
55         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
56                 return f.adjustTable(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
57         },
58         func(f *File, ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
59                 return f.adjustVolatileDeps(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID)
60         },
61 }
63 // adjustHelper provides a function to adjust rows and columns dimensions,
64 // hyperlinks, merged cells and auto filter when inserting or deleting rows or
65 // columns.
66 //
67 // sheet: Worksheet name that we're editing
68 // column: Index number of the column we're inserting/deleting before
69 // row: Index number of the row we're inserting/deleting before
70 // offset: Number of rows/column to insert/delete negative values indicate deletion
71 //
72 // TODO: adjustComments, adjustPageBreaks, adjustProtectedCells
73 func (f *File) adjustHelper(sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) error {
74         ws, err := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
75         if err != nil {
76                 return err
77         }
78         sheetID := f.getSheetID(sheet)
79         if dir == rows {
80                 err = f.adjustRowDimensions(sheet, ws, num, offset)
81         } else {
82                 err = f.adjustColDimensions(sheet, ws, num, offset)
83         }
84         if err != nil {
85                 return err
86         }
87         f.adjustHyperlinks(ws, sheet, dir, num, offset)
88         ws.checkSheet()
89         _ = ws.checkRow()
90         for _, fn := range adjustHelperFunc {
91                 if err := fn(f, ws, sheet, dir, num, offset, sheetID); err != nil {
92                         return err
93                 }
94         }
95         if ws.MergeCells != nil && len(ws.MergeCells.Cells) == 0 {
96                 ws.MergeCells = nil
97         }
98         return nil
99 }
101 // adjustCols provides a function to update column style when inserting or
102 // deleting columns.
103 func (f *File) adjustCols(ws *xlsxWorksheet, col, offset int) error {
104         if ws.Cols == nil {
105                 return nil
106         }
107         for i := 0; i < len(ws.Cols.Col); i++ {
108                 if offset > 0 {
109                         if ws.Cols.Col[i].Min >= col {
110                                 if ws.Cols.Col[i].Min += offset; ws.Cols.Col[i].Min > MaxColumns {
111                                         ws.Cols.Col = append(ws.Cols.Col[:i], ws.Cols.Col[i+1:]...)
112                                         i--
113                                         continue
114                                 }
115                         }
116                         if ws.Cols.Col[i].Max >= col || ws.Cols.Col[i].Max+1 == col {
117                                 if ws.Cols.Col[i].Max += offset; ws.Cols.Col[i].Max > MaxColumns {
118                                         ws.Cols.Col[i].Max = MaxColumns
119                                 }
120                         }
121                         continue
122                 }
123                 if ws.Cols.Col[i].Min == col && ws.Cols.Col[i].Max == col {
124                         ws.Cols.Col = append(ws.Cols.Col[:i], ws.Cols.Col[i+1:]...)
125                         i--
126                         continue
127                 }
128                 if ws.Cols.Col[i].Min > col {
129                         ws.Cols.Col[i].Min += offset
130                 }
131                 if ws.Cols.Col[i].Max >= col {
132                         ws.Cols.Col[i].Max += offset
133                 }
134         }
135         if len(ws.Cols.Col) == 0 {
136                 ws.Cols = nil
137         }
138         return nil
139 }
141 // adjustColDimensions provides a function to update column dimensions when
142 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
143 func (f *File) adjustColDimensions(sheet string, ws *xlsxWorksheet, col, offset int) error {
144         for rowIdx := range ws.SheetData.Row {
145                 for _, v := range ws.SheetData.Row[rowIdx].C {
146                         if cellCol, _, _ := CellNameToCoordinates(v.R); col <= cellCol {
147                                 if newCol := cellCol + offset; newCol > 0 && newCol > MaxColumns {
148                                         return ErrColumnNumber
149                                 }
150                         }
151                 }
152         }
153         for _, sheetN := range f.GetSheetList() {
154                 worksheet, err := f.workSheetReader(sheetN)
155                 if err != nil {
156                         if err.Error() == newNotWorksheetError(sheetN).Error() {
157                                 continue
158                         }
159                         return err
160                 }
161                 for rowIdx := range worksheet.SheetData.Row {
162                         for colIdx, v := range worksheet.SheetData.Row[rowIdx].C {
163                                 if cellCol, cellRow, _ := CellNameToCoordinates(v.R); sheetN == sheet && col <= cellCol {
164                                         if newCol := cellCol + offset; newCol > 0 {
165                                                 worksheet.SheetData.Row[rowIdx].C[colIdx].R, _ = CoordinatesToCellName(newCol, cellRow)
166                                         }
167                                 }
168                                 if err := f.adjustFormula(sheet, sheetN, worksheet.SheetData.Row[rowIdx].C[colIdx].F, columns, col, offset, false); err != nil {
169                                         return err
170                                 }
171                         }
172                 }
173         }
174         return f.adjustCols(ws, col, offset)
175 }
177 // adjustRowDimensions provides a function to update row dimensions when
178 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
179 func (f *File) adjustRowDimensions(sheet string, ws *xlsxWorksheet, row, offset int) error {
180         for _, sheetN := range f.GetSheetList() {
181                 if sheetN == sheet {
182                         continue
183                 }
184                 worksheet, err := f.workSheetReader(sheetN)
185                 if err != nil {
186                         if err.Error() == newNotWorksheetError(sheetN).Error() {
187                                 continue
188                         }
189                         return err
190                 }
191                 numOfRows := len(worksheet.SheetData.Row)
192                 for i := 0; i < numOfRows; i++ {
193                         r := &worksheet.SheetData.Row[i]
194                         if err = f.adjustSingleRowFormulas(sheet, sheetN, r, row, offset, false); err != nil {
195                                 return err
196                         }
197                 }
198         }
199         totalRows := len(ws.SheetData.Row)
200         if totalRows == 0 {
201                 return nil
202         }
203         lastRow := &ws.SheetData.Row[totalRows-1]
204         if newRow := *lastRow.R + offset; *lastRow.R >= row && newRow > 0 && newRow > TotalRows {
205                 return ErrMaxRows
206         }
207         numOfRows := len(ws.SheetData.Row)
208         for i := 0; i < numOfRows; i++ {
209                 r := &ws.SheetData.Row[i]
210                 if newRow := *r.R + offset; *r.R >= row && newRow > 0 {
211                         r.adjustSingleRowDimensions(offset)
212                 }
213                 if err := f.adjustSingleRowFormulas(sheet, sheet, r, row, offset, false); err != nil {
214                         return err
215                 }
216         }
217         return nil
218 }
220 // adjustSingleRowDimensions provides a function to adjust single row dimensions.
221 func (r *xlsxRow) adjustSingleRowDimensions(offset int) {
222         r.R = intPtr(*r.R + offset)
223         for i, col := range r.C {
224                 colName, _, _ := SplitCellName(col.R)
225                 r.C[i].R, _ = JoinCellName(colName, *r.R)
226         }
227 }
229 // adjustSingleRowFormulas provides a function to adjust single row formulas.
230 func (f *File) adjustSingleRowFormulas(sheet, sheetN string, r *xlsxRow, num, offset int, si bool) error {
231         for _, col := range r.C {
232                 if err := f.adjustFormula(sheet, sheetN, col.F, rows, num, offset, si); err != nil {
233                         return err
234                 }
235         }
236         return nil
237 }
239 // adjustCellRef provides a function to adjust cell reference.
240 func (f *File) adjustCellRef(ref string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) (string, bool, error) {
241         if !strings.Contains(ref, ":") {
242                 ref += ":" + ref
243         }
244         var delete bool
245         coordinates, err := rangeRefToCoordinates(ref)
246         if err != nil {
247                 return ref, delete, err
248         }
249         if dir == columns {
250                 if offset < 0 && coordinates[0] == coordinates[2] {
251                         delete = true
252                 }
253                 if coordinates[0] >= num {
254                         coordinates[0] += offset
255                 }
256                 if coordinates[2] >= num {
257                         coordinates[2] += offset
258                 }
259         } else {
260                 if offset < 0 && coordinates[1] == coordinates[3] {
261                         delete = true
262                 }
263                 if coordinates[1] >= num {
264                         coordinates[1] += offset
265                 }
266                 if coordinates[3] >= num {
267                         coordinates[3] += offset
268                 }
269         }
270         ref, err = f.coordinatesToRangeRef(coordinates)
271         return ref, delete, err
272 }
274 // adjustFormula provides a function to adjust formula reference and shared
275 // formula reference.
276 func (f *File) adjustFormula(sheet, sheetN string, formula *xlsxF, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int, si bool) error {
277         if formula == nil {
278                 return nil
279         }
280         var err error
281         if formula.Ref != "" && sheet == sheetN {
282                 if formula.Ref, _, err = f.adjustCellRef(formula.Ref, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
283                         return err
284                 }
285                 if si && formula.Si != nil {
286                         formula.Si = intPtr(*formula.Si + 1)
287                 }
288         }
289         if formula.Content != "" {
290                 if formula.Content, err = f.adjustFormulaRef(sheet, sheetN, formula.Content, false, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
291                         return err
292                 }
293         }
294         return nil
295 }
297 // isFunctionStop provides a function to check if token is a function stop.
298 func isFunctionStop(token efp.Token) bool {
299         return token.TType == efp.TokenTypeFunction && token.TSubType == efp.TokenSubTypeStop
300 }
302 // isFunctionStart provides a function to check if token is a function start.
303 func isFunctionStart(token efp.Token) bool {
304         return token.TType == efp.TokenTypeFunction && token.TSubType == efp.TokenSubTypeStart
305 }
307 // escapeSheetName enclose sheet name in single quotation marks if the giving
308 // worksheet name includes spaces or non-alphabetical characters.
309 func escapeSheetName(name string) string {
310         if strings.IndexFunc(name, func(r rune) bool {
311                 return !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsNumber(r)
312         }) != -1 {
313                 return "'" + strings.ReplaceAll(name, "'", "''") + "'"
314         }
315         return name
316 }
318 // adjustFormulaColumnName adjust column name in the formula reference.
319 func adjustFormulaColumnName(name, operand string, abs, keepRelative bool, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) (string, string, bool, error) {
320         if name == "" || (!abs && keepRelative) {
321                 return "", operand + name, abs, nil
322         }
323         col, err := ColumnNameToNumber(name)
324         if err != nil {
325                 return "", operand, false, err
326         }
327         if dir == columns && col >= num {
328                 col += offset
329                 colName, err := ColumnNumberToName(col)
330                 return "", operand + colName, false, err
331         }
332         return "", operand + name, false, nil
333 }
335 // adjustFormulaRowNumber adjust row number in the formula reference.
336 func adjustFormulaRowNumber(name, operand string, abs, keepRelative bool, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) (string, string, bool, error) {
337         if name == "" || (!abs && keepRelative) {
338                 return "", operand + name, abs, nil
339         }
340         row, _ := strconv.Atoi(name)
341         if dir == rows && row >= num {
342                 row += offset
343                 if row <= 0 || row > TotalRows {
344                         return "", operand + name, false, ErrMaxRows
345                 }
346                 return "", operand + strconv.Itoa(row), false, nil
347         }
348         return "", operand + name, false, nil
349 }
351 // adjustFormulaOperandRef adjust cell reference in the operand tokens for the formula.
352 func adjustFormulaOperandRef(row, col, operand string, abs, keepRelative bool, dir adjustDirection, num int, offset int) (string, string, string, bool, error) {
353         var err error
354         col, operand, abs, err = adjustFormulaColumnName(col, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset)
355         if err != nil {
356                 return row, col, operand, abs, err
357         }
358         row, operand, abs, err = adjustFormulaRowNumber(row, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset)
359         return row, col, operand, abs, err
360 }
362 // adjustFormulaOperand adjust range operand tokens for the formula.
363 func (f *File) adjustFormulaOperand(sheet, sheetN string, keepRelative bool, token efp.Token, dir adjustDirection, num int, offset int) (string, error) {
364         var (
365                 err                          error
366                 abs                          bool
367                 sheetName, col, row, operand string
368                 cell                         = token.TValue
369                 tokens                       = strings.Split(token.TValue, "!")
370         )
371         if len(tokens) == 2 { // have a worksheet
372                 sheetName, cell = tokens[0], tokens[1]
373                 operand = escapeSheetName(sheetName) + "!"
374         }
375         if sheetName == "" {
376                 sheetName = sheetN
377         }
378         if sheet != sheetName {
379                 return operand + cell, err
380         }
381         for _, r := range cell {
382                 if r == '$' {
383                         if col, operand, _, err = adjustFormulaColumnName(col, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
384                                 return operand, err
385                         }
386                         abs = true
387                         operand += string(r)
388                         continue
389                 }
390                 if ('A' <= r && r <= 'Z') || ('a' <= r && r <= 'z') {
391                         col += string(r)
392                         continue
393                 }
394                 if '0' <= r && r <= '9' {
395                         row += string(r)
396                         col, operand, abs, err = adjustFormulaColumnName(col, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset)
397                         if err != nil {
398                                 return operand, err
399                         }
400                         continue
401                 }
402                 if row, col, operand, abs, err = adjustFormulaOperandRef(row, col, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
403                         return operand, err
404                 }
405                 operand += string(r)
406         }
407         _, _, operand, _, err = adjustFormulaOperandRef(row, col, operand, abs, keepRelative, dir, num, offset)
408         return operand, err
409 }
411 // adjustFormulaRef returns adjusted formula by giving adjusting direction and
412 // the base number of column or row, and offset.
413 func (f *File) adjustFormulaRef(sheet, sheetN, formula string, keepRelative bool, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) (string, error) {
414         var (
415                 val          string
416                 definedNames []string
417                 ps           = efp.ExcelParser()
418         )
419         for _, definedName := range f.GetDefinedName() {
420                 if definedName.Scope == "Workbook" || definedName.Scope == sheet {
421                         definedNames = append(definedNames, definedName.Name)
422                 }
423         }
424         for _, token := range ps.Parse(formula) {
425                 if token.TType == efp.TokenTypeUnknown {
426                         val = formula
427                         break
428                 }
429                 if token.TType == efp.TokenTypeOperand && token.TSubType == efp.TokenSubTypeRange {
430                         if inStrSlice(definedNames, token.TValue, true) != -1 {
431                                 val += token.TValue
432                                 continue
433                         }
434                         if strings.ContainsAny(token.TValue, "[]") {
435                                 val += token.TValue
436                                 continue
437                         }
438                         operand, err := f.adjustFormulaOperand(sheet, sheetN, keepRelative, token, dir, num, offset)
439                         if err != nil {
440                                 return val, err
441                         }
442                         val += operand
443                         continue
444                 }
445                 if isFunctionStart(token) {
446                         val += token.TValue + string(efp.ParenOpen)
447                         continue
448                 }
449                 if isFunctionStop(token) {
450                         val += token.TValue + string(efp.ParenClose)
451                         continue
452                 }
453                 if token.TType == efp.TokenTypeOperand && token.TSubType == efp.TokenSubTypeText {
454                         val += string(efp.QuoteDouble) + strings.ReplaceAll(token.TValue, "\"", "\"\"") + string(efp.QuoteDouble)
455                         continue
456                 }
457                 val += token.TValue
458         }
459         return val, nil
460 }
462 // adjustHyperlinks provides a function to update hyperlinks when inserting or
463 // deleting rows or columns.
464 func (f *File) adjustHyperlinks(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) {
465         // short path
466         if ws.Hyperlinks == nil || len(ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink) == 0 {
467                 return
468         }
470         // order is important
471         if offset < 0 {
472                 for i := len(ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
473                         linkData := ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink[i]
474                         colNum, rowNum, _ := CellNameToCoordinates(linkData.Ref)
476                         if (dir == rows && num == rowNum) || (dir == columns && num == colNum) {
477                                 f.deleteSheetRelationships(sheet, linkData.RID)
478                                 if len(ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink) > 1 {
479                                         ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink = append(ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink[:i],
480                                                 ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink[i+1:]...)
481                                 } else {
482                                         ws.Hyperlinks = nil
483                                 }
484                         }
485                 }
486         }
487         if ws.Hyperlinks == nil {
488                 return
489         }
490         for i := range ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink {
491                 link := &ws.Hyperlinks.Hyperlink[i] // get reference
492                 link.Ref, _ = f.adjustFormulaRef(sheet, sheet, link.Ref, false, dir, num, offset)
493         }
494 }
496 // adjustTable provides a function to update the table when inserting or
497 // deleting rows or columns.
498 func (f *File) adjustTable(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
499         if ws.TableParts == nil || len(ws.TableParts.TableParts) == 0 {
500                 return nil
501         }
502         for idx := 0; idx < len(ws.TableParts.TableParts); idx++ {
503                 tbl := ws.TableParts.TableParts[idx]
504                 target := f.getSheetRelationshipsTargetByID(sheet, tbl.RID)
505                 tableXML := strings.ReplaceAll(target, "..", "xl")
506                 content, ok := f.Pkg.Load(tableXML)
507                 if !ok {
508                         continue
509                 }
510                 t := xlsxTable{}
511                 if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(content.([]byte)))).
512                         Decode(&t); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
513                         return err
514                 }
515                 coordinates, err := rangeRefToCoordinates(t.Ref)
516                 if err != nil {
517                         return err
518                 }
519                 // Remove the table when deleting the header row of the table
520                 if dir == rows && num == coordinates[0] && offset == -1 {
521                         ws.TableParts.TableParts = append(ws.TableParts.TableParts[:idx], ws.TableParts.TableParts[idx+1:]...)
522                         ws.TableParts.Count = len(ws.TableParts.TableParts)
523                         idx--
524                         continue
525                 }
526                 coordinates = f.adjustAutoFilterHelper(dir, coordinates, num, offset)
527                 x1, y1, x2, y2 := coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3]
528                 if y2-y1 < 1 || x2-x1 < 0 {
529                         ws.TableParts.TableParts = append(ws.TableParts.TableParts[:idx], ws.TableParts.TableParts[idx+1:]...)
530                         ws.TableParts.Count = len(ws.TableParts.TableParts)
531                         idx--
532                         continue
533                 }
534                 t.Ref, _ = f.coordinatesToRangeRef([]int{x1, y1, x2, y2})
535                 if t.AutoFilter != nil {
536                         t.AutoFilter.Ref = t.Ref
537                 }
538                 _ = f.setTableColumns(sheet, true, x1, y1, x2, &t)
539                 // Currently doesn't support query table
540                 t.TableType, t.TotalsRowCount, t.ConnectionID = "", 0, 0
541                 table, _ := xml.Marshal(t)
542                 f.saveFileList(tableXML, table)
543         }
544         return nil
545 }
547 // adjustAutoFilter provides a function to update the auto filter when
548 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
549 func (f *File) adjustAutoFilter(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
550         if ws.AutoFilter == nil {
551                 return nil
552         }
554         coordinates, err := rangeRefToCoordinates(ws.AutoFilter.Ref)
555         if err != nil {
556                 return err
557         }
558         x1, y1, x2, y2 := coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3]
560         if (dir == rows && y1 == num && offset < 0) || (dir == columns && x1 == num && x2 == num) {
561                 ws.AutoFilter = nil
562                 for rowIdx := range ws.SheetData.Row {
563                         rowData := &ws.SheetData.Row[rowIdx]
564                         if rowData.R != nil && *rowData.R > y1 && *rowData.R <= y2 {
565                                 rowData.Hidden = false
566                         }
567                 }
568                 return err
569         }
571         coordinates = f.adjustAutoFilterHelper(dir, coordinates, num, offset)
572         x1, y1, x2, y2 = coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3]
574         ws.AutoFilter.Ref, err = f.coordinatesToRangeRef([]int{x1, y1, x2, y2})
575         return err
576 }
578 // adjustAutoFilterHelper provides a function for adjusting auto filter to
579 // compare and calculate cell reference by the giving adjusting direction,
580 // operation reference and offset.
581 func (f *File) adjustAutoFilterHelper(dir adjustDirection, coordinates []int, num, offset int) []int {
582         if dir == rows {
583                 if coordinates[1] >= num {
584                         coordinates[1] += offset
585                 }
586                 if coordinates[3] >= num {
587                         coordinates[3] += offset
588                 }
589                 return coordinates
590         }
591         if coordinates[0] >= num {
592                 coordinates[0] += offset
593         }
594         if coordinates[2] >= num {
595                 coordinates[2] += offset
596         }
597         return coordinates
598 }
600 // adjustMergeCells provides a function to update merged cells when inserting
601 // or deleting rows or columns.
602 func (f *File) adjustMergeCells(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
603         if ws.MergeCells == nil {
604                 return nil
605         }
607         for i := 0; i < len(ws.MergeCells.Cells); i++ {
608                 mergedCells := ws.MergeCells.Cells[i]
609                 mergedCellsRef := mergedCells.Ref
610                 if !strings.Contains(mergedCellsRef, ":") {
611                         mergedCellsRef += ":" + mergedCellsRef
612                 }
613                 coordinates, err := rangeRefToCoordinates(mergedCellsRef)
614                 if err != nil {
615                         return err
616                 }
617                 x1, y1, x2, y2 := coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3]
618                 if dir == rows {
619                         if y1 == num && y2 == num && offset < 0 {
620                                 f.deleteMergeCell(ws, i)
621                                 continue
622                         }
624                         y1, y2 = f.adjustMergeCellsHelper(y1, y2, num, offset)
625                 } else {
626                         if x1 == num && x2 == num && offset < 0 {
627                                 f.deleteMergeCell(ws, i)
628                                 continue
629                         }
631                         x1, x2 = f.adjustMergeCellsHelper(x1, x2, num, offset)
632                 }
633                 if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 {
634                         f.deleteMergeCell(ws, i)
635                         i--
636                         continue
637                 }
638                 mergedCells.rect = []int{x1, y1, x2, y2}
639                 if mergedCells.Ref, err = f.coordinatesToRangeRef([]int{x1, y1, x2, y2}); err != nil {
640                         return err
641                 }
642         }
643         return nil
644 }
646 // adjustMergeCellsHelper provides a function for adjusting merge cells to
647 // compare and calculate cell reference by the given pivot, operation reference and
648 // offset.
649 func (f *File) adjustMergeCellsHelper(p1, p2, num, offset int) (int, int) {
650         if p2 < p1 {
651                 p1, p2 = p2, p1
652         }
654         if offset >= 0 {
655                 if num <= p1 {
656                         p1 += offset
657                         p2 += offset
658                 } else if num <= p2 {
659                         p2 += offset
660                 }
661                 return p1, p2
662         }
663         if num < p1 || (num == p1 && num == p2) {
664                 p1 += offset
665                 p2 += offset
666         } else if num <= p2 {
667                 p2 += offset
668         }
669         return p1, p2
670 }
672 // deleteMergeCell provides a function to delete merged cell by given index.
673 func (f *File) deleteMergeCell(ws *xlsxWorksheet, idx int) {
674         if idx < 0 {
675                 return
676         }
677         if len(ws.MergeCells.Cells) > idx {
678                 ws.MergeCells.Cells = append(ws.MergeCells.Cells[:idx], ws.MergeCells.Cells[idx+1:]...)
679                 ws.MergeCells.Count = len(ws.MergeCells.Cells)
680         }
681 }
683 // adjustCellName returns updated cell name by giving column/row number and
684 // offset on inserting or deleting rows or columns.
685 func adjustCellName(cell string, dir adjustDirection, c, r, offset int) (string, error) {
686         if dir == rows {
687                 if rn := r + offset; rn > 0 {
688                         return CoordinatesToCellName(c, rn)
689                 }
690         }
691         return CoordinatesToCellName(c+offset, r)
692 }
694 // adjustCalcChain provides a function to update the calculation chain when
695 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
696 func (f *File) adjustCalcChain(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
697         if f.CalcChain == nil {
698                 return nil
699         }
700         // If sheet ID is omitted, it is assumed to be the same as the i value of
701         // the previous cell.
702         var prevSheetID int
703         for i := 0; i < len(f.CalcChain.C); i++ {
704                 c := f.CalcChain.C[i]
705                 if c.I == 0 {
706                         c.I = prevSheetID
707                 }
708                 prevSheetID = c.I
709                 if c.I != sheetID {
710                         continue
711                 }
712                 colNum, rowNum, err := CellNameToCoordinates(c.R)
713                 if err != nil {
714                         return err
715                 }
716                 if dir == rows && num <= rowNum {
717                         if num == rowNum && offset == -1 {
718                                 _ = f.deleteCalcChain(c.I, c.R)
719                                 i--
720                                 continue
721                         }
722                         f.CalcChain.C[i].R, _ = adjustCellName(c.R, dir, colNum, rowNum, offset)
723                 }
724                 if dir == columns && num <= colNum {
725                         if num == colNum && offset == -1 {
726                                 _ = f.deleteCalcChain(c.I, c.R)
727                                 i--
728                                 continue
729                         }
730                         f.CalcChain.C[i].R, _ = adjustCellName(c.R, dir, colNum, rowNum, offset)
731                 }
732         }
733         return nil
734 }
736 // adjustVolatileDepsTopic updates the volatile dependencies topic when
737 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
738 func (vt *xlsxVolTypes) adjustVolatileDepsTopic(cell string, dir adjustDirection, indexes []int) (int, error) {
739         num, offset, i1, i2, i3, i4 := indexes[0], indexes[1], indexes[2], indexes[3], indexes[4], indexes[5]
740         colNum, rowNum, err := CellNameToCoordinates(cell)
741         if err != nil {
742                 return i4, err
743         }
744         if dir == rows && num <= rowNum {
745                 if num == rowNum && offset == -1 {
746                         vt.deleteVolTopicRef(i1, i2, i3, i4)
747                         i4--
748                         return i4, err
749                 }
750                 vt.VolType[i1].Main[i2].Tp[i3].Tr[i4].R, _ = adjustCellName(cell, dir, colNum, rowNum, offset)
751         }
752         if dir == columns && num <= colNum {
753                 if num == colNum && offset == -1 {
754                         vt.deleteVolTopicRef(i1, i2, i3, i4)
755                         i4--
756                         return i4, err
757                 }
758                 if name, _ := adjustCellName(cell, dir, colNum, rowNum, offset); name != "" {
759                         vt.VolType[i1].Main[i2].Tp[i3].Tr[i4].R, _ = adjustCellName(cell, dir, colNum, rowNum, offset)
760                 }
761         }
762         return i4, err
763 }
765 // adjustVolatileDeps updates the volatile dependencies when inserting or
766 // deleting rows or columns.
767 func (f *File) adjustVolatileDeps(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
768         volTypes, err := f.volatileDepsReader()
769         if err != nil || volTypes == nil {
770                 return err
771         }
772         for i1 := 0; i1 < len(volTypes.VolType); i1++ {
773                 for i2 := 0; i2 < len(volTypes.VolType[i1].Main); i2++ {
774                         for i3 := 0; i3 < len(volTypes.VolType[i1].Main[i2].Tp); i3++ {
775                                 for i4 := 0; i4 < len(volTypes.VolType[i1].Main[i2].Tp[i3].Tr); i4++ {
776                                         ref := volTypes.VolType[i1].Main[i2].Tp[i3].Tr[i4]
777                                         if ref.S != sheetID {
778                                                 continue
779                                         }
780                                         if i4, err = volTypes.adjustVolatileDepsTopic(ref.R, dir, []int{num, offset, i1, i2, i3, i4}); err != nil {
781                                                 return err
782                                         }
783                                 }
784                         }
785                 }
786         }
787         return nil
788 }
790 // adjustConditionalFormats updates the cell reference of the worksheet
791 // conditional formatting when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
792 func (f *File) adjustConditionalFormats(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
793         for i := 0; i < len(ws.ConditionalFormatting); i++ {
794                 cf := ws.ConditionalFormatting[i]
795                 if cf == nil {
796                         continue
797                 }
798                 ref, del, err := f.adjustCellRef(cf.SQRef, dir, num, offset)
799                 if err != nil {
800                         return err
801                 }
802                 if del {
803                         ws.ConditionalFormatting = append(ws.ConditionalFormatting[:i],
804                                 ws.ConditionalFormatting[i+1:]...)
805                         i--
806                         continue
807                 }
808                 ws.ConditionalFormatting[i].SQRef = ref
809         }
810         return nil
811 }
813 // adjustDataValidations updates the range of data validations for the worksheet
814 // when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
815 func (f *File) adjustDataValidations(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
816         for _, sheetN := range f.GetSheetList() {
817                 worksheet, err := f.workSheetReader(sheetN)
818                 if err != nil {
819                         if err.Error() == newNotWorksheetError(sheetN).Error() {
820                                 continue
821                         }
822                         return err
823                 }
824                 if worksheet.DataValidations == nil {
825                         return nil
826                 }
827                 for i := 0; i < len(worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation); i++ {
828                         dv := worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i]
829                         if dv == nil {
830                                 continue
831                         }
832                         if sheet == sheetN {
833                                 ref, del, err := f.adjustCellRef(dv.Sqref, dir, num, offset)
834                                 if err != nil {
835                                         return err
836                                 }
837                                 if del {
838                                         worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation = append(worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[:i],
839                                                 worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i+1:]...)
840                                         i--
841                                         continue
842                                 }
843                                 worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Sqref = ref
844                         }
845                         if worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula1 != nil {
846                                 formula := unescapeDataValidationFormula(worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula1.Content)
847                                 if formula, err = f.adjustFormulaRef(sheet, sheetN, formula, false, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
848                                         return err
849                                 }
850                                 worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula1 = &xlsxInnerXML{Content: formulaEscaper.Replace(formula)}
851                         }
852                         if worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula2 != nil {
853                                 formula := unescapeDataValidationFormula(worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula2.Content)
854                                 if formula, err = f.adjustFormulaRef(sheet, sheetN, formula, false, dir, num, offset); err != nil {
855                                         return err
856                                 }
857                                 worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation[i].Formula2 = &xlsxInnerXML{Content: formulaEscaper.Replace(formula)}
858                         }
859                 }
860                 if worksheet.DataValidations.Count = len(worksheet.DataValidations.DataValidation); worksheet.DataValidations.Count == 0 {
861                         worksheet.DataValidations = nil
862                 }
863         }
864         return nil
865 }
867 // adjustDrawings updates the starting anchor of the two cell anchor pictures
868 // and charts object when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
869 func (from *xlsxFrom) adjustDrawings(dir adjustDirection, num, offset int, editAs string) (bool, error) {
870         var ok bool
871         if dir == columns && from.Col+1 >= num && from.Col+offset >= 0 {
872                 if from.Col+offset >= MaxColumns {
873                         return false, ErrColumnNumber
874                 }
875                 from.Col += offset
876                 ok = editAs == "oneCell"
877         }
878         if dir == rows && from.Row+1 >= num && from.Row+offset >= 0 {
879                 if from.Row+offset >= TotalRows {
880                         return false, ErrMaxRows
881                 }
882                 from.Row += offset
883                 ok = editAs == "oneCell"
884         }
885         return ok, nil
886 }
888 // adjustDrawings updates the ending anchor of the two cell anchor pictures
889 // and charts object when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
890 func (to *xlsxTo) adjustDrawings(dir adjustDirection, num, offset int, editAs string, ok bool) error {
891         if dir == columns && to.Col+1 >= num && to.Col+offset >= 0 && ok {
892                 if to.Col+offset >= MaxColumns {
893                         return ErrColumnNumber
894                 }
895                 to.Col += offset
896         }
897         if dir == rows && to.Row+1 >= num && to.Row+offset >= 0 && ok {
898                 if to.Row+offset >= TotalRows {
899                         return ErrMaxRows
900                 }
901                 to.Row += offset
902         }
903         return nil
904 }
906 // adjustDrawings updates the two cell anchor pictures and charts object when
907 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
908 func (a *xdrCellAnchor) adjustDrawings(dir adjustDirection, num, offset int) error {
909         editAs := a.EditAs
910         if a.From == nil || a.To == nil || editAs == "absolute" {
911                 return nil
912         }
913         ok, err := a.From.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset, editAs)
914         if err != nil {
915                 return err
916         }
917         return a.To.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset, editAs, ok || editAs == "")
918 }
920 // adjustDrawings updates the existing two cell anchor pictures and charts
921 // object when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
922 func (a *xlsxCellAnchorPos) adjustDrawings(dir adjustDirection, num, offset int, editAs string) error {
923         if a.From == nil || a.To == nil || editAs == "absolute" {
924                 return nil
925         }
926         ok, err := a.From.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset, editAs)
927         if err != nil {
928                 return err
929         }
930         return a.To.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset, editAs, ok || editAs == "")
931 }
933 // adjustDrawings updates the pictures and charts object when inserting or
934 // deleting rows or columns.
935 func (f *File) adjustDrawings(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
936         if ws.Drawing == nil {
937                 return nil
938         }
939         target := f.getSheetRelationshipsTargetByID(sheet, ws.Drawing.RID)
940         drawingXML := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.ReplaceAll(target, "..", "xl"), "/")
941         var (
942                 err  error
943                 wsDr *xlsxWsDr
944         )
945         if wsDr, _, err = f.drawingParser(drawingXML); err != nil {
946                 return err
947         }
948         anchorCb := func(a *xdrCellAnchor) error {
949                 if a.GraphicFrame == "" {
950                         return a.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset)
951                 }
952                 deCellAnchor := decodeCellAnchor{}
953                 deCellAnchorPos := decodeCellAnchorPos{}
954                 _ = f.xmlNewDecoder(strings.NewReader("<decodeCellAnchor>" + a.GraphicFrame + "</decodeCellAnchor>")).Decode(&deCellAnchor)
955                 _ = f.xmlNewDecoder(strings.NewReader("<decodeCellAnchorPos>" + a.GraphicFrame + "</decodeCellAnchorPos>")).Decode(&deCellAnchorPos)
956                 xlsxCellAnchorPos := xlsxCellAnchorPos(deCellAnchorPos)
957                 for i := 0; i < len(xlsxCellAnchorPos.AlternateContent); i++ {
958                         xlsxCellAnchorPos.AlternateContent[i].XMLNSMC = SourceRelationshipCompatibility.Value
959                 }
960                 if deCellAnchor.From != nil {
961                         xlsxCellAnchorPos.From = &xlsxFrom{
962                                 Col: deCellAnchor.From.Col, ColOff: deCellAnchor.From.ColOff,
963                                 Row: deCellAnchor.From.Row, RowOff: deCellAnchor.From.RowOff,
964                         }
965                 }
966                 if deCellAnchor.To != nil {
967                         xlsxCellAnchorPos.To = &xlsxTo{
968                                 Col: deCellAnchor.To.Col, ColOff: deCellAnchor.To.ColOff,
969                                 Row: deCellAnchor.To.Row, RowOff: deCellAnchor.To.RowOff,
970                         }
971                 }
972                 if err = xlsxCellAnchorPos.adjustDrawings(dir, num, offset, a.EditAs); err != nil {
973                         return err
974                 }
975                 cellAnchor, _ := xml.Marshal(xlsxCellAnchorPos)
976                 a.GraphicFrame = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(string(cellAnchor), "<xlsxCellAnchorPos>"), "</xlsxCellAnchorPos>")
977                 return err
978         }
979         for _, anchor := range wsDr.TwoCellAnchor {
980                 if err = anchorCb(anchor); err != nil {
981                         return err
982                 }
983         }
984         return nil
985 }
987 // adjustDefinedNames updates the cell reference of the defined names when
988 // inserting or deleting rows or columns.
989 func (f *File) adjustDefinedNames(ws *xlsxWorksheet, sheet string, dir adjustDirection, num, offset, sheetID int) error {
990         wb, err := f.workbookReader()
991         if err != nil {
992                 return err
993         }
994         if wb.DefinedNames != nil {
995                 for i := 0; i < len(wb.DefinedNames.DefinedName); i++ {
996                         data := wb.DefinedNames.DefinedName[i].Data
997                         if data, err = f.adjustFormulaRef(sheet, "", data, true, dir, num, offset); err == nil {
998                                 wb.DefinedNames.DefinedName[i].Data = data
999                         }
1000                 }
1001         }
1002         return nil
1003 }