OSDN Git Service

Fixed issue #150: When pushing, 'remote' should default to the tracked branch, or...
[tortoisegit/TortoiseGitJp.git] / src / TortoiseProc / gitlogcache.h
2009-05-14 Frank LiShow "fast forward file" at merged commit
2009-05-14 Frank LiTry to enable show merged file
2009-02-20 Frank LiMerge remove x86 build
2009-02-11 Frank LiFix Log Cache Miss Save Path old file name(in rename...
2009-02-11 Frank LiFix Copy and rename parse file list problem.
2009-01-28 Frank LiMerge branch 'log_cache'
2009-01-27 Frank LiGit Log Cache Basic working
2009-01-26 Frank LiLog Cache Compile Okay
2009-01-26 Frank LiAdd Log Cache Code