01/28/2007 Stefan Kueng Major Changes: * Remove dependency on WTL/ATL, use only Win32 API and the std lib. 05/23/2003 Stefan Kueng Major Changes: * the zlib part now is linked statically, so no additional zlib.dll needs to be shipped. * added german language Minor Changes: * Bugs Fixed: * the symbol information wasn't shown sometimes (Stacktrace). 04/08/2003 Grant McDorman Version ID: Major Changes: * A new header file, CrashRptDL.h, is available. It declares all the functions with a 'DL' suffix, plus GetInstanceDL() and ReleaseInstanceDL(). All of these versions are inline functions for run-time binding to CrashRpt; by using these, your application can run without CrashRpt available. See the header file for more details. * A 'Debug' button is available. It is normally invisible, but will become visible by setting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Carruth\CrashRpt\EnableDebug to a DWORD value of 1. Pressing this button will discard the crash report and drop into the debugger. (On an explicit GenerateErrorReport call, DebugBreak() is called). * When running under a debugger, the handler will always drop into the debugger after handling a crash (even if the crash is saved, mailed, or the Exit button pressed). Note that this is NOT the case for explicit calls to GenerateErrorReport. * The dialog now includes a 'Save' button to allow the user to explicitly save the crash report * The 'Send' button is hidden if the handler is installed without an e-mail address * APIs introduced with previous release renamed with Ex suffix * New API: GetInstance, returns CrashRpt instance for current process * APIs from January 12th release reintroduced; minor changes to Install() call, however * Initialize can be called multiple times; it will return the same instance each time * An API to get the instance for the current process was added * APIs callable from Visual Basic added (suffix VB) * API to add event logs to saved report (where the system supports event logs) * API to add registry hives, in REGEDIT4 save format, to saved report * API allowing removal of files added to report * User-supplied e-mail and comments saved (as separate file) in crash report if Initialize called without e-mail address * Crash report XML includes stack walkback and, if possible, file, function, and line number information for all addresses * Dialog is in a separate thread, so crashing application freezes * Application can include a message when calling GenerateErrorReport * New API to generate stack trace (independant of crashes and crash handling) * User e-mail field now initialized with name of signed-on user (no domain, unfortunately) Minor Changes: * Working files deleted after report mailed, saved, or cancelled * XSL style sheet provided that will transform crash report XML to HTML * Minor internal design changes * Package now includes Zlib 1.1.4 and dbghelp.dll Bugs Fixed: * MAPI mailing fixed to work on Win2K with Outlook 98 and Exchange 2000 * User cancelling MAPI e-mail will no longer cause CMC e-mailing to be attempted * Did not properly check for file existence when adding to report * Did not display files properly in file list when a relative path was used * Did not uninstall if InstallExceptionHandler returned NULL * Contents of file list grew each time GenerateErrorReport was called * Under some circumstances, file types (and icons) were not properly * displayed in the detail dialog 03/13/2003 Major Changes: * Replaced MFC with WTL * Changed install() API * Major refactoring Minor Chages: * Details dialog preview window now uses system defined window color instead of white. * Directory structure not saved in zip. Bugs Fixed: * Support for use by multiple apps * Buffer overrun error when previewing files > 32k * Main dialog now displays app icon 01/12/2003 New: * Initial release