- Basic Latin: - 0x0 - 0x7f - Latin-1 Supplement: - 0x80 - 0xff - Latin Extended-A: - 0x100 - 0x17f - Latin Extended-B: - 0x180 - 0x24f - IPA Extensions: - 0x250 - 0x2af - Spacing Modifier Letters: - 0x2b0 - 0x2ff - Combining Diacritical Marks: - 0x300 - 0x36f - Greek and Coptic: - 0x370 - 0x3ff - Cyrillic: - 0x400 - 0x4ff - Cyrillic Supplement: - 0x500 - 0x52f - Armenian: - 0x530 - 0x58f - Hebrew: - 0x590 - 0x5ff - Arabic: - 0x600 - 0x6ff - Syriac: - 0x700 - 0x74f - Arabic Supplement: - 0x750 - 0x77f - Thaana: - 0x780 - 0x7bf - NKo: - 0x7c0 - 0x7ff - Samaritan: - 0x800 - 0x83f - Mandaic: - 0x840 - 0x85f - Arabic Extended-A: - 0x8a0 - 0x8ff - Devanagari: - 0x900 - 0x97f - Bengali: - 0x980 - 0x9ff - Gurmukhi: - 0xa00 - 0xa7f - Gujarati: - 0xa80 - 0xaff - Oriya: - 0xb00 - 0xb7f - Tamil: - 0xb80 - 0xbff - Telugu: - 0xc00 - 0xc7f - Kannada: - 0xc80 - 0xcff - Malayalam: - 0xd00 - 0xd7f - Sinhala: - 0xd80 - 0xdff - Thai: - 0xe00 - 0xe7f - Lao: - 0xe80 - 0xeff - Tibetan: - 0xf00 - 0xfff - Myanmar: - 0x1000 - 0x109f - Georgian: - 0x10a0 - 0x10ff - Hangul Jamo: - 0x1100 - 0x11ff - Ethiopic: - 0x1200 - 0x137f - Ethiopic Supplement: - 0x1380 - 0x139f - Cherokee: - 0x13a0 - 0x13ff - Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics: - 0x1400 - 0x167f - Ogham: - 0x1680 - 0x169f - Runic: - 0x16a0 - 0x16ff - Tagalog: - 0x1700 - 0x171f - Hanunoo: - 0x1720 - 0x173f - Buhid: - 0x1740 - 0x175f - Tagbanwa: - 0x1760 - 0x177f - Khmer: - 0x1780 - 0x17ff - Mongolian: - 0x1800 - 0x18af - Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended: - 0x18b0 - 0x18ff - Limbu: - 0x1900 - 0x194f - Tai Le: - 0x1950 - 0x197f - New Tai Lue: - 0x1980 - 0x19df - Khmer Symbols: - 0x19e0 - 0x19ff - Buginese: - 0x1a00 - 0x1a1f - Tai Tham: - 0x1a20 - 0x1aaf - Balinese: - 0x1b00 - 0x1b7f - Sundanese: - 0x1b80 - 0x1bbf - Batak: - 0x1bc0 - 0x1bff - Lepcha: - 0x1c00 - 0x1c4f - Ol Chiki: - 0x1c50 - 0x1c7f - Sundanese Supplement: - 0x1cc0 - 0x1ccf - Vedic Extensions: - 0x1cd0 - 0x1cff - Phonetic Extensions: - 0x1d00 - 0x1d7f - Phonetic Extensions Supplement: - 0x1d80 - 0x1dbf - Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement: - 0x1dc0 - 0x1dff - Latin Extended Additional: - 0x1e00 - 0x1eff - Greek Extended: - 0x1f00 - 0x1fff - General Punctuation: - 0x2000 - 0x206f - Superscripts and Subscripts: - 0x2070 - 0x209f - Currency Symbols: - 0x20a0 - 0x20cf - Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols: - 0x20d0 - 0x20ff - Letterlike Symbols: - 0x2100 - 0x214f - Number Forms: - 0x2150 - 0x218f - Arrows: - 0x2190 - 0x21ff - Mathematical Operators: - 0x2200 - 0x22ff - Miscellaneous Technical: - 0x2300 - 0x23ff - Control Pictures: - 0x2400 - 0x243f - Optical Character Recognition: - 0x2440 - 0x245f - Enclosed Alphanumerics: - 0x2460 - 0x24ff - Box Drawing: - 0x2500 - 0x257f - Block Elements: - 0x2580 - 0x259f - Geometric Shapes: - 0x25a0 - 0x25ff - Miscellaneous Symbols: - 0x2600 - 0x26ff - Dingbats: - 0x2700 - 0x27bf - Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A: - 0x27c0 - 0x27ef - Supplemental Arrows-A: - 0x27f0 - 0x27ff - Braille Patterns: - 0x2800 - 0x28ff - Supplemental Arrows-B: - 0x2900 - 0x297f - Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B: - 0x2980 - 0x29ff - Supplemental Mathematical Operators: - 0x2a00 - 0x2aff - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows: - 0x2b00 - 0x2bff - Glagolitic: - 0x2c00 - 0x2c5f - Latin Extended-C: - 0x2c60 - 0x2c7f - Coptic: - 0x2c80 - 0x2cff - Georgian Supplement: - 0x2d00 - 0x2d2f - Tifinagh: - 0x2d30 - 0x2d7f - Ethiopic Extended: - 0x2d80 - 0x2ddf - Cyrillic Extended-A: - 0x2de0 - 0x2dff - Supplemental Punctuation: - 0x2e00 - 0x2e7f - CJK Radicals Supplement: - 0x2e80 - 0x2eff - Kangxi Radicals: - 0x2f00 - 0x2fdf - Ideographic Description Characters: - 0x2ff0 - 0x2fff - CJK Symbols and Punctuation: - 0x3000 - 0x303f - Hiragana: - 0x3040 - 0x309f - Katakana: - 0x30a0 - 0x30ff - Bopomofo: - 0x3100 - 0x312f - Hangul Compatibility Jamo: - 0x3130 - 0x318f - Kanbun: - 0x3190 - 0x319f - Bopomofo Extended: - 0x31a0 - 0x31bf - CJK Strokes: - 0x31c0 - 0x31ef - Katakana Phonetic Extensions: - 0x31f0 - 0x31ff - Enclosed CJK Letters and Months: - 0x3200 - 0x32ff - CJK Compatibility: - 0x3300 - 0x33ff - CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A - 0x3400 - 0x4dbf - Yijing Hexagram Symbols - 0x4dc0 - 0x4dff - CJK Unified Ideographs - 0x4e00 - 0x9fff - Linear B Syllabary - 0x10000 - 0x1007f - Linear B Ideograms - 0x10080 - 0x100ff - Aegean Numbers - 0x10100 - 0x1013f - Ancient Greek Numbers - 0x10140 - 0x1018f - Ancient Symbols - 0x10190 - 0x101cf - Phaistos Disc - 0x101d0 - 0x101ff - Lycian - 0x10280 - 0x1029f - Carian - 0x102a0 - 0x102df - Old Italic - 0x10300 - 0x1032f - Gothic - 0x10330 - 0x1034f - Ugaritic - 0x10380 - 0x1039f - Old Persian - 0x103a0 - 0x103df - Deseret - 0x10400 - 0x1044f - Shavian - 0x10450 - 0x1047f - Osmanya - 0x10480 - 0x104af - Cypriot Syllabary - 0x10800 - 0x1083f - Imperial Aramaic - 0x10840 - 0x1085f - Phoenician - 0x10900 - 0x1091f - Lydian - 0x10920 - 0x1093f - Meroitic Hieroglyphs - 0x10980 - 0x1099f - Meroitic Cursive - 0x109a0 - 0x109ff - Kharoshthi - 0x10a00 - 0x10a5f - Old South Arabian - 0x10a60 - 0x10a7f - Avestan - 0x10b00 - 0x10b3f - Inscriptional Parthian - 0x10b40 - 0x10b5f - Inscriptional Pahlavi - 0x10b60 - 0x10b7f - Old Turkic - 0x10C00 - 0x10C4F - Rumi Numeral Symbols - 0x10E60 - 0x10E7F - Brahmi - 0x11000 - 0x1107F - Kaithi - 0x11080 - 0x110CF - Sora Sompeng - 0x110D0 - 0x110FF - Chakma - 0x11100 - 0x1114F - Sharada - 0x11180 - 0x111DF - Takri - 0x11680 - 0x116CF - Cuneiform - 0x12000 - 0x123FF - Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation - 0x12400 - 0x1247F - Egyptian Hieroglyphs - 0x13000 - 0x1342F - Bamum Supplement - 0x16800 - 0x16A3F - Miao - 0x16F00 - 0x16F9F - Kana Supplement - 0x1B000 - 0x1B0FF - Byzantine Musical Symbols - 0x1D000 - 0x1D0FF - Musical Symbols - 0x1D100 - 0x1D1FF - Ancient Greek Musical Notation - 0x1D200 - 0x1D24F - Tai Xuan Jing Symbols - 0x1D300 - 0x1D35F - Counting Rod Numerals - 0x1D360 - 0x1D37F - Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols - 0x1D400 - 0x1D7FF - Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols - 0x1EE00 - 0x1EEFF - Mahjong Tiles - 0x1F000 - 0x1F02F - Domino Tiles - 0x1F030 - 0x1F09F - Playing Cards - 0x1F0A0 - 0x1F0FF - Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement - 0x1F100 - 0x1F1FF - Enclosed Ideographic Supplement - 0x1F200 - 0x1F2FF - Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs - 0x1F300 - 0x1F5FF - Emoticons - 0x1F600 - 0x1F64F - Transport And Map Symbols - 0x1F680 - 0x1F6FF - Alchemical Symbols - 0x1F700 - 0x1F77F - CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B - 0x20000 - 0x2a6df - CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C - 0x2a700 - 0x2b73f - CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D - 0x2b740 - 0x2b81f - CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement - 0x2f800 - 0x2fa1f