' . "\n"); define('PLUGIN_IMG_CLEAR', '
' . "\n"); // Stop word-wrapping if (defined('PKWK_DISABLE_INLINE_IMAGE_FROM_URI') && PKWK_DISABLE_INLINE_IMAGE_FROM_URI) { define('PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE', 0); // 1: Show image, 0: Don't show image } else { define('PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE', 1); // 1: Show image, 0: Don't show image } function plugin_img_get_style($args) { $style = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { if (isset($args[$i])) { $arg = $args[$i]; $m = null; if (preg_match('#^(\d+)x(\d+)$#', $arg, $m)) { $style = 'max-width:' . $m[1] . 'px;max-height:' . $m[2] . 'px;'; break; } else if (preg_match('#^(\d+)px$#', $arg, $m)) { $style = 'max-width:' . $m[1] . 'px;max-height:' . $m[1] . 'px;'; break; } else if (preg_match('#^(\d+)%$#', $arg, $m)) { // Note: zoom is not standard. Recommend using MAXpx or WIDTHxHEIGHT $style = 'zoom:' . $m[1] . '%;'; break; } } } return $style; } /** * Determine link or not. */ function plugin_img_get_islink($args) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { if (isset($args[$i])) { if ($args[$i] === 'nolink') { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param[in] $args func_get_args() of xxx_inline() and xxx_convert() * @return array(url, is_url, file_path, page, style, a_begin, a_end) */ function plugin_img_get_props($args) { global $vars; $is_file = false; $is_url = false; $file_path = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : ''; $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : ''; if (is_url($file_path)) { $url = $file_path; $is_url = true; } else if (isset($file_path)) { // $file_path s not an URL. It should be attached-file path $matches = null; if (preg_match('#^(.+)/([^/]+)$#', $file_path, $matches)) { // (Page_name/maybe-separated-with/slashes/ATTACHED_FILENAME) if ($matches[1] == '.' || $matches[1] == '..') { $matches[1] .= '/'; // Restore relative paths } $attach_name = $matches[2]; $attach_page = get_fullname($matches[1], $page); } else { // Simple single argument $attach_name = $file_path; $attach_page = $page; } $file = UPLOAD_DIR . encode($attach_page) . '_' . encode($attach_name); $is_file = is_file($file); if ($is_file) { $url = get_base_uri() . '?plugin=attach' . '&refer=' . rawurlencode($attach_page) . '&openfile=' . rawurlencode($attach_name); $is_url = true; } } $h_url = htmlsc($url); $style = plugin_img_get_style($args); $a_begin = ''; $a_end = ''; if (plugin_img_get_islink($args)) { $a_begin = ""; $a_end = ''; } return (object)array('url' => $url, 'is_url' => $is_url, 'file_path' => $file_path, 'is_file' => $is_file, 'style' => $style, 'a_begin' => $a_begin, 'a_end' => $a_end,); } function plugin_img_inline() { $args = func_get_args(); $p = plugin_img_get_props($args); if (!PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE) { if ($p->is_url) { $h_url = htmlsc($p->url); $title = '&img(): PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE prohibits this'; return "$h_url"; } return '&img(): File not found: ' . htmlsc($p->file_path) . "\n"; } if ($p->is_url) { $h_url = htmlsc($p->url); $style = $p->style; $a_begin = $p->a_begin; $a_end = $p->a_end; return <<$a_end EOD; } return '&img(): File not found: ' . htmlsc($p->file_path) . "\n"; } function plugin_img_convert() { $args = func_get_args(); $p = plugin_img_get_props($args); // Check the 2nd argument first, for compatibility $arg = isset($args[1]) ? strtoupper($args[1]) : ''; if ($a->file_path === '' && $arg == 'CLEAR') { // Stop word-wrapping only (Ugly but compatible) // Short usage: #img(,clear) return PLUGIN_IMG_CLEAR; } if ($arg === '' || $arg === 'L' || $arg === 'LEFT') { $align = 'left'; } else if ($arg === 'R' || $arg === 'RIGHT') { $align = 'right'; } $arg2 = isset($args[2]) ? strtoupper($args[2]) : ''; $clear = ($arg2 === 'C' || $arg2 === 'CLEAR') ? PLUGIN_IMG_CLEAR : ''; if (!PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE) { if ($p->is_url) { $h_url = htmlsc($p->url); $title = '#img(): PLUGIN_IMG_SHOW_IMAGE prohibits this'; return "
"; } return '#img(): File not found: ' . htmlsc($p->file_path) . "\n"; } if ($p->is_url) { $h_url = htmlsc($p->url); $style = $p->style; $a_begin = $p->a_begin; $a_end = $p->a_end; return << $a_begin$a_end $clear EOD; } return '#img(): File not found: ' . htmlsc($p->file_path) . "\n"; }