Policy-Based Data Structures

Ami Tavory and Vladimir Dreizin, IBM Haifa Research Laboratories, and Benjamin Kosnik, Red Hat

This is a library of policy-based elementary data structures: associative containers and priority queues. It is designed for high-performance, flexibility, semantic safety, and conformance to the corresponding containers in std and std::tr1 (except for some points where it differs by design).

The documentation is organized as follows:

  1. Introductory
    1. Introduction
    2. Motivation
    3. Usage Prerequisites
  2. Interface
    1. Short Tutorial
    2. Concepts
    3. Specifics
  3. Design
    1. Associative Containers
      1. Data-Structure Genericity and Interface
      2. Tree-Based Containers
      3. Trie-Based Containers
      4. Hash-Based Containers
      5. List-Based Containers
    2. Priority Queues
  4. Examples
    1. Associative Containers
    2. Priority Queues
  5. Tests
    1. Associative Containers
      1. Regression Tests
      2. Performance Tests
    2. Priority Queues
      1. Regression Tests
      2. Performance Tests
  6. Misc.
    1. Acknowledgments
    2. Contact
    3. Disclaimer and Copyright
    4. References