// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package os import ( "syscall" "unsafe" ) func libc_dup(fd int) int __asm__ ("dup") func libc_opendir(*byte) *syscall.DIR __asm__ ("opendir") func libc_closedir(*syscall.DIR) int __asm__ ("closedir") // FIXME: pathconf returns long, not int. func libc_pathconf(*byte, int) int __asm__ ("pathconf") func clen(n []byte) int { for i := 0; i < len(n); i++ { if n[i] == 0 { return i } } return len(n) } var elen int; // Negative count means read until EOF. func (file *File) Readdirnames(count int) (names []string, err Error) { if elen == 0 { var dummy syscall.Dirent; elen = (unsafe.Offsetof(dummy.Name) + libc_pathconf(syscall.StringBytePtr(file.name), syscall.PC_NAME_MAX) + 1); } if file.dirinfo == nil { file.dirinfo = new(dirInfo) file.dirinfo.buf = make([]byte, elen) file.dirinfo.dir = libc_opendir(syscall.StringBytePtr(file.name)) } entry_dirent := unsafe.Pointer(&file.dirinfo.buf[0]).(*syscall.Dirent) size := count if size < 0 { size = 100 } names = make([]string, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow. dir := file.dirinfo.dir if dir == nil { return names, NewSyscallError("opendir", syscall.GetErrno()) } for count != 0 { var result *syscall.Dirent i := libc_readdir_r(dir, entry_dirent, &result) if result == nil { break } var name = string(result.Name[0:clen(result.Name[0:])]) if name == "." || name == ".." { // Useless names continue } count-- names = append(names, name) } return names, nil }