-- { dg-do compile } -- { dg-options "-gnatws" } with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements; with Unchecked_Conversion; with Slice7_Pkg; use Slice7_Pkg; procedure Slice7 is type Discrete_Type is range 1 .. 32; Max_Byte_Count : constant := 4; subtype Byte_Count_Type is Storage_Offset range 1..Max_Byte_Count; subtype Buffer_Type is Storage_Array (Byte_Count_Type); function Convert_Put is new Unchecked_Conversion (Integer, Buffer_Type); function Set_Buffer_Size return Byte_Count_Type is begin return 4; end; Buffer_Size : constant Byte_Count_Type := Set_Buffer_Size; Buffer_End : constant Byte_Count_Type := Max_Byte_Count; Buffer_Start : constant Byte_Count_Type := Buffer_End - Buffer_Size + 1; Obj : Discrete_Type; begin Put (Convert_Put(Discrete_Type'Pos (Obj))); Put (Convert_Put(Discrete_Type'Pos (Obj)) (Buffer_Start..Buffer_End)); Put (Convert_Put(Discrete_Type'Pos (Obj) - Discrete_Type'Pos (Discrete_Type'First)) (Buffer_Start..Buffer_End)); end;