-- { dg-do run } procedure alignment2 is pragma COMPONENT_ALIGNMENT(STORAGE_UNIT); MAX_LIST_SIZE : constant INTEGER := 128*16; LEVEL2_SIZE : constant INTEGER := 128; LEVEL1_SIZE : constant INTEGER := (MAX_LIST_SIZE - 1) / LEVEL2_SIZE + 1; type LEVEL2_ARRAY_TYPE is array (1..LEVEL2_SIZE) of Integer; type LEVEL2_TYPE is record NUM : INTEGER := 0; DATA : LEVEL2_ARRAY_TYPE := ( others => 0 ); end record; type LEVEL2_PTR_TYPE is access all LEVEL2_TYPE; type LEVEL1_ARRAY_TYPE is array( 1..LEVEL1_SIZE ) of LEVEL2_PTR_TYPE; type LEVEL1_TYPE is record LAST_LINE : INTEGER := 0; LEVEL2_PTR : LEVEL1_ARRAY_TYPE; end record; L1 : LEVEL1_TYPE; L2 : aliased LEVEL2_TYPE; procedure q (LA : in out LEVEL1_ARRAY_TYPE) is begin LA (1) := L2'Access; end; begin q (L1.LEVEL2_PTR); if L1.LEVEL2_PTR (1) /= L2'Access then raise Program_Error; end if; end;