! { dg-do compile } ! test case contributed by tobias.burnus@physik.fu-berlin.de ! PR28039 Warn when ignoring extra characters in the format specification implicit none real :: r r = 1.0 write(*,'(a),f)') 'Hello', r ! { dg-warning "Extraneous characters in format at" } end ! Below routine was also submitted by tobias.burnus@physik.fu-berlin.de ! It showed up some problems with the initial implementation of this ! feature. ! This routine should compile without complaint or warning. SUBROUTINE rw_inp() CHARACTER(len=100) :: line integer :: i5 character(100), parameter :: subchapter = & '(79("-"),/,5("-")," ",A,/,79("-"),/)' i5 = 1 READ(*,FMT="(4x,a)") line 7182 FORMAT (a3) 7130 FORMAT (i3) WRITE (6,'(//'' icorr is not correctly transferred. icorr='',i5) & ') 42 write(*,subchapter) 'test' END SUBROUTINE rw_inp