! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-fcray-pointer" } ! ! Test the fix for PR36703 in which the Cray pointer was not passed ! correctly so that the call to 'fun' at line 102 caused an ICE. ! ! Contributed by James van Buskirk on com.lang.fortran ! http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.fortran/msg/b600c081a3654936 ! Reported by Tobias Burnus ! module funcs use ISO_C_BINDING ! Added this USE statement implicit none ! Interface block for function program fptr will invoke ! to get the C_FUNPTR interface function get_proc(mess) bind(C,name='BlAh') use ISO_C_BINDING implicit none character(kind=C_CHAR) mess(*) type(C_FUNPTR) get_proc end function get_proc end interface end module funcs module other_fun use ISO_C_BINDING implicit none private ! Message to be returned by procedure pointed to ! by the C_FUNPTR character, allocatable, save :: my_message(:) ! Interface block for the procedure pointed to ! by the C_FUNPTR public abstract_fun abstract interface function abstract_fun(x) use ISO_C_BINDING import my_message implicit none integer(C_INT) x(:) character(size(my_message),C_CHAR) abstract_fun(size(x)) end function abstract_fun end interface contains ! Procedure to store the message and get the C_FUNPTR function gp(message) bind(C,name='BlAh') character(kind=C_CHAR) message(*) type(C_FUNPTR) gp integer(C_INT64_T) i i = 1 do while(message(i) /= C_NULL_CHAR) i = i+1 end do allocate (my_message(i+1)) ! Added this allocation my_message = message(int(1,kind(i)):i-1) gp = get_funloc(make_mess,aux) end function gp ! Intermediate procedure to pass the function and get ! back the C_FUNPTR function get_funloc(x,y) procedure(abstract_fun) x type(C_FUNPTR) y external y type(C_FUNPTR) get_funloc get_funloc = y(x) end function get_funloc ! Procedure to convert the function to C_FUNPTR function aux(x) interface subroutine x() bind(C) end subroutine x end interface type(C_FUNPTR) aux aux = C_FUNLOC(x) end function aux ! Procedure pointed to by the C_FUNPTR function make_mess(x) integer(C_INT) x(:) character(size(my_message),C_CHAR) make_mess(size(x)) make_mess = transfer(my_message,make_mess(1)) end function make_mess end module other_fun program fptr use funcs use other_fun implicit none procedure(abstract_fun) fun ! Removed INTERFACE pointer(p,fun) type(C_FUNPTR) fp fp = get_proc('Hello, world'//achar(0)) p = transfer(fp,p) write(*,'(a)') fun([1,2,3]) end program fptr ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "funcs other_fun" } }