// Tests for late-specified return type. // { dg-options "-std=c++0x" } auto f() -> int { return 0; } template auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype (t+u) { return t+u; } template decltype(T()+U()) add2(T t, U u) { return t+u; } template U ag (T, U) { return U(); } template auto add3(T t, U u) -> decltype (ag(t,u)) { return ag(t,u); } template decltype(*(T*)0+*(U*)0) add4(T t, U u) { return t+u; } template struct A { T f() {} template T g() {} template struct B { int MEM; }; }; template auto f(T* t) -> decltype (t->f()) { return t->f(); } template auto g(T t) -> decltype (t.f()) { return t.f(); } template auto h(T t, U u) -> decltype (t.template g()) { return t.template g(); } struct D { }; struct C: public A::B { }; template auto k(T t, U u, V v) -> decltype (t.U::template B::MEM) { return t.U::template B::MEM; } // For these two examples we can elide the 'decltype' and just mangle the type. template auto l(T t) -> decltype (t) { return t; } template auto m(T t) -> decltype (u) { return t; } A a, *p; int main() { // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z3addIidEDTplfp_fp0_ET_T0_" } } auto i = add(1, 2.0); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z4add4IidEDTpldecvPT_Li0EdecvPT0_Li0EES0_S2_" } } auto i4 = add4(1, 2.0); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z4add2IidEDTplcvT__EcvT0__EES0_S1_" } } auto i2 = add2(1, 2.0); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z4add3IidEDTcl2agfp_fp0_EET_T0_" } } auto i3 = add3(1, 2.0); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1fI1AIiEEDTclptfp_1fEEPT_" } } f(p); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1gI1AIiEEDTcldtfp_1fEET_" } } g(a); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1hI1AIiEdEDTcldtfp_1gIT0_EEET_S2_" } } h(a,1.0); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1kI1C1AIiE1DEDtdtfp_srNT0_1BIT1_EE3MEMET_S4_S6_" } } k( C(), A(), D() ); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1lIiET_S0_" } } l(1); // { dg-final { scan-assembler "_Z1mIiLi1EET_S0_" } } m(1); }