Here are some random last minute notes by this file's original maintainer, Mike Stump : > and the command > runtest --tool g++ --srcdir ./testsuite > doesn't work. I got it to work by explicitly setting CXX and CXXFLAGS > on the command line, e.g. > runtest --tool g++ --srcdir ./testsuite CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="" site.exp updated to have right CXXFLAGS and CXX, but not at the FSF yet. To run the tests, first change to the gcc-2.7.1 directory, then type: runtest --tool g++ --srcdir ./testsuite Here's a brief explanation. runtest - Is the name used to invoke DejaGnu. If DejaGnu is not install this will be the relative path name for runtest. --tool - This tells DejaGnu which tool you are testing. It is mainly used to find the testsuite directories for a particular tool when several testsuites are in the same directory. (like the gcc and g++ testsuites) --srcdir - This points to the top level of the directory containing the sources of the testsuite. This is ./testsuite if you are in the directory that has the testsuite directory.