X-Git-Url: http://git.sourceforge.jp/view?p=neighbornote%2FNeighborNote.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=translations%2Fnevernote_zh_TW.ts;h=24af709059c52fa4c319d15e848ee63d1ee7f17b;hp=3b712dad22b20931c8f5e21e4cf7dec8e8e8984d;hb=1b1afbdca80a03f378ca331471b8a3e526118139;hpb=a2accd504d86868274dc66f8a151949f521848ea;ds=sidebyside diff --git a/translations/nevernote_zh_TW.ts b/translations/nevernote_zh_TW.ts index 3b712da..24af709 100644 --- a/translations/nevernote_zh_TW.ts +++ b/translations/nevernote_zh_TW.ts @@ -4,221 +4,262 @@ cx.fbn.nevernote.NeverNote - + Beginning shutdown. - + 開始關機 - + Performing synchronization before closing. - + 關閉前執行資料同步 - + Edit Notebook - + 編輯記事本 - - + + Unable to Delete - + 無法刪除 - + Some of the selected notebook(s) contain notes. Please delete the notes or move them to another notebook before deleting any notebooks. - + 這些記事本裡有些裡面還有內容。 +請先刪除掉或將他們搬移到其他記事本。 - + You must have at least one notebook. - + 至少要有一份記事本 - - - - - - + + + + + + + + Confirmation + 確定 + + + + Are you sure + Are you sure you wish to decrypt the database? + 你確定要對資料庫進行解密嗎 + + + + Decryption Complete + 解密完畢 + + + + Decryption is complete + 解密完畢 + + + + Encrypting the database is usedto enhance security and is performed +upon shutdown, but please be aware that if you lose the password your +is lost forever. + +It is highly recommended you perform a backup and/or fully synchronize + prior to executing this funtction. + +Do you wish to proceed? + + + + + Incorrect Password - + Delete the selected notebooks? - + Delete the selected tags? - + 密碼錯誤 - + Edit Search - + 編輯搜尋 - + This will free unused space in the database, but please be aware that depending upon the size of your database this can be time consuming and NeverNote will be unresponsive until it is complete. Do you wish to continue? - + Release Notes - + 版本資訊 - + Mesasge Log - + 訊息紀錄 - + About NeverNote - + 關於 NeverNote - + <h4><center><b>NeverNote</b></center></h4><hr><center>Version - + <h4><center><b>NeverNote</b></center></h4><hr><center>版本 - - <hr></center>Evernote Generic client.<br><br>Licensed under GPL v2. <br><hr><br>Evernote is copyright 2001-2010 by Evernote Corporation<br>Jambi and QT are the licensed trademark of Nokia Corporation<br>PDFRenderer is licened under the LGPL<br>Jazzy is licened under the LGPL<br>Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.<br><hr> + + <hr></center>EvernoteAn Open Source Evernote Client.<br><br>Licensed under GPL v2. <br><hr><br>Evernote is copyright 2001-2010 by Evernote Corporation<br>Jambi and QT are the licensed trademark of Nokia Corporation<br>PDFRenderer is licened under the LGPL<br>JTidy is copyrighted under the World Wide Web Consortium<br>Apache Common Utilities licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0<br>Jazzy is licened under the LGPL<br>Java is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.<br><hr> - - toolBar - + + Tool Bar + 工具列 - + Quota: - + 容量: - + Zoom - + 縮放: - + Search: - + 搜尋: - - + + Connect - + 連線 - - + + Connect to Evernote - + 連線 Evernote - + Disconnect - + 斷線 - + Disconnect from Evernote - + 自 Evernote 斷線 - + This will cause all notes & attachments to be reindexed, but please be aware that depending upon the size of your database updating all these records can be time consuming and NeverNote will be unresponsive until it is complete. Do you wish to continue? - + Marking notes for reindex. - + 重建記事本索引 - + Database will be reindexed. - + 將重建資料庫索引 - + Notes will be reindexed. - + 將重建記事本索引 - + Note will be reindexed. - + 將重建記事本索引 - + Delete selected note(s)? - + 要刪除選擇的記事本嗎? + + + + Error Saving Note + 記事儲存錯誤 - + Note has never been synchronized. - + 記事尚未同步過 - + Error - + 錯誤 - + This note has never been sent to Evernote, so there is no history. - + 此記事並未送到 Evernote, 所以目前並無該記事的歷程紀錄 - + Getting Note History - + 取得記事歷程 - + Note not found on server. - + 在伺服器中找不到此記事 - + History retrieved - + 取回歷程 - + Restoring as new note. - + 回存成新的記事 - + Note has been restored as a new note. - + 記事已經另存成新的記事 - + Restoring note. - + 回存記事 - + Note has been restored. - + 記事已經回存 - + DOUGH!!! - + 現金!!! - + Well, this is embarrassing. Some attachments or images for this note appear to be missing from my database. @@ -237,139 +278,149 @@ Who knows, you might get lucky. - + Finalizing Synchronization - + 定型同步 - + Synchronization Complete - + 完成同步 + + + + Synchronization completed with errors. Please check the log for details. + 同步完成的錯誤 若要知道詳細情況請讀日誌紀錄 - + Index completed. - + 完成索引 - - + + Indexing notes. - + 記事索引中 - + Indexing is now enabled. - + 啟用索引 - + Indexing is now disabled. - + 關閉索引 - - - - - - + + + + + + A thread his died. - + 執行線程結束 - + It appears as the tag counter thread has died. I recommend checking stopping NeverNote, saving the logs for later viewing, and restarting. Sorry. - + It appears as the notebook counter thread has died. I recommend checking stopping NeverNote, saving the logs for later viewing, and restarting. Sorry. - + It appears as the note saver thread has died. I recommend checking stopping NeverNote, saving the logs for later viewing, and restarting. Sorry. - + It appears as the synchronization thread has died. I recommend checking stopping NeverNote, saving the logs for later viewing, and restarting. Sorry. - + It appears as the index thread has died. I recommend checking stopping NeverNote, saving the logs for later viewing, and restarting. Sorry. - - + + Backup Database - + 備份資料 - - - - + + + + NeverNote Export (*.nnex);;All Files (*.*) - + NeverNote 匯出成 (*.nnex);;所有檔案格式(*.*) - + Backing up database - + 備份資料中 - + Database backup completed. - + 資料庫備份完畢 - + This is used to restore a database from backups. It is HIGHLY recommened that this only be used to populate an empty database. Restoring into a database that already has data can cause problems. Are you sure you want to continue? - + 提醒您回存資料庫將從備份的資料庫檔案回存到目前的資料庫中。 +因此鄭重您建議把備份的資料庫檔案回存到空白的資料庫中。 +因為將舊有資料回存回存的資料庫內有資料,比較容易發生無法預知問題。 + +你確定要繼續嗎? + - + Restore Database - + 回存資料庫 - + Restoring database - + 資料庫回存中 - + Database has been restored. - + 資料庫回存完畢 - + Exporting Notes - + 匯出記事 - + Export completed. - + 匯出完畢 - + Import Notes - + 匯入記事 - + Notes have been imported. - + 記事已匯入 @@ -377,95 +428,116 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Account Information - + 帳戶資訊 Account: - + 帳號: User Attributes - + 使用者屬性 Incoming Email: - + 通信電子信箱: cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.ConfigAppearancePage - + GUI Style - + 風格 - + Use standard palette - + 使用基本樣式 - + Tag Behavior - + 標籤行為 - + Do nothing - + 不做任何事 - + Count tags & do not hide inactive - + Count tags & hide inactive - + Color active tags - + 使用中的標籤顏色 - + Date/Time Format - + 日期/時間 格式 - + Mimic Evernote Selection Behavior (Requires Restart) - + 模擬成 Evernote 行為 (需要重新啟動) - - Show Splash Screen on Startup - + + Show Tray Icon + 最小化時縮到系統匣 + + + Minimize On Close + 關閉時最小化 + + + Start Minimized + 啟動時最小化 + Show Splash Screen on Startup + 啟動時顯示閃屏 + + Show Tray Icon - + 圖示顯示到系統匣 - + Verify Deletes - + 刪除時要作確認 - + Display PDF Documents Inline + 行內顯示PDF + + + + Create New Notes With Selected Tags - + Check For Updates At Startup + 啟動時檢查有無更新 + + + Automatic Save Interval (in Minutes) - + 自動儲存時間間隔(以分計算) @@ -473,22 +545,36 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Connection - + 連線 Userid - + 帳號 Password - + 密碼 Syncronization Interval - + 同步時間間隔 + + + Remember Userid _Password + 記住使用者帳號密碼 + + + Proxy Settings + 代理伺服器設定 + + + + + Automatic Connect + 自動連線 @@ -496,42 +582,42 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Server Configuration - + 伺服器設定 Server - + 伺服器名稱 Disable uploads to server - + 關閉上傳至伺服器功能 Debug Messages - + 除錯訊息 Message Level - + 訊息等級 Low - + 低 Medium - + 中 High - + 高 @@ -557,317 +643,92 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.ConfigDialog - - Cancel - + + Cancel + 取消 - - OK - + + OK + 確定 - + Settings - + 設定 - + Appearance - + 外觀設定 - + Indexing - + 索引 - + Connection - - - - - Hide Columns - - - - - Hide Edit Buttons - + 連線 - + Debugging - + 除錯 cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.ConfigIndexPage - + Maximum Threads - + Indexing Threads (Requires Restart) - + Word Length - + 字元長度 - + Minimum Word Length - + 最短字元長度 - + Recognition - + Minimum Recognition Weight - - Word Parse - - - - Regular Expression - - - - - cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.ConfigShowColumnsPage - - - Date Created - - - - - - - - - - - - Show - - - - - - - - - - - - Hide - - - - - Subject Date - - - - - Source URL - - - - - Author - - - - - Date Changed - - - - - Notebook - - - - - Tags - - - - - Synchronized Indicator - - - - - cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.ConfigShowEditorButtonsPage - - - Undo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Show - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hide - - - - - Redo - - - - - Paste - - - - - Copy - - - - - Cut - - - - - Underline - - - - - Bold - - - - - Italic - - - - - Strikethrough - - - - - Horizontal Line - - - - - Outdent - - - - - Indent - - - - - Bullet List - - - - - Numbered List - - - - - Fonts - - - - - Font Size - - - - - Font Color - - - - - Text Highlight - + Index Interval + 索引間隔時間 - - Align Left + + Seconds between looking for unindexed notes - - Align Center + + Word Parse - - Align Right - + + Regular Expression + 正規表示式 @@ -875,22 +736,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Database Password - + 連接資料庫密碼 Password - + 密碼 - OK - + OK + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 @@ -898,42 +759,42 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Current Database Status - + 目前資料庫狀態 Notebooks: - + 記事本: Tags: - + 標籤: Total Notes: - + 標籤總數: Unsynchronized Notes: - + 未同步記事: Unindexed Notes: - + 未索引記事: Attachments/Images: - + 附件/影像: Saved Searches: - + 儲存搜尋結果: @@ -942,8 +803,8 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? - OK - + OK + 確定 @@ -951,42 +812,47 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Encrypt Text - + 文字加密 Password - + 密碼 Verify - + 確認 Hint - + 提示 - OK - + OK + 確定 + + + + Cancel + 取消 Password must be at least 4 characters - + 密碼至少需要 4 個字 Passwords do not match - + 密碼前後不符 Hint must be entered - + 必須輸入提示 @@ -994,17 +860,17 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Decrypt Text - + 文字加密 Password - + 密碼 Verify - + 確認 @@ -1019,12 +885,12 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Hint: - + 提示: - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 @@ -1032,42 +898,42 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Find - + 尋找 Text - + 內容 Case Sensitive - + 區分大小寫 Forward - + 往後 Backward - + 往前 Wrap - + 從最後往前 - OK - + OK + 確定 Close - + 關閉 @@ -1075,32 +941,32 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? NeverNote Login - + 登入 NeverNote Longitude - + 經度 Latitude - + 緯度 Altitude - + 海拔 - OK - + OK + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 @@ -1108,22 +974,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Insert Link - + 插入連結 Url - + 網址 - OK - + OK + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 @@ -1131,27 +997,27 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? NeverNote Login - + 登入 NeverNote Userid - + 帳號 Password - + 密碼 OK - + 確定 Cancel - + 取消 @@ -1159,28 +1025,28 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? OK - + 確定 Cancel - + 取消 Open Notebooks - + 開啟記事本 Closed Notebooks - + 關閉記事本 Open/Close Notebooks - + 開啟/關閉記事本 @@ -1188,27 +1054,27 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Add Notebook - + 新增記事本 Notebook Name - + 記事本名稱 Local Notebook - + 本機記事本 OK - + 確定 Cancel - + 取消 @@ -1216,50 +1082,50 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Online Note History - + 線上記事本歷程 History Date: - + 歷程日期: Restore Note - + 回存記事 Restore As New Note - + 回存成新的記事 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 Current (Non Synchronized) - + 目前(無同步) Current (Synchronized) - + 目前(已同步) cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.PreviewDialog - OK - + OK + 確定 Note Preview - + 記事預視 @@ -1267,7 +1133,27 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Add a search - + 新增一項搜尋 + + + + Name + 名稱 + + + + String + 字串 + + + + OK + 確定 + + + + Cancel + 取消 @@ -1275,70 +1161,70 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Insert Table - + 插入表格 Percent - + 百分比 Pixels - + 像素 Rows - + 列 Columns - + 行 Width - + 寬度 Unit - + 元件 - OK - + OK + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.TagAssign - Add - + Add + 新增 - OK - + OK + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 Note Tags - + 記事標籤 @@ -1346,22 +1232,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Add Tag - + 新增標籤 Tag Name - + 標籤名稱 OK - + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 @@ -1369,49 +1255,49 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? OK - + 確定 Cancel - + 取消 Auto Import Folders - + 自動匯入資料夾 Directory - + 目錄 Target Notebook - + 目的記事本 Keep - + 保持 - Add - + Add + 新增 Edit - + 編輯 Delete - + 刪除 @@ -1419,32 +1305,32 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? OK - + 確定 - Cancel - + Cancel + 取消 - Directory - + Directory + 目錄 Keep - + 保持 Delete - + 刪除 Notebook - + 記事本 @@ -1454,239 +1340,291 @@ Are you sure you want to continue? Add Import Folder - + 新增匯入資料夾 - cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.AttributeTreeWidget + cx.fbn.nevernote.filters.ContainsAttributeFilter - - - Attributes - + + Images + 影像 - - Created - + + Audio + 聲音 - - - Since - + + Ink + 連結 - - - Before - + + Encrypted Text + 加密文字 - - Last Modified - + + ToDo Items + 待辦事項項目 + + + + Unfinished to-do items + 尚未完成的待辦事項項目 + + + + Finished to-do items + 已完成的待辦事項項目 + + + + Attachment + 附件 + + + + PDF + PDF + + + + cx.fbn.nevernote.filters.DateAttributeFilter + + + Today + 今日 + + + + Yesterday + 昨日 + + + + This Week + 本週 - - Contains - + + Last Week + 上週 - - Images - + + This Month + 本月 - - Audio - + + Last Month + 上月 - - Ink - + + This Year + 今年 - - Encrypted Text - + + Last Year + 去年 + + + cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.AttributeTreeWidget - - To-Do Items - + + + Attributes + 屬性 - - Unfinished to-do items - + + Created + 建立 - - Finished to-do items - + + + Since + 從 - - Attachment - + + + Before + 之前 - - PDF - + + Last Modified + 最後修改 + + + + Contains + 包含 cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.BrowserWindow - + Subject Date: - + 主題 日期 - + Notebook - + 記事本 - + Created: - + 建立: - + Set - + 設定 - + Clear - + 清除 - + View On Map - + Undo Change - + 復原變更部份 - + Redo Change - + 重作變更部份 - + Cut - + 剪下 - + Copy - + 複製 - + Paste - + 貼上 - + Bold - + 粗體 - + Underline - + 底線 - + Italic - + 斜體 - + Right Align - + 向右對齊 - + Left Align - + 向左對齊 - + Center Align - + 置中對齊 - + Strikethrough - + 刪除線 - + Insert Horizontal Line - + 插入水平線 - + Shift Right - + 擴大縮排 - + Shift Left - + 縮小縮排 - + Bullet List - + 項目清單 - + Number List - + 編號清單 - + Font Color - + 字型顏色 - + Font Hilight Color - + 凸顯文字顏色 - + Source URL: - + 來源網址 - + Source URL: - + 來源網址: - + + + http:// + http:// + + + Author: - + 作者: - + Unable Open - + 無法開啟 - + This is an ink note. Ink notes are not supported since Evernote has not published any specifications on them @@ -1694,57 +1632,81 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. - + Error - + 錯誤 - + Error Encrypting String - + 字串加密錯誤 - - + + Untitled Note - + 未命名記事 - + Non-premium accounts can only attach JPG, PNG, GIF, MP3, WAV, AMR, or PDF files. - + 免費用戶只能附帶 JPG, PNG, GIF, MP3, WAV, AMR, or PDF 檔案 - + Non-Premium Account - + 免費用戶 - + A file attachment may not exceed 25MB. - + 附檔不可超過 25 MB. - + Attachment Size - + 附檔大小 - - + + Save File - + 存檔 - + Insert Hyperlink - + 加入超連結 - + Edit Hyperlink + 編輯超連結 + + + + + + Spell Check Error + 拼字檢查發現錯誤 + + + + An error has occurred while launching the spell check. The most probable cause is that the cursor was not at the beginning of the document. + +Please place the cursor at the beginning & try again + + + Spell Check Complete + 完成拼字檢查 + + + + No spelling errors found + 拼字檢查未發現錯誤 + cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.ContentView @@ -1752,549 +1714,575 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. Open - + 開啟 Cut - + 剪下 Copy - + 複製 Paste Without Formatting - + 貼為純文字 Background Color - + 背景顏色 To-do - + 待辦事項 Encrypt Selected Text - + 加密選取文字 Insert Hyperlink - + 插入超連結 Insert Table - + 插入表格 Insert Row - + 插入行 Delete Row - + 刪除行 Image - + 影像 Save Image - + 儲存影像 Rotate Right - + 向右旋轉 Rotate Left - + 向左旋轉 Save Attachment - + 儲存附檔 cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.MainMenuBar - + Reindex Database - + 重建資料庫索引 - + Print - + 列印 - + Email - + 傳送電子郵件 - + Backup Database - + 備份資料庫 - + Restore Database - + 回存資料庫 - + Empty Trash - + 清空資源回收桶 - + Restore - + 回存 - + Preferences - + 偏好設定 - + Exit - + 離開 - + Extended Information - + 詳細訊息 - + Reindex - + 重建索引 - + Reindex this note - + 重建此記事索引 - + Duplicate - + 複製 - + Duplicate this note - + 複製此記事 - + Merge Notes - + 合併記事 - + Merge Multiple notes - + 合併多項記事 - + Export Selected Notes - + 匯出選擇的記事 - + Export selected notes - + 將選擇的記事匯出 - + Import Notes - + 匯入記事 - + Import notes - + 匯入記事 - - - - - Add - + + + + + Add + 新增 - + Add a new note - + 新增記事 - + Modify Tags - + 修改標籤 - + Change the tags assigned to this note - + 將變動的標籤套用至此記事 - - - - + + + + Delete - + 刪除 - + Delete this note - + 刪除此記事 - + Find In Note - + 在記事中搜尋 - + Find a string in the current note - + 在記事中尋找 - - + + Undo - + 復原 - - + + Redo - + 重做 - - + + Cut - + 剪下 - - + + Copy - + 複製 - - + + Paste - + 貼上 - - + + Paste Without Formatting - + 貼為文字(不含格式) - + Show Note List - + 顯示記事列表 - + Show Tags - + 顯示標籤 - + Show Notebooks - + 顯示記事本 - + Preview - + 預視 + + + Wide List View + 清單檢視 - + Narrow List View + 混合檢視 + + + Show Saved Searches - + 顯示搜尋結果 - + Show Attribute Searches - + 顯示搜尋屬性 - + Show Trash - + 顯示資源回收筒 - + Show Editor Button Bar - + 顯示編輯圖示列 - + Hide Left Side Panels - + 隱藏左方面板 - + Left - + 靠左 - + Left Align - + 向左對齊 - + Right - + 靠右 - + Right Align - + 向右對齊 - + Center - + 置中 - + Center Align - + 置中對齊 - - + + Bold - + 粗體 - - + + Italic - + 斜體 - - + + Underline - + 底線 - - + + Superscript - + 上標 - - + + Subscript - + 下標 - - + + Strikethrough - + 刪除線 - - + + Horizontal Line - + 水平線 - + Bulleted List - + 項目符號清單 - + Numbered List - + 編號清單 - + Numbered list - + 編號清單 - - + + >> Increase - + >> 增加縮排 - - + + << Decrease - + >> 減少縮排 - - - + + + Edit - + 編輯 - + Open/Close Notebooks - + 開啟/關閉 記事本 - + Connect - + 連線 - + Synchronize with Evernote - + 同步至 Evernote - + Note History - + 記事歷程紀錄 + + + Selective Synchronize + 選擇同步設定 - - + + Account Information - + 帳號資料 - + Database Status - + 資料庫狀態 - + Show current database information - + 顯示目前資料庫資訊 - + Disable Note Indexing - + 關閉記事索引 - + Automatic Folder Importing - + 自動匯入資料夾 - - Log - + + Spell Check + 拼字檢查 + + + + Encrypt Database + 資料庫加密 - + + Logs + 日誌紀錄 + + + Release Notes - + 版本資訊 + + + Check For Updates + 檢查有無更新 - + About - + 關於 - + &File - + &檔案 - + &Note - + &記事 - + Notebook - + 記事本 - + Tag - + 標籤 - + Saved Searches - + 儲存搜尋結果 - + &Edit - + &編輯 - + &View - + &檢視 - + &Format - + &格式 - + Alignment - + 對齊 - + Lists - + 清單列表 - + Indent - + 縮排 - + &Online - + &線上 - + &Tools - + &工具 - + &Help - + &說明 @@ -2302,110 +2290,118 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. Saved Searches - + 儲存搜尋結果 cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.TableView - + Date Created - + 建立日期 - + Tags - + 標籤 - + Guid - + Notebook - + 記事本 - + Title - + 標題 - + Date Changed - + 更改日期 - + Author - + 作者 - + Source Url - + 來源網址 - + Subject Date - + 主旨日期 - + Synchronized - + 同步 - + Title Color - + 標題顏色 - + White - + 白 - + Red - + 紅 - + Blue - + 藍 - + Green - + 綠 - + Yellow - + 黃 - + Black - + 黑 - + Gray - + 灰 - + Cyan - + 青 - + Magenta - + 洋紅 + + + + cx.fbn.nevernote.gui.TagTreeWidget + + + Tags + 標籤 @@ -2413,7 +2409,7 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. Synchronizing with Evernote - + 同步至 Evernote @@ -2440,43 +2436,43 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. Syncronization Error! - + 同步錯誤! Synchronizing complete - + 完成同步 Download syncronization complete. Uploads have been disabled. - + 完成下載同步,已關閉上傳。 Synchronizing deleted notes. - + 同步刪除記事 - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + Error: - + 錯誤: - - - + + + Error sending local note: @@ -2486,34 +2482,34 @@ and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself. - + Sending local notebooks. - + Sending local tags. - + Sending saved searches. - + Downloading 0% complete. - + 完成下載 0% - + Downloading - + 下載中 - + % complete. - + %已完成