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[neighbornote/NeighborNote.git] / src / cx / fbn / nevernote / sql / NotebookTable.java
1 /*\r
2  * This file is part of NeverNote \r
3  * Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte\r
4  * \r
5  * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the\r
6  * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL'').\r
7  *\r
8  * Software distributed under the License is distributed\r
9  * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either\r
10  * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language\r
11  * governing rights and limitations.\r
12  *\r
13  * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this\r
14  * program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\r
15  * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\r
16  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.\r
17  *\r
18 */\r
19 \r
20 \r
21 package cx.fbn.nevernote.sql;\r
22 \r
23 import java.text.DateFormat;\r
24 import java.text.ParseException;\r
25 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;\r
26 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
27 import java.util.List;\r
28 \r
29 import com.evernote.edam.type.Notebook;\r
30 \r
31 import cx.fbn.nevernote.sql.driver.NSqlQuery;\r
32 import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.ApplicationLogger;\r
33 import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.Pair;\r
34 \r
35 public class NotebookTable {\r
36         \r
37         private final ApplicationLogger                 logger;\r
38         DatabaseConnection                                                      db;\r
39         \r
40         // Constructor\r
41         public NotebookTable(ApplicationLogger l, DatabaseConnection d) {\r
42                 logger = l;\r
43                 db = d;\r
44         }\r
45         // Create the table\r
46         public void createTable() {\r
47                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
48         logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Creating table Notebook...");\r
49         if (!query.exec("Create table Notebook (guid varchar primary key, " +\r
50                         "sequence integer, name varchar, defaultNotebook varchar, "+\r
51                         "serviceCreated timestamp, serviceUpdated timestamp, published boolean, isDirty boolean, "+\r
52                         "autoEncrypt boolean, local boolean, archived boolean)"))                               \r
53                 logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Table Notebook creation FAILED!!!");   \r
54         Notebook newnote = new Notebook();\r
55         newnote.setDefaultNotebook(true);\r
56         newnote.setName("My Notebook");\r
57         newnote.setPublished(false);\r
58         newnote.setGuid("1");\r
59         addNotebook(newnote, true, false);\r
60                 \r
61         }\r
62         // Drop the table\r
63         public void dropTable() {\r
64                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
65                 query.exec("Drop table Notebook");\r
66         }\r
67         // Save an individual notebook\r
68         public void addNotebook(Notebook tempNotebook, boolean isDirty, boolean local) {\r
69                 boolean check;\r
70                 \r
71                 SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
72         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
73                 check = query.prepare("Insert Into Notebook (guid, sequence, name, defaultNotebook, "\r
74                                 +"serviceCreated, serviceUpdated, published, "   \r
75                                 + "isDirty, autoEncrypt," \r
76                                 + "local, archived) Values("\r
77                                 +":guid, :sequence, :name, :defaultNotebook,  "\r
78                                 +":serviceCreated, :serviceUpdated, :published, "\r
79                                 +":isDirty, :autoEncrypt, "\r
80                                 +":local, false)");\r
81                 query.bindValue(":guid", tempNotebook.getGuid());\r
82                 query.bindValue(":sequence", tempNotebook.getUpdateSequenceNum());\r
83                 query.bindValue(":name", tempNotebook.getName());\r
84                 query.bindValue(":defaultNotebook", tempNotebook.isDefaultNotebook());\r
85                 \r
86                 StringBuilder serviceCreated = new StringBuilder(simple.format(tempNotebook.getServiceCreated()));                      \r
87                 StringBuilder serviceUpdated = new StringBuilder(simple.format(tempNotebook.getServiceUpdated()));\r
88                 if (serviceUpdated.toString() == null)\r
89                         serviceUpdated = serviceCreated;\r
90                 query.bindValue(":serviceCreated", serviceCreated.toString());\r
91                 query.bindValue(":serviceUpdated", serviceCreated.toString());\r
92                 query.bindValue(":published",tempNotebook.isPublished());\r
93                 \r
94                 if (isDirty)\r
95                         query.bindValue(":isDirty", true);\r
96                 else\r
97                         query.bindValue(":isDirty", false);\r
98                 query.bindValue(":autoEncrypt", false);\r
99                 query.bindValue(":local", local);\r
100 \r
101                 check = query.exec();\r
102                 if (!check) {\r
103                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook Table insert failed.");\r
104                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError().toString());\r
105                 }\r
106         }\r
107         // Delete the notebook based on a guid\r
108         public void expungeNotebook(String guid, boolean needsSync) {\r
109                 boolean check;\r
110         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
111 \r
112         check = query.prepare("delete from Notebook "\r
113                                 +"where guid=:guid");\r
114                 if (!check) {\r
115                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL delete prepare has failed.");\r
116                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, query.lastError().toString());\r
117                 }\r
118                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
119                 check = query.exec();\r
120                 if (!check) \r
121                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook delete failed.");\r
122                 \r
123                 // Signal the parent that work needs to be done\r
124                 if  (needsSync) {\r
125                         DeletedTable deletedTable = new DeletedTable(logger, db);\r
126                         deletedTable.addDeletedItem(guid, "Notebook");\r
127                 }\r
128         }\r
129         // Update a notebook\r
130         public void updateNotebook(Notebook tempNotebook, boolean isDirty) {\r
131                 boolean check;\r
132                 \r
133                 SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
134                 \r
135         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
136         check = query.prepare("Update Notebook set sequence=:sequence, name=:name, defaultNotebook=:defaultNotebook, " +\r
137                         "serviceCreated=:serviceCreated, serviceUpdated=:serviceUpdated, "+\r
138                                 "published=:published, isDirty=:isDirty where guid=:guid ");\r
139                 query.bindValue(":sequence", tempNotebook.getUpdateSequenceNum());\r
140                 query.bindValue(":name", tempNotebook.getName());\r
141                 query.bindValue(":defaultNotebook", tempNotebook.isDefaultNotebook());\r
142 \r
143                 StringBuilder serviceCreated = new StringBuilder(simple.format(tempNotebook.getServiceCreated()));                      \r
144                 StringBuilder serviceUpdated = new StringBuilder(simple.format(tempNotebook.getServiceUpdated()));                      \r
145                 query.bindValue(":serviceCreated", serviceCreated.toString());\r
146                 query.bindValue(":serviceUpdated", serviceUpdated.toString());\r
147                 \r
148                 query.bindValue(":published", tempNotebook.isPublished());\r
149                 query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty);\r
150                 query.bindValue(":guid", tempNotebook.getGuid());\r
151                 \r
152                 check = query.exec();\r
153                 if (!check) {\r
154                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook Table update failed.");\r
155                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError().toString());\r
156                 }\r
157         }\r
158         // Load notebooks from the database\r
159         public List<Notebook> getAll() {\r
160                 Notebook tempNotebook;\r
161                 List<Notebook> index = new ArrayList<Notebook>();\r
162                 boolean check;\r
163                                         \r
164         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
165                                         \r
166                 check = query.exec("Select guid, sequence, name, defaultNotebook, " +\r
167                                 "serviceCreated, "+\r
168                                 "serviceUpdated, "+\r
169                                 "published, defaultNotebook from Notebook order by name");\r
170                 if (!check)\r
171                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
172                 while (query.next()) {\r
173                         tempNotebook = new Notebook();\r
174                         tempNotebook.setGuid(query.valueString(0));\r
175                         int sequence = new Integer(query.valueString(1)).intValue();\r
176                         tempNotebook.setUpdateSequenceNum(sequence);\r
177                         tempNotebook.setName(query.valueString(2));\r
178                         DateFormat indfm = null;\r
179                         try {\r
180                                 indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
181 //                              indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy");\r
182                         } catch (Exception e) { }\r
183                         try {\r
184                                 tempNotebook.setServiceCreated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(4)).getTime());\r
185                                 tempNotebook.setServiceUpdated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(5)).getTime());\r
186                         } catch (ParseException e) {\r
187                                 e.printStackTrace();\r
188                         }\r
189                         tempNotebook.setPublished(new Boolean(query.valueString(6)));\r
190                         tempNotebook.setDefaultNotebook(new Boolean(query.valueString(7)));\r
191                         index.add(tempNotebook); \r
192                 }       \r
193                 return index;\r
194         }       \r
195         public List<Notebook> getAllLocal() {\r
196                 Notebook tempNotebook;\r
197                 List<Notebook> index = new ArrayList<Notebook>();\r
198                 boolean check;\r
199 \r
200         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
201                                         \r
202                 check = query.exec("Select guid, sequence, name, defaultNotebook, " +\r
203                                 "serviceCreated, serviceUpdated, published from Notebook where local=true order by name");\r
204                 if (!check)\r
205                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
206                 while (query.next()) {\r
207                         tempNotebook = new Notebook();\r
208                         tempNotebook.setGuid(query.valueString(0));\r
209                         int sequence = new Integer(query.valueString(1)).intValue();\r
210                         tempNotebook.setUpdateSequenceNum(sequence);\r
211                         tempNotebook.setName(query.valueString(2));\r
212                         \r
213                         DateFormat indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
214 //                      indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy");\r
215                         try {\r
216                                 tempNotebook.setServiceCreated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(4)).getTime());\r
217                                 tempNotebook.setServiceUpdated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(5)).getTime());\r
218                         } catch (ParseException e) {\r
219                                 e.printStackTrace();\r
220                         }\r
221                         index.add(tempNotebook); \r
222                 }       \r
223                 return index;\r
224         }\r
225         // Archive or un-archive a notebook\r
226         public void setArchived(String guid, boolean val) {\r
227                 boolean check;                  \r
228         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());                                    \r
229                 check = query.prepare("Update notebook set archived=:archived where guid=:guid");\r
230                 if (!check)\r
231                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL archive update has failed.");\r
232                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
233                 query.bindValue(":archived", val);\r
234                 query.exec();\r
235         }\r
236         // Load non-archived notebooks from the database\r
237         public List<Notebook> getAllArchived() {\r
238                 Notebook tempNotebook;\r
239                 List<Notebook> index = new ArrayList<Notebook>();\r
240                 boolean check;\r
241                                                 \r
242         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
243                                         \r
244                 check = query.exec("Select guid, sequence, name, defaultNotebook, " +\r
245                                 "serviceCreated, serviceUpdated, published from Notebook where archived=true order by name");\r
246                 if (!check)\r
247                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
248                 while (query.next()) {\r
249                         tempNotebook = new Notebook();\r
250                         tempNotebook.setGuid(query.valueString(0));\r
251                         int sequence = new Integer(query.valueString(1)).intValue();\r
252                         tempNotebook.setUpdateSequenceNum(sequence);\r
253                         tempNotebook.setName(query.valueString(2));\r
254                         \r
255                         DateFormat indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
256 //                      indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy");\r
257                         try {\r
258                                 tempNotebook.setServiceCreated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(4)).getTime());\r
259                                 tempNotebook.setServiceUpdated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(5)).getTime());\r
260                         } catch (ParseException e) {\r
261                                 e.printStackTrace();\r
262                         }\r
263                         tempNotebook.setPublished(new Boolean(query.valueString(6)));\r
264                         index.add(tempNotebook); \r
265                 }       \r
266                 return index;\r
267         }       \r
268         // Check for a local/remote notebook\r
269         public boolean isNotebookLocal(String guid) {\r
270         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
271                 \r
272                 query.prepare("Select local from Notebook where guid=:guid");\r
273                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
274                 query.exec();\r
275                 if (!query.next()) {\r
276                         return false;\r
277                 }\r
278                 boolean returnValue = false;\r
279                 String returnVal = query.valueString(0);\r
280                 if (returnVal.equals("false"))\r
281                         returnValue = false;\r
282                 else\r
283                         returnValue = true;\r
284                 return returnValue;\r
285         }\r
286         // Update a notebook sequence number\r
287         public void updateNotebookSequence(String guid, int sequence) {\r
288                 boolean check;\r
289         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
290                 check = query.prepare("Update Notebook set sequence=:sequence where guid=:guid");\r
291                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
292                 query.bindValue(":sequence", sequence);\r
293                 query.exec();\r
294                 if (!check) {\r
295                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook sequence update failed.");\r
296                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());\r
297                 } \r
298         }\r
299         // Update a notebook GUID number\r
300         public void updateNotebookGuid(String oldGuid, String newGuid) {\r
301         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
302                 query.prepare("Update Notebook set guid=:newGuid where guid=:oldGuid");\r
303                 query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid);\r
304                 query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid);\r
305                 if (!query.exec()) {\r
306                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook guid update failed.");\r
307                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());\r
308                 } \r
309                 \r
310                 // Update any notes containing the notebook guid\r
311                 query.prepare("Update Note set notebookGuid=:newGuid where notebookGuid=:oldGuid");\r
312                 query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid);\r
313                 query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid);\r
314                 if (!query.exec()) {\r
315                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Notebook guid update for note failed.");\r
316                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());\r
317                 } \r
318                 \r
319                 // Update any watch folders with the new guid\r
320                 query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
321                 query.prepare("Update WatchFolders set notebook=:newGuid where notebook=:oldGuid");\r
322                 query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid);\r
323                 query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid);\r
324                 if (!query.exec()) {\r
325                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Update WatchFolder notebook failed.");\r
326                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError().toString());\r
327                 }               \r
328         }\r
329         // Get a list of notes that need to be updated\r
330         public List <Notebook> getDirty() {\r
331                 Notebook tempNotebook;\r
332                 List<Notebook> index = new ArrayList<Notebook>();\r
333                 boolean check;\r
334                                                 \r
335                 \r
336         NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
337                                         \r
338                 check = query.exec("Select guid, sequence, name, defaultNotebook, " +\r
339                                 "serviceCreated, serviceUpdated, published from Notebook where isDirty = true and local=false");\r
340                 if (!check) \r
341                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
342                 while (query.next()) {\r
343                         tempNotebook = new Notebook();\r
344                         tempNotebook.setGuid(query.valueString(0));\r
345                         int sequence = new Integer(query.valueString(1)).intValue();\r
346                         tempNotebook.setUpdateSequenceNum(sequence);\r
347                         tempNotebook.setName(query.valueString(2));\r
348                         \r
349                         DateFormat indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");\r
350 //                      indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy");\r
351                         try {\r
352                                 tempNotebook.setServiceCreated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(4)).getTime());\r
353                                 tempNotebook.setServiceUpdated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(5)).getTime());\r
354                         } catch (ParseException e) {\r
355                                 e.printStackTrace();\r
356                         }\r
357                         tempNotebook.setPublished(new Boolean(query.valueString(6)));\r
358                         index.add(tempNotebook); \r
359                 }       \r
360                 return index;   \r
361         }\r
362         // This is a convience method to check if a tag exists & update/create based upon it\r
363         public void syncNotebook(Notebook notebook, boolean isDirty) {\r
364                 if (!exists(notebook.getGuid())) {\r
365                         addNotebook(notebook, isDirty, isDirty);\r
366                         return;\r
367                 }\r
368                 updateNotebook(notebook, isDirty);\r
369         }\r
370         // does a record exist?\r
371         private boolean exists(String guid) {\r
372                 \r
373                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
374                 \r
375                 query.prepare("Select guid from notebook where guid=:guid");\r
376                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
377                 if (!query.exec())\r
378                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
379                 boolean retval = query.next();\r
380                 return retval;\r
381         }\r
382         // Reset the dirty flag.  Typically done after a sync.\r
383         public void  resetDirtyFlag(String guid) {\r
384                 \r
385                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
386                 \r
387                 query.prepare("Update notebook set isdirty='false' where guid=:guid");\r
388                 query.bindValue(":guid", guid);\r
389                 if (!query.exec())\r
390                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error resetting notebook dirty field.");\r
391         }\r
392         \r
393         \r
394         \r
395 \r
396         // does a record exist?\r
397         public String findNotebookByName(String newname) {\r
398                 \r
399                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
400                 \r
401                 query.prepare("Select guid from notebook where name=:newname");\r
402                 query.bindValue(":newname", newname);\r
403                 if (!query.exec())\r
404                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "notebook SQL retrieve has failed.");\r
405                 String val = null;\r
406                 if (query.next())\r
407                         val = query.valueString(0);\r
408                 return val;\r
409         }\r
410         // Get a note tag counts\r
411         public List<Pair<String,Integer>> getNotebookCounts() {\r
412                 List<Pair<String,Integer>> counts = new ArrayList<Pair<String,Integer>>();              \r
413                 NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());\r
414                 if (!query.exec("select notebookGuid, count(guid) from note where active=1 group by notebookguid;")) {\r
415                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteTags SQL getTagCounts has failed.");\r
416                         logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());\r
417                         return null;\r
418                 }\r
419                 while (query.next()) {\r
420                         Pair<String,Integer> newCount = new Pair<String,Integer>();\r
421                         newCount.setFirst(query.valueString(0));\r
422                         newCount.setSecond(query.valueInteger(1));\r
423                         counts.add(newCount);\r
424                 }       \r
425                 return counts;\r
426         }\r
427 \r
428 }\r
429 \r