OSDN Git Service

Remove some of the popup note edit options from the main menu. For some reason they...
[neighbornote/NeighborNote.git] / src / cx / fbn / nevernote / gui / ExternalBrowserMenuBar.java
1 /*\r
2  * This file is part of NixNote \r
3  * Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte\r
4  * \r
5  * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the\r
6  * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL'').\r
7  *\r
8  * Software distributed under the License is distributed\r
9  * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either\r
10  * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language\r
11  * governing rights and limitations.\r
12  *\r
13  * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this\r
14  * program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\r
15  * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\r
16  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.\r
17  *\r
18 */\r
19 package cx.fbn.nevernote.gui;\r
20 \r
21 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAction;\r
22 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenu;\r
23 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenuBar;\r
24 \r
25 import cx.fbn.nevernote.Global;\r
26 \r
27 public class ExternalBrowserMenuBar extends QMenuBar {\r
28 \r
29         private final ExternalBrowse            parent;\r
30         public QAction                  printAction;                            // Action when a user selects Print from the file menu\r
31         public QAction                  emailAction;                            // Action when a user selects "email"\r
32 \r
33         public QAction                  editFind;                                       // find text in the current note\r
34         public QAction                  editUndo;                                       // Undo last change\r
35         public QAction                  editRedo;                                       // Redo last change\r
36         public QAction                  editCut;                                        // Cut selected text\r
37         public QAction                  editPaste;                                      // Paste selected text\r
38         public QAction                  editPasteWithoutFormat;         // Paste selected text\r
39         public QAction                  editCopy;                                       // Copy selected text;\r
40                 \r
41         public QAction                  formatBold;                                     // Bold selected text\r
42         public QAction                  formatItalic;                           // Italics selected text\r
43         public QAction                  formatUnderline;                        // Underline selected text\r
44         public QAction                  formatStrikethrough;            // Strikethrough selected text\r
45         public QAction                  formatSuperscript;                      // Superscript selected text\r
46         public QAction                  formatSubscript;                        // Subscript selected text\r
47         public QAction                  formatNumberList;                       // insert a numbered list\r
48         public QAction                  formatBulletList;                       // insert a bulleted list;\r
49         public QAction                  alignLeftAction;                        // Left justify text\r
50         public QAction                  alignRightAction;                       // Right justify text\r
51         public QAction                  alignCenterAction;                      // Center text\r
52         public QAction                  horizontalLineAction;           // Insert a horizontal line\r
53         public QAction                  indentAction;                           // Indent\r
54         public QAction                  outdentAction;                          // outdent menu action\r
55         \r
56         public QAction                  spellCheckAction;                       // Spell checker\r
57         \r
58         \r
59         //**************************************************************************\r
60         //* External Browser Menu Bar.  \r
61         //* We don't actually show this, but we use it to setup shortcuts.\r
62         //**************************************************************************\r
63         \r
64         public QMenu                    fileMenu;                                       // File menu\r
65 \r
66         public QMenu                    editMenu;                                       // Edit menu\r
67 \r
68         private QMenu                   formatMenu;                                     // Text format menu\r
69         private QMenu                   listMenu;                                       // bullet or numbered list\r
70         private QMenu                   indentMenu;                                     // indent or outdent menu\r
71         private QMenu                   alignMenu;                                      // Left/Right/Center justify\r
72         \r
73         public ExternalBrowserMenuBar(ExternalBrowse p) {\r
74                 parent = p;\r
75                 \r
76                 \r
77                 printAction = new QAction(tr("Print"), this);\r
78                 printAction.setToolTip(tr("Print the current note"));\r
79                 printAction.triggered.connect(parent, "printNote()");\r
80                 setupShortcut(printAction, "File_Print");\r
81                 \r
82                 emailAction = new QAction(tr("Email"), this);\r
83                 emailAction.setToolTip(tr("Email the current note"));\r
84                 emailAction.triggered.connect(parent, "emailNote()");\r
85                 setupShortcut(emailAction, "File_Email");\r
86                 \r
87                 editFind = new QAction(tr("Find In Note"), this);\r
88                 editFind.setToolTip(tr("Find a string in the current note"));\r
89                 editFind.triggered.connect(parent, "findText()");\r
90                 setupShortcut(editFind, "Edit_Find_In_Note");\r
91                 //editFind.setShortcut("Ctrl+F");\r
92                 \r
93                 editUndo = new QAction(tr("Undo"), this);\r
94                 editUndo.setToolTip(tr("Undo"));\r
95                 editUndo.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "undoClicked()"); \r
96                 setupShortcut(editUndo, "Edit_Undo");\r
97                 //editUndo.setShortcut("Ctrl+Z");\r
98                 \r
99                 editRedo = new QAction(tr("Redo"), this);\r
100                 editRedo.setToolTip(tr("Redo"));\r
101                 editRedo.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "redoClicked()");\r
102                 setupShortcut(editRedo, "Edit_Redo");\r
103                 //editRedo.setShortcut("Ctrl+Y");\r
104         \r
105                 editCut = new QAction(tr("Cut"), this);\r
106                 editCut.setToolTip(tr("Cut"));\r
107                 editCut.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "cutClicked()");\r
108                 setupShortcut(editCut, "Edit_Cut");\r
109                 //editCut.setShortcut("Ctrl+X");\r
110                 \r
111                 editCopy = new QAction(tr("Copy"), this);\r
112                 editCopy.setToolTip(tr("Copy"));\r
113                 editCopy.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "copyClicked()");\r
114                 setupShortcut(editCopy, "Edit_Copy");\r
115                 //editCopy.setShortcut("Ctrl+C");\r
116                 \r
117                 editPaste = new QAction(tr("Paste"), this);\r
118                 editPaste.setToolTip(tr("Paste"));\r
119                 editPaste.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "pasteClicked()");\r
120                 setupShortcut(editPaste, "Edit_Paste");\r
121 \r
122                 editPasteWithoutFormat = new QAction(tr("Paste Without Formatting"), this);\r
123                 editPasteWithoutFormat.setToolTip(tr("Paste Without Formatting"));\r
124                 editPasteWithoutFormat.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "pasteWithoutFormattingClicked()");\r
125                 setupShortcut(editPasteWithoutFormat, "Edit_Paste_Without_Formatting");\r
126                 \r
127 \r
128                 alignLeftAction = new QAction(tr("Left"), this);\r
129                 alignLeftAction.setToolTip(tr("Left Align"));\r
130                 alignLeftAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "justifyLeftClicked()");\r
131                 setupShortcut(alignLeftAction, "Format_Alignment_Left");\r
132                 //alignLeftAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+L");\r
133                 \r
134                 alignRightAction = new QAction(tr("Right"), this);\r
135                 alignRightAction.setToolTip(tr("Right Align"));\r
136                 alignRightAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "justifyRightClicked()");\r
137                 setupShortcut(alignRightAction, "Format_Alignment_Right");\r
138                 //alignRightAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+R");\r
139                 \r
140                 alignCenterAction = new QAction(tr("Center"), this);\r
141                 alignCenterAction.setToolTip(tr("Center Align"));\r
142                 alignCenterAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "justifyCenterClicked()");\r
143                 setupShortcut(alignCenterAction, "Format_Alignment_Center");\r
144                 //alignCenterAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+C");\r
145                 \r
146                 formatBold = new QAction(tr("Bold"), this);\r
147                 formatBold.setToolTip(tr("Bold"));\r
148                 formatBold.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "boldClicked()");\r
149                 setupShortcut(formatBold, "Format_Bold");\r
150                 //formatBold.setShortcut("Ctrl+B");\r
151                 \r
152                 formatItalic = new QAction(tr("Italic"), this);\r
153                 formatItalic.setToolTip(tr("Italic"));\r
154                 formatItalic.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "italicClicked()");\r
155                 setupShortcut(formatItalic, "Format_Italic");\r
156                 //formatItalic.setShortcut("Ctrl+I");\r
157                 \r
158                 formatUnderline = new QAction(tr("Underline"), this);\r
159                 formatUnderline.setToolTip(tr("Underline"));\r
160                 formatUnderline.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "underlineClicked()");\r
161                 setupShortcut(formatUnderline, "Format_Underline");\r
162 //              formatUnderline.setShortcut("Ctrl+U");\r
163 \r
164                 \r
165                 formatSuperscript = new QAction(tr("Superscript"), this);\r
166                 formatSuperscript.setToolTip(tr("Superscript"));\r
167                 formatSuperscript.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "superscriptClicked()");\r
168                 setupShortcut(formatSuperscript, "Format_Superscript");\r
169 \r
170 \r
171                 formatSubscript = new QAction(tr("Subscript"), this);\r
172                 formatSubscript.setToolTip(tr("Subscript"));\r
173                 formatSubscript.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "subscriptClicked()");\r
174                 setupShortcut(formatSubscript, "Format_Subscript");\r
175 \r
176                 \r
177                 formatStrikethrough = new QAction(tr("Strikethrough"), this);\r
178                 formatStrikethrough.setToolTip(tr("Strikethrough"));\r
179                 formatStrikethrough.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "strikethroughClicked()");\r
180                 setupShortcut(formatStrikethrough, "Format_Strikethrough");\r
181 \r
182                 horizontalLineAction = new QAction(tr("Horizontal Line"), this);\r
183                 horizontalLineAction.setToolTip(tr("Horizontal Line"));\r
184                 horizontalLineAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "hlineClicked()");\r
185                 setupShortcut(horizontalLineAction, "Format_Horizontal_Line");\r
186                 \r
187                 formatBulletList = new QAction(tr("Bulleted List"), this);\r
188 //              formatBulletList.setText(tr("Numbered List"));\r
189                 formatBulletList.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "bulletListClicked()");\r
190                 setupShortcut(formatBulletList, "Format_List_Bullet");\r
191 //              formatBulletList.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+B");\r
192                 \r
193                 formatNumberList = new QAction(tr("Numbered List"), this);\r
194                 formatNumberList.setText(tr("Numbered list"));\r
195                 formatNumberList.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "numberListClicked()");\r
196                 setupShortcut(formatNumberList, "Format_List_Numbered");\r
197 //              formatNumberList.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+O");\r
198 \r
199                 indentAction = new QAction(tr(">> Increase"), this);\r
200                 indentAction.setText(tr(">> Increase"));\r
201                 indentAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "indentClicked()");\r
202                 setupShortcut(indentAction, "Format_Indent_Increase");\r
203                 //indentAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+M");\r
204 \r
205                 outdentAction = new QAction(tr("<< Decrease"), this);\r
206                 outdentAction.setText(tr("<< Decrease"));\r
207                 outdentAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "outdentClicked()");\r
208                 setupShortcut(outdentAction, "Format_Indent_Decrease");\r
209                 //outdentAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+M");\r
210                 \r
211                 \r
212                 spellCheckAction = new QAction(tr("Spell Check"), this);\r
213                 spellCheckAction.setToolTip(tr("Check for spelling errors"));\r
214                 spellCheckAction.triggered.connect(parent.getBrowserWindow(), "spellCheckClicked()");\r
215                 setupShortcut(spellCheckAction, "Tools_Spell_Check");\r
216                 \r
217                 setupMenuBar();\r
218         }\r
219         \r
220         public void setupMenuBar() {\r
221                 fileMenu = addMenu(tr("&File"));\r
222                 \r
223                 fileMenu.addSeparator();\r
224                 fileMenu.addAction(emailAction);\r
225                 fileMenu.addAction(printAction);\r
226                 fileMenu.addSeparator();\r
227 \r
228                 editMenu = addMenu(tr("&Edit"));\r
229                 editMenu.addAction(editFind);\r
230                 editMenu.addSeparator();\r
231                 editMenu.addAction(editUndo);\r
232                 editMenu.addAction(editRedo);\r
233                 editMenu.addSeparator();\r
234                 editMenu.addAction(editCut);\r
235                 editMenu.addAction(editCopy);\r
236                 editMenu.addAction(editPaste);\r
237                 editMenu.addAction(editPasteWithoutFormat);\r
238                 \r
239                 formatMenu = addMenu(tr("&Format"));\r
240                 formatMenu.addAction(formatBold);\r
241                 formatMenu.addAction(formatUnderline);\r
242                 formatMenu.addAction(formatItalic);\r
243                 formatMenu.addSeparator();\r
244                 formatMenu.addAction(formatStrikethrough);\r
245                 formatMenu.addAction(horizontalLineAction);\r
246                 formatMenu.addSeparator();\r
247                 formatMenu.addAction(formatSuperscript);\r
248                 formatMenu.addAction(formatSubscript);\r
249                 formatMenu.addSeparator();\r
250 \r
251                 alignMenu = formatMenu.addMenu(tr("Alignment"));\r
252                 alignMenu.addAction(alignLeftAction);\r
253                 alignMenu.addAction(alignCenterAction);\r
254                 alignMenu.addAction(alignRightAction);\r
255                 \r
256                 listMenu = formatMenu.addMenu(tr("Lists"));\r
257                 listMenu.addAction(formatBulletList);\r
258                 listMenu.addAction(formatNumberList);\r
259                 indentMenu = formatMenu.addMenu(tr("Indent"));\r
260                 indentMenu.addAction(indentAction);\r
261                 indentMenu.addAction(outdentAction);\r
262                 \r
263                 \r
264                 addMenu(fileMenu);\r
265                 addMenu(editMenu);\r
266                 addMenu(formatMenu);\r
267 \r
268         }\r
269         \r
270         private void setupShortcut(QAction action, String text) {\r
271                 if (!Global.shortcutKeys.containsAction(text))\r
272                         return;\r
273                 action.setShortcut(Global.shortcutKeys.getShortcut(text));\r
274         }\r
275 \r
276 }\r