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Add shared notebook editing & syncing logic.
[neighbornote/NeighborNote.git] / src / cx / fbn / nevernote / gui / BrowserWindow.java
1 /*\r
2  * This file is part of NeverNote \r
3  * Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte\r
4  * \r
5  * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the\r
6  * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL'').\r
7  *\r
8  * Software distributed under the License is distributed\r
9  * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either\r
10  * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language\r
11  * governing rights and limitations.\r
12  *\r
13  * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this\r
14  * program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\r
15  * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\r
16  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.\r
17  *\r
18  */\r
19 \r
20 package cx.fbn.nevernote.gui;\r
21 \r
22 import java.io.File;\r
23 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;\r
24 import java.io.IOException;\r
25 import java.net.FileNameMap;\r
26 import java.net.URI;\r
27 import java.net.URLConnection;\r
28 import java.security.MessageDigest;\r
29 import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;\r
30 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;\r
31 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
32 import java.util.Calendar;\r
33 import java.util.Collections;\r
34 import java.util.Date;\r
35 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;\r
36 import java.util.HashMap;\r
37 import java.util.List;\r
38 import java.util.Locale;\r
39 \r
40 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;\r
41 \r
42 import com.evernote.edam.limits.Constants;\r
43 import com.evernote.edam.type.Data;\r
44 import com.evernote.edam.type.Note;\r
45 import com.evernote.edam.type.Notebook;\r
46 import com.evernote.edam.type.Resource;\r
47 import com.evernote.edam.type.ResourceAttributes;\r
48 import com.evernote.edam.type.Tag;\r
49 import com.swabunga.spell.engine.Configuration;\r
50 import com.swabunga.spell.engine.SpellDictionary;\r
51 import com.swabunga.spell.engine.SpellDictionaryHashMap;\r
52 import com.swabunga.spell.engine.Word;\r
53 import com.swabunga.spell.event.SpellCheckEvent;\r
54 import com.swabunga.spell.event.SpellCheckListener;\r
55 import com.swabunga.spell.event.SpellChecker;\r
56 import com.swabunga.spell.event.StringWordTokenizer;\r
57 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QByteArray;\r
58 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QDataStream;\r
59 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QDateTime;\r
60 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QEvent;\r
61 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QEvent.Type;\r
62 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QFile;\r
63 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QFileSystemWatcher;\r
64 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QIODevice;\r
65 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QMimeData;\r
66 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextCodec;\r
67 import com.trolltech.qt.core.QUrl;\r
68 import com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt.Key;\r
69 import com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifier;\r
70 import com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers;\r
71 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAction;\r
72 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QApplication;\r
73 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCalendarWidget;\r
74 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QClipboard;\r
75 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QColor;\r
76 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QComboBox;\r
77 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDateEdit;\r
78 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDesktopServices;\r
79 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog;\r
80 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog.AcceptMode;\r
81 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog.FileMode;\r
82 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFontDatabase;\r
83 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFormLayout;\r
84 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGridLayout;\r
85 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QHBoxLayout;\r
86 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QIcon;\r
87 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage;\r
88 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QKeyEvent;\r
89 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QKeySequence;\r
90 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLabel;\r
91 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLineEdit;\r
92 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListWidgetItem;\r
93 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMatrix;\r
94 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMessageBox;\r
95 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPalette;\r
96 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPalette.ColorRole;\r
97 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPushButton;\r
98 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QShortcut;\r
99 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTimeEdit;\r
100 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QToolButton;\r
101 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QToolButton.ToolButtonPopupMode;\r
102 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QVBoxLayout;\r
103 import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWidget;\r
104 import com.trolltech.qt.network.QNetworkRequest;\r
105 import com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage;\r
106 import com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage.WebAction;\r
107 import com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings;\r
108 import com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebView;\r
109 \r
110 import cx.fbn.nevernote.Global;\r
111 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.EnCryptDialog;\r
112 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.EnDecryptDialog;\r
113 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.GeoDialog;\r
114 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.InsertLinkDialog;\r
115 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.SpellCheck;\r
116 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.TableDialog;\r
117 import cx.fbn.nevernote.dialog.TagAssign;\r
118 import cx.fbn.nevernote.evernote.EnCrypt;\r
119 import cx.fbn.nevernote.filters.FilterEditorTags;\r
120 import cx.fbn.nevernote.signals.NoteResourceSignal;\r
121 import cx.fbn.nevernote.signals.NoteSignal;\r
122 import cx.fbn.nevernote.sql.DatabaseConnection;\r
123 import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.ApplicationLogger;\r
124 import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.FileUtils;\r
125 import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.Pair;\r
126 \r
127 public class BrowserWindow extends QWidget {\r
128 \r
129         public final QLineEdit titleLabel;\r
130         private final QLineEdit urlText;\r
131         private final QLabel authorLabel;\r
132         private final QLineEdit authorText;\r
133         private final QComboBox geoBox;\r
134         public final TagLineEdit tagEdit;\r
135         public final QLabel tagLabel;\r
136         private final QPushButton urlLabel;\r
137         private final QLabel alteredLabel;\r
138         private final QDateEdit alteredDate;\r
139         private final QTimeEdit alteredTime;\r
140         private final QDateEdit createdDate;\r
141         private final QTimeEdit createdTime;\r
142         private final QLabel subjectLabel;\r
143         private final QDateEdit subjectDate;\r
144         private final QTimeEdit subjectTime;\r
145         public final QComboBox notebookBox;\r
146         private final QLabel notebookLabel;\r
147         private final QLabel createdLabel;\r
148         public final QComboBox fontSize;\r
149         public final QAction    fontSizeAction;\r
150         private boolean extendedOn;\r
151         public boolean buttonsVisible;\r
152         private final String iconPath = new String("classpath:cx/fbn/nevernote/icons/");\r
153         private final ContentView browser;\r
154         private List<Tag> allTags;\r
155         private List<String> currentTags;\r
156         public NoteSignal noteSignal;\r
157         private List<Notebook> notebookList;\r
158         private Note currentNote;\r
159         private String saveNoteTitle;\r
160         private String saveTagList;\r
161         private boolean insideList;\r
162 //      private String selectedText;\r
163         private final DatabaseConnection conn;\r
164         private final QCalendarWidget createdCalendarWidget;\r
165         private final QCalendarWidget alteredCalendarWidget;\r
166         private final QCalendarWidget subjectCalendarWidget;\r
167 \r
168         public final QPushButton undoButton;\r
169         public final QAction    undoAction;\r
170         public final QPushButton redoButton;\r
171         public final QAction    redoAction;\r
172         public final QPushButton cutButton;\r
173         public final QAction    cutAction;\r
174         public final QPushButton copyButton;\r
175         public final QAction    copyAction;\r
176         public final QPushButton pasteButton;\r
177         public final QAction    pasteAction;\r
178         public final QPushButton boldButton;\r
179         public final QAction    boldAction;\r
180         public final QPushButton underlineButton;\r
181         public final QAction    underlineAction;\r
182         public final QPushButton italicButton;\r
183         public final QAction    italicAction;\r
184         public final Signal0 focusLost;\r
185         public final NoteResourceSignal resourceSignal;\r
186 \r
187         public QPushButton rightAlignButton;\r
188         public final QAction    rightAlignAction;\r
189         public QPushButton leftAlignButton;\r
190         public final QAction    leftAlignAction;\r
191         public QPushButton centerAlignButton;\r
192         public final QAction    centerAlignAction;\r
193 \r
194         public final QPushButton strikethroughButton;\r
195         public final QAction    strikethroughAction;\r
196         public final QPushButton hlineButton;\r
197         public final QAction    hlineAction;\r
198         public final QPushButton indentButton;\r
199         public final QAction    indentAction;\r
200         public final QPushButton outdentButton;\r
201         public final QAction    outdentAction;\r
202         public final QPushButton bulletListButton;\r
203         public final QAction    bulletListAction;\r
204         public final QPushButton numberListButton;\r
205         public final QAction    numberListAction;\r
206         public final QPushButton spellCheckButton;\r
207         public final QAction    spellCheckAction;\r
208         public final QPushButton todoButton;\r
209         public final QAction    todoAction;\r
210 \r
211         public final QShortcut focusTitleShortcut;\r
212         public final QShortcut focusTagShortcut;\r
213         public final QShortcut focusNoteShortcut;\r
214         public final QShortcut focusUrlShortcut;\r
215         public final QShortcut focusAuthorShortcut;\r
216         \r
217         public EditorButtonBar buttonLayout;\r
218         public final QComboBox fontList;\r
219         public final QAction    fontListAction;\r
220         public final QToolButton fontColor;\r
221         public final QAction    fontColorAction;\r
222         private final ColorMenu fontColorMenu;\r
223         public final QToolButton fontHilight;\r
224         public final QAction    fontHilightAction;\r
225         private final ColorMenu fontHilightColorMenu;\r
226         public final QFileSystemWatcher fileWatcher;\r
227         public int cursorPosition;\r
228         private boolean forceTextPaste = false;\r
229         private String selectedFile;\r
230         private String currentHyperlink;\r
231         public boolean keepPDFNavigationHidden;\r
232         private final ApplicationLogger logger;\r
233         SpellDictionary dictionary;\r
234     SpellDictionary userDictionary;\r
235     SpellChecker spellChecker;\r
236     SuggestionListener spellListener;\r
237         private final HashMap<String,Integer> previewPageList; \r
238         \r
239         \r
240         public static class SuggestionListener implements SpellCheckListener {\r
241                 public boolean abortSpellCheck = false;\r
242                 public boolean errorsFound = false;\r
243                 private final SpellCheck                spellCheckDialog;\r
244                 \r
245                 \r
246                 private final BrowserWindow parent;\r
247                 public SuggestionListener(BrowserWindow parent, SpellChecker checker) {\r
248                         this.parent = parent;\r
249                         spellCheckDialog = new SpellCheck(checker);\r
250                 }\r
251                 public void spellingError(SpellCheckEvent event) {\r
252                         errorsFound = true;\r
253                         spellCheckDialog.setWord(event.getInvalidWord());\r
254 \r
255                     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")\r
256                         List<Word> suggestions = event.getSuggestions();\r
257                     spellCheckDialog.clearSuggestions();\r
258                     if (!suggestions.isEmpty()) {\r
259 //                     spellCheckDialog.setCurrentSuggestion(suggestions.get(0).getWord());\r
260                        for (int i=0; i<suggestions.size(); i++) {\r
261                           spellCheckDialog.addSuggestion(suggestions.get(i).getWord());\r
262                        }\r
263                        spellCheckDialog.setSelectedSuggestion(0);\r
264                     }\r
265                     spellCheckDialog.exec();\r
266                     if (spellCheckDialog.cancelPressed()) {\r
267                         abortSpellCheck = true;\r
268                         event.cancel();\r
269                         return;\r
270                     }\r
271                     if (spellCheckDialog.replacePressed()) {\r
272                         QClipboard clipboard = QApplication.clipboard();\r
273                         clipboard.setText(spellCheckDialog.getReplacementWord()); \r
274                         parent.pasteClicked();\r
275                     }\r
276                     event.cancel();\r
277                  }\r
278         }\r
279 \r
280         \r
281         \r
282         public BrowserWindow(DatabaseConnection c) {\r
283                 logger = new ApplicationLogger("browser.log");\r
284                 logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Setting up browser");\r
285                 \r
286                 fileWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher();\r
287 //              fileWatcher.fileChanged.connect(this, "fileChanged(String)");\r
288                 noteSignal = new NoteSignal();\r
289                 titleLabel = new QLineEdit();\r
290                 titleLabel.setMaxLength(Constants.EDAM_NOTE_TITLE_LEN_MAX);\r
291                 urlText = new QLineEdit();\r
292                 authorText = new QLineEdit();\r
293                 geoBox = new QComboBox();\r
294                 urlLabel = new QPushButton();\r
295                 urlLabel.clicked.connect(this, "sourceUrlClicked()");\r
296                 authorLabel = new QLabel();\r
297                 conn = c;\r
298                 \r
299                 focusLost = new Signal0();\r
300 \r
301                 tagEdit = new TagLineEdit(allTags);\r
302                 tagLabel = new QLabel("Tags:");\r
303                 tagEdit.focusLost.connect(this, "modifyTagsTyping()");\r
304 \r
305                 createdCalendarWidget = new QCalendarWidget();\r
306                 createdDate = new QDateEdit();\r
307                 createdDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
308                 createdDate.setCalendarPopup(true);\r
309                 createdDate.setCalendarWidget(createdCalendarWidget);\r
310                 createdTime = new QTimeEdit();\r
311                 createdDate.dateChanged.connect(this, "createdChanged()");\r
312                 createdTime.timeChanged.connect(this, "createdChanged()");\r
313 \r
314                 alteredCalendarWidget = new QCalendarWidget();\r
315                 alteredDate = new QDateEdit();\r
316                 alteredDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
317                 alteredDate.setCalendarPopup(true);\r
318                 alteredDate.setCalendarWidget(alteredCalendarWidget);\r
319                 alteredTime = new QTimeEdit();\r
320                 alteredLabel = new QLabel("Altered:");\r
321                 alteredDate.dateChanged.connect(this, "alteredChanged()");\r
322                 alteredTime.timeChanged.connect(this, "alteredChanged()");\r
323 \r
324                 subjectCalendarWidget = new QCalendarWidget();\r
325                 subjectDate = new QDateEdit();\r
326                 subjectDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
327                 subjectDate.setCalendarPopup(true);\r
328                 subjectDate.setCalendarWidget(subjectCalendarWidget);\r
329                 subjectTime = new QTimeEdit();\r
330                 subjectLabel = new QLabel(tr("Subject Date:"));\r
331                 subjectDate.dateChanged.connect(this, "subjectDateTimeChanged()");\r
332                 subjectTime.timeChanged.connect(this, "subjectDateTimeChanged()");\r
333                 authorText.textChanged.connect(this, "authorChanged()");\r
334                 urlText.textChanged.connect(this, "sourceUrlChanged()");\r
335 \r
336                 notebookBox = new QComboBox();\r
337                 notebookLabel = new QLabel(tr("Notebook"));\r
338                 createdLabel = new QLabel(tr("Created:"));\r
339                 // selectedText = new String();\r
340 \r
341                 urlLabel.setVisible(false);\r
342                 urlText.setVisible(false);\r
343                 authorLabel.setVisible(false);\r
344                 \r
345                 geoBox.setVisible(false);\r
346                 geoBox.addItem(new QIcon(iconPath+"globe.png"), "");\r
347                 geoBox.addItem(new String(tr("Set")));\r
348                 geoBox.addItem(new String(tr("Clear")));\r
349                 geoBox.addItem(new String(tr("View On Map")));\r
350                 geoBox.activated.connect(this, "geoBoxChanged()");\r
351                 \r
352                 authorText.setVisible(false);\r
353                 createdDate.setVisible(false);\r
354                 alteredLabel.setVisible(false);\r
355                 //notebookBox.setVisible(false);\r
356                 notebookLabel.setVisible(false);\r
357                 createdLabel.setVisible(false);\r
358                 createdTime.setVisible(false);\r
359                 alteredDate.setVisible(false);\r
360                 alteredTime.setVisible(false);\r
361                 subjectLabel.setVisible(false);\r
362                 subjectDate.setVisible(false);\r
363                 subjectTime.setVisible(false);\r
364                 extendedOn = false;\r
365                 buttonsVisible = true;\r
366                 setAcceptDrops(true);\r
367 \r
368                 browser = new ContentView(this);\r
369                 browser.page().setLinkDelegationPolicy(\r
370                                 QWebPage.LinkDelegationPolicy.DelegateAllLinks);\r
371                 browser.linkClicked.connect(this, "linkClicked(QUrl)");\r
372                 currentHyperlink = "";\r
373                 \r
374                 QVBoxLayout v = new QVBoxLayout();\r
375                 QFormLayout notebookLayout = new QFormLayout();\r
376                 QGridLayout dateLayout = new QGridLayout();\r
377                 titleLabel.setReadOnly(false);\r
378                 titleLabel.editingFinished.connect(this, "titleEdited()");\r
379                 browser.page().contentsChanged.connect(this, "contentChanged()");\r
380                 browser.page().selectionChanged.connect(this, "selectionChanged()");\r
381                 browser.page().mainFrame().javaScriptWindowObjectCleared.connect(this,\r
382                                 "exposeToJavascript()");\r
383 \r
384                 notebookBox.activated.connect(this, "notebookChanged()");\r
385                 resourceSignal = new NoteResourceSignal();\r
386                 \r
387                 QHBoxLayout tagLayout = new QHBoxLayout();\r
388                 v.addWidget(titleLabel, 0);\r
389                 notebookLayout.addRow(notebookLabel, notebookBox);\r
390                 tagLayout.addLayout(notebookLayout, 0);\r
391                 tagLayout.stretch(4);\r
392                 tagLayout.addWidget(tagLabel, 0);\r
393                 tagLayout.addWidget(tagEdit, 1);\r
394                 v.addLayout(tagLayout);\r
395 \r
396                 QHBoxLayout urlLayout = new QHBoxLayout();\r
397                 urlLayout.addWidget(urlLabel, 0);\r
398                 urlLayout.addWidget(urlText, 0);\r
399                 v.addLayout(urlLayout);\r
400 \r
401                 QHBoxLayout authorLayout = new QHBoxLayout();\r
402                 authorLayout.addWidget(authorLabel, 0);\r
403                 authorLayout.addWidget(authorText, 0);\r
404                 authorLayout.addWidget(geoBox);\r
405                 v.addLayout(authorLayout);\r
406 \r
407                 dateLayout.addWidget(createdLabel, 0, 0);\r
408                 dateLayout.addWidget(createdDate, 0, 1);\r
409                 dateLayout.addWidget(createdTime, 0, 2);\r
410                 dateLayout.setColumnStretch(9, 100);\r
411                 dateLayout.addWidget(alteredLabel, 0, 3);\r
412                 dateLayout.addWidget(alteredDate, 0, 4);\r
413                 dateLayout.addWidget(alteredTime, 0, 5);\r
414                 dateLayout.addWidget(subjectLabel, 0, 6);\r
415                 dateLayout.addWidget(subjectDate, 0, 7);\r
416                 dateLayout.addWidget(subjectTime, 0, 8);\r
417                 v.addLayout(dateLayout, 0);\r
418 \r
419                 undoButton = newEditorButton("undo", tr("Undo Change"));\r
420                 redoButton = newEditorButton("redo", tr("Redo Change"));\r
421                 cutButton = newEditorButton("cut", tr("Cut"));\r
422                 copyButton = newEditorButton("copy", tr("Copy"));\r
423                 pasteButton = newEditorButton("paste", tr("Paste"));\r
424                 boldButton = newEditorButton("bold", tr("Bold"));\r
425                 underlineButton = newEditorButton("underline", tr("Underline"));\r
426                 italicButton = newEditorButton("italic", tr("Italic"));\r
427 \r
428                 rightAlignButton = newEditorButton("justifyRight", tr("Right Align"));\r
429                 leftAlignButton = newEditorButton("justifyLeft", tr("Left Align"));\r
430                 centerAlignButton = newEditorButton("justifyCenter", tr("Center Align"));\r
431 \r
432                 strikethroughButton = newEditorButton("strikethrough", tr("Strikethrough"));\r
433                 hlineButton = newEditorButton("hline", tr("Insert Horizontal Line"));\r
434                 indentButton = newEditorButton("indent", tr("Shift Right"));\r
435                 outdentButton = newEditorButton("outdent", tr("Shift Left"));\r
436                 bulletListButton = newEditorButton("bulletList", tr("Bullet List"));\r
437                 numberListButton = newEditorButton("numberList", tr("Number List"));\r
438                 spellCheckButton = newEditorButton("spellCheck", tr("Spell Check"));\r
439                 todoButton = newEditorButton("todo", tr("To-do"));\r
440 \r
441                 \r
442                 buttonLayout = new EditorButtonBar();\r
443                 v.addWidget(buttonLayout);\r
444                 \r
445                 undoAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(undoButton);\r
446                 buttonLayout.toggleUndoVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleUndoVisible(Boolean)");\r
447                 redoAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(redoButton);\r
448                 buttonLayout.toggleRedoVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleRedoVisible(Boolean)");\r
449                 \r
450                 buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator());\r
451                 cutAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(cutButton);\r
452                 buttonLayout.toggleCutVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleCutVisible(Boolean)");\r
453                 copyAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(copyButton);\r
454                 buttonLayout.toggleCopyVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleCopyVisible(Boolean)");\r
455                 pasteAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(pasteButton);\r
456                 buttonLayout.togglePasteVisible.triggered.connect(this, "togglePasteVisible(Boolean)");\r
457 \r
458                 buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator());\r
459                 boldAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(boldButton);\r
460                 buttonLayout.toggleBoldVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleBoldVisible(Boolean)");\r
461                 italicAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(italicButton);\r
462                 buttonLayout.toggleItalicVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleItalicVisible(Boolean)");\r
463                 underlineAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(underlineButton);\r
464                 buttonLayout.toggleUnderlineVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleUnderlineVisible(Boolean)");\r
465                 strikethroughAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(strikethroughButton);\r
466                 buttonLayout.toggleStrikethroughVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleStrikethroughVisible(Boolean)");\r
467 \r
468                 \r
469                 buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator());\r
470                 leftAlignAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(leftAlignButton);\r
471                 buttonLayout.toggleLeftAlignVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleLeftAlignVisible(Boolean)");\r
472                 centerAlignAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(centerAlignButton);\r
473                 buttonLayout.toggleCenterAlignVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleCenterAlignVisible(Boolean)");\r
474                 rightAlignAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(rightAlignButton);\r
475                 buttonLayout.toggleRightAlignVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleRightAlignVisible(Boolean)");\r
476 \r
477                 buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator());\r
478                 hlineAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(hlineButton);\r
479                 buttonLayout.toggleHLineVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleHLineVisible(Boolean)");\r
480 \r
481                 indentAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(indentButton);\r
482                 buttonLayout.toggleIndentVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleIndentVisible(Boolean)");\r
483                 outdentAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(outdentButton);\r
484                 buttonLayout.toggleOutdentVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleOutdentVisible(Boolean)");\r
485                 bulletListAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(bulletListButton);\r
486                 buttonLayout.toggleBulletListVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleBulletListVisible(Boolean)");\r
487                 numberListAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(numberListButton);\r
488                 buttonLayout.toggleNumberListVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleNumberListVisible(Boolean)");\r
489 \r
490                 // Setup the font & font size combo boxes\r
491                 buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator());\r
492                 fontList = new QComboBox();\r
493                 fontSize = new QComboBox();\r
494                 fontList.setToolTip("Font");\r
495                 fontSize.setToolTip("Font Size");\r
496                 fontList.activated.connect(this, "fontChanged(String)");\r
497                 fontSize.activated.connect(this, "fontSizeChanged(String)");\r
498                 fontListAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(fontList);\r
499                 buttonLayout.toggleFontVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleFontListVisible(Boolean)");\r
500                 fontSizeAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(fontSize);\r
501                 buttonLayout.toggleFontSizeVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleFontSizeVisible(Boolean)");\r
502                 QFontDatabase fonts = new QFontDatabase();\r
503                 List<String> fontFamilies = fonts.families();\r
504                 for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.size(); i++) {\r
505                         fontList.addItem(fontFamilies.get(i));\r
506                         if (i == 0) {\r
507                                 loadFontSize(fontFamilies.get(i));\r
508                         }\r
509                 }\r
510 \r
511 //              buttonLayout.addWidget(newSeparator(), 0);\r
512                 fontColor = newToolButton("fontColor", tr("Font Color"));\r
513                 fontColorMenu = new ColorMenu(this);\r
514                 fontColor.setMenu(fontColorMenu.getMenu());\r
515                 fontColor.setPopupMode(ToolButtonPopupMode.MenuButtonPopup);\r
516                 fontColor.setAutoRaise(false);\r
517                 fontColorMenu.getMenu().triggered.connect(this, "fontColorClicked()");\r
518                 fontColorAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(fontColor);\r
519                 buttonLayout.toggleFontColorVisible.triggered.connect(this, "toggleFontColorVisible(Boolean)");\r
520                 fontHilight = newToolButton("fontHilight", tr("Font Hilight Color"));\r
521                 fontHilight.setPopupMode(ToolButtonPopupMode.MenuButtonPopup);\r
522                 fontHilight.setAutoRaise(false);\r
523                 fontHilightColorMenu = new ColorMenu(this);\r
524                 fontHilightColorMenu.setDefault(QColor.yellow);\r
525                 fontHilight.setMenu(fontHilightColorMenu.getMenu());\r
526                 fontHilightColorMenu.getMenu().triggered.connect(this, "fontHilightClicked()");\r
527                 fontHilightAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(fontHilight);\r
528                 fontHilightColorMenu.setDefault(QColor.yellow);\r
529                 buttonLayout.toggleFontHilight.triggered.connect(this, "toggleFontHilightVisible(Boolean)");\r
530                 \r
531                 spellCheckAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(spellCheckButton);\r
532                 buttonLayout.toggleNumberListVisible.triggered.connect(this, "spellCheckClicked()");\r
533                 buttonLayout.toggleSpellCheck.triggered.connect(this, "toggleSpellCheckVisible(Boolean)");\r
534                 \r
535                 todoAction = buttonLayout.addWidget(todoButton);\r
536                 buttonLayout.toggleNumberListVisible.triggered.connect(this, "todoClicked()");\r
537                 buttonLayout.toggleTodo.triggered.connect(this, "toggleTodoVisible(Boolean)");\r
538 \r
539 \r
540 //              buttonLayout.addWidget(new QLabel(), 1);\r
541                 v.addWidget(browser, 1);\r
542                 setLayout(v);\r
543 \r
544                 browser.downloadAttachmentRequested.connect(this,\r
545                                 "downloadAttachment(QNetworkRequest)");\r
546                 browser.downloadImageRequested.connect(this,\r
547                                 "downloadImage(QNetworkRequest)");\r
548                 setTabOrder(notebookBox, tagEdit);\r
549                 setTabOrder(tagEdit, browser);\r
550                 \r
551                 focusNoteShortcut = new QShortcut(this);\r
552                 setupShortcut(focusNoteShortcut, "Focus_Note");\r
553                 focusNoteShortcut.activated.connect(this, "focusNote()");\r
554                 focusTitleShortcut = new QShortcut(this);\r
555                 setupShortcut(focusTitleShortcut, "Focus_Title");\r
556                 focusTitleShortcut.activated.connect(this, "focusTitle()");\r
557                 focusTagShortcut = new QShortcut(this);\r
558                 setupShortcut(focusTagShortcut, "Focus_Tag");\r
559                 focusTagShortcut.activated.connect(this, "focusTag()");\r
560                 focusAuthorShortcut = new QShortcut(this);\r
561                 setupShortcut(focusAuthorShortcut, "Focus_Author");\r
562                 focusAuthorShortcut.activated.connect(this, "focusAuthor()");\r
563                 focusUrlShortcut = new QShortcut(this);\r
564                 setupShortcut(focusUrlShortcut, "Focus_Url");\r
565                 focusUrlShortcut.activated.connect(this, "focusUrl()");\r
566                 \r
567                 browser.page().mainFrame().setTextSizeMultiplier(Global.getTextSizeMultiplier());\r
568                 browser.page().mainFrame().setZoomFactor(Global.getZoomFactor());\r
569                 \r
570                 previewPageList = new HashMap<String,Integer>();\r
571                 \r
572                 browser.page().microFocusChanged.connect(this, "microFocusChanged()");\r
573                 \r
574                 //Setup colors\r
575                 \r
576                 QPalette pal = new QPalette();\r
577                 pal.setColor(ColorRole.Text, QColor.black);\r
578                 titleLabel.setPalette(pal);\r
579                 authorText.setPalette(pal);\r
580                 authorLabel.setPalette(pal);\r
581                 urlLabel.setPalette(pal);\r
582                 urlText.setPalette(pal);\r
583                 createdDate.setPalette(pal);\r
584                 createdTime.setPalette(pal);\r
585                 alteredDate.setPalette(pal);\r
586                 alteredTime.setPalette(pal);\r
587                 subjectDate.setPalette(pal);\r
588                 subjectTime.setPalette(pal);\r
589                 tagEdit.setPalette(pal);\r
590                 notebookBox.setPalette(pal);\r
591                 \r
592                 logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Browser setup complete");\r
593         }\r
594 \r
595         \r
596         \r
597         private void setupShortcut(QShortcut action, String text) {\r
598                 if (!Global.shortcutKeys.containsAction(text))\r
599                         return;\r
600                 action.setKey(new QKeySequence(Global.shortcutKeys.getShortcut(text)));\r
601         }\r
602         \r
603         \r
604 \r
605         \r
606         // Getter for the QWebView\r
607         public QWebView getBrowser() {\r
608                 return browser;\r
609         }\r
610 \r
611         // Block signals while loading data or things are flagged as dirty by\r
612         // mistake\r
613         public void loadingData(boolean val) {\r
614                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Entering BrowserWindow.loadingData() " +val);\r
615                 notebookBox.blockSignals(val);\r
616                 browser.page().blockSignals(val);\r
617                 browser.page().mainFrame().blockSignals(val);\r
618                 titleLabel.blockSignals(val);\r
619                 alteredDate.blockSignals(val);\r
620                 alteredTime.blockSignals(val);\r
621                 createdTime.blockSignals(val);\r
622                 createdDate.blockSignals(val);\r
623                 subjectDate.blockSignals(val);\r
624                 subjectTime.blockSignals(val);\r
625                 urlText.blockSignals(val);\r
626                 authorText.blockSignals(val);\r
627                 if (!val)\r
628                         exposeToJavascript();\r
629                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Exiting BrowserWindow.loadingData() " +val);\r
630         }\r
631 \r
632         // Enable/disable\r
633         public void setReadOnly(boolean v) {\r
634                 setEnabled(true);\r
635                 titleLabel.setEnabled(!v);\r
636                 notebookBox.setEnabled(!v);\r
637                 tagEdit.setEnabled(!v);\r
638                 authorLabel.setEnabled(!v);\r
639                 geoBox.setEnabled(!v);\r
640                 urlText.setEnabled(!v);\r
641                 createdDate.setEnabled(!v);\r
642                 subjectDate.setEnabled(!v);\r
643                 alteredDate.setEnabled(!v);\r
644                 authorText.setEnabled(!v);\r
645                 createdTime.setEnabled(!v);\r
646                 alteredTime.setEnabled(!v);\r
647                 subjectTime.setEnabled(!v);\r
648                 getBrowser().setEnabled(true);\r
649         }\r
650         \r
651         // expose this class to Javascript on the web page\r
652         private void exposeToJavascript() {\r
653                 browser.page().mainFrame().addToJavaScriptWindowObject("jambi", this);\r
654         }\r
655 \r
656         // Custom event queue\r
657         @Override\r
658         public boolean event(QEvent e) {\r
659                 if (e.type().equals(QEvent.Type.FocusOut)) {\r
660                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Focus lost");\r
661                         focusLost.emit();\r
662                 }\r
663                 return super.event(e);\r
664         }\r
665 \r
666         // clear out browser\r
667         public void clear() {\r
668                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Entering BrowserWindow.clear()");\r
669                 setNote(null);\r
670                 browser.setContent(new QByteArray());\r
671                 tagEdit.setText("");\r
672                 tagEdit.tagCompleter.reset();\r
673                 urlLabel.setText(tr("Source URL:"));\r
674                 titleLabel.setText("");\r
675                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Exiting BrowserWindow.clear()");\r
676         }\r
677 \r
678         // get/set current note\r
679         public void setNote(Note n) {\r
680                 currentNote = n;\r
681                 if (n == null)\r
682                         n = new Note();\r
683                 saveNoteTitle = n.getTitle();\r
684 \r
685         }\r
686 \r
687         public Note getNote() {\r
688                 return currentNote;\r
689         }\r
690 \r
691         // New Editor Button\r
692         private QPushButton newEditorButton(String name, String toolTip) {\r
693                 QPushButton button = new QPushButton();\r
694 //              QIcon icon = new QIcon(iconPath + name + ".gif");\r
695                 QIcon icon = new QIcon(iconPath + name + ".png");\r
696                 button.setIcon(icon);\r
697                 button.setToolTip(toolTip);\r
698                 button.clicked.connect(this, name + "Clicked()");\r
699                 return button;\r
700         }\r
701         // New Editor Button\r
702         private QToolButton newToolButton(String name, String toolTip) {\r
703                 QToolButton button = new QToolButton();\r
704 //              QIcon icon = new QIcon(iconPath + name + ".gif");\r
705                 QIcon icon = new QIcon(iconPath + name + ".png");\r
706                 button.setIcon(icon);\r
707                 button.setToolTip(toolTip);\r
708                 button.clicked.connect(this, name + "Clicked()");\r
709                 return button;\r
710         }\r
711 \r
712         // New Separator\r
713         private QLabel newSeparator() {\r
714                 return new QLabel("   ");\r
715         }\r
716 \r
717         // Set the title in the window\r
718         public void setTitle(String t) {\r
719                 titleLabel.setText(t);\r
720                 saveNoteTitle = t;\r
721                 checkNoteTitle();\r
722         }\r
723 \r
724         // Return the current text title\r
725         public String getTitle() {\r
726                 return titleLabel.text();\r
727         }\r
728 \r
729         // Set the tag name string\r
730         public void setTag(String t) {\r
731                 saveTagList = t;\r
732                 tagEdit.setText(t);\r
733                 tagEdit.tagCompleter.reset();\r
734         }\r
735 \r
736         // Set the source URL\r
737         public void setUrl(String t) {\r
738                 urlLabel.setText(tr("Source URL:\t"));\r
739                 urlText.setText(t);\r
740         }\r
741 \r
742         // The user want's to launch a web browser on the source of the URL\r
743         public void sourceUrlClicked() {\r
744                 // Make sure we have a valid URL\r
745                 if (urlText.text().trim().equals(""))\r
746                         return;\r
747                 \r
748                 String url = urlText.text();\r
749                 if (!url.toLowerCase().startsWith(tr("http://")))\r
750                         url = tr("http://") +url;\r
751                 \r
752         if (!QDesktopServices.openUrl(new QUrl(url))) {\r
753                 logger.log(logger.LOW, "Error opening file :" +url);\r
754         }\r
755         }\r
756         \r
757         public void setAuthor(String t) {\r
758                 authorLabel.setText(tr("Author:\t"));\r
759                 authorText.setText(t);\r
760         }\r
761 \r
762         // Set the creation date\r
763         public void setCreation(long date) {\r
764                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
765                 dt.setTime_t((int) (date / 1000));\r
766                 createdDate.setDateTime(dt);\r
767                 createdTime.setDateTime(dt);\r
768                 createdDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
769                 createdTime.setDisplayFormat(Global.getTimeFormat());\r
770         }\r
771 \r
772         // Set the creation date\r
773         public void setAltered(long date) {\r
774                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
775                 dt.setTime_t((int) (date / 1000));\r
776                 alteredDate.setDateTime(dt);\r
777                 alteredTime.setDateTime(dt);\r
778                 alteredDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
779                 alteredTime.setDisplayFormat(Global.getTimeFormat());\r
780         }\r
781 \r
782         // Set the subject date\r
783         public void setSubjectDate(long date) {\r
784                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
785                 dt.setTime_t((int) (date / 1000));\r
786                 subjectDate.setDateTime(dt);\r
787                 subjectTime.setDateTime(dt);\r
788                 subjectDate.setDisplayFormat(Global.getDateFormat());\r
789                 subjectTime.setDisplayFormat(Global.getTimeFormat());\r
790         }\r
791 \r
792         // Toggle the extended attribute information\r
793         public void toggleInformation() {\r
794                 if (extendedOn) {\r
795                         extendedOn = false;\r
796                 } else {\r
797                         extendedOn = true;\r
798                 }\r
799                 urlLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
800                 urlText.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
801                 authorText.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
802                 geoBox.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
803                 authorLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
804                 createdDate.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
805                 createdTime.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
806                 createdLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
807                 alteredLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
808                 alteredDate.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
809                 alteredTime.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
810                 //notebookBox.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
811                 notebookLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
812                 subjectLabel.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
813                 subjectDate.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
814                 subjectTime.setVisible(extendedOn);\r
815         }\r
816 \r
817         public void hideButtons() {\r
818 \r
819                 undoButton.parentWidget().setVisible(false);\r
820                 buttonsVisible = false;\r
821         }\r
822 \r
823 \r
824         // Is the extended view on?\r
825         public boolean isExtended() {\r
826                 return extendedOn;\r
827         }\r
828 \r
829         // Listener for when a link is clicked\r
830         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
831         private void openFile() {\r
832                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Starting openFile()");\r
833                 File fileHandle = new File(selectedFile);\r
834                 URI fileURL = fileHandle.toURI();\r
835                 String localURL = fileURL.toString();\r
836                 QUrl url = new QUrl(localURL);\r
837                 QFile file = new QFile(selectedFile);\r
838                 \r
839                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Adding to fileWatcher:"+file.fileName());\r
840                 fileWatcher.addPath(file.fileName());\r
841         \r
842         if (!QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)) {\r
843                 logger.log(logger.LOW, "Error opening file :" +url);\r
844         }\r
845         }\r
846         \r
847         \r
848         // Listener for when a link is clicked\r
849         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
850         private void linkClicked(QUrl url) {\r
851                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "URL Clicked: " +url.toString());\r
852                 if (url.toString().substring(0,8).equals("nnres://")) {\r
853                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "URL is NN resource");\r
854                         if (url.toString().endsWith("/vnd.evernote.ink")) {\r
855                                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Unable to open ink note");\r
856                                 QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Unable Open"), tr("This is an ink note.\n"+\r
857                                         "Ink notes are not supported since Evernote has not\n published any specifications on them\n" +\r
858                                         "and I'm too lazy to figure them out by myself."));\r
859                                 return;\r
860                         }\r
861                         String fullName = url.toString().substring(8);\r
862                         int index = fullName.indexOf(".");\r
863                         String guid = "";\r
864                         String type = "";\r
865                         if (index >-1) {\r
866                                 type = fullName.substring(index+1);\r
867                                 guid = fullName.substring(0,index);\r
868                         }\r
869                         index = guid.indexOf(Global.attachmentNameDelimeter);\r
870                         if (index > -1) {\r
871                                 guid = guid.substring(0,index);\r
872                         }\r
873                         List<Resource> resList = currentNote.getResources();\r
874                         Resource res = null;\r
875                         for (int i=0; i<resList.size(); i++) {\r
876                                 if (resList.get(i).getGuid().equals(guid)) {\r
877                                         res = resList.get(i);\r
878                                         i=resList.size();\r
879                                 }\r
880                         }\r
881                         if (res == null) {\r
882                                 String resGuid = Global.resourceMap.get(guid);\r
883                                 if (resGuid != null) \r
884                                         res = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(resGuid, true);\r
885                         }\r
886                         if (res != null) {\r
887                                 String fileName;\r
888                                 if (res.getAttributes() != null && \r
889                                                 res.getAttributes().getFileName() != null && \r
890                                                 !res.getAttributes().getFileName().trim().equals(""))\r
891                                         fileName = res.getGuid()+Global.attachmentNameDelimeter+res.getAttributes().getFileName();\r
892                                 else\r
893                                         fileName = res.getGuid()+"."+type;\r
894                                 QFile file = new QFile(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(fileName));\r
895                         QFile.OpenMode mode = new QFile.OpenMode();\r
896                         mode.set(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
897                         boolean openResult = file.open(mode);\r
898                                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "File opened:" +openResult);\r
899                         QDataStream out = new QDataStream(file);\r
900                         Resource resBinary = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(res.getGuid(), true);\r
901                                 QByteArray binData = new QByteArray(resBinary.getData().getBody());\r
902                                 resBinary = null;\r
903                                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Writing resource");\r
904                         out.writeBytes(binData.toByteArray());\r
905                         file.close();\r
906                                 \r
907                         String whichOS = System.getProperty("os.name");\r
908                                 if (whichOS.contains("Windows")) \r
909                                 url.setUrl("file:///"+file.fileName());\r
910                         else\r
911                                 url.setUrl("file://"+file.fileName());\r
912                  //       fileWatcher.removePath(file.fileName());\r
913                                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Adding file watcher " +file.fileName());\r
914                                 fileWatcher.addPath(file.fileName());\r
915                         \r
916                         // If we can't open it, then prompt the user to save it.\r
917                         if (!QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)) {\r
918                                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "We can't handle this.  Where do we put it?");\r
919                                 QFileDialog dialog = new QFileDialog();\r
920                                 dialog.show();\r
921                                 if (dialog.exec()!=0) {\r
922                                         List<String> fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); //gets all selected filenames\r
923                                         if (fileNames.size() == 0) \r
924                                                 return;\r
925                                         String sf = fileNames.get(0);\r
926                                         QFile saveFile = new QFile(sf);\r
927                                         mode.set(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
928                                         saveFile.open(mode);\r
929                                         QDataStream saveOut = new QDataStream(saveFile);\r
930                                         saveOut.writeBytes(binData.toByteArray());\r
931                                         saveFile.close();\r
932                                         return;\r
933                                 }\r
934                                 }\r
935                         }\r
936                         return;\r
937                 }\r
938                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Launching URL");\r
939                 QDesktopServices.openUrl(url);\r
940         }\r
941 \r
942         // Listener for when BOLD is clicked\r
943         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
944         private void undoClicked() {\r
945                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Undo);\r
946                 browser.setFocus();\r
947         }\r
948 \r
949         // Listener for when BOLD is clicked\r
950         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
951         private void redoClicked() {\r
952                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Redo);\r
953                 browser.setFocus();\r
954         }\r
955 \r
956         // Listener for when BOLD is clicked\r
957         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
958         private void boldClicked() {\r
959                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.ToggleBold);\r
960                 microFocusChanged();\r
961                 browser.setFocus();\r
962         }\r
963 \r
964         // Listener for when Italics is clicked\r
965         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
966         private void italicClicked() {\r
967                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.ToggleItalic);\r
968                 microFocusChanged();\r
969                 browser.setFocus();\r
970         }\r
971 \r
972         // Listener for when UNDERLINE is clicked\r
973         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
974         private void underlineClicked() {\r
975                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.ToggleUnderline);\r
976                 microFocusChanged();\r
977                 browser.setFocus();\r
978         }\r
979 \r
980         // Listener for when Strikethrough is clicked\r
981         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
982         private void strikethroughClicked() {\r
983                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
984                                 "document.execCommand('strikeThrough', false, '');");\r
985                 browser.setFocus();\r
986         }\r
987 \r
988         // Listener for when cut is clicked\r
989         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
990         private void cutClicked() {\r
991                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Cut);\r
992                 browser.setFocus();\r
993         }\r
994 \r
995         // Listener when COPY is clicked\r
996         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
997         private void copyClicked() {\r
998                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Copy);\r
999                 browser.setFocus();\r
1000         }\r
1001 \r
1002         // Listener when PASTE is clicked\r
1003         public void pasteClicked() {\r
1004                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Paste Clicked");\r
1005                 if (forceTextPaste) {\r
1006                         pasteWithoutFormattingClicked();\r
1007                         return;\r
1008                 }\r
1009                 QClipboard clipboard = QApplication.clipboard();\r
1010                 QMimeData mime = clipboard.mimeData();\r
1011                 \r
1012 //               String x = mime.html();\r
1013 \r
1014                 if (mime.hasImage()) {\r
1015                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Image paste found");\r
1016                         browser.setFocus();\r
1017                         insertImage(mime);\r
1018                         browser.setFocus();\r
1019                         return;\r
1020                 }\r
1021 \r
1022                 if (mime.hasUrls()) {\r
1023                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "URL paste found");\r
1024                         handleUrls(mime);\r
1025                         browser.setFocus();\r
1026                         return;\r
1027                 }\r
1028                 \r
1029                 String text = mime.html();\r
1030                 if (text.contains("en-tag") && mime.hasHtml()) {\r
1031                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Intra-note paste found");\r
1032                         text = fixInternotePaste(text);\r
1033                         mime.setHtml(text);\r
1034                         clipboard.setMimeData(mime);\r
1035                 }\r
1036 \r
1037                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Final paste choice encountered");\r
1038                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Paste);\r
1039                 browser.setFocus();\r
1040 \r
1041         }\r
1042 \r
1043         // Paste text without formatting\r
1044         private void pasteWithoutFormattingClicked() {\r
1045                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Paste without format clipped");\r
1046                 QClipboard clipboard = QApplication.clipboard();\r
1047                 QMimeData mime = clipboard.mimeData();\r
1048                 if (!mime.hasText())\r
1049                         return;\r
1050                 String text = mime.text();\r
1051                 clipboard.setText(text);\r
1052                 browser.page().triggerAction(WebAction.Paste);\r
1053                 QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(mime);\r
1054                 browser.setFocus();\r
1055 \r
1056         }\r
1057         \r
1058         // insert date/time\r
1059         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1060         private void insertDateTime() {\r
1061                 String fmt = Global.getDateFormat() + " " + Global.getTimeFormat();\r
1062                 String dateTimeFormat = new String(fmt);\r
1063                 SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat);\r
1064                 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();\r
1065                 \r
1066                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1067                         "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '"+simple.format(cal.getTime())+"');");\r
1068                 \r
1069                 browser.setFocus();\r
1070 \r
1071         }\r
1072 \r
1073         // Listener when Left is clicked\r
1074         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1075         private void justifyLeftClicked() {\r
1076                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1077                                 "document.execCommand('JustifyLeft', false, '');");\r
1078                 browser.setFocus();\r
1079         }\r
1080 \r
1081         // Listener when Center is clicked\r
1082         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1083         private void justifyCenterClicked() {\r
1084                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1085                                 "document.execCommand('JustifyCenter', false, '');");\r
1086                 browser.setFocus();\r
1087         }\r
1088 \r
1089         // Listener when Left is clicked\r
1090         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1091         private void justifyRightClicked() {\r
1092                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1093                                 "document.execCommand('JustifyRight', false, '');");\r
1094                 browser.setFocus();\r
1095         }\r
1096 \r
1097         // Listener when HLINE is clicked\r
1098         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1099         private void hlineClicked() {\r
1100                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1101                                 "document.execCommand('insertHorizontalRule', false, '');");\r
1102                 browser.setFocus();\r
1103         }\r
1104 \r
1105         // Listener when outdent is clicked\r
1106         private void outdentClicked() {\r
1107                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1108                                 "document.execCommand('outdent', false, '');");\r
1109                 browser.setFocus();\r
1110         }\r
1111 \r
1112         // Listener when a bullet list is clicked\r
1113         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1114         private void bulletListClicked() {\r
1115                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1116                                 "document.execCommand('InsertUnorderedList', false, '');");\r
1117                 browser.setFocus();\r
1118         }\r
1119 \r
1120         // Listener when a bullet list is clicked\r
1121         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1122         private void numberListClicked() {\r
1123                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1124                                 "document.execCommand('InsertOrderedList', false, '');");\r
1125                 browser.setFocus();\r
1126         }\r
1127 \r
1128         // Listener when indent is clicked\r
1129         private void indentClicked() {\r
1130                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1131                                 "document.execCommand('indent', false, '');");\r
1132                 browser.setFocus();\r
1133         }\r
1134 \r
1135         // Listener when the font name is changed\r
1136         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1137         private void fontChanged(String font) {\r
1138                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1139                                 "document.execCommand('fontName',false,'" + font + "');");\r
1140                 browser.setFocus();\r
1141         }\r
1142 \r
1143         // Listener when a font size is changed\r
1144         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1145         private void fontSizeChanged(String font) {\r
1146                 String text = browser.selectedText();\r
1147                 if (text.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))\r
1148                         return;\r
1149 \r
1150                 String selectedText = browser.selectedText();\r
1151                 String url = "<span style=\"font-size:" +font +"pt; \">"+selectedText +"</a>";\r
1152                 String script = "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '"+url+"');";\r
1153                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(script);\r
1154 /*              browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1155                                 "document.execCommand('fontSize',false,'"\r
1156                                                 + font + "');");\r
1157 */\r
1158                 browser.setFocus();\r
1159         }\r
1160 \r
1161         // Load the font combo box based upon the font selected\r
1162         private void loadFontSize(String name) {        \r
1163                 QFontDatabase db = new QFontDatabase(); \r
1164                 fontSize.clear();\r
1165                 List<Integer> points = db.pointSizes(name); \r
1166                 for (int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) { \r
1167                         fontSize.addItem(points.get(i).toString()); \r
1168                 }\r
1169                 /*\r
1170                 fontSize.addItem("x-small");\r
1171                 fontSize.addItem("small");\r
1172                 fontSize.addItem("medium");\r
1173                 fontSize.addItem("large");\r
1174                 fontSize.addItem("x-large");\r
1175                 fontSize.addItem("xx-large");\r
1176                 fontSize.addItem("xxx-large");\r
1177                 */\r
1178         }\r
1179 \r
1180         // Listener when a font size is changed\r
1181         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1182         private void fontColorClicked() {\r
1183 //              QColorDialog dialog = new QColorDialog();\r
1184 //              QColor color = QColorDialog.getColor();\r
1185                 QColor color = fontColorMenu.getColor();\r
1186                 if (color.isValid())\r
1187                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1188                                         "document.execCommand('foreColor',false,'" + color.name()\r
1189                                                         + "');");\r
1190                 browser.setFocus();\r
1191         }\r
1192 \r
1193         // Listener for when a background color change is requested\r
1194         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1195         private void fontHilightClicked() {\r
1196 //              QColorDialog dialog = new QColorDialog();\r
1197 //              QColor color = QColorDialog.getColor();\r
1198                 QColor color = fontHilightColorMenu.getColor();\r
1199                 if (color.isValid())\r
1200                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1201                                         "document.execCommand('backColor',false,'" + color.name()\r
1202                                                         + "');");\r
1203                 browser.setFocus();\r
1204         }\r
1205         \r
1206         // Listener for when a background color change is requested\r
1207         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1208         private void superscriptClicked() {\r
1209                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1210                                         "document.execCommand('superscript');");\r
1211                 browser.setFocus();\r
1212         }\r
1213         \r
1214         // Listener for when a background color change is requested\r
1215         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1216         private void subscriptClicked() {\r
1217                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1218                                         "document.execCommand('subscript');");\r
1219                 browser.setFocus();\r
1220         }\r
1221         // Insert a to-do checkbox\r
1222         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1223         private void todoClicked() {\r
1224                 FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();\r
1225                 String script_start = new String(\r
1226                                 "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '");\r
1227                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1228                 String todo = new String(\r
1229                                 "<input TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" value=\"false\" onClick=\"value=checked; window.jambi.contentChanged(); \" />");\r
1230                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1231                                 script_start + todo + script_end);\r
1232                 browser.setFocus();\r
1233         }\r
1234 \r
1235         // Encrypt the selected text\r
1236         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1237         private void encryptText() {\r
1238                 String text = browser.selectedText();\r
1239                 if (text.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))\r
1240                         return;\r
1241                 text = new String(text.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"));\r
1242 \r
1243                 EnCryptDialog dialog = new EnCryptDialog();\r
1244                 dialog.exec();\r
1245                 if (!dialog.okPressed()) {\r
1246                         return;\r
1247                 }\r
1248 \r
1249                 EnCrypt crypt = new EnCrypt();\r
1250                 String encrypted = crypt.encrypt(text, dialog.getPassword().trim(), 64);\r
1251                 String decrypted = crypt.decrypt(encrypted, dialog.getPassword().trim(), 64);\r
1252 \r
1253                 if (encrypted.trim().equals("")) {\r
1254                         QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Error"), tr("Error Encrypting String"));\r
1255                         return;\r
1256                 }\r
1257                 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(encrypted.length() + 100);\r
1258                 buffer.append("<img en-tag=\"en-crypt\" cipher=\"RC2\" hint=\""\r
1259                                 + dialog.getHint().replace("'","\\'") + "\" length=\"64\" ");\r
1260                 buffer.append("contentEditable=\"false\" alt=\"");\r
1261                 buffer.append(encrypted);\r
1262                 buffer.append("\" src=\"").append(FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(Global.getFileManager().getImageDirPath("encrypt.png") +"\""));\r
1263                 Global.cryptCounter++;\r
1264                 buffer.append(" id=\"crypt"+Global.cryptCounter.toString() +"\"");\r
1265                 buffer.append(" onMouseOver=\"style.cursor=\\'hand\\'\"");\r
1266                 buffer.append(" onClick=\"window.jambi.decryptText(\\'crypt"+Global.cryptCounter.toString() \r
1267                                 +"\\', \\'"+encrypted+"\\', \\'"+dialog.getHint().replace("'", "\\&amp;apos;")+"\\');\"");\r
1268                 buffer.append("style=\"display:block\" />");\r
1269 \r
1270                 String script_start = new String(\r
1271                                 "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '");\r
1272                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1273                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1274                                 script_start + buffer.toString() + script_end);\r
1275         }\r
1276 \r
1277         \r
1278         // Insert a hyperlink\r
1279         public void insertLink() {\r
1280                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Inserting link");\r
1281                 String text = browser.selectedText();\r
1282                 if (text.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))\r
1283                         return;\r
1284 \r
1285                 InsertLinkDialog dialog = new InsertLinkDialog();\r
1286                 if (currentHyperlink != null && currentHyperlink != "") {\r
1287                         dialog.setUrl(currentHyperlink);\r
1288                 }\r
1289                 dialog.exec();\r
1290                 if (!dialog.okPressed()) {\r
1291                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Insert link canceled");\r
1292                         return;\r
1293                 }\r
1294                 if (browser.insertLinkAction.text().equalsIgnoreCase("Insert Hyperlink")) {\r
1295                         String selectedText = browser.selectedText();\r
1296                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Inserting link on text "+selectedText);\r
1297                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "URL Link " +dialog.getUrl().trim());\r
1298                         String dUrl = StringUtils.replace(dialog.getUrl().trim(), "'", "\\'");\r
1299                         String url = "<a href=\"" +dUrl\r
1300                                         +"\" title=" +dUrl \r
1301                                         +" >"+selectedText +"</a>";\r
1302                         String script = "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '"+url+"');";\r
1303                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(script);\r
1304                         return;\r
1305                 } else {\r
1306                         String js = new String( "function getCursorPos() {"\r
1307                                         +"var cursorPos;"\r
1308                                         +"if (window.getSelection) {"\r
1309                                         +"   var selObj = window.getSelection();"\r
1310                                         +"   var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);"\r
1311                                         +"   var workingNode = window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode;"\r
1312                                         +"   while(workingNode != null) { " \r
1313                                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()=='a') workingNode.setAttribute('href','" +dialog.getUrl() +"');"\r
1314                                         +"      workingNode = workingNode.parentNode;"\r
1315                                         +"   }"\r
1316                                         +"}"\r
1317                                         +"} getCursorPos();");\r
1318                                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
1319                                 contentChanged();\r
1320                 }\r
1321                 \r
1322         }\r
1323         \r
1324         // Insert a table\r
1325         public void insertTable() {\r
1326                 TableDialog dialog = new TableDialog();\r
1327                 dialog.exec();\r
1328                 if (!dialog.okPressed()) {\r
1329                         return;\r
1330                 }\r
1331                 \r
1332                 int cols = dialog.getCols();\r
1333                 int rows = dialog.getRows();\r
1334                 int width = dialog.getWidth();\r
1335                 boolean percent = dialog.isPercent();\r
1336                 \r
1337                 String newHTML = "<table border=\"1\" width=\"" +new Integer(width).toString();\r
1338                 if (percent)\r
1339                         newHTML = newHTML +"%";\r
1340                 newHTML = newHTML + "\"><tbody>";\r
1341 \r
1342                 for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {\r
1343                         newHTML = newHTML +"<tr>";\r
1344                         for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {\r
1345                                 newHTML = newHTML +"<td>&nbsp;</td>";\r
1346                         }\r
1347                         newHTML = newHTML +"</tr>";\r
1348                 }\r
1349                 newHTML = newHTML+"</tbody></table>";   \r
1350         \r
1351                 String script = "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '"+newHTML+"');";\r
1352                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(script);\r
1353         }\r
1354         \r
1355         \r
1356         // Text content changed\r
1357         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1358         private void selectionChanged() {\r
1359                 browser.encryptAction.setEnabled(true);\r
1360                 browser.insertLinkAction.setEnabled(true);\r
1361                 String scriptStart = "var selection_text = (window.getSelection()).toString();"\r
1362                                 + "var range = (window.getSelection()).getRangeAt(0);"\r
1363                                 + "var parent_html = range.commonAncestorContainer.innerHTML;"\r
1364                                 + "if (parent_html == undefined) {window.jambi.saveSelectedText(selection_text); return;}"\r
1365                                 + "var first_text = range.startContainer.nodeValue.substr(range.startOffset);"\r
1366                                 + "var last_text = (range.endContainer.nodeValue).substring(0,range.endOffset);"\r
1367                                 + "var start = parent_html.indexOf(first_text);"\r
1368                                 + "var end = parent_html.indexOf(last_text,start+1)+last_text.length;"\r
1369                                 + "var value = parent_html.substring(start,end);"\r
1370                                 + "window.jambi.saveSelectedText(value);" ;\r
1371                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(scriptStart);\r
1372 \r
1373         }\r
1374 \r
1375         public void saveSelectedText(String text) {\r
1376                 boolean enabled = true;\r
1377                 if (text.trim().length() == 0)\r
1378                         enabled=false;\r
1379                 if (text.indexOf("en-tag=\"en-crypt\"") >= 0)\r
1380                         enabled=false;\r
1381                 if (text.indexOf("<img en-tag=\"en-media\"") >= 0)\r
1382                         enabled=false;\r
1383                 if (text.indexOf("<a en-tag=\"en-media\"") >= 0)\r
1384                         enabled=false;\r
1385                 if (text.indexOf("<input ") >= 0)\r
1386                         enabled=false;\r
1387                 \r
1388                 browser.encryptAction.setEnabled(enabled);\r
1389                 browser.insertLinkAction.setEnabled(enabled);\r
1390 //              selectedText = text;\r
1391         }\r
1392 \r
1393         // Decrypt clicked text\r
1394         public void decryptText(String id, String text, String hint) {\r
1395                 EnCrypt crypt = new EnCrypt();\r
1396                 String plainText = null;\r
1397                 Calendar currentTime = new GregorianCalendar();\r
1398                 Long l = new Long(currentTime.getTimeInMillis());\r
1399                 String slot = new String(Long.toString(l));\r
1400                 \r
1401                 // First, try to decrypt with any keys we already have\r
1402                 for (int i=0; i<Global.passwordRemember.size(); i++) {\r
1403                         plainText = crypt.decrypt(text, Global.passwordRemember.get(i).getFirst(), 64);\r
1404                         if (plainText != null) {\r
1405                                 slot = new String(Long.toString(l));\r
1406                                 Global.passwordSafe.put(slot, Global.passwordRemember.get(i));\r
1407                                 removeEncryption(id, plainText, false, slot);   \r
1408                                 return;\r
1409                         }\r
1410                 }\r
1411                 \r
1412                 \r
1413                 EnDecryptDialog dialog = new EnDecryptDialog();\r
1414                 dialog.setHint(hint);\r
1415                 while (plainText == null || !dialog.okPressed()) {\r
1416                         dialog.exec();\r
1417                         if (!dialog.okPressed()) {\r
1418                                 return;\r
1419                         }\r
1420                         plainText = crypt.decrypt(text, dialog.getPassword().trim(), 64);\r
1421                         if (plainText == null) {\r
1422                                 QMessageBox.warning(this, "Incorrect Password", "The password entered is not correct");\r
1423                         }\r
1424                 }\r
1425                 Pair<String,String> passwordPair = new Pair<String,String>();\r
1426                 passwordPair.setFirst(dialog.getPassword());\r
1427                 passwordPair.setSecond(dialog.getHint());\r
1428                 Global.passwordSafe.put(slot, passwordPair);\r
1429 //              removeEncryption(id, plainText.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"), dialog.permanentlyDecrypt(), slot);\r
1430                 removeEncryption(id, plainText, dialog.permanentlyDecrypt(), slot);\r
1431                 if (dialog.rememberPassword()) {\r
1432                         Pair<String, String> pair = new Pair<String,String>();\r
1433                         pair.setFirst(dialog.getPassword());\r
1434                         pair.setSecond(dialog.getHint());\r
1435                         Global.passwordRemember.add(pair);\r
1436                 }\r
1437 \r
1438         }\r
1439 \r
1440         // Get the editor tag line\r
1441         public TagLineEdit getTagLine() {\r
1442                 return tagEdit;\r
1443         }\r
1444 \r
1445         // Modify a note's tags\r
1446         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1447         private void modifyTags() {\r
1448                 TagAssign tagWindow = new TagAssign(allTags, currentTags, !conn.getNotebookTable().isLinked(currentNote.getNotebookGuid()));\r
1449                 tagWindow.exec();\r
1450                 if (tagWindow.okClicked()) {\r
1451                         currentTags.clear();\r
1452                         StringBuffer tagDisplay = new StringBuffer();\r
1453 \r
1454                         List<QListWidgetItem> newTags = tagWindow.getTagList()\r
1455                                         .selectedItems();\r
1456                         for (int i = 0; i < newTags.size(); i++) {\r
1457                                 currentTags.add(newTags.get(i).text());\r
1458                                 tagDisplay.append(newTags.get(i).text());\r
1459                                 if (i < newTags.size() - 1) {\r
1460                                         tagDisplay.append(Global.tagDelimeter + " ");\r
1461                                 }\r
1462                         }\r
1463                         tagEdit.setText(tagDisplay.toString());\r
1464                         noteSignal.tagsChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), currentTags);\r
1465                 }\r
1466         }\r
1467 \r
1468         // Tag line has been modified by typing text\r
1469         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1470         private void modifyTagsTyping() {\r
1471                 String completionText = "";\r
1472                 if (tagEdit.currentCompleterSelection != null && !tagEdit.currentCompleterSelection.equals("")) {\r
1473                         completionText = tagEdit.currentCompleterSelection;\r
1474                         tagEdit.currentCompleterSelection = "";\r
1475                 }\r
1476                 \r
1477                 if (tagEdit.text().equalsIgnoreCase(saveTagList))\r
1478                         return;\r
1479 \r
1480                 // We know something has changed...\r
1481                 String oldTagArray[] = saveTagList.split(Global.tagDelimeter);\r
1482                 String newTagArray[];\r
1483                 if (!completionText.equals("")) {\r
1484                         String before = tagEdit.text().substring(0,tagEdit.cursorPosition());\r
1485                         int lastDelimiter = before.lastIndexOf(Global.tagDelimeter);\r
1486                         if (lastDelimiter > 0)\r
1487                                 before = before.substring(0,before.lastIndexOf(Global.tagDelimeter));\r
1488                         else \r
1489                                 before = "";\r
1490                         String after = tagEdit.text().substring(tagEdit.cursorPosition());\r
1491                         newTagArray = (before+Global.tagDelimeter+completionText+Global.tagDelimeter+after).split(Global.tagDelimeter);\r
1492                 }\r
1493                 else {\r
1494                         newTagArray = tagEdit.text().split(Global.tagDelimeter);\r
1495                 }\r
1496                 \r
1497                 // Remove any traling or leading blanks\r
1498                 for (int i=0; i<newTagArray.length; i++)\r
1499                         newTagArray[i] = newTagArray[i].trim().replaceAll("^\\s+", "");;\r
1500                 \r
1501                 // Remove any potential duplicates from the new list\r
1502                 for (int i=0; i<newTagArray.length; i++) {\r
1503                         boolean foundOnce = false;\r
1504                         for (int j=0; j<newTagArray.length; j++) {\r
1505                                 if (newTagArray[j].equalsIgnoreCase(newTagArray[i])) {\r
1506                                         if (!foundOnce) {\r
1507                                                 foundOnce = true;\r
1508                                         } else\r
1509                                                 newTagArray[j] = "";\r
1510                                 }\r
1511                         }\r
1512                 }\r
1513 \r
1514                 List<String> newTagList = new ArrayList<String>();\r
1515                 List<String> oldTagList = new ArrayList<String>();\r
1516 \r
1517                 for (int i = 0; i < oldTagArray.length; i++)\r
1518                         if (!oldTagArray[i].trim().equals(""))\r
1519                                 oldTagList.add(oldTagArray[i]);\r
1520                 for (int i = 0; i < newTagArray.length; i++)\r
1521                         if (!newTagArray[i].trim().equals(""))\r
1522                                 newTagList.add(newTagArray[i]);\r
1523 \r
1524                 if (conn.getNotebookTable().isLinked(currentNote.getNotebookGuid())) {\r
1525                         for (int i=newTagList.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {\r
1526                                 boolean found = false;\r
1527                                 for (int j=0; j<allTags.size(); j++) {\r
1528                                         if (allTags.get(j).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newTagList.get(i))) {\r
1529                                                 found = true;\r
1530                                                 j=allTags.size();\r
1531                                         }\r
1532                                 }\r
1533                                 if (!found)\r
1534                                         newTagList.remove(i);\r
1535                         }\r
1536                 }\r
1537 \r
1538                 // Let's cleanup the appearance of the tag list\r
1539                 Collections.sort(newTagList);\r
1540                 String newDisplay = "";\r
1541                 for (int i=0; i<newTagList.size(); i++) {\r
1542                         newDisplay = newDisplay+newTagList.get(i);\r
1543                         if (i<newTagList.size()-1)\r
1544                                 newDisplay = newDisplay+Global.tagDelimeter +" ";\r
1545                 }\r
1546                 tagEdit.blockSignals(true);\r
1547                 tagEdit.setText(newDisplay);\r
1548                 tagEdit.blockSignals(false);\r
1549                 \r
1550                 // We now have lists of the new & old. Remove duplicates. If all\r
1551                 // are removed from both then nothing has really changed\r
1552                 for (int i = newTagList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\r
1553                         String nTag = newTagList.get(i);\r
1554                         for (int j = oldTagList.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {\r
1555                                 String oTag = oldTagList.get(j);\r
1556                                 if (oTag.equalsIgnoreCase(nTag)) {\r
1557                                         oldTagList.remove(j);\r
1558                                         newTagList.remove(i);\r
1559                                         j = -1;\r
1560                                 }\r
1561                         }\r
1562                 }\r
1563 \r
1564                 if (oldTagList.size() != 0 || newTagList.size() != 0) {\r
1565                         currentTags.clear();\r
1566                         newTagArray = tagEdit.text().split(Global.tagDelimeter);\r
1567                         for (int i = 0; i < newTagArray.length; i++)\r
1568                                 if (!newTagArray[i].trim().equals(""))\r
1569                                         currentTags.add(newTagArray[i].trim());\r
1570 \r
1571                         noteSignal.tagsChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), currentTags);\r
1572                 }\r
1573                 \r
1574         }\r
1575 \r
1576         // Tab button was pressed\r
1577         public void tabPressed() {\r
1578                 if (!insideList) {\r
1579                         String script_start = new String(\r
1580                         "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');");\r
1581                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(script_start);\r
1582                 } else \r
1583                         indentClicked();\r
1584         }\r
1585         \r
1586         public void backtabPressed() {\r
1587                 if (insideList)\r
1588                         outdentClicked();\r
1589         }\r
1590         \r
1591         public void setInsideList() {\r
1592                 insideList = true;\r
1593         }\r
1594         \r
1595         // The title has been edited\r
1596         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1597         private void titleEdited() {\r
1598                 // If we don't have a good note, or if the current title\r
1599                 // matches the old title then we don't need to do anything\r
1600                 if (currentNote == null)\r
1601                         return;\r
1602                 if (currentNote.getTitle().trim().equals(titleLabel.text().trim()))\r
1603                         return;\r
1604                 \r
1605                 // If we have a real change, we need to save it.\r
1606                 noteSignal.titleChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), titleLabel.text());\r
1607                 currentNote.setTitle(titleLabel.text());\r
1608                 saveNoteTitle = titleLabel.text();\r
1609                 checkNoteTitle();\r
1610         }\r
1611 \r
1612         // Set the list of note tags\r
1613         public void setAllTags(List<Tag> l) {\r
1614                 allTags = l;\r
1615                 tagEdit.setTagList(l);\r
1616         }\r
1617 \r
1618         // Setter for the current tags\r
1619         public void setCurrentTags(List<String> s) {\r
1620                 currentTags = s;\r
1621         }\r
1622 \r
1623         // Save the list of notebooks\r
1624         public void setNotebookList(List<Notebook> n) {\r
1625                 notebookList = n;\r
1626                 loadNotebookList();\r
1627         }\r
1628 \r
1629         // Load the notebook list and select the current notebook\r
1630         private void loadNotebookList() {\r
1631                 if (notebookBox.count() != 0)\r
1632                         notebookBox.clear();\r
1633                 if (notebookList == null)\r
1634                         return;\r
1635 \r
1636                 for (int i = 0; i < notebookList.size(); i++) {\r
1637                         notebookBox.addItem(notebookList.get(i).getName());\r
1638                         if (currentNote != null) {\r
1639                                 if (currentNote.getNotebookGuid().equals(\r
1640                                                 notebookList.get(i).getGuid())) {\r
1641                                         notebookBox.setCurrentIndex(i);\r
1642                                 }\r
1643                         }\r
1644                 }\r
1645         }\r
1646         \r
1647         \r
1648         // Set the notebook for a note\r
1649         public void setNotebook(String notebook) {\r
1650                 currentNote.setNotebookGuid(notebook);\r
1651                 loadNotebookList();\r
1652         }\r
1653 \r
1654         // Get the contents of the editor\r
1655         public String getContent() {\r
1656                 return browser.page().currentFrame().toHtml();\r
1657         }\r
1658 \r
1659         // The note contents have changed\r
1660         public void contentChanged() {\r
1661                 String content = getContent();\r
1662                 checkNoteTitle();\r
1663                 noteSignal.noteChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), content); \r
1664         }\r
1665 \r
1666         // The notebook selection has changed\r
1667         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
1668         private void notebookChanged() {\r
1669                 boolean changed = false;\r
1670                 String n = notebookBox.currentText();\r
1671                 for (int i = 0; i < notebookList.size(); i++) {\r
1672                         if (n.equals(notebookList.get(i).getName())) {\r
1673                                 if (!notebookList.get(i).getGuid().equals(currentNote.getNotebookGuid())) {\r
1674                                         String guid = conn.getNotebookTable().findNotebookByName(n);\r
1675                                         if (conn.getNotebookTable().isLinked(guid)) {\r
1676                                                 tagEdit.setText("");\r
1677                                                 noteSignal.tagsChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), new ArrayList<String>());\r
1678                                                 FilterEditorTags t = new FilterEditorTags(conn, logger);\r
1679                                                 setAllTags(t.getValidTags(currentNote));\r
1680                                         }\r
1681                                         currentNote.setNotebookGuid(notebookList.get(i).getGuid());\r
1682                                         changed = true;\r
1683                                 }\r
1684                                 i = notebookList.size();\r
1685                         }\r
1686                 }\r
1687                 \r
1688                 // If the notebook changed, signal the update\r
1689                 if (changed)\r
1690                         noteSignal.notebookChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), currentNote\r
1691                                         .getNotebookGuid());\r
1692         }\r
1693 \r
1694         // Check the note title\r
1695         private void checkNoteTitle() {\r
1696                 String text = browser.page().currentFrame().toPlainText();\r
1697                 if (saveNoteTitle.trim().equals("") || saveNoteTitle.trim().equals("Untitled Note")) {\r
1698                         int newLine = text.indexOf("\n");\r
1699                         if (newLine > 0) {\r
1700                                 text = text.substring(0, newLine);\r
1701                                 if (text.trim().equals(""))\r
1702                                         text = tr("Untitled Note");\r
1703                                 titleLabel.setText(text);\r
1704                         } else {\r
1705                                 if (text.length() > Constants.EDAM_NOTE_TITLE_LEN_MAX)\r
1706                                         titleLabel.setText(text.substring(0, Constants.EDAM_NOTE_TITLE_LEN_MAX));\r
1707                                 else {\r
1708                                         titleLabel.blockSignals(true);\r
1709                                         if (text.trim().equals(""))\r
1710                                                 titleLabel.setText(tr("Untitled Note"));\r
1711                                         else\r
1712                                                 titleLabel.setText(text);\r
1713                                         titleLabel.blockSignals(false);\r
1714                                 }\r
1715                         }\r
1716                         noteSignal.titleChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), titleLabel\r
1717                                         .text());\r
1718                 }\r
1719         }\r
1720 \r
1721         // Return the note contents so we can email them\r
1722         public String getContentsToEmail() {\r
1723                 return browser.page().currentFrame().toPlainText().trim();\r
1724                 /*\r
1725                  * int body = browser.page().currentFrame().toHtml().indexOf("<body>");\r
1726                  * String temp = browser.page().currentFrame().toHtml(); if (body == -1)\r
1727                  * temp = "<html><body><b>Test</b></body></html>"; else temp =\r
1728                  * "<html>"+temp.substring(body); return temp; // return\r
1729                  * urlEncode(browser.page().currentFrame().toHtml());\r
1730                  */\r
1731         }\r
1732 \r
1733         // Insert an image into the editor\r
1734         private void insertImage(QMimeData mime) {\r
1735                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Entering insertImage");\r
1736                 QImage img = (QImage) mime.imageData();\r
1737                 String script_start = new String(\r
1738                                 "document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '");\r
1739                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1740 \r
1741                 long now = new Date().getTime();\r
1742                 String path = Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(\r
1743                                 (new Long(now).toString()) + ".jpg");\r
1744 \r
1745                 // This block is just a hack to make sure we wait at least 1ms so we\r
1746                 // don't\r
1747                 // have collisions on image names\r
1748                 long i = new Date().getTime();\r
1749                 while (now == i)\r
1750                         i = new Date().getTime();\r
1751 \r
1752                 // Open the file & write the data\r
1753                 QFile tfile = new QFile(path);\r
1754                 tfile.open(new QIODevice.OpenMode(QIODevice.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly));\r
1755                 if (!img.save(tfile)) {\r
1756                         tfile.close();\r
1757                         return;\r
1758                 }\r
1759                 tfile.close();\r
1760                 \r
1761                 Resource newRes = createResource(QUrl.fromLocalFile(path).toString(), 0, "image/jpeg", false);\r
1762                 if (newRes == null)\r
1763                         return;\r
1764                 currentNote.getResources().add(newRes);\r
1765 \r
1766                 // do the actual insert into the note\r
1767                 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100);\r
1768                 buffer.append("<img src=\"");\r
1769                 buffer.append(tfile.fileName());\r
1770                 buffer.append("\" en-tag=en-media type=\"image/jpeg\""\r
1771                                 +" hash=\""+Global.byteArrayToHexString(newRes.getData().getBodyHash()) +"\""\r
1772                                 +" guid=\"" +newRes.getGuid() +"\""\r
1773 //                              +" onContextMenu=\"window.jambi.imageContextMenu('" +tfile.fileName() +"');\""\r
1774                                 +" onContextMenu=\"window.jambi.imageContextMenu(&amp." +tfile.fileName() +"&amp.);\""\r
1775                                 + " />");\r
1776                 \r
1777                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1778                                 script_start + buffer + script_end);\r
1779 \r
1780                 return;\r
1781         }\r
1782 \r
1783         // Handle URLs that are trying to be pasted\r
1784         public void handleUrls(QMimeData mime) {\r
1785                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Starting handleUrls");\r
1786                 FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();\r
1787 \r
1788                 List<QUrl> urlList = mime.urls();\r
1789                 String url = new String();\r
1790                 String script_start = new String(\r
1791                                 "document.execCommand('createLink', false, '");\r
1792                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1793 \r
1794                 for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++) {\r
1795                         url = urlList.get(i).toString();\r
1796                         // Find out what type of file we have\r
1797                         String mimeType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(url);\r
1798 \r
1799                         // If null returned, we need to guess at the file type\r
1800                         if (mimeType == null)\r
1801                                 mimeType = "application/"\r
1802                                                 + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);\r
1803 \r
1804                         // Check if we have an image or some other type of file\r
1805                         if (url.substring(0, 5).equalsIgnoreCase("file:")\r
1806                                         && mimeType.substring(0, 5).equalsIgnoreCase("image")) {\r
1807                                 handleLocalImageURLPaste(mime, mimeType);\r
1808                                 return;\r
1809                         }\r
1810                         String[] type = mimeType.split("/");\r
1811                         boolean valid = validAttachment(type[1]);\r
1812                         boolean smallEnough = checkFileAttachmentSize(url);\r
1813                         if (smallEnough && valid\r
1814                                         && url.substring(0, 5).equalsIgnoreCase("file:")\r
1815                                         && !mimeType.substring(0, 5).equalsIgnoreCase("image")) {\r
1816                                 handleLocalAttachment(mime, mimeType);\r
1817                                 return;\r
1818                         }\r
1819                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1820                                         script_start + url + script_end);\r
1821                 }\r
1822                 return;\r
1823         }\r
1824 \r
1825         // If a URL being pasted is an image URL, then attach the image\r
1826         private void handleLocalImageURLPaste(QMimeData mime, String mimeType) {\r
1827                 List<QUrl> urlList = mime.urls();\r
1828                 String url = new String();\r
1829                 String script_start_image = new String(\r
1830                                 "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '");\r
1831                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1832                 StringBuffer buffer;\r
1833 \r
1834                 // Copy the image over into the resource directory and create a new resource \r
1835                 // record for each url pasted\r
1836                 for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++) {\r
1837                         url = urlList.get(i).toString();\r
1838 \r
1839                         Resource newRes = createResource(url, i, mimeType, false);\r
1840                         if (newRes == null)\r
1841                                 return;\r
1842                         currentNote.getResources().add(newRes);\r
1843                         buffer = new StringBuffer(100);\r
1844                         \r
1845                         // Open the file & write the data\r
1846                         String fileName = Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(newRes.getGuid());\r
1847                         QFile tfile = new QFile(fileName);\r
1848                         tfile.open(new QIODevice.OpenMode(QIODevice.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly));\r
1849                         tfile.write(newRes.getData().getBody());\r
1850                         tfile.close();\r
1851                         buffer.append(script_start_image);\r
1852                         buffer.append("<img src=\"" + FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(fileName));\r
1853 //                      if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("image/jpg"))\r
1854 //                              mimeType = "image/jpeg";\r
1855                         buffer.append("\" en-tag=\"en-media\" type=\"" + mimeType +"\""\r
1856                                         +" hash=\""+Global.byteArrayToHexString(newRes.getData().getBodyHash()) +"\""\r
1857                                         +" guid=\"" +newRes.getGuid() +"\""\r
1858                                         +" onContextMenu=\"window.jambi.imageContextMenu(&apos;" +tfile.fileName() +"&apos;);\""\r
1859                                         + " />");\r
1860                         buffer.append(script_end);\r
1861                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(buffer.toString());\r
1862                 }\r
1863                 return;\r
1864         }\r
1865         \r
1866 \r
1867         // If a URL being pasted is a local file URL, then attach the file\r
1868         private void handleLocalAttachment(QMimeData mime, String mimeType) {\r
1869                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Attaching local file");\r
1870                 List<QUrl> urlList = mime.urls();\r
1871                 String script_start = new String(\r
1872                                 "document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '");\r
1873                 String script_end = new String("');");\r
1874                 StringBuffer buffer;\r
1875 \r
1876                         String[] type = mimeType.split("/");\r
1877                         String icon = findIcon(type[1]);\r
1878                         if (icon.equals("attachment.png"))\r
1879                                 icon = findIcon(type[0]);\r
1880                         buffer = new StringBuffer(100);\r
1881 \r
1882                 for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++) {\r
1883                         String url = urlList.get(i).toString();\r
1884 \r
1885                         // Start building the HTML\r
1886                         if (icon.equals("attachment.png"))\r
1887                                 icon = findIcon(url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".")+1));\r
1888                         String imageURL = FileUtils.toFileURLString(Global.getFileManager().getImageDirFile(icon));\r
1889 \r
1890                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Creating resource ");\r
1891                         Resource newRes = createResource(url, i, mimeType, true);\r
1892                         if (newRes == null)\r
1893                                 return;\r
1894                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "New resource size: " +newRes.getData().getSize());\r
1895                         currentNote.getResources().add(newRes);\r
1896                         \r
1897                         String fileName = newRes.getGuid() + Global.attachmentNameDelimeter+newRes.getAttributes().getFileName();\r
1898                         // If we have a PDF, we need to setup the preview.\r
1899                         if (icon.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf.png") && Global.pdfPreview()) {\r
1900                                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Setting up PDF preview");\r
1901                                 if (newRes.getAttributes() != null && \r
1902                                                 newRes.getAttributes().getFileName() != null && \r
1903                                                 !newRes.getAttributes().getFileName().trim().equals(""))\r
1904                                         fileName = newRes.getGuid()+Global.attachmentNameDelimeter+\r
1905                                                 newRes.getAttributes().getFileName();\r
1906                                 else\r
1907                                         fileName = newRes.getGuid()+".pdf";\r
1908                                 QFile file = new QFile(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(fileName));\r
1909                         QFile.OpenMode mode = new QFile.OpenMode();\r
1910                         mode.set(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
1911                         file.open(mode);\r
1912                         QDataStream out = new QDataStream(file);\r
1913 //                      Resource resBinary = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(newRes.getGuid(), true);\r
1914                                 QByteArray binData = new QByteArray(newRes.getData().getBody());\r
1915 //                              resBinary = null;\r
1916                         out.writeBytes(binData.toByteArray());\r
1917                         file.close();\r
1918 \r
1919                                 PDFPreview pdfPreview = new PDFPreview();\r
1920                                 if (pdfPreview.setupPreview(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(fileName), "pdf",0)) {\r
1921                                 imageURL = file.fileName() + ".png";\r
1922                                 }\r
1923                         }\r
1924                                                 \r
1925                         logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Generating link tags");\r
1926                         buffer.delete(0, buffer.length());\r
1927                         buffer.append("<a en-tag=\"en-media\" guid=\"" +newRes.getGuid()+"\" ");\r
1928                         buffer.append(" onContextMenu=\"window.jambi.imageContextMenu(&apos;")\r
1929                       .append(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(fileName))\r
1930                       .append("&apos;);\" ");                   buffer.append("type=\"" + mimeType + "\" href=\"nnres://" + fileName +"\" hash=\""+Global.byteArrayToHexString(newRes.getData().getBodyHash()) +"\" >");\r
1931                         buffer.append("<img src=\"" + imageURL + "\" title=\"" +newRes.getAttributes().getFileName());\r
1932                         buffer.append("\"></img>");\r
1933                         buffer.append("</a>");\r
1934                         browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(\r
1935                                         script_start + buffer.toString() + script_end);\r
1936                 }\r
1937                 return;\r
1938         }\r
1939 \r
1940         private Resource createResource(String url, int sequence, String mime, boolean attachment) {\r
1941                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Inside create resource");\r
1942                 QFile resourceFile;\r
1943                 String urlTest = new QUrl(url).toLocalFile();\r
1944                 if (!urlTest.equals(""))\r
1945                         url = urlTest;\r
1946                 url = url.replace("/", File.separator);\r
1947         resourceFile = new QFile(url); \r
1948         resourceFile.open(new QIODevice.OpenMode(QIODevice.OpenModeFlag.ReadOnly));\r
1949         byte[] fileData = resourceFile.readAll().toByteArray();\r
1950         resourceFile.close();\r
1951         if (fileData.length == 0)\r
1952                 return null;\r
1953         MessageDigest md;\r
1954         try {\r
1955                 md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");\r
1956                 md.update(fileData);\r
1957                 byte[] hash = md.digest();\r
1958   \r
1959                 Resource r = new Resource();\r
1960                 Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();\r
1961                 long prevTime = time.getTimeInMillis();\r
1962                 while (prevTime == time.getTimeInMillis()) {\r
1963                         time = new GregorianCalendar();\r
1964                 }\r
1965                 r.setGuid(time.getTimeInMillis()+new Integer(sequence).toString());\r
1966                 r.setNoteGuid(currentNote.getGuid());\r
1967                 r.setMime(mime);\r
1968                 r.setActive(true);\r
1969                 r.setUpdateSequenceNum(0);\r
1970                 r.setWidth((short) 0);\r
1971                 r.setHeight((short) 0);\r
1972                 r.setDuration((short) 0);\r
1973                                 \r
1974                 Data d = new Data();\r
1975                 d.setBody(fileData);\r
1976                 d.setBodyIsSet(true);\r
1977                 d.setBodyHash(hash);\r
1978                 d.setBodyHashIsSet(true);\r
1979                 r.setData(d);\r
1980                 d.setSize(fileData.length);\r
1981                 \r
1982                 int fileNamePos = url.lastIndexOf(File.separator);\r
1983                 if (fileNamePos == -1)\r
1984                         fileNamePos = url.lastIndexOf("/");\r
1985                         String fileName = url.substring(fileNamePos+1);\r
1986                 ResourceAttributes a = new ResourceAttributes();\r
1987                 a.setAltitude(0);\r
1988                 a.setAltitudeIsSet(false);\r
1989                 a.setLongitude(0);\r
1990                 a.setLongitudeIsSet(false);\r
1991                 a.setLatitude(0);\r
1992                 a.setLatitudeIsSet(false);\r
1993                 a.setCameraMake("");\r
1994                 a.setCameraMakeIsSet(false);\r
1995                 a.setCameraModel("");\r
1996                 a.setCameraModelIsSet(false);\r
1997                 a.setAttachment(attachment);\r
1998                 a.setAttachmentIsSet(true);\r
1999                 a.setClientWillIndex(false);\r
2000                 a.setClientWillIndexIsSet(true);\r
2001                 a.setRecoType("");\r
2002                 a.setRecoTypeIsSet(false);\r
2003                 a.setSourceURL(url);\r
2004                 a.setSourceURLIsSet(true);\r
2005                 a.setTimestamp(0);\r
2006                 a.setTimestampIsSet(false);\r
2007                 a.setFileName(fileName);\r
2008                 a.setFileNameIsSet(true);\r
2009                 r.setAttributes(a);\r
2010                 \r
2011                 conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.saveNoteResource(r, true);\r
2012                 return r;\r
2013         } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {\r
2014                 e1.printStackTrace();\r
2015                 }\r
2016         return null;\r
2017         }\r
2018         \r
2019 \r
2020     // find the appropriate icon for an attachment\r
2021     private String findIcon(String appl) {\r
2022         appl = appl.toLowerCase();\r
2023         File f = Global.getFileManager().getImageDirFile(appl + ".png");\r
2024         if (f.exists())\r
2025                 return appl+".png";\r
2026         return "attachment.png";\r
2027     }\r
2028 \r
2029         // Check if the account supports this type of attachment\r
2030         private boolean validAttachment(String type) {\r
2031                 if (Global.isPremium())\r
2032                         return true;\r
2033                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("JPG"))\r
2034                         return true;\r
2035                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PNG"))\r
2036                         return true;\r
2037                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("GIF"))\r
2038                         return true;\r
2039                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("MP3"))\r
2040                         return true;\r
2041                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("WAV"))\r
2042                         return true;\r
2043                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("AMR"))\r
2044                         return true;\r
2045                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PDF"))\r
2046                         return true;\r
2047                 String error = tr("Non-premium accounts can only attach JPG, PNG, GIF, MP3, WAV, AMR, or PDF files.");\r
2048                 QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Non-Premium Account"), error);\r
2049 \r
2050                 return false;\r
2051         }\r
2052 \r
2053         // Check the file attachment to be sure it isn't over 25 mb\r
2054         private boolean checkFileAttachmentSize(String url) {\r
2055                 String fileName = url.substring(8);\r
2056                 QFile resourceFile = new QFile(fileName);\r
2057                 resourceFile.open(new QIODevice.OpenMode(\r
2058                                 QIODevice.OpenModeFlag.ReadOnly));\r
2059                 long size = resourceFile.size();\r
2060                 resourceFile.close();\r
2061                 size = size / 1024 / 1024;\r
2062                 if (size < 50 && Global.isPremium())\r
2063                         return true;\r
2064                 if (size < 25)\r
2065                         return true;\r
2066 \r
2067                 String error = tr("A file attachment may not exceed 25MB.");\r
2068                 QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Attachment Size"), error);\r
2069                 return false;\r
2070         }\r
2071 \r
2072 \r
2073         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2074         private void createdChanged() {\r
2075                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
2076                 dt.setDate(createdDate.date());\r
2077                 dt.setTime(createdTime.time());\r
2078                 noteSignal.createdDateChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), dt);\r
2079 \r
2080         }\r
2081 \r
2082         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2083         private void alteredChanged() {\r
2084                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
2085                 dt.setDate(alteredDate.date());\r
2086                 dt.setTime(alteredTime.time());\r
2087                 noteSignal.alteredDateChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), dt);\r
2088         }\r
2089 \r
2090         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2091         private void subjectDateTimeChanged() {\r
2092                 QDateTime dt = new QDateTime();\r
2093                 dt.setDate(subjectDate.date());\r
2094                 dt.setTime(subjectTime.time());\r
2095                 noteSignal.subjectDateChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), dt);\r
2096 \r
2097         }\r
2098 \r
2099         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2100         private void sourceUrlChanged() {\r
2101                 noteSignal.sourceUrlChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), urlText.text());\r
2102         }\r
2103 \r
2104         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2105         private void authorChanged() {\r
2106                 noteSignal.authorChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), authorText.text());\r
2107         }\r
2108         \r
2109         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2110         private void geoBoxChanged() {\r
2111                 int index = geoBox.currentIndex();\r
2112                 geoBox.setCurrentIndex(0);\r
2113                 if (index == 1) {\r
2114                         GeoDialog box = new GeoDialog();\r
2115                         box.setLongitude(currentNote.getAttributes().getLongitude());\r
2116                         box.setLatitude(currentNote.getAttributes().getLatitude());\r
2117                         box.setAltitude(currentNote.getAttributes().getAltitude());\r
2118                         box.exec();\r
2119                         if (!box.okPressed())\r
2120                                 return;\r
2121                         double alt = box.getAltitude();\r
2122                         double lat = box.getLatitude();\r
2123                         double lon = box.getLongitude();\r
2124                         if (alt != currentNote.getAttributes().getAltitude() ||\r
2125                                 lon != currentNote.getAttributes().getLongitude() ||\r
2126                                 lat != currentNote.getAttributes().getLatitude()) {\r
2127                                         noteSignal.geoChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), lon, lat, alt);\r
2128                                         currentNote.getAttributes().setAltitude(alt);\r
2129                                         currentNote.getAttributes().setLongitude(lon);\r
2130                                         currentNote.getAttributes().setLatitude(lat);\r
2131                         }\r
2132                 }\r
2133                 \r
2134                 if (index == 2) {\r
2135                         noteSignal.geoChanged.emit(currentNote.getGuid(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\r
2136                         currentNote.getAttributes().setAltitude(0.0);\r
2137                         currentNote.getAttributes().setLongitude(0.0);\r
2138                         currentNote.getAttributes().setLatitude(0.0);\r
2139                 }\r
2140                 \r
2141                 if (index == 3 || index == 0) {\r
2142                         QDesktopServices.openUrl(new QUrl("http://maps.google.com/maps?z=6&q="+currentNote.getAttributes().getLatitude() +"," +currentNote.getAttributes().getLongitude()));\r
2143                 }\r
2144         }\r
2145 \r
2146         // ************************************************************\r
2147         // * User chose to save an attachment. Pares out the request *\r
2148         // * into a guid & file. Save the result. *\r
2149         // ************************************************************\r
2150         public void downloadAttachment(QNetworkRequest request) {\r
2151                 String guid;\r
2152                 QFileDialog fd = new QFileDialog(this);\r
2153                 fd.setFileMode(FileMode.AnyFile);\r
2154                 fd.setConfirmOverwrite(true);\r
2155                 fd.setWindowTitle(tr("Save File"));\r
2156                 fd.setAcceptMode(AcceptMode.AcceptSave);\r
2157                 fd.setDirectory(System.getProperty("user.home"));\r
2158                 String name = request.url().toString();\r
2159 \r
2160                 int pos = name.lastIndexOf(Global.attachmentNameDelimeter);\r
2161                 if (pos > -1) {\r
2162                         guid = name.substring(0, pos).replace("nnres://", "");\r
2163                         name = name.substring(pos +Global.attachmentNameDelimeter.length());\r
2164                         fd.selectFile(name);\r
2165                         pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');\r
2166                         if (pos > -1) {\r
2167                                 String mimeType = "(*." + name.substring(pos + 1)\r
2168                                                 + ");; All Files (*)";\r
2169                                 fd.setFilter(tr(mimeType));\r
2170                         }\r
2171                 } else {\r
2172                         guid = name;\r
2173                 }\r
2174 \r
2175                 // Strip URL prefix and base dir\r
2176                 guid = guid.replace("nnres://", "")\r
2177                         .replace(FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath()), "");\r
2178                 guid = guid.replace("file://", "").replace("/", "")\r
2179                 .replace(FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath()), "");\r
2180 \r
2181                 pos = guid.lastIndexOf('.');\r
2182                 if (pos > 0)\r
2183                         guid = guid.substring(0,pos);\r
2184                 if (fd.exec() != 0 && fd.selectedFiles().size() > 0) {\r
2185                         name = name.replace('\\', '/');\r
2186                         Resource resBinary = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(guid, true);\r
2187                         QFile saveFile = new QFile(fd.selectedFiles().get(0));\r
2188                         QFile.OpenMode mode = new QFile.OpenMode();\r
2189                         mode.set(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
2190                         saveFile.open(mode);\r
2191                         QDataStream saveOut = new QDataStream(saveFile);\r
2192                         QByteArray binData = new QByteArray(resBinary.getData().getBody());\r
2193                         saveOut.writeBytes(binData.toByteArray());\r
2194                         saveFile.close();\r
2195 \r
2196                 }\r
2197         }\r
2198 \r
2199         \r
2200         // ************************************************************\r
2201         // * User chose to save an attachment. Pares out the request *\r
2202         // * into a guid & file. Save the result. --- DONE FROM downloadAttachment now!!!!!   \r
2203         // ************************************************************\r
2204         public void downloadImage(QNetworkRequest request) {\r
2205                 QFileDialog fd = new QFileDialog(this);\r
2206                 fd.setFileMode(FileMode.AnyFile);\r
2207                 fd.setConfirmOverwrite(true);\r
2208                 fd.setWindowTitle(tr("Save File"));\r
2209                 fd.setAcceptMode(AcceptMode.AcceptSave);\r
2210                 fd.setDirectory(System.getProperty("user.home"));\r
2211                 String name = request.url().toString();\r
2212                 name = name.replace("nnres://", "");\r
2213                 String dPath = FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath());\r
2214                 name = name.replace(dPath, "");\r
2215                 int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');\r
2216                 String guid = name;\r
2217                 if (pos > -1) {\r
2218                         String mimeType = "(*." + name.substring(pos + 1)\r
2219                         + ");; All Files (*)";\r
2220                                 fd.setFilter(tr(mimeType));\r
2221                         guid = guid.substring(0,pos);\r
2222                 }\r
2223                 pos = name.lastIndexOf(Global.attachmentNameDelimeter);\r
2224                 if (pos > -1) {\r
2225                         guid = name.substring(0, pos);\r
2226                         fd.selectFile(name.substring(pos+Global.attachmentNameDelimeter.length()));             \r
2227                 }\r
2228                 if (fd.exec() != 0 && fd.selectedFiles().size() > 0) {\r
2229                         Resource resBinary = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(guid, true);\r
2230                         String fileName = fd.selectedFiles().get(0);\r
2231                         QFile saveFile = new QFile(fileName);\r
2232                         QFile.OpenMode mode = new QFile.OpenMode();\r
2233                         mode.set(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
2234                         saveFile.open(mode);\r
2235                         QDataStream saveOut = new QDataStream(saveFile);\r
2236                         QByteArray binData = new QByteArray(resBinary.getData().getBody());\r
2237                         saveOut.writeBytes(binData.toByteArray());\r
2238                         saveFile.close();\r
2239                 }\r
2240         }\r
2241 \r
2242         \r
2243         // *************************************************************\r
2244         // * decrypt any hidden text.  We could do an XML parse, but \r
2245         // * it is quicker here just to scan for an <img tag & do the fix\r
2246         // * the manual way\r
2247         // *************************************************************\r
2248         private void removeEncryption(String id, String plainText, boolean permanent, String slot) {\r
2249                 if (!permanent) {\r
2250                         plainText = " <table class=\"en-crypt-temp\" slot=\""\r
2251                                         +slot \r
2252                                         +"\""\r
2253                                         +"border=1 width=100%><tbody><tr><td>"\r
2254                                         +plainText+"</td></tr></tbody></table>";\r
2255                 }\r
2256                 \r
2257                 String html = browser.page().mainFrame().toHtml();\r
2258                 String text = html;\r
2259                 int imagePos = html.indexOf("<img");\r
2260                 int endPos;\r
2261                 for ( ;imagePos>0; ) {\r
2262                         // Find the end tag\r
2263                         endPos = text.indexOf(">", imagePos);\r
2264                         String tag = text.substring(imagePos-1,endPos);\r
2265                         if (tag.indexOf("id=\""+id+"\"") > -1) {\r
2266                                         text = text.substring(0,imagePos) +plainText+text.substring(endPos+1);  \r
2267                                         QTextCodec codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8");\r
2268                                 QByteArray unicode =  codec.fromUnicode(text);\r
2269                                         browser.setContent(unicode);\r
2270                                         if (permanent)\r
2271                                                 contentChanged();\r
2272                         }\r
2273                         imagePos = text.indexOf("<img", imagePos+1);\r
2274                 }\r
2275         }\r
2276         \r
2277         \r
2278         //****************************************************************\r
2279         //* Focus shortcuts\r
2280         //****************************************************************\r
2281         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2282         private void focusTitle() {\r
2283                 titleLabel.setFocus();\r
2284         }\r
2285         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2286         private void focusTag() {\r
2287                 tagEdit.setFocus();\r
2288         }\r
2289         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2290         private void focusNote() {\r
2291                 browser.setFocus();\r
2292         }\r
2293         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2294         private void focusAuthor() {\r
2295                 authorLabel.setFocus();\r
2296         }\r
2297         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2298         private void focusUrl() {\r
2299                 urlLabel.setFocus();\r
2300         }\r
2301         \r
2302 \r
2303         //*****************************************************************\r
2304         //* Set the document background color\r
2305         //*****************************************************************\r
2306         public void setBackgroundColor(String color) {\r
2307                 String js = "function changeBackground(color) {"\r
2308                         +"document.body.style.background = color;"\r
2309                         +"}" \r
2310                         +"changeBackground('" +color+"');";\r
2311                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
2312                 contentChanged();\r
2313         }\r
2314         \r
2315         \r
2316         //****************************************************************\r
2317         //* MicroFocus changed\r
2318         //****************************************************************\r
2319         private void microFocusChanged() {\r
2320                 boldButton.setDown(false);\r
2321                 italicButton.setDown(false);\r
2322                 underlineButton.setDown(false);\r
2323                 browser.openAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2324                 browser.downloadAttachment.setEnabled(false);\r
2325                 browser.downloadImage.setEnabled(false);\r
2326                 browser.rotateImageLeft.setEnabled(false);\r
2327                 browser.rotateImageRight.setEnabled(false);\r
2328                 browser.insertTableAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2329                 browser.insertTableRowAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2330                 browser.deleteTableRowAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2331                 browser.insertLinkAction.setText(tr("Insert Hyperlink"));\r
2332                 currentHyperlink ="";\r
2333                 insideList = false;\r
2334                 forceTextPaste = false;\r
2335                 \r
2336                 String js = new String( "function getCursorPos() {"\r
2337                         +"var cursorPos;"\r
2338                         +"if (window.getSelection) {"\r
2339                         +"   var selObj = window.getSelection();"\r
2340                         +"   var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);"\r
2341                         +"   var workingNode = window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode;"\r
2342                         +"   while(workingNode != null) { " \r
2343 //                      +"      window.jambi.printNode(workingNode.nodeName);"\r
2344                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='TABLE') { if (workingNode.getAttribute('class').toLowerCase() == 'en-crypt-temp') window.jambi.forceTextPaste(); }"\r
2345                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='B') window.jambi.boldActive();"\r
2346                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='I') window.jambi.italicActive();"\r
2347                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='U') window.jambi.underlineActive();"\r
2348                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='UL') window.jambi.setInsideList();"\r
2349                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='OL') window.jambi.setInsideList();"\r
2350                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='LI') window.jambi.setInsideList();"\r
2351                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='TBODY') window.jambi.setInsideTable();"\r
2352                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='A') {for(var x = 0; x < workingNode.attributes.length; x++ ) {if (workingNode.attributes[x].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'href') window.jambi.setInsideLink(workingNode.attributes[x].nodeValue);}}"\r
2353                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName=='SPAN') {"\r
2354                         +"         if (workingNode.getAttribute('style') == 'text-decoration: underline;') window.jambi.underlineActive();"\r
2355                         +"      }"\r
2356                         +"      workingNode = workingNode.parentNode;"\r
2357                         +"   }"\r
2358                         +"}"\r
2359                         +"} getCursorPos();");\r
2360                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
2361         }\r
2362         \r
2363         public void printNode(String n) {\r
2364                 System.out.println("Node Vaule: " +n);\r
2365         }\r
2366         \r
2367         \r
2368         //****************************************************************\r
2369         //* Insert a table row\r
2370         //****************************************************************\r
2371         public void insertTableRow() {\r
2372                 \r
2373                 String js = new String( "function insertTableRow() {"\r
2374                         +"   var selObj = window.getSelection();"\r
2375                         +"   var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);"\r
2376                         +"   var workingNode = window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode;"\r
2377                         +"   var cellCount = 0;"\r
2378                         +"   while(workingNode != null) { " \r
2379                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()=='tr') {"\r
2380                         +"           row = document.createElement('TR');"\r
2381                         +"           var nodes = workingNode.getElementsByTagName('td');"\r
2382                         +"           for (j=0; j<nodes.length; j=j+1) {"\r
2383                         +"              cell = document.createElement('TD');"\r
2384                         +"              cell.innerHTML='&nbsp;';"\r
2385                         +"              row.appendChild(cell);"\r
2386                         +"           }"                 \r
2387                         +"           workingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(row,workingNode.nextSibling);"\r
2388                         +"           return;"\r
2389                         +"      }"\r
2390                         +"      workingNode = workingNode.parentNode;"\r
2391                         +"   }"\r
2392                         +"} insertTableRow();");\r
2393                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
2394                 contentChanged();\r
2395         }\r
2396         //****************************************************************\r
2397         //* Insert a table row\r
2398         //****************************************************************\r
2399         public void deleteTableRow() {\r
2400                 \r
2401                 String js = new String( "function deleteTableRow() {"\r
2402                         +"   var selObj = window.getSelection();"\r
2403                         +"   var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);"\r
2404                         +"   var workingNode = window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode;"\r
2405                         +"   var cellCount = 0;"\r
2406                         +"   while(workingNode != null) { " \r
2407                         +"      if (workingNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()=='tr') {"\r
2408                         +"           workingNode.parentNode.removeChild(workingNode);"\r
2409                         +"           return;"\r
2410                         +"      }"\r
2411                         +"      workingNode = workingNode.parentNode;"\r
2412                         +"   }"\r
2413                         +"} deleteTableRow();");\r
2414                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
2415                 contentChanged();\r
2416         }\r
2417         public void setInsideTable() {\r
2418                 browser.insertTableRowAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2419                 browser.deleteTableRowAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2420                 browser.insertTableAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2421                 browser.encryptAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2422         }\r
2423         \r
2424         public void setInsideLink(String link) {\r
2425                 browser.insertLinkAction.setText(tr("Edit Hyperlink"));\r
2426                 currentHyperlink = link;\r
2427         }\r
2428         \r
2429         public void italicActive() {\r
2430                 italicButton.setDown(true);\r
2431         }\r
2432         public void boldActive() {\r
2433                 boldButton.setDown(true);\r
2434         }\r
2435         public void underlineActive() {\r
2436                 underlineButton.setDown(true);\r
2437         }\r
2438         public void forceTextPaste() {\r
2439                 forceTextPaste = true;\r
2440         }\r
2441         public void imageContextMenu(String f) {\r
2442                 browser.downloadImage.setEnabled(true);\r
2443                 browser.rotateImageRight.setEnabled(true);\r
2444                 browser.rotateImageLeft.setEnabled(true);\r
2445                 browser.openAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2446                 selectedFile = f;\r
2447         }\r
2448         public void rotateImageRight() {\r
2449                 QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0);\r
2450                 QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0);\r
2451                 QImage image = new QImage(selectedFile);\r
2452                 QMatrix matrix = new QMatrix();\r
2453                 matrix.rotate( 90.0 );\r
2454                 image = image.transformed(matrix);\r
2455                 image.save(selectedFile);\r
2456                 QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0);\r
2457                 QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0);\r
2458                 browser.setHtml(browser.page().mainFrame().toHtml());\r
2459                 browser.reload();\r
2460                 contentChanged();\r
2461 //              resourceSignal.contentChanged.emit(selectedFile);\r
2462 \r
2463         }\r
2464         public void rotateImageLeft() {\r
2465                 QImage image = new QImage(selectedFile);\r
2466                 QMatrix matrix = new QMatrix();\r
2467                 matrix.rotate( -90.0 );\r
2468                 image = image.transformed(matrix);\r
2469                 image.save(selectedFile);\r
2470                 browser.setHtml(browser.page().mainFrame().toHtml());\r
2471                 browser.reload();\r
2472                 contentChanged();\r
2473 //              resourceSignal.contentChanged.emit(selectedFile);\r
2474         }\r
2475         public void resourceContextMenu(String f) {\r
2476                 browser.downloadAttachment.setEnabled(true);\r
2477                 browser.openAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2478                 selectedFile = f;\r
2479         }\r
2480         \r
2481         \r
2482         //****************************************************************\r
2483         //* Apply CSS style to specified word\r
2484         //****************************************************************\r
2485 /*      public void applyStyleToWords(String word, String style) {\r
2486                 QFile script = new QFile("D:\\NeverNote\\js\\hilight1.js");\r
2487                 script.open(OpenModeFlag.ReadOnly);\r
2488                 String s = script.readAll().toString();\r
2489                 String js = new String(s +" findit('"+word+"', '"+style+"');");\r
2490                 browser.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(js);\r
2491                 System.out.println(getContent());\r
2492         }\r
2493 */      \r
2494         //****************************************************************\r
2495         //* Someone tried to paste a resource between notes, so we need  *\r
2496         //* to do some special handling.                                 *\r
2497         //****************************************************************\r
2498         private String fixInternotePaste(String text) {\r
2499                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Fixing internote paste");\r
2500                 String returnValue = fixInternotePasteSearch(text, "<img", "src=\"");\r
2501                 return fixInternotePasteSearch(returnValue, "<a", "href=\"nnres://");\r
2502         }\r
2503         private String fixInternotePasteSearch(String text, String type, String locTag) {\r
2504                 \r
2505                 // First, let's fix the images.\r
2506                 int startPos = text.indexOf(type);\r
2507                 int endPos;\r
2508                 for (; startPos>=0;) {\r
2509                         endPos = text.indexOf(">", startPos+1);\r
2510                         String segment = text.substring(startPos, endPos);\r
2511                         if (segment.indexOf("en-tag") > -1) {\r
2512                                 String newSegment = segment;\r
2513                                 \r
2514                                 int guidStartPos = segment.indexOf("guid=\"");\r
2515                                 int guidEndPos = segment.indexOf("\"", guidStartPos+7);\r
2516                                 String guid = segment.substring(guidStartPos+6,guidEndPos);\r
2517                                 \r
2518                                 int mimeStartPos = segment.indexOf("type");\r
2519                                 int mimeEndPos = segment.indexOf("\"", mimeStartPos+7);\r
2520                                 String mime = segment.substring(mimeStartPos+6,mimeEndPos);\r
2521 \r
2522                                 int srcStartPos = segment.indexOf("src");\r
2523                                 int srcEndPos = segment.indexOf("\"", srcStartPos+6);\r
2524                                 String src = segment.substring(srcStartPos+5,srcEndPos);\r
2525                                 \r
2526                                 Calendar currentTime = new GregorianCalendar();\r
2527                                 Long l = new Long(currentTime.getTimeInMillis());\r
2528                                 long prevTime = l;\r
2529                                 while (l==prevTime) {\r
2530                                         currentTime = new GregorianCalendar();\r
2531                                         l= new Long(currentTime.getTimeInMillis());\r
2532                                 }\r
2533                                 \r
2534                                 Resource r = conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.getNoteResource(guid, true);\r
2535                                 // if r==null, then the image doesn't exist (it was probably cut out of another note, so \r
2536                                 // we need to recereate it\r
2537                                 if (r==null) {\r
2538                                         r = createResource(src, 1, mime, false);\r
2539                                         if (r==null)\r
2540                                                 return "";\r
2541                                 }\r
2542                         String randint = new String(Long.toString(l));\r
2543                         String extension = null;\r
2544                         if (r.getMime()!= null) {\r
2545                                 extension = r.getMime().toLowerCase();\r
2546                                 if (extension.indexOf("/")>-1)\r
2547                                         extension = extension.substring(extension.indexOf("/")+1);\r
2548                         }\r
2549                         String newFile = randint;\r
2550                         if (r.getAttributes().getFileName() != null && r.getAttributes().getFileName() != "")\r
2551                                 if (!locTag.startsWith("src"))\r
2552                                         newFile = newFile+Global.attachmentNameDelimeter+r.getAttributes().getFileName();\r
2553                         r.setNoteGuid(currentNote.getGuid());\r
2554                         \r
2555                         r.setGuid(randint);\r
2556                         conn.getNoteTable().noteResourceTable.saveNoteResource(r, true);\r
2557                                 QFile f = new QFile(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(newFile));\r
2558                                 QByteArray bin = new QByteArray(r.getData().getBody());\r
2559                                 f.open(QFile.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly);\r
2560                                 f.write(bin);\r
2561                                 f.close();\r
2562                                 newSegment = newSegment.replace("guid=\""+guid, "guid=\""+randint);\r
2563                                 currentNote.getResources().add(r);\r
2564                                 \r
2565                                 int startSrcPos = newSegment.indexOf(locTag);\r
2566                                 int endSrcPos = newSegment.indexOf("\"",startSrcPos+locTag.length()+1);\r
2567                                 String source; \r
2568                                 if (locTag.startsWith("src")) {\r
2569                                          source = newSegment.substring(startSrcPos+locTag.length(),endSrcPos);\r
2570                                                 newSegment = newSegment.replace(source,\r
2571                                                         FileUtils.toForwardSlashedPath(Global.getFileManager().getResDirPath(newFile)));\r
2572                                 } else {\r
2573                                         source = newSegment.substring(startSrcPos+locTag.length(),endSrcPos);\r
2574                                         newSegment = newSegment.replace(source, newFile);\r
2575                                 }\r
2576                                 \r
2577                                 text = text.substring(0,startPos) + newSegment + text.substring(endPos);\r
2578                         }\r
2579                         startPos = text.indexOf(type, startPos+1);\r
2580                 }\r
2581                 return text;\r
2582         }\r
2583 \r
2584 \r
2585         public void nextPage(String file) {\r
2586                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Starting nextPage()");\r
2587                 \r
2588                 Integer pageNumber;\r
2589                 if (previewPageList.containsKey(file))\r
2590                         pageNumber = previewPageList.get(file)+1;\r
2591                 else\r
2592                         pageNumber = 2;\r
2593                 previewPageList.remove(file);\r
2594                 previewPageList.put(file, pageNumber);\r
2595                 PDFPreview pdfPreview = new PDFPreview();\r
2596                 boolean goodPreview = pdfPreview.setupPreview(file, "pdf", pageNumber);\r
2597                 if (goodPreview) {\r
2598 \r
2599 //                      String html = getContent();\r
2600                         QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0);\r
2601                         QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0);\r
2602 //                      browser.setContent(new QByteArray());\r
2603                         browser.setHtml(browser.page().mainFrame().toHtml());\r
2604                         browser.reload();\r
2605 //                      browser.setContent(new QByteArray(html));\r
2606 //                      browser.triggerPageAction(WebAction.Reload);\r
2607 //                      pdfMouseOver(selectedFile);\r
2608                 }\r
2609         }\r
2610 \r
2611         public void previousPage(String file) {\r
2612                 logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Starting previousPage()");\r
2613                 \r
2614                 Integer pageNumber;\r
2615                 if (previewPageList.containsKey(file))\r
2616                         pageNumber = previewPageList.get(file)-1;\r
2617                 else\r
2618                         pageNumber = 1;\r
2619                 previewPageList.remove(file);\r
2620                 previewPageList.put(file, pageNumber);\r
2621                 PDFPreview pdfPreview = new PDFPreview();\r
2622                 boolean goodPreview = pdfPreview.setupPreview(file, "pdf", pageNumber);\r
2623                 if (goodPreview) {\r
2624 \r
2625 //                      String html = getContent();\r
2626                         QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0);\r
2627                         QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0);\r
2628                         browser.setHtml(browser.page().mainFrame().toHtml());\r
2629                         browser.reload();\r
2630 //                      browser.setContent(new QByteArray(html));\r
2631 //                      browser.triggerPageAction(WebAction.Reload);\r
2632                 }\r
2633         }\r
2634         \r
2635 /*      public void pdfMouseOver(String name) { \r
2636                 int pageNumber;\r
2637                 if (previewPageList.containsKey(selectedFile))\r
2638                         pageNumber = previewPageList.get(selectedFile)+1;\r
2639                 else\r
2640                         pageNumber = 1;\r
2641                 \r
2642                 if (pageNumber <= 1)\r
2643                         browser.previousPageAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2644                 else\r
2645                         browser.previousPageAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2646                 \r
2647                 PDFPreview pdf = new PDFPreview();\r
2648                 int totalPages = pdf.getPageCount(name);\r
2649                 if (previewPageList.containsKey(selectedFile))\r
2650                         pageNumber = previewPageList.get(selectedFile)+1;\r
2651                 else\r
2652                         pageNumber = 1;\r
2653                 if (totalPages > pageNumber)\r
2654                         browser.nextPageAction.setEnabled(true);\r
2655                 else\r
2656                         browser.nextPageAction.setEnabled(false);\r
2657         }\r
2658         \r
2659 \r
2660         public void pdfMouseOut() { \r
2661 //              browser.nextPageAction.setVisible(false);\r
2662 //              browser.previousPageAction.setVisible(false);\r
2663         }\r
2664 */\r
2665         \r
2666         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2667         private void toggleUndoVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2668                 undoAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2669                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("undo", toggle);\r
2670         }\r
2671         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2672         private void toggleRedoVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2673                 redoAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2674                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("redo", toggle);\r
2675         }\r
2676         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2677         private void toggleCutVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2678                 cutAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2679                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("cut", toggle);\r
2680         }\r
2681         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2682         private void toggleCopyVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2683                 copyAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2684                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("copy", toggle);\r
2685         }\r
2686         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2687         private void togglePasteVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2688                 pasteAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2689                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("paste", toggle);\r
2690         }\r
2691         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2692         private void toggleBoldVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2693                 boldAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2694                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("bold", toggle);\r
2695         }\r
2696         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2697         private void toggleItalicVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2698                 italicAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2699                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("italic", toggle);\r
2700         }\r
2701         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2702         private void toggleUnderlineVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2703                 underlineAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2704                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("underline", toggle);\r
2705         }\r
2706         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2707         private void toggleStrikethroughVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2708                 strikethroughAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2709                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("strikethrough", toggle);\r
2710         }\r
2711         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2712         private void toggleLeftAlignVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2713                 leftAlignAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2714                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("alignLeft", toggle);\r
2715         }\r
2716         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2717         private void toggleRightAlignVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2718                 rightAlignAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2719                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("alignRight", toggle);\r
2720         }       \r
2721         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2722         private void toggleCenterAlignVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2723                 centerAlignAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2724                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("alignCenter", toggle);\r
2725         }\r
2726         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2727         private void toggleHLineVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2728                 hlineAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2729                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("hline", toggle);\r
2730         }\r
2731         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2732         private void toggleIndentVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2733                 indentAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2734                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("indent", toggle);\r
2735         }\r
2736         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2737         private void toggleTodoVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2738                 todoAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2739                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("todo", toggle);\r
2740         }\r
2741         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2742         private void toggleOutdentVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2743                 outdentAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2744                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("outdent", toggle);\r
2745         }\r
2746         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2747         private void toggleBulletListVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2748                 bulletListAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2749                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("bulletList", toggle);\r
2750         }\r
2751         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2752         private void toggleNumberListVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2753                 numberListAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2754                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("numberList", toggle);\r
2755         }\r
2756         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2757         private void toggleFontListVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2758                 fontListAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2759                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("font", toggle);\r
2760         }\r
2761         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2762         private void toggleFontColorVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2763                 fontColorAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2764                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("fontColor", toggle);\r
2765         }\r
2766         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2767         private void toggleFontSizeVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2768                 fontSizeAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2769                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("fontSize", toggle);\r
2770         }\r
2771         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2772         private void toggleFontHilightVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2773                 fontHilightAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2774                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("fontHilight", toggle);\r
2775         }\r
2776         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2777         private void toggleSpellCheckVisible(Boolean toggle) {\r
2778                 spellCheckAction.setVisible(toggle);\r
2779                 Global.saveEditorButtonsVisible("spellCheck", toggle);\r
2780         }\r
2781 \r
2782 \r
2783         private void setupDictionary() {\r
2784                 File wordList = new File(Global.getFileManager().getSpellDirPath()+Locale.getDefault()+".dic");\r
2785                 try {\r
2786                         dictionary = new SpellDictionaryHashMap(wordList);\r
2787                         spellChecker = new SpellChecker(dictionary);\r
2788                         \r
2789                         File userWordList;\r
2790                         userWordList = new File(Global.getFileManager().getSpellDirPathUser()+"user.dic");\r
2791                         \r
2792                         // Get the local user spell dictionary\r
2793                         try {\r
2794                                 userDictionary = new SpellDictionaryHashMap(userWordList);\r
2795                         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\r
2796                                 userWordList.createNewFile();\r
2797                                 userDictionary = new SpellDictionaryHashMap(userWordList);\r
2798                         } catch (IOException e) {\r
2799                                 userWordList.createNewFile();\r
2800                                 userDictionary = new SpellDictionaryHashMap(userWordList);\r
2801                         }\r
2802                         \r
2803                         spellListener = new SuggestionListener(this, spellChecker);\r
2804                         \r
2805                         // Add the user dictionary\r
2806                         spellChecker.addSpellCheckListener(spellListener);\r
2807                         spellChecker.setUserDictionary(userDictionary);\r
2808 \r
2809                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\r
2810                         QMessageBox.critical(this, tr("Spell Check Error"), \r
2811                                         tr("Dictionary "+ Global.getFileManager().getSpellDirPath()+Locale.getDefault()+\r
2812                                                 ".dic was not found."));\r
2813                 } catch (IOException e) {\r
2814                         QMessageBox.critical(this, tr("Spell Check Error"), \r
2815                                         tr("Dictionary "+ Global.getFileManager().getSpellDirPath()+Locale.getDefault()+\r
2816                                                 ".dic is invalid."));\r
2817                 }\r
2818 \r
2819         }\r
2820         \r
2821         // Invoke spell checker dialog\r
2822         @SuppressWarnings("unused")\r
2823         private void spellCheckClicked() {\r
2824 \r
2825                 if (spellChecker == null) {\r
2826                         setupDictionary();      \r
2827                 }\r
2828                 \r
2829                 // Read user settings\r
2830                 spellChecker.getConfiguration().setBoolean(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREDIGITWORDS, \r
2831                                 Global.getSpellSetting(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREDIGITWORDS));\r
2832                 spellChecker.getConfiguration().setBoolean(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREINTERNETADDRESSES, \r
2833                                 Global.getSpellSetting(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREINTERNETADDRESSES));\r
2834                 spellChecker.getConfiguration().setBoolean(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREMIXEDCASE, \r
2835                                 Global.getSpellSetting(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREMIXEDCASE));\r
2836                 spellChecker.getConfiguration().setBoolean(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREUPPERCASE, \r
2837                                 Global.getSpellSetting(Configuration.SPELL_IGNOREUPPERCASE));\r
2838                 spellChecker.getConfiguration().setBoolean(Configuration.SPELL_IGNORESENTENCECAPITALIZATION, \r
2839                                 Global.getSpellSetting(Configuration.SPELL_IGNORESENTENCECAPITALIZATION));\r
2840 \r
2841                 spellListener.abortSpellCheck = false;\r
2842                 spellListener.errorsFound = false;\r
2843                 String content = getBrowser().page().mainFrame().toPlainText();\r
2844                 StringWordTokenizer tokenizer = new StringWordTokenizer(content);\r
2845                 if (!tokenizer.hasMoreWords())\r
2846                         return;\r
2847                 getBrowser().page().action(WebAction.MoveToStartOfDocument);\r
2848 \r
2849                 getBrowser().setFocus();\r
2850                 boolean found;\r
2851                         \r
2852                 // Move to the start of page\r
2853                 KeyboardModifiers ctrl = new KeyboardModifiers(KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier.value());\r
2854                 QKeyEvent home = new QKeyEvent(Type.KeyPress, Key.Key_Home.value(), ctrl);  \r
2855                 browser.keyPressEvent(home);\r
2856                 getBrowser().setFocus();\r
2857                         \r
2858                 tokenizer = new StringWordTokenizer(content);\r
2859                 String word;\r
2860                         \r
2861                 while(tokenizer.hasMoreWords()) {\r
2862                         word = tokenizer.nextWord();\r
2863                         found = getBrowser().page().findText(word);\r
2864                         if (found && !spellListener.abortSpellCheck) {\r
2865                                 spellChecker.checkSpelling(new StringWordTokenizer(word));\r
2866                                 getBrowser().setFocus();\r
2867                         }\r
2868                 }\r
2869 \r
2870                 // Go to the end of the document & finish up.\r
2871                 home = new QKeyEvent(Type.KeyPress, Key.Key_End.value(), ctrl);  \r
2872                 browser.keyPressEvent(home);\r
2873                 if (!spellListener.errorsFound)\r
2874                         QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Spell Check Complete"), \r
2875                                         tr("No Errors Found"));\r
2876 \r
2877     }\r
2878 \r
2879 }\r