;;; -*- Coding: utf-8-unix -*- ;;; automatically generated from fr/0000-00-00-000000.txt ;;; by howm-mkmenu.el. (require 'howm-vars) (howm-defconst-risky howm-menu-fr "= <<< %menu% %\"e\"[Se souvenir] %\"c\"[Nouveau] %\"D\"[Dup] Search(%\"s\"[Chaine] %\"g\"[Regexp] %\"o\"[Occurences]) %\"a\"[Tout] %\"l\"[Récent] %\"A\"[Autour] %\"y\"[Programme] %\"t\"[A faire] %\"b\"[Fichiers tampons] %\"x\"[Repères] %\"K\"[] %\"i\"[Clé>] %\"r\"[Màj] %\"w\"[Parcours aléatoire] [Tout tuer] %\".\"[Aujourd'hui] %\":\"[Hier] %\"h\"[Historique] %\"R\"[Màj du Menu] [Editer le menu] [Préferences] ------------------------------------- [Schedule, Todo] -- @schedule, !deadline (until %sdays days from now) !deadline, +todo, -reminder, ~defer (top %tnum entries) %reminder ------------------------------------- Recent %recent ------------------------------------- Random -- If you do not like this, [Editer le menu] to erase it. %random ------------------------------------- Format of schedule and todo (Please replace {} with []): {2002-10-21}@1 schedule -- (shown in schedule part. @3 = \"3 days schedule to 10-23\") {2002-10-21}+7 todo -- float up slowly from the date in 7 days {2002-10-21}!7 deadline -- float up fast from 7 days before the date {2002-10-21}-1 reminder -- float at the date and sink slowly one unit per 1 day {2002-10-21}~30 defer -- float at the date and repeat sinking and floating with 30 days period {2002-10-21}. done -- sink forever (Numbers after marks are default values.) How to remember: * Schedule at(@) the date * Reminder sinks down(-). * Todo floats up(+). * Deadline needs attention! * Defer waves(~) up and down. * Done is the end(.). ------------------------------------- You can edit this menu itself. >>> %Editing Menu% = <<< %Editing Menu% [Editer le menu] Hit RET on the left button to edit this menu. [Màj du Menu] Hit RET on the left button to update this menu. -------------------------------------------------------- *** Format of the menu file *** (Please hit RET on [Editer le menu] and read the source file.) == Basic format As you see... * [xxx] is button. * %REMINDER (in small letters) is schedule and todo list. * %RECENT (in small letters) is list of recent entries. * %RANDOM (in small letters) is list of random entries. You can arrange their places as you like. Writing favorite files or goto links may be also convenient. (ex) file:///etc/services >>> wiki == Shortcut %\"foo\"[Tout] This is displayed as foo[Tout], and the key \"f\" executes [Tout]. Exactly speaking, it executes the following sequence: (1) move to closing \", (2) move to next underline, and (3) hit it. %\"bar%\" If you put % at the tail like this, the key \"b\" means \"move cursor here\". == For lispers Display: %here%howm-congrats-count ;; embed value of variable howm-congrats-count %here%(howm-menu-search \"search\") ;; embed result of (...), that is, search \"search\" and embed matched lines Functions must be registered for safety. (setq howm-menu-allow (append '(foo bar) howm-menu-allow)) ;; allow foo, bar Action: %eval%(message (buffer-name)) ;; evaluate S expr %call%find-file ;; call function interactively Both are evaluated in the previous buffer before raising menu. == Hiding '%' + '|' toggles invisibility like this: visible%|invisible%|appear%|disappear - until the end of line (Newline is removed when the end of line is invisible.) == Multiple menus Links to %xxx% open \"<< < %xxx%\" with menu-mode: >>> %menu% When you add new menu, [[%menu%]] may be more convenient because corresponding entry is generated automatically. %eval%(howm-menu-open \"00000000-000000.txt\") -- open file with menu-mode ") (provide 'howm-menu-fr)