OSDN Git Service

authoryuki <yuki@c066991c-cf13-ec4a-a49a-846e61667af5>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:38:22 +0000 (10:38 +0000)
committeryuki <yuki@c066991c-cf13-ec4a-a49a-846e61667af5>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:38:22 +0000 (10:38 +0000)

git-svn-id: c066991c-cf13-ec4a-a49a-846e61667af5

34 files changed:
frontend/src/saccubus/ConvertingSetting.java [deleted file]
frontend/src/saccubus/OptionValue.java [deleted file]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Converter.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/Converter.java with 65% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FfmpegOption.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FileSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Profile.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Proxy.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/SFile.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/CommentFileWebGetter.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/CommentFileWebGetter.java with 83% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/FileGetter.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/FileGetter.java with 89% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/FileInstanciator.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/FileInstanciator.java with 71% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/FileLocator.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/LoginInfo.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/LoginInfo.java with 51% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/TcommFileWebGetter.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/TcommFileWebGetter.java with 95% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/VideoFileWebGetter.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/VideoFileWebGetter.java with 94% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/WebFileInstanciator.java [moved from frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/WebFileInstanciator.java with 63% similarity]
frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/FileLocator.java [deleted file]
frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/VideoFileLocator.java [deleted file]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/BasicSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ConvertSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputCommentSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputFileSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputTcommentSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputVideoSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/MovieSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/OutputVideoSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ProcessFileSetting.java [new file with mode: 0644]
frontend/src/saccubus/properties/SProperties.java [new file with mode: 0644]

index 42eb078..6fb584f 100644 (file)
-  <li>さきゅばすver1.22rの全機能</li>\r
+  <li>さきゅばすver1.22rの全機能</li>\r
-  <li>nmから始まる動画(swf動画)のダウンロード\r
+  <li>nmから始まる動画(swf動画)のダウンロード\r
       <li>ただし、変換自体を正しく行えるものは少ないはず(<a href="http://www5.ssw.co.jp/nmm/">ニ\r
       <li>ただし、変換自体を正しく行えるものは少ないはず(<a href="http://www5.ssw.co.jp/nmm/">ニ\r
-コニコムービーメーカー</a>で作成したものはおそらく正常変換できないだろう) </li>\r
+  <li>動画によって(動画名によって)変換処理が上手くいかない状況がある問題の解消。<br>\r
+  </li>\r
@@ -68,6 +70,15 @@ ver.1.22rが動作できない事象もにちゃんねるで報告されてい
+<p>2009/12/15 ver.1.1.1<br>\r
+<p>2009/12/13 ver.1.1.0<br>\r
 <p>2009/12/09 ver.1.0.0<br>\r
 <p>2009/12/09 ver.1.0.0<br>\r
index bf0b0c4..56405d6 100644 (file)
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
         <condition else="" property="endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg" value="-Xbootclasspath/p:'${toString:endorsed.classpath.path}'">\r
             <length length="0" string="${endorsed.classpath}" when="greater"/>\r
         <condition else="" property="endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg" value="-Xbootclasspath/p:'${toString:endorsed.classpath.path}'">\r
             <length length="0" string="${endorsed.classpath}" when="greater"/>\r
+        <property name="javac.fork" value="false"/>\r
     <target name="-post-init">\r
         <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->\r
     <target name="-post-init">\r
         <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->\r
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
                 <property location="${build.dir}/empty" name="empty.dir"/>\r
                 <mkdir dir="${empty.dir}"/>\r
                 <property location="${build.dir}/empty" name="empty.dir"/>\r
                 <mkdir dir="${empty.dir}"/>\r
-                <javac debug="@{debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="@{destdir}" encoding="${source.encoding}" excludes="@{excludes}" includeantruntime="false" includes="@{includes}" source="${javac.source}" sourcepath="@{sourcepath}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" target="${javac.target}">\r
+                <javac debug="@{debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="@{destdir}" encoding="${source.encoding}" excludes="@{excludes}" fork="${javac.fork}" includeantruntime="false" includes="@{includes}" source="${javac.source}" sourcepath="@{sourcepath}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" target="${javac.target}" tempdir="${java.io.tmpdir}">\r
                         <dirset dir="@{gensrcdir}" erroronmissingdir="false">\r
                             <include name="*"/>\r
                         <dirset dir="@{gensrcdir}" erroronmissingdir="false">\r
                             <include name="*"/>\r
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
             <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>\r
             <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>\r
             <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>\r
             <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>\r
-                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" showoutput="true">\r
+                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" showoutput="true" tempdir="${build.dir}">\r
                     <batchtest todir="${build.test.results.dir}">\r
                         <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes}" includes="@{includes}">\r
                             <filename name="@{testincludes}"/>\r
                     <batchtest todir="${build.test.results.dir}">\r
                         <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes}" includes="@{includes}">\r
                             <filename name="@{testincludes}"/>\r
@@ -374,15 +375,14 @@ is divided into following sections:
         <property location="${build.dir}/built-jar.properties" name="built-jar.properties"/>\r
         <delete file="${built-jar.properties}" quiet="true"/>\r
         <property location="${build.dir}/built-jar.properties" name="built-jar.properties"/>\r
         <delete file="${built-jar.properties}" quiet="true"/>\r
+    <target if="already.built.jar.${basedir}" name="-warn-already-built-jar">\r
+        <echo level="warn" message="Cycle detected: Saccubus was already built"/>\r
+    </target>\r
     <target depends="init,-deps-jar-init" name="deps-jar" unless="no.deps">\r
         <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
         <touch file="${built-jar.properties}" verbose="false"/>\r
         <property file="${built-jar.properties}" prefix="already.built.jar."/>\r
     <target depends="init,-deps-jar-init" name="deps-jar" unless="no.deps">\r
         <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
         <touch file="${built-jar.properties}" verbose="false"/>\r
         <property file="${built-jar.properties}" prefix="already.built.jar."/>\r
-        <fail message="Cycle detected: Saccubus was already built">\r
-            <condition>\r
-                <isset property="already.built.jar.${basedir}"/>\r
-            </condition>\r
-        </fail>\r
+        <antcall target="-warn-already-built-jar"/>\r
         <propertyfile file="${built-jar.properties}">\r
             <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>\r
         <propertyfile file="${built-jar.properties}">\r
             <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>\r
@@ -562,11 +562,11 @@ is divided into following sections:
     <target name="-do-not-recompile">\r
         <property name="javac.includes.binary" value=""/>\r
     <target name="-do-not-recompile">\r
         <property name="javac.includes.binary" value=""/>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-single" name="run-single">\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-single" name="run-single">\r
         <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}"/>\r
         <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}"/>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-test-single" name="run-test-with-main">\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single" name="run-test-with-main">\r
         <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>\r
         <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>\r
@@ -597,12 +597,12 @@ is divided into following sections:
         <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}"/>\r
         <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}"/>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-single,-debug-start-debugger,-debug-start-debuggee-single" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-single"/>\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-single,-debug-start-debugger,-debug-start-debuggee-single" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-single"/>\r
     <target depends="init,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debuggee-main-test">\r
         <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}" classpath="${debug.test.classpath}"/>\r
     <target depends="init,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debuggee-main-test">\r
         <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>\r
         <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}" classpath="${debug.test.classpath}"/>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-main-test,-debug-start-debuggee-main-test" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-test-with-main"/>\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-main-test,-debug-start-debuggee-main-test" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-test-with-main"/>\r
     <target depends="init" name="-pre-debug-fix">\r
         <fail unless="fix.includes">Must set fix.includes</fail>\r
         <property name="javac.includes" value="${fix.includes}.java"/>\r
     <target depends="init" name="-pre-debug-fix">\r
         <fail unless="fix.includes">Must set fix.includes</fail>\r
         <property name="javac.includes" value="${fix.includes}.java"/>\r
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
     <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-post-test-run-single">\r
         <fail if="tests.failed" unless="ignore.failing.tests">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>\r
     <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-post-test-run-single">\r
         <fail if="tests.failed" unless="ignore.failing.tests">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single,-post-test-run-single" description="Run single unit test." name="test-single"/>\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single,-post-test-run-single" description="Run single unit test." name="test-single"/>\r
                 JUNIT DEBUGGING SECTION\r
                 JUNIT DEBUGGING SECTION\r
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
     <target depends="init,compile-test" if="netbeans.home+have.tests" name="-debug-start-debugger-test">\r
         <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart classpath="${debug.test.classpath}" name="${test.class}"/>\r
     <target depends="init,compile-test" if="netbeans.home+have.tests" name="-debug-start-debugger-test">\r
         <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart classpath="${debug.test.classpath}" name="${test.class}"/>\r
-    <target depends="init,-do-not-recompile,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-test,-debug-start-debuggee-test" name="debug-test"/>\r
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-test,-debug-start-debuggee-test" name="debug-test"/>\r
     <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-do-debug-fix-test">\r
         <j2seproject1:nbjpdareload dir="${build.test.classes.dir}"/>\r
     <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-do-debug-fix-test">\r
         <j2seproject1:nbjpdareload dir="${build.test.classes.dir}"/>\r
@@ -772,15 +772,14 @@ is divided into following sections:
         <property location="${build.dir}/built-clean.properties" name="built-clean.properties"/>\r
         <delete file="${built-clean.properties}" quiet="true"/>\r
         <property location="${build.dir}/built-clean.properties" name="built-clean.properties"/>\r
         <delete file="${built-clean.properties}" quiet="true"/>\r
+    <target if="already.built.clean.${basedir}" name="-warn-already-built-clean">\r
+        <echo level="warn" message="Cycle detected: Saccubus was already built"/>\r
+    </target>\r
     <target depends="init,-deps-clean-init" name="deps-clean" unless="no.deps">\r
         <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
         <touch file="${built-clean.properties}" verbose="false"/>\r
         <property file="${built-clean.properties}" prefix="already.built.clean."/>\r
     <target depends="init,-deps-clean-init" name="deps-clean" unless="no.deps">\r
         <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
         <touch file="${built-clean.properties}" verbose="false"/>\r
         <property file="${built-clean.properties}" prefix="already.built.clean."/>\r
-        <fail message="Cycle detected: Saccubus was already built">\r
-            <condition>\r
-                <isset property="already.built.clean.${basedir}"/>\r
-            </condition>\r
-        </fail>\r
+        <antcall target="-warn-already-built-clean"/>\r
         <propertyfile file="${built-clean.properties}">\r
             <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>\r
         <propertyfile file="${built-clean.properties}">\r
             <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>\r
@@ -794,7 +793,7 @@ is divided into following sections:
     <target depends="init" name="-do-clean">\r
         <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
     <target depends="init" name="-do-clean">\r
         <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
-        <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>\r
+        <delete dir="${dist.dir}" followsymlinks="false" includeemptydirs="true"/>\r
     <target name="-post-clean">\r
         <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->\r
     <target name="-post-clean">\r
         <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->\r
index 2d030d2..2c34ec0 100644 (file)
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ build.xml.stylesheet.CRC32=958a1d3e@
 # This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml.\r
 # Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you.\r
 # This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml.\r
 # Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you.\r
index 077722b..e2eedf7 100644 (file)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ javadoc.splitindex=true
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/ConvertingSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/ConvertingSetting.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0f81873..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-package saccubus;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
- * <p>
- * \83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82³\82«\82ã\82Î\82·
- * </p>
- * 
- * <p>
- * \90à\96¾: \83j\83R\83j\83R\93®\89æ\82Ì\93®\89æ\82ð\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82Â\82«\82Å\95Û\91
- * </p>
- * 
- * <p>
- * \92\98\8dì\8c : Copyright (c) 2007 PSI
- * </p>
- * 
- * <p>
- * \89ï\8eÐ\96¼:
- * </p>
- * 
- * @author \96¢\93ü\97Í
- * @version 1.0
- */
-public class ConvertingSetting {
-    public static final String[] ShadowKindArray = {
-        "00:\82È\82µ",
-        "01:\83j\83R\83j\83R\93®\89æ\95\97",
-        "02:\89E\89º",
-        "03:\88Í\82¢\8d\9e\82Ý"
-    };
-    private final String MailAddress;
-    private final String Password;
-    private final VideoSaveKind saveVideo;
-    private final File VideoFile;
-    private final boolean SaveComment;
-    private final File CommentFile;
-    private final boolean SaveConverted;
-    private final boolean addComment;
-    private final boolean addTcomment;
-    private final File ConvertedVideoFile;
-    private final String FFmpegPath;
-    private final String VhookPath;
-    private final String CmdLineOptionExt;
-    private final String CmdLineOptionIn;
-    private final String CmdLineOptionOut;
-    private final String CmdLineOptionMain;
-    private final String FontPath;
-    private final int FontIndex;
-    private final String BackComment;
-    private final boolean Vhook_ShowConvertingVideo;
-    private final int VideoShowNum;
-    private final boolean DeleteVideoAfterConverting;
-    private final boolean VideoFixFileName;
-    private final File VideoFixFileNameFolder;
-    private final boolean DeleteCommentAfterConverting;
-    private final boolean CommentFixFileName;
-    private final File CommentFixFileNameFolder;
-    private final TcommentSetting tcommentSetting;
-    private final boolean ConvFixFileName;
-    private final File ConvFixFileNameFolder;
-    private final String NG_Word;
-    private final String NG_ID;
-    private final boolean UseProxy;
-    private final String Proxy;
-    private final int ProxyPort;
-    private final boolean FixFontSize;
-    private final boolean FixCommentNum;
-    private final boolean OpaqueComment;
-    private final boolean NotAddVideoID_Conv;
-    private final File OptionFile;
-    private final boolean DisableVhook;
-    private final int ShadowIndex;
-    public ConvertingSetting(
-            String mailaddress,
-            String password,
-            VideoSaveKind savevideo,
-            String videofile,
-            boolean savecomment,
-            String commentfile,
-            boolean saveconverted,
-            boolean addComment,
-            boolean addTcomment,
-            String convvideofile,
-            String videoshownum,
-            String ffmpegpath,
-            String vhookpath,
-            String cmdlineoption_ext,
-            String cmdlineoption_main,
-            String cmdlineoption_in,
-            String cmdlineoption_out,
-            String backcomment,
-            String fontpath,
-            int font_index,
-            boolean showconvvideo,
-            boolean delete_video_after_conv,
-            boolean video_fix_file_name,
-            String video_fix_file_name_folder,
-            boolean delete_comment_after_conv,
-            boolean comment_fix_file_name,
-            String comment_fix_file_name_folder,
-            TcommentSetting tcommentSetting,
-            boolean not_add_videoid_conv,
-            boolean conv_fix_file_name,
-            String conv_fix_file_name_folder,
-            String ngword,
-            String ngid,
-            boolean use_proxy,
-            String proxy,
-            int proxy_port,
-            boolean fix_font_size,
-            boolean fix_comment_num,
-            boolean opaque_comment,
-            File option_file, boolean disable_vhook,
-            int shadow_index) {
-        MailAddress = mailaddress;
-        Password = password;
-        this.saveVideo = savevideo;
-        if (videofile.lastIndexOf(".") < videofile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
-            videofile += ".flv";
-        }
-        VideoFile = new File(videofile);
-        SaveComment = savecomment;
-        if (commentfile.lastIndexOf(".") < commentfile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
-            commentfile += ".xml";
-        }
-        CommentFile = new File(commentfile);
-        SaveConverted = saveconverted;
-        this.addComment = addComment;
-        this.addTcomment = addTcomment;
-        if (convvideofile.lastIndexOf(".") < convvideofile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
-            convvideofile += ".avi";
-        }
-        ConvertedVideoFile = new File(convvideofile);
-        int num = 30;
-        try {
-            num = Integer.parseInt(videoshownum);
-        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-        }
-        VideoShowNum = num;
-        FFmpegPath = ffmpegpath;
-        VhookPath = vhookpath;
-        CmdLineOptionExt = cmdlineoption_ext;
-        CmdLineOptionMain = cmdlineoption_main;
-        CmdLineOptionIn = cmdlineoption_in;
-        CmdLineOptionOut = cmdlineoption_out;
-        BackComment = backcomment;
-        FontPath = fontpath;
-        FontIndex = font_index;
-        Vhook_ShowConvertingVideo = showconvvideo;
-        DeleteVideoAfterConverting = delete_video_after_conv;
-        VideoFixFileName = video_fix_file_name;
-        VideoFixFileNameFolder = new File(video_fix_file_name_folder, "");
-        DeleteCommentAfterConverting = delete_comment_after_conv;
-        CommentFixFileName = comment_fix_file_name;
-        CommentFixFileNameFolder = new File(comment_fix_file_name_folder, "");
-        this.tcommentSetting = tcommentSetting;
-        NotAddVideoID_Conv = not_add_videoid_conv;
-        ConvFixFileName = conv_fix_file_name;
-        ConvFixFileNameFolder = new File(conv_fix_file_name_folder, "");
-        NG_Word = ngword;
-        NG_ID = ngid;
-        UseProxy = use_proxy;
-        Proxy = proxy;
-        ProxyPort = proxy_port;
-        FixFontSize = fix_font_size;
-        FixCommentNum = fix_comment_num;
-        OpaqueComment = opaque_comment;
-        OptionFile = option_file;
-        DisableVhook = disable_vhook;
-        ShadowIndex = shadow_index;
-    }
-    public File getVideoFile() {
-        return VideoFile;
-    }
-    public File getCommentFile() {
-        return CommentFile;
-    }
-    public File getConvertedVideoFile() {
-        return ConvertedVideoFile;
-    }
-    public String getFFmpegPath() {
-        return FFmpegPath;
-    }
-    public String getVhookPath() {
-        return VhookPath;
-    }
-    public String getCmdLineOptionIn() {
-        return CmdLineOptionIn;
-    }
-    public String getFontPath() {
-        return FontPath;
-    }
-    public String getFontIndex() {
-        return Integer.toString(FontIndex);
-    }
-    public boolean isVhook_ShowConvertingVideo() {
-        return Vhook_ShowConvertingVideo;
-    }
-    public String getMailAddress() {
-        return MailAddress;
-    }
-    public String getPassword() {
-        return Password;
-    }
-    public VideoSaveKind getVideoSaveKind() {
-        return saveVideo;
-    }
-    public boolean isSaveComment() {
-        return SaveComment;
-    }
-    /** @return \81u\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\95t\82«\93®\89æ\82É\95Ï\8a·\82·\82é\81v\82È\82çtrue. */
-    public boolean isSaveConverted() {
-        return SaveConverted;
-    }
-    /** @return \95Ï\8a·\93®\89æ\82É\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82ð\82Â\82¯\82é\82È\82çtrue. */
-    public boolean getAddComment() {
-        return addComment;
-    }
-    /** @return \95Ï\8a·\93®\89æ\82É\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82ð\82Â\82¯\82é\82È\82çtrue. */
-    public boolean getAddTcomment() {
-        return addTcomment;
-    }
-    public String getCmdLineOptionOut() {
-        return CmdLineOptionOut;
-    }
-    public String getBackComment() {
-        return BackComment;
-    }
-    public String getVideoShowNum() {
-        return Integer.toString(VideoShowNum);
-    }
-    public String getCmdLineOptionExt() {
-        return CmdLineOptionExt;
-    }
-    public String getCmdLineOptionMain() {
-        return CmdLineOptionMain;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return \93®\89æ\95Û\91\90Ý\92è\82Å\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\82Å\8c\88\92è\82·\82é\81v\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
-     * \81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\81v\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
-     */
-    public boolean isVideoFixFileName() {
-        return VideoFixFileName;
-    }
-    public boolean isDeleteVideoAfterConverting() {
-        return DeleteVideoAfterConverting;
-    }
-    public File getVideoFixFileNameFolder() {
-        return VideoFixFileNameFolder;
-    }
-    public boolean isCommentFixFileName() {
-        return CommentFixFileName;
-    }
-    public boolean isDeleteCommentAfterConverting() {
-        return DeleteCommentAfterConverting;
-    }
-    public File getCommentFixFileNameFolder() {
-        return CommentFixFileNameFolder;
-    }
-    public boolean isNotAddVideoID_Conv() {
-        return NotAddVideoID_Conv;
-    }
-    public boolean isConvFixFileName() {
-        return ConvFixFileName;
-    }
-    public File getConvFixFileNameFolder() {
-        return ConvFixFileNameFolder;
-    }
-    public String getNG_Word() {
-        return NG_Word;
-    }
-    public String getNG_ID() {
-        return NG_ID;
-    }
-    public boolean useProxy() {
-        return UseProxy;
-    }
-    public String getProxy() {
-        return Proxy;
-    }
-    public int getProxyPort() {
-        return ProxyPort;
-    }
-    public boolean isFixFontSize() {
-        return FixFontSize;
-    }
-    public boolean isFixCommentNum() {
-        return FixCommentNum;
-    }
-    public boolean isOpaqueComment() {
-        return OpaqueComment;
-    }
-    public File getOptionFile() {
-        return OptionFile;
-    }
-    public boolean isVhookDisabled() {
-        return DisableVhook;
-    }
-    public int getShadowIndex() {
-        return ShadowIndex;
-    }
-    private static final String PROP_FILE = "./saccubus.xml";
-    private static final String PROP_MAILADDR = "MailAddress";
-    private static final String PROP_PASSWORD = "Password";
-    private static final String PROP_SAVE_VIDEO = "SaveVideoFile";
-    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FILE = "VideoFile";
-    private static final String PROP_SAVE_COMMENT = "SaveCommentFile";
-    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FILE = "CommentFile";
-    private static final String PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED = "SaveConvertedFile";
-    private static final String PROP_ADD_COMMENT = "AddComment";
-    private static final String PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT = "AddTcomment";
-    private static final String PROP_CONVERTED_FILE = "ConvertedFile";
-    private static final String PROP_FFMPEG_PATH = "FFnpegPath";
-    private static final String PROP_VHOOK_PATH = "VhookPath";
-    private static final String PROP_FONT_PATH = "FontPath";
-    private static final String PROP_FONT_INDEX = "FontIndex";
-    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_EXT = "CMD_EXT";
-    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN = "CMD_MAIN";
-    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_IN = "CMD_IN";
-    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_OUT = "CMD_OUT";
-    private static final String PROP_BACK_COMMENT = "BackComment";
-    private static final String PROP_SHOW_VIDEO = "ShowVideo";
-    private static final String PROP_SHOW_COMMENT = "ShowCommentNum";
-    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME = "VideoFixFileName";
-    private static final String PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV = "DeleteVideoAfterConv";
-    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "VideoFixFileNameFolder";
-    private static final String PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV = "DeleteCommentAfterConv";
-    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME = "CommentFixFileName";
-    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "CommentFixFileNameFolder";
-    private static final String PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV = "NotAddVideoIDtoConverted";
-    private static final String PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME = "ConvFixFileName";
-    private static final String PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "ConvFixFileNameFolder";
-    private static final String PROP_NG_WORD = "NG_Word";
-    private static final String PROP_NG_ID = "NG_ID";
-    private static final String PROP_USE_PROXY = "UseProxy";
-    private static final String PROP_PROXY = "Proxy";
-    private static final String PROP_PROXY_PORT = "ProxyPort";
-    private static final String PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE = "FixFontSize";
-    private static final String PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM = "FixCommentSize";
-    private static final String PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT = "OpaqueComment";
-    private static final String PROP_OPTION_FILE = "OptionFile";
-    private static final String PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK = "VhookDisabled";
-    private static final String PROP_SHADOW_INDEX = "ShadowIndex";
-    public static void saveSetting(ConvertingSetting setting) {
-        Properties prop = new Properties();
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_MAILADDR, setting.getMailAddress());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, setting.getPassword());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_VIDEO, setting.getVideoSaveKind().toString());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FILE, setting.getVideoFile().getPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_COMMENT, Boolean.toString(setting.isSaveComment()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FILE, setting.getCommentFile().getPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED, Boolean.toString(setting.isSaveConverted()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_ADD_COMMENT, Boolean.toString(setting.getAddComment()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT, Boolean.toString(setting.getAddTcomment()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHOW_COMMENT, setting.getVideoShowNum());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONVERTED_FILE, setting.getConvertedVideoFile().getPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_FFMPEG_PATH, setting.getFFmpegPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_VHOOK_PATH, setting.getVhookPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_FONT_PATH, setting.getFontPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_FONT_INDEX, setting.getFontIndex());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_EXT, setting.getCmdLineOptionExt());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN, setting.getCmdLineOptionMain());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_IN, setting.getCmdLineOptionIn());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_OUT, setting.getCmdLineOptionOut());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_BACK_COMMENT, setting.getBackComment());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHOW_VIDEO, Boolean.toString((setting.isVhook_ShowConvertingVideo())));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV, Boolean.toString(setting.isDeleteVideoAfterConverting()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME, Boolean.toString(setting.isVideoFixFileName()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, setting.getVideoFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV, Boolean.toString(setting.isDeleteCommentAfterConverting()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME, Boolean.toString(setting.isCommentFixFileName()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, setting.getCommentFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        setting.getTcommentSetting().save(prop);
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV, Boolean.toString(setting.isNotAddVideoID_Conv()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME, (new Boolean(setting.isConvFixFileName())).toString());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, setting.getConvFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_NG_WORD, setting.getNG_Word());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_NG_ID, setting.getNG_ID());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_USE_PROXY, Boolean.toString(setting.useProxy()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_PROXY, setting.getProxy());
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_PROXY_PORT, Integer.toString(setting.getProxyPort()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE, Boolean.toString(setting.isFixFontSize()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM, Boolean.toString(setting.isFixCommentNum()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT, Boolean.toString(setting.isOpaqueComment()));
-        if (setting.getOptionFile() != null) {
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_OPTION_FILE, setting.getOptionFile().getPath());
-        }
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK, Boolean.toString(setting.isVhookDisabled()));
-        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHADOW_INDEX, Integer.toString(setting.getShadowIndex()));
-        try {
-            prop.storeToXML(new FileOutputStream(PROP_FILE), "settings");
-        } catch (IOException ex) {
-            ex.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    /** \96{\89Æ\82³\82«\82ã\82Î\82·\82Å\95Û\91\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82½\8fê\8d\87\81APROP_SAVE_VIDEO\82Ítrue/false\82È\82Ì\82Å\95Ï\8a·\82·\82é. */
-    private static VideoSaveKind convertVideoSaveKind(Properties prop) {
-        VideoSaveKind kind;
-        String saveVideo = prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_VIDEO);
-        if (Boolean.toString(true).equals(saveVideo) || saveVideo == null) {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.SAVE;
-        } else if (Boolean.toString(false).equals(saveVideo)) {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.NO_SAVE;
-        } else {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.valueOf(saveVideo);
-        }
-        return kind;
-    }
-    public static ConvertingSetting loadSetting(String user, String password) {
-        Properties prop = new Properties();
-        try {
-            prop.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(PROP_FILE));
-        } catch (IOException ex) {
-            ex.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        if (user == null) {
-            user = prop.getProperty(PROP_MAILADDR, "");
-        }
-        if (password == null) {
-            password = prop.getProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, "");
-        }
-        String option_file_name = prop.getProperty(PROP_OPTION_FILE, null);
-        File option_file = null;
-        if (option_file_name != null) {
-            option_file = new File(option_file_name);
-        }
-        String win_dir = System.getenv("windir");
-        if (!win_dir.endsWith("\\")) {
-            win_dir = win_dir + "\\";
-        }
-        final VideoSaveKind kind = convertVideoSaveKind(prop);
-        return new ConvertingSetting(
-                user,
-                password,
-                kind,
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FILE, ".\\video.flv"),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_COMMENT, "true")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FILE, ".\\comment.xml"),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED, "true")),
-                Boolean.valueOf(prop.getProperty(PROP_ADD_COMMENT, "true")),
-                Boolean.valueOf(prop.getProperty(PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT, "false")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CONVERTED_FILE, ".\\video.avi"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_SHOW_COMMENT, "30"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_FFMPEG_PATH, ".\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_VHOOK_PATH, ".\\bin\\nicovideo.dll"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_EXT, "avi"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN, ""),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_IN, ""),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_OUT, "-f ipod"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_BACK_COMMENT, "500"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_FONT_PATH, win_dir + "Fonts\\msgothic.ttc"),
-                Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_FONT_INDEX, "1")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SHOW_VIDEO, "true")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV, "false")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[in]video\\"),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV, "false")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[in]comment\\"),
-                TcommentSetting.load(prop),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV, "false")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[out]converted\\"),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_NG_WORD, ""),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_NG_ID, ""),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_USE_PROXY, "false")),
-                prop.getProperty(PROP_PROXY, ""),
-                Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_PROXY_PORT, "-1")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE, "true")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM, "true")),
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT, "false")),
-                option_file, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK, "false")),
-                Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_SHADOW_INDEX, "1"),
-                10));
-    }
-    public TcommentSetting getTcommentSetting() {
-        return tcommentSetting;
-    }
-    public static class TcommentSetting {
-        private final boolean download;
-        private final boolean delete;
-        private final boolean autoFileName;
-        private final String inputDirectory;
-        private final String inputFile;
-        public boolean isAutoFileName() {
-            return autoFileName;
-        }
-        public boolean isDelete() {
-            return delete;
-        }
-        public boolean isDownload() {
-            return download;
-        }
-        /** @return \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\82Å\8c\88\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l. */
-        public String getInputDirectory() {
-            return inputDirectory;
-        }
-        /** @return \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l. */
-        public String getInputFile() {
-            return inputFile;
-        }
-        /** @return \95Û\91\90æ\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a. autoFileName\82ªfalse\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82à, \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\93ü\82ç\82È\82¢\82±\82Æ\82É\92\8d\88Ó. */
-        public File getDirectory() {
-            if (autoFileName) {
-                return new File(inputDirectory);
-            } else {
-                File parent = new File(inputFile).getParentFile();
-                if (parent == null) {
-                    parent = new File("");
-                }
-                return parent;
-            }
-        }
-        /** @return \95Û\91\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼. autoFileName\82ªtrue\82È\82ç\8fí\82Énull. */
-        public String getFileName() {
-            return FilenameUtils.getName(inputFile.toString());
-        }
-        /**
-         * \81u\93ü\97Í\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\81v\83p\83l\83\8b\82Ì\90Ý\92è.
-         * @param download \83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\95K\97v\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. \83\8d\81[\83J\83\8b\82É\82 \82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\97p\82¢\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
-         * @param delete \8f\88\97\9d\8fI\97¹\8cã\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\8dí\8f\9c\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. \8ec\82µ\82½\82Ü\82Ü\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
-         * @param inputDirectory \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\82Å\8c\88\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l.
-         * @param inputFile \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l.
-         */
-        public TcommentSetting(boolean download, boolean delete, boolean autoFileName, String inputDirectory,
-                String inputFile) {
-            this.download = download;
-            this.delete = delete;
-            this.autoFileName = autoFileName;
-            this.inputDirectory = inputDirectory;
-            this.inputFile = inputFile;
-        }
-        public static TcommentSetting load(Properties prop) {
-            String str;
-            str = prop.getProperty(PROP_DOWNLOAD, Boolean.toString(true));
-            boolean down = Boolean.valueOf(str);
-            str = prop.getProperty(PROP_DELETE, Boolean.toString(false));
-            boolean del = Boolean.valueOf(str);
-            str = prop.getProperty(PROP_AUTOFILENAME, Boolean.toString(true));
-            boolean naming = Boolean.valueOf(str);
-            String dir = prop.getProperty(PROP_DIRECTORYNAME, ".\\[in]tcomment");
-            String f = prop.getProperty(PROP_FILENAME, ".\\tcomment.xml");
-            return new TcommentSetting(down, del, naming, dir, f);
-        }
-        public void save(Properties prop) {
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_DOWNLOAD, Boolean.toString(download));
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_DELETE, Boolean.toString(delete));
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_AUTOFILENAME, Boolean.toString(autoFileName));
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_DIRECTORYNAME, inputDirectory.toString());
-            prop.setProperty(PROP_FILENAME, inputFile.toString());
-        }
-        private static final String PROP_DOWNLOAD = "TCDownload";
-        private static final String PROP_DELETE = "TCDelete";
-        private static final String PROP_AUTOFILENAME = "TCAutoNaming";
-        private static final String PROP_DIRECTORYNAME = "TCDirectory";
-        private static final String PROP_FILENAME = "TCFileName";
-    }
index 1eb834a..f0cace6 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 package saccubus;
 package saccubus;
+import saccubus.converter.Converter;
 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
 import java.awt.Dimension;
 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
 import java.awt.Dimension;
 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
 import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
 import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
 import javax.swing.JButton;
 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
 import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
 import javax.swing.JButton;
@@ -35,10 +37,17 @@ import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
 import javax.swing.JTextField;
 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
 import nicobrowser.entity.NicoContent;
 import javax.swing.JTextField;
 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
 import nicobrowser.entity.NicoContent;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag.State;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag.State;
-import saccubus.ConvertingSetting.TcommentSetting;
+import saccubus.converter.FfmpegOption;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
+import saccubus.properties.BasicSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.ConvertSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.InputCommentSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.InputVideoSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.SProperties;
+import saccubus.properties.InputTcommentSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.MovieSetting;
+import saccubus.properties.OutputVideoSetting;
 import saccubus.util.FileDropTarget;
 import saccubus.util.PopupRightClick;
 import yukihane.nicovideo.NicoDBFinder;
 import saccubus.util.FileDropTarget;
 import saccubus.util.PopupRightClick;
 import yukihane.nicovideo.NicoDBFinder;
@@ -66,7 +75,7 @@ import yukihane.nicovideo.NicoDBFinder;
 public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2564486741331062989L;
 public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2564486741331062989L;
-    public static final String VERSION = "1.22r NicoBrowser\8ag\92£ 1.0.0";
+    public static final String VERSION = "1.22r NicoBrowser\8ag\92£ 1.1.1";
     public static final Image WinIcon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(saccubus.MainFrame.class.getResource(
     JPanel contentPane;
     public static final Image WinIcon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(saccubus.MainFrame.class.getResource(
     JPanel contentPane;
@@ -105,7 +114,7 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
-            ConvertingSetting setting = ConvertingSetting.loadSetting(null,
+            SProperties setting = SProperties.loadSetting(null,
         } catch (Exception exception) {
         } catch (Exception exception) {
@@ -618,78 +627,15 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
-    private ConvertingSetting getSetting() {
-        int back_comment;
-        try {
-            back_comment = Integer.parseInt(savePanel.getCommentNumField().getText());
-        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-            back_comment = 500;
-        }
-        int proxy_port;
-        try {
-            proxy_port = Integer.parseInt(ProxyPortTextField.getText());
-        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-            proxy_port = -1;
-        }
-        VideoSaveKind kind;
-        String savedFileName;
-        if (videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoNoSaveButton().isSelected() == true) {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.NO_SAVE;
-            savedFileName = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFileField().getText();
-        } else if (videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoUseNiBrButton().isSelected() == true) {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.NICOBROWSER;
-            savedFileName = videoSaveInfoPanel.getNibrFileField().getText();
-        } else {
-            kind = VideoSaveKind.SAVE;
-            savedFileName = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFileField().getText();
-        }
-        final ConvertingSetting.TcommentSetting tcommentSetting = getTcommentSetting();
-        ConvertingSetting setting = new ConvertingSetting(
-                MailAddrField.getText(),
-                new String(PasswordField.getPassword()),
-                kind,
-                savedFileName,
-                savePanel.getSavingCommentCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getCommentSavedFileField().getText(),
-                savePanel.getSavingConvertedVideoCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getAddCommentCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getAddTcommentCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFileField().getText(),
-                ViewCommentField.getText(),
-                FFmpegPathField.getText(),
-                VhookPathField.getText(),
-                ExtOptionField.getText(),
-                MainOptionField.getText(),
-                CommandLineInOptionField.getText(),
-                CommandLineOutOptionField.getText(),
-                Integer.toString(back_comment),
-                FontPathField.getText(),
-                Integer.parseInt(FontIndexField.getText()),
-                ShowConvVideoCheckBox.isSelected(),
-                videoSaveInfoPanel.getDelVideoCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                videoSaveInfoPanel.getSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected(),
-                videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFolderField().getText(),
-                savePanel.getDelCommentCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getCommentSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getCommentSavedFolderField().getText(),
-                tcommentSetting,
-                savePanel.getNotAddVideoIdConvVideoCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getConvSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFolderField().getText(),
-                NGWordTextField.getText(),
-                NGIDTextField.getText(),
-                UseProxyCheckBox.isSelected(),
-                ProxyTextField.getText(),
-                proxy_port,
-                FixFontSizeCheckBox.isSelected(),
-                savePanel.getFixCommentNumCheckBox().isSelected(),
-                OpaqueCommentCheckBox.isSelected(),
-                FFmpegOptionModel.getSelectedFile(),
-                NotUseVhookCheckBox.isSelected(),
-                ShadowComboBox.getSelectedIndex());
+    private SProperties getSetting() {
+        SProperties setting = new SProperties(
+                getBasicSetting(),
+                getInputVideoSetting(),
+                getInputCommentSetting(),
+                getTcommentSetting(),
+                getOutputVideoSetting(),
+                getMovieSetting(),
+                getConvertSetting());
         return setting;
         return setting;
@@ -697,12 +643,25 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
      * \90Ý\92è\82ð\89æ\96Ê\82É\94½\89f\82·\82é.
      * @param setting \94½\89f\82·\82é\90Ý\92è.
      * \90Ý\92è\82ð\89æ\96Ê\82É\94½\89f\82·\82é.
      * @param setting \94½\89f\82·\82é\90Ý\92è.
-    private void setSetting(ConvertingSetting setting) {
-        MailAddrField.setText(setting.getMailAddress());
-        PasswordField.setText(setting.getPassword());
+    private void setSetting(SProperties setting) {
+        // \8aî\96{\90Ý\92è
+        final BasicSetting basic = setting.getBasicSetting();
+        MailAddrField.setText(basic.getMail());
+        PasswordField.setText(basic.getPassword());
+        // \83v\83\8d\83L\83V\8aÖ\98A
+        UseProxyCheckBox.setSelected(basic.isProxyUse());
+        ProxyTextField.setText(basic.getProxyHost());
+        int proxy_port = basic.getProxyPort();
+        if (proxy_port >= 0 && proxy_port <= 65535) {
+            ProxyPortTextField.setText(Integer.toString(proxy_port));
+        } else {
+            ProxyPortTextField.setText("");
+        }
+        // \95Û\91\90Ý\92è - \93ü\97Í\93®\89æ
+        final InputVideoSetting inVideo = setting.getInputVideoSetting();
         JRadioButton activeButton;
         JRadioButton activeButton;
-        switch (setting.getVideoSaveKind()) {
+        switch (inVideo.getProcessKind()) {
             case NO_SAVE:
                 activeButton = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoNoSaveButton();
             case NO_SAVE:
                 activeButton = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoNoSaveButton();
@@ -714,75 +673,84 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
                 activeButton = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSaveButton();
                 activeButton = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSaveButton();
-        activeButton.setSelected(true);
-        ActionListener[] listeners = activeButton.getActionListeners();
-        for (ActionListener l : listeners) {
-            l.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(activeButton, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, activeButton.getText()));
-        }
+        activeButton.doClick();
-        videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFileField().setText(setting.getVideoFile().getPath());
-        savePanel.getSavingCommentCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isSaveComment());
-        savePanel.getCommentSavedFileField().setText(setting.getCommentFile().getPath());
-        savePanel.getSavingConvertedVideoCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isSaveConverted());
-        savePanel.getAddCommentCheckBox().setSelected(setting.getAddComment());
-        savePanel.getAddTcommentCheckBox().setSelected(setting.getAddTcomment());
-        savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFileField().setText(setting.getConvertedVideoFile().getPath());
-        ViewCommentField.setText(setting.getVideoShowNum());
-        FFmpegPathField.setText(setting.getFFmpegPath());
-        VhookPathField.setText(setting.getVhookPath());
-        ExtOptionField.setText(setting.getCmdLineOptionExt());
-        MainOptionField.setText(setting.getCmdLineOptionMain());
-        CommandLineOutOptionField.setText(setting.getCmdLineOptionOut());
-        CommandLineInOptionField.setText(setting.getCmdLineOptionIn());
-        savePanel.getCommentNumField().setText(setting.getBackComment());
-        FontPathField.setText(setting.getFontPath());
-        FontIndexField.setText(setting.getFontIndex());
-        ShowConvVideoCheckBox.setSelected(setting.isVhook_ShowConvertingVideo());
-        videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFolderField().setText(setting.getVideoFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        savePanel.getCommentSavedFolderField().setText(setting.getCommentFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFolderField().setText(setting.getConvFixFileNameFolder().getPath());
-        videoSaveInfoPanel.getDelVideoCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isDeleteVideoAfterConverting());
-        savePanel.getDelCommentCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isDeleteCommentAfterConverting());
-        savePanel.getNotAddVideoIdConvVideoCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isNotAddVideoID_Conv());
-        boolean videoFixName = setting.isVideoFixFileName();
+        videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFileField().setText(inVideo.getFile().getPath());
+        videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFolderField().setText(inVideo.getFolder().getPath());
+        videoSaveInfoPanel.getDelVideoCheckBox().setSelected(inVideo.isDeleteAfterConvert());
+        final boolean videoFixName = inVideo.isAutoNaming();
-        boolean commentFixName = setting.isCommentFixFileName();
+        // \95Û\91\90Ý\92è - \93ü\97Í\83R\83\81\83\93\83g
+        final InputCommentSetting inputComment = setting.getInputCommentSetting();
+        savePanel.getSavingCommentCheckBox().setSelected(inputComment.getProcessKind());
+        savePanel.getCommentSavedFileField().setText(inputComment.getFile().getPath());
+        savePanel.getDelCommentCheckBox().setSelected(inputComment.isDeleteAfterConvert());
+        savePanel.getCommentSavedFolderField().setText(inputComment.getFolder().getPath());
+        savePanel.getCommentNumField().setText(Integer.toString(inputComment.getNumOfComment()));
+        savePanel.getFixCommentNumCheckBox().setSelected(inputComment.isSelfAdjustNumOfComment());
+        boolean commentFixName = inputComment.isAutoNaming();
-        boolean convFixName = setting.isConvFixFileName();
+        // \93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g
+        InputTcommentSetting tcom = setting.getInputTcommentSetting();
+        savePanel.setTcommentDownload(tcom.getProcessKind());
+        savePanel.setTcommentDelete(tcom.isDeleteAfterConvert());
+        savePanel.setTcommentAutoFileName(tcom.isAutoNaming());
+        savePanel.setTcommentDirectoryName(tcom.getFolder().getPath());
+        savePanel.setTcommentFileName(tcom.getFile().getPath());
+        // \95Û\91\90Ý\92è - \8fo\97Í\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\95t\82«\93®\89æ
+        final OutputVideoSetting outputVideo = setting.getOutputVideoSetting();
+        savePanel.getSavingConvertedVideoCheckBox().setSelected(outputVideo.getProcessKind());
+        savePanel.getAddCommentCheckBox().setSelected(outputVideo.isAddComment());
+        savePanel.getAddTcommentCheckBox().setSelected(outputVideo.isAddTcomment());
+        savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFileField().setText(outputVideo.getFile().getPath());
+        savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFolderField().setText(outputVideo.getFolder().getPath());
+        savePanel.getNotAddVideoIdConvVideoCheckBox().setSelected(outputVideo.isCutIdName());
+        boolean convFixName = outputVideo.isAutoNaming();
-        NGWordTextField.setText(setting.getNG_Word());
-        NGIDTextField.setText(setting.getNG_ID());
-        // \83v\83\8d\83L\83V\8aÖ\98A
-        UseProxyCheckBox.setSelected(setting.useProxy());
-        ProxyTextField.setText(setting.getProxy());
-        int proxy_port = setting.getProxyPort();
-        if (proxy_port >= 0 && proxy_port <= 65535) {
-            ProxyPortTextField.setText(Integer.toString(proxy_port));
-        } else {
-            ProxyPortTextField.setText("");
+        // \93®\89æ\90Ý\92è
+        final MovieSetting movie = setting.getMovieSetting();
+        FFmpegPathField.setText(movie.getFfmpeg().toString());
+        VhookPathField.setText(movie.getVhook().toString());
+        ExtOptionField.setText(movie.getFfmpegOption().getExtOption());
+        MainOptionField.setText(movie.getFfmpegOption().getMainOption());
+        CommandLineOutOptionField.setText(movie.getFfmpegOption().getOutOption());
+        CommandLineInOptionField.setText(movie.getFfmpegOption().getInOption());
+        FFmpegOptionModel.reload(movie.getOptionFile());
+        // \95Ï\8a·\90Ý\92è
+        final ConvertSetting conv = setting.getConvertSetting();
+        NotUseVhookCheckBox.setSelected(conv.isVhookDisabled());
+        ViewCommentField.setText(Integer.toString(conv.getMaxNumOfComment()));
+        FontPathField.setText(conv.getFont().toString());
+        FontIndexField.setText(Integer.toString(conv.getFontIndex()));
+        ShadowComboBox.setSelectedIndex(conv.getShadowIndex());
+        ShowConvVideoCheckBox.setSelected(conv.isShowConverting());
+        FixFontSizeCheckBox.setSelected(conv.isSelfAdjustFontSize());
+        OpaqueCommentCheckBox.setSelected(conv.isCommentOpaque());
+        NGWordTextField.setText(conv.getNgSetting().getWord());
+        NGIDTextField.setText(conv.getNgSetting().getId());
+    }
+    private FfmpegOption detectOption() throws IOException {
+        // TODO detectOption\82ð\8eg\97p\82·\82é\89Ó\8f\8a
+        final File ffmpegFile = FFmpegOptionModel.getSelectedFile();
+        if (ffmpegFile != null) {
+            return FfmpegOption.load(ffmpegFile);
-        FixFontSizeCheckBox.setSelected(setting.isFixFontSize());
-        savePanel.getFixCommentNumCheckBox().setSelected(setting.isFixCommentNum());
-        OpaqueCommentCheckBox.setSelected(setting.isOpaqueComment());
-        FFmpegOptionModel.reload(setting.getOptionFile());
-        NotUseVhookCheckBox.setSelected(setting.isVhookDisabled());
-        ShadowComboBox.setSelectedIndex(setting.getShadowIndex());
-        // \93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g
-        TcommentSetting tcom = setting.getTcommentSetting();
-        savePanel.setTcommentDownload(tcom.isDownload());
-        savePanel.setTcommentDelete(tcom.isDelete());
-        savePanel.setTcommentAutoFileName(tcom.isAutoFileName());
-        savePanel.setTcommentDirectoryName(tcom.getInputDirectory());
-        savePanel.setTcommentFileName(tcom.getInputFile());
+        final String extOption = ExtOptionField.getText();
+        final String mainOption = MainOptionField.getText();
+        final String inOption = CommandLineInOptionField.getText();
+        final String outOption = CommandLineOutOptionField.getText();
+        return new FfmpegOption(extOption, mainOption, inOption, outOption);
@@ -792,8 +760,8 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
      *            ActionEvent
     void jMenuFileExit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
      *            ActionEvent
     void jMenuFileExit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
-        ConvertingSetting setting = this.getSetting();
-        ConvertingSetting.saveSetting(setting);
+        SProperties setting = getSetting();
+        SProperties.saveSetting(setting);
@@ -905,7 +873,8 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
-            Converter = new Converter(url, WayBackField.getText(), this.getSetting(), sl, new ConvertStopFlag(scl));
+            Converter = new Converter(url, WayBackField.getText(), getSetting().toProfile(), sl,
+                    new ConvertStopFlag(scl));
 //                                     new ConvertStopFlag(this.DoButton, DoButtonStopString,
 //                                                     DoButtonWaitString, DoButtonDefString));
 //                                     new ConvertStopFlag(this.DoButton, DoButtonStopString,
 //                                                     DoButtonWaitString, DoButtonDefString));
@@ -1277,23 +1246,117 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
     private JComboBox getShadowComboBox() {
         if (ShadowComboBox == null) {
     private JComboBox getShadowComboBox() {
         if (ShadowComboBox == null) {
-            ShadowComboBox = new JComboBox(ConvertingSetting.ShadowKindArray);
+            ShadowComboBox = new JComboBox(SProperties.ShadowKindArray);
         return ShadowComboBox;
         return ShadowComboBox;
+    private BasicSetting getBasicSetting() {
+        String mail = MailAddrField.getText();
+        String pass = String.valueOf(PasswordField.getPassword());
+        boolean proxyUse = UseProxyCheckBox.isSelected();
+        String proxyHost = ProxyTextField.getText();
+        int proxyPort;
+        try {
+            proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(ProxyPortTextField.getText());
+        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+            proxyPort = -1;
+        }
+        return new BasicSetting(mail, pass, proxyUse, proxyHost, proxyPort);
+    }
+    private InputVideoSetting getInputVideoSetting() {
+        VideoSaveKind kind;
+        if (videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoNoSaveButton().isSelected() == true) {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.NO_SAVE;
+        } else if (videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoUseNiBrButton().isSelected() == true) {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.NICOBROWSER;
+        } else {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.SAVE;
+        }
+        boolean autoNaming = videoSaveInfoPanel.getSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected();
+        String folder = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFolderField().getText();
+        String file = videoSaveInfoPanel.getVideoSavedFileField().getText();
+        boolean delete = videoSaveInfoPanel.getDelVideoCheckBox().isSelected();
+        return new InputVideoSetting(kind, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), delete);
+    }
+    private InputCommentSetting getInputCommentSetting() {
+        boolean download = savePanel.getSavingCommentCheckBox().isSelected();
+        String file = savePanel.getCommentSavedFileField().getText();
+        int back_comment;
+        try {
+            back_comment = Integer.parseInt(savePanel.getCommentNumField().getText());
+        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+            back_comment = 500;
+        }
+        boolean delete = savePanel.getDelCommentCheckBox().isSelected();
+        boolean autoNaming = savePanel.getCommentSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected();
+        String folder = savePanel.getCommentSavedFolderField().getText();
+        boolean adjustNumOfCom = savePanel.getFixCommentNumCheckBox().isSelected();
+        return new InputCommentSetting(download, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), delete, adjustNumOfCom,
+                back_comment);
+    }
      * \89æ\96Ê\93ü\97Í\92l\82©\82ç\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90Ý\92è\82ð\8dì\90¬\82·\82é.
      * @return \8dì\90¬\82µ\82½\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90Ý\92è.
      * \89æ\96Ê\93ü\97Í\92l\82©\82ç\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90Ý\92è\82ð\8dì\90¬\82·\82é.
      * @return \8dì\90¬\82µ\82½\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90Ý\92è.
-    private TcommentSetting getTcommentSetting() {
-//        TcommentSetting res;
+    private InputTcommentSetting getTcommentSetting() {
         boolean down = savePanel.isTcommentDownload();
         boolean del = savePanel.isTcommentDelete();
         boolean naming = savePanel.isTcommentAutoFileName();
         String dir = savePanel.getTcommentDirectoryName();
         String f = savePanel.getTcommentFileName();
         boolean down = savePanel.isTcommentDownload();
         boolean del = savePanel.isTcommentDelete();
         boolean naming = savePanel.isTcommentAutoFileName();
         String dir = savePanel.getTcommentDirectoryName();
         String f = savePanel.getTcommentFileName();
-        return new TcommentSetting(down, del, naming, dir, f);
+        return new InputTcommentSetting(down, naming, dir, f, del);
+    }
+    private OutputVideoSetting getOutputVideoSetting() {
+        boolean process = savePanel.getSavingConvertedVideoCheckBox().isSelected();
+        boolean addComment = savePanel.getAddCommentCheckBox().isSelected();
+        boolean addTcomment = savePanel.getAddTcommentCheckBox().isSelected();
+        String file = savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFileField().getText();
+        boolean cutId = savePanel.getNotAddVideoIdConvVideoCheckBox().isSelected();
+        boolean autoNaming = savePanel.getConvSaveFolderRadioButton().isSelected();
+        String folder = savePanel.getConvertedVideoSavedFolderField().getText();
+        return new OutputVideoSetting(process, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), cutId, addComment,
+                addTcomment);
+    }
+    private MovieSetting getMovieSetting() {
+        String ffmpeg = FFmpegPathField.getText();
+        String vhook = VhookPathField.getText();
+        String ext = ExtOptionField.getText();
+        String main = MainOptionField.getText();
+        String in = CommandLineInOptionField.getText();
+        String out = CommandLineOutOptionField.getText();
+        File optionFile = FFmpegOptionModel.getSelectedFile();
+        FfmpegOption opt = new FfmpegOption(ext, main, in, out);
+        return new MovieSetting(new File(ffmpeg), new File(vhook), optionFile, null);
+    }
+    private ConvertSetting getConvertSetting() {
+        boolean vhookDisabled = NotUseVhookCheckBox.isSelected();
+        int maxComment = 30;
+        try {
+            maxComment = Integer.parseInt(ViewCommentField.getText());
+        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+        }
+        File font = new File(FontPathField.getText());
+        int fontIndex = Integer.parseInt(FontIndexField.getText());
+        int shadowIndex = ShadowComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
+        boolean showConv = ShowConvVideoCheckBox.isSelected();
+        boolean adjustFont = FixFontSizeCheckBox.isSelected();
+        boolean commentOpaque = OpaqueCommentCheckBox.isSelected();
+        ConvertSetting.NgSetting ngSetting =
+                new ConvertSetting.NgSetting(NGWordTextField.getText(), NGIDTextField.getText());
+        return new ConvertSetting(vhookDisabled, maxComment, font, fontIndex, shadowIndex, showConv, adjustFont,
+                commentOpaque, ngSetting);
     private class InputVideoPanelButtonListener implements ActionListener {
     private class InputVideoPanelButtonListener implements ActionListener {
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/OptionValue.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/OptionValue.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1014e53..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package saccubus;
- *
- * @author yuki
- */
-class OptionValue {
-    private final String extOption;
-    private final String inOption;
-    private final String outOption;
-    private final String mainOption;
-    OptionValue(String extOption, String inOption, String outOption, String mainOption) {
-        this.extOption = extOption;
-        this.inOption = inOption;
-        this.outOption = outOption;
-        this.mainOption = mainOption;
-    }
-    String getExtOption() {
-        return extOption;
-    }
-    String getInOption() {
-        return inOption;
-    }
-    String getMainOption() {
-        return mainOption;
-    }
-    String getOutOption() {
-        return outOption;
-    }
similarity index 65%
rename from frontend/src/saccubus/Converter.java
rename to frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Converter.java
index 8985809..499221a 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-package saccubus;
+package saccubus.converter;
-import saccubus.filegetter.LoginInfo;
-import saccubus.filegetter.FileInstanciator;
+import saccubus.converter.filegetter.LoginInfo;
+import saccubus.converter.filegetter.FileInstanciator;
 import java.io.BufferedReader;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import java.io.BufferedReader;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import java.io.InputStreamReader;
 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
 import java.net.URLEncoder;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
 import java.net.URLEncoder;
 import java.util.Properties;
+import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
 import saccubus.conv.ConvertToVideoHook;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import yukihane.swf.Cws2Fws;
 import saccubus.conv.ConvertToVideoHook;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import yukihane.swf.Cws2Fws;
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
     private static final String VIDEO_URL_PARSER = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/";
     private static final String TMP_CWS = "fws_tmp.swf";
     private static final String VIDEO_URL_PARSER = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/";
     private static final String TMP_CWS = "fws_tmp.swf";
-    private final ConvertingSetting Setting;
+    private final Profile Setting;
     private final String Tag;
     private final String Time;
     private final TextProgressListener listener;
     private final String Tag;
     private final String Time;
     private final TextProgressListener listener;
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
     private final File commentMiddleFile = new File("./vhook.tmp");
     private final File tcommMiddleFile = new File("./tcomment.tmp");
     private final File commentMiddleFile = new File("./vhook.tmp");
     private final File tcommMiddleFile = new File("./tcomment.tmp");
-    public Converter(String url, String time, ConvertingSetting setting,
+    public Converter(String url, String time, Profile setting,
             TextProgressListener listener, ConvertStopFlag flag) {
         url = url.trim();
         if (url.startsWith(VIDEO_URL_PARSER)) {
             TextProgressListener listener, ConvertStopFlag flag) {
         url = url.trim();
         if (url.startsWith(VIDEO_URL_PARSER)) {
@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
     private void runConvert() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     private void runConvert() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-        if (!shouldRun()) {
+        if (!Setting.shouldRun()) {
             sendText("\89½\82à\82·\82é\82±\82Æ\82ª\82 \82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ");
             sendText("\89½\82à\82·\82é\82±\82Æ\82ª\82 \82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ");
-        final OptionValue ov = detectOption();
+        final FfmpegOption ov = Setting.getFfmpegOption();
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
         final File tcommFile = fi.getTcommFile(listener);
         final File tcommFile = fi.getTcommFile(listener);
-        if (!Setting.isSaveConverted()) {
+        if (!Setting.needsConvert()) {
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
             boolean conv = ConvertToVideoHook.convert(commentFile, commentMiddleFile,
             boolean conv = ConvertToVideoHook.convert(commentFile, commentMiddleFile,
-                    Setting.getNG_ID(), Setting.getNG_Word());
+                    Setting.getNgId(), Setting.getNgWord());
             if (!conv) {
             if (!conv) {
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
             boolean conv = ConvertToVideoHook.convert(tcommFile, tcommMiddleFile,
             boolean conv = ConvertToVideoHook.convert(tcommFile, tcommMiddleFile,
-                    Setting.getNG_ID(), Setting.getNG_Word());
+                    Setting.getNgId(), Setting.getNgWord());
             if (!conv) {
             if (!conv) {
@@ -134,93 +135,55 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
         File convertedVideoFile;
         File convertedVideoFile;
-        if (Setting.isConvFixFileName()) {
+        if (!Setting.getConvertFile().isFile()) {
             if (fi.getVideoTitle() == null) {
             if (fi.getVideoTitle() == null) {
-            Setting.getConvFixFileNameFolder().mkdir();
             String conv_name = fi.getVideoTitle();
             String conv_name = fi.getVideoTitle();
-            if (!Setting.isNotAddVideoID_Conv()) {//\95t\89Á\82µ\82È\82¢\82È\82ç
+            if (Setting.needsAppendPrefixVideoId()) {
                 conv_name = getVideoIDWithBracket() + conv_name;
                 conv_name = getVideoIDWithBracket() + conv_name;
-            convertedVideoFile = new File(Setting.getConvFixFileNameFolder(), conv_name + ov.getExtOption());
+            convertedVideoFile = new File(Setting.getConvertFile().getFile(), conv_name + ov.getExtOption());
         } else {
         } else {
-            String filename = Setting.getConvertedVideoFile().getPath();
+            String filename = Setting.getConvertFile().getFile().getPath();
             if (!filename.endsWith(ov.getExtOption())) {
                 filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'))
                         + ov.getExtOption();
                 convertedVideoFile = new File(filename);
             } else {
             if (!filename.endsWith(ov.getExtOption())) {
                 filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'))
                         + ov.getExtOption();
                 convertedVideoFile = new File(filename);
             } else {
-                convertedVideoFile = Setting.getConvertedVideoFile();
+                convertedVideoFile = Setting.getConvertFile().getFile();
         int code;
         if ((code = converting_video(videoFile, convertedVideoFile, Setting.getAddComment(), commentMiddleFile.getPath(),
                 Setting.getAddTcomment(), tcommMiddleFile.getPath(), ov)) == 0) {
         int code;
         if ((code = converting_video(videoFile, convertedVideoFile, Setting.getAddComment(), commentMiddleFile.getPath(),
                 Setting.getAddTcomment(), tcommMiddleFile.getPath(), ov)) == 0) {
-            if (Setting.isDeleteCommentAfterConverting()) {
+            if (Setting.getCommentSetting().isDelete()) {
-            if (Setting.isDeleteVideoAfterConverting()) {
+            if (Setting.getVideoSetting().isDelete()) {
+            if (Setting.getTcommentSetting().isDelete()) {
+                tcommFile.delete();
+            }
         } else {
         } else {
-            sendText("\95Ï\8a·\83G\83\89\81[");
+            sendText("\95Ï\8a·\83G\83\89\81[:" + convertedVideoFile.getPath());
     private FileInstanciator createInstanciator() throws IOException {
         FileInstanciator fi;
     private FileInstanciator createInstanciator() throws IOException {
         FileInstanciator fi;
-        LoginInfo li = new LoginInfo(Setting.getMailAddress(), Setting.getPassword(), Setting.useProxy(),
-                Setting.getProxy(), Setting.getProxyPort());
-        File initVFileName;
-        File vDir;
-        final boolean autoVNaming = Setting.isVideoFixFileName();
-        if (autoVNaming) {
-            initVFileName = Setting.getVideoFixFileNameFolder();
-            vDir = initVFileName;
-        } else {
-            initVFileName = Setting.getVideoFile();
-            vDir = initVFileName.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
-        }
-        if (vDir == null || !vDir.isDirectory()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\93ü\97Í\93®\89æ\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82Ü\82¹\82ñ: " + vDir);
-        }
-        FileInstanciator.InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind> videoType = new FileInstanciator.InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind>(Setting.
-                getVideoSaveKind(), autoVNaming, initVFileName);
-        File initCFileName;
-        File cDir;
-        final boolean autoCNaming = Setting.isCommentFixFileName();
-        if (autoCNaming) {
-            initCFileName = Setting.getCommentFixFileNameFolder();
-            cDir = initCFileName;
-        } else {
-            initCFileName = Setting.getCommentFile();
-            cDir = initCFileName.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
-        }
-        if (cDir == null || !cDir.isDirectory()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\93ü\97Í\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82Ü\82¹\82ñ: " + cDir);
-        }
+        LoginInfo li = new LoginInfo(Setting.getMailAddress(), Setting.getPassword(), Setting.getProxy());
+        FileInstanciator.InstanciationType videoType = new FileInstanciator.InstanciationType(Setting.getVideoSetting());
         FileInstanciator.CommentInstanciationType commentType = new FileInstanciator.CommentInstanciationType(Setting.
         FileInstanciator.CommentInstanciationType commentType = new FileInstanciator.CommentInstanciationType(Setting.
-                isSaveComment(), autoCNaming, initCFileName, Setting.isFixCommentNum(), Setting.getBackComment());
-        File initTFileName;
-        File tDir;
-        final boolean autoTNaming = Setting.getTcommentSetting().isAutoFileName();
-        tDir = Setting.getTcommentSetting().getDirectory();
-        if (!tDir.isDirectory()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\93ü\97Í\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82Ü\82¹\82ñ: " + tDir);
-        }
-        if (autoTNaming) {
-            initTFileName = tDir;
-        } else {
-            initTFileName = new File(tDir, Setting.getTcommentSetting().getFileName());
-        }
-        FileInstanciator.InstanciationType<Boolean> tcommType = new FileInstanciator.InstanciationType<Boolean>(
-                Setting.getTcommentSetting().isDownload(), autoTNaming, initTFileName);
+                getCommentSetting(), Setting.isselfAdjustCommentNum(), Setting.getBackComment());
+        FileInstanciator.InstanciationType tcommType = new FileInstanciator.InstanciationType(
+                Setting.getTcommentSetting());
         fi = FileInstanciator.create(StopFlag, videoType, commentType, tcommType, li, Tag, Time);
         return fi;
         fi = FileInstanciator.create(StopFlag, videoType, commentType, tcommType, li, Tag, Time);
         return fi;
@@ -231,8 +194,8 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException \90Ý\92è\82É\95s\94õ\82ª\82 \82é\8fê\8d\87.
     private void validSetting() {
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException \90Ý\92è\82É\95s\94õ\82ª\82 \82é\8fê\8d\87.
     private void validSetting() {
-        if (Setting.isSaveConverted()) {
-            File a = new File(Setting.getFFmpegPath());
+        if (Setting.needsConvert()) {
+            File a = new File(Setting.getFfmpegPath());
             if (!a.canRead()) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("FFmpeg\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B");
             if (!a.canRead()) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("FFmpeg\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B");
@@ -248,36 +211,29 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83t\83H\83\93\83g\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B");
         } else {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83t\83H\83\93\83g\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B");
         } else {
-            if (Setting.isDeleteVideoAfterConverting()) {
+            if (Setting.getVideoSetting().isDelete()) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\82µ\82È\82¢\82Ì\82É\81A\93®\89æ\8dí\8f\9c\82µ\82¿\82á\82Á\82Ä\97Ç\82¢\82ñ\82Å\82·\82©\81H");
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\82µ\82È\82¢\82Ì\82É\81A\93®\89æ\8dí\8f\9c\82µ\82¿\82á\82Á\82Ä\97Ç\82¢\82ñ\82Å\82·\82©\81H");
-            if (Setting.isDeleteCommentAfterConverting()) {
+            if (Setting.getCommentSetting().isDelete()) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\82µ\82È\82¢\82Ì\82É\81A\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\8dí\8f\9c\82µ\82¿\82á\82Á\82Ä\97Ç\82¢\82ñ\82Å\82·\82©\81H");
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\82µ\82È\82¢\82Ì\82É\81A\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\8dí\8f\9c\82µ\82¿\82á\82Á\82Ä\97Ç\82¢\82ñ\82Å\82·\82©\81H");
+            if (Setting.getTcommentSetting().isDelete()) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\82µ\82È\82¢\82Ì\82É\81A\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\8dí\8f\9c\82µ\82¿\82á\82Á\82Ä\97Ç\82¢\82ñ\82Å\82·\82©\81H");
+            }
-    /** @return \89½\82©\8eÀ\8ds\82·\82×\82«\8f\88\97\9d\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. */
-    private boolean shouldRun() {
-        return Setting.isSaveConverted() || needsDownload();
-    }
-    /** @return \89½\82©\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\82à\82Ì\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. */
-    private boolean needsDownload() {
-        return (Setting.getVideoSaveKind() == VideoSaveKind.SAVE) || Setting.isSaveComment();
-    }
     private void sendText(String text) {
     private int converting_video(File videoFile, File convertedVideoFile, boolean addComment, String vhook_path,
     private void sendText(String text) {
     private int converting_video(File videoFile, File convertedVideoFile, boolean addComment, String vhook_path,
-            boolean addTcomment, String tcommPath, OptionValue ov) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
+            boolean addTcomment, String tcommPath, FfmpegOption ov) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
         File fwsFile = Cws2Fws.createFws(videoFile, new File(TMP_CWS));
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         File fwsFile = Cws2Fws.createFws(videoFile, new File(TMP_CWS));
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-        sb.append(Setting.getFFmpegPath().replace("\\", "\\\\"));
+        sb.append(Setting.getFfmpegPath().replace("\\", "\\\\"));
         sb.append(" -y ");
         sb.append(" -y ");
@@ -363,11 +319,11 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
-            if (Setting.isVhook_ShowConvertingVideo()) {
+            if (Setting.isShowConvertingVideo()) {
-            if (Setting.isFixFontSize()) {
+            if (Setting.isSelfAdjustFontSize()) {
@@ -396,40 +352,6 @@ public class Converter extends Thread {
         return this.StopFlag;
         return this.StopFlag;
-    private OptionValue detectOption() {
-        String extOption;
-        String inOption;
-        String outOption;
-        String mainOption;
-        if (Setting.getOptionFile() != null) {
-            try {
-                Properties prop = new Properties();
-                prop.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(Setting.getOptionFile()));
-                extOption = prop.getProperty("EXT", null);
-                inOption = prop.getProperty("IN", null);
-                outOption = prop.getProperty("OUT", null);
-                mainOption = prop.getProperty("MAIN", null);
-                if (extOption != null && inOption != null && outOption != null
-                        && mainOption != null) {
-                } else {
-                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\83I\83v\83V\83\87\83\93\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Ì\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\82É\8e¸\94s\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½\81B");
-                }
-            } catch (IOException ex) {
-                ex.printStackTrace();
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("\95Ï\8a·\83I\83v\83V\83\87\83\93\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Ì\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\82É\8e¸\94s\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½\81B");
-            }
-        } else {
-            extOption = Setting.getCmdLineOptionExt();
-            inOption = Setting.getCmdLineOptionIn();
-            outOption = Setting.getCmdLineOptionOut();
-            mainOption = Setting.getCmdLineOptionMain();
-        } //\83I\83v\83V\83\87\83\93\82É\8ag\92£\8eq\82ð\8aÜ\82ñ\82Å\82µ\82Ü\82Á\82½\8fê\8d\87\82É\82à\91Î\89\9e\81\99
-        if (!extOption.startsWith(".")) {
-            extOption = "." + extOption;
-        }
-        return new OptionValue(extOption, inOption, outOption, mainOption);
-    }
     private String getVideoIDWithBracket() {
         return "[" + Tag + "]";
     private String getVideoIDWithBracket() {
         return "[" + Tag + "]";
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FfmpegOption.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FfmpegOption.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a78d21a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ *
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class FfmpegOption {
+    private final String extOption;
+    private final String inOption;
+    private final String outOption;
+    private final String mainOption;
+    public static FfmpegOption load(File file) throws IOException {
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        prop.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(file));
+        String ext = prop.getProperty("EXT");
+        String in = prop.getProperty("IN");
+        String out = prop.getProperty("OUT");
+        String main = prop.getProperty("MAIN");
+        if (ext == null || in == null || out == null || main == null) {
+            throw new IOException("\95Ï\8a·\83I\83v\83V\83\87\83\93\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\8f\91\8e®\8cë\82è\81B");
+        }
+        return new FfmpegOption(ext, main, in, out);
+    }
+    public FfmpegOption(String extOption, String inOption, String outOption, String mainOption) {
+        this.extOption = (extOption.startsWith(".")) ? extOption : "." + extOption;
+        this.inOption = inOption;
+        this.outOption = outOption;
+        this.mainOption = mainOption;
+    }
+    public String getExtOption() {
+        return extOption;
+    }
+    public String getInOption() {
+        return inOption;
+    }
+    public String getMainOption() {
+        return mainOption;
+    }
+    public String getOutOption() {
+        return outOption;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FileSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/FileSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6557bff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter;
+ *
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class FileSetting {
+    private final SFile file;
+    private final boolean download;
+    private final boolean delete;
+    /**
+     * @param file \91Î\8fÛ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b.
+     * @param download \83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\95K\97v\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue, \83\8d\81[\83J\83\8b\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\97p\82¢\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param delete \95Ï\8a·\8cã\82É\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\8dí\8f\9c\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue, \8ec\82µ\82½\82Ü\82Ü\82É\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     */
+    public FileSetting(SFile file, boolean download, boolean delete) {
+        this.file = file;
+        this.download = download;
+        this.delete = delete;
+    }
+    public SFile getFile() {
+        return file;
+    }
+    public boolean isDownload() {
+        return download;
+    }
+    public boolean isDelete() {
+        return delete;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Profile.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Profile.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5d99b99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter;
+ *
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class Profile {
+    private final FileSetting videoSetting;
+    private final FileSetting commentSetting;
+    private final boolean addComment;
+    private final boolean selfAdjustCommentNum;
+    private final int backComment;
+    private final FileSetting tcommentSetting;
+    private final boolean addTcomment;
+    private final SFile convertFile;
+    private final boolean convert;
+    private final boolean appendPrefixVideoId;
+    private final String mailAddress;
+    private final String password;
+    private final Proxy proxy;
+    private final String ngId;
+    private final String ngWord;
+    private final String ffmpegPath;
+    private final String vhookPath;
+    private final boolean vhookDisabled;
+    private final String fontPath;
+    private final int fontIndex;
+    private final int videoShowNum;
+    private final int shadowIndex;
+    private final boolean showConvertingVideo;
+    private final boolean selfAdjustFontSize;
+    private final boolean opaqueComment;
+    private final FfmpegOption ffmpegOption;
+    public Profile(
+            FileSetting videoSetting,
+            FileSetting commentSetting,
+            boolean addComment,
+            boolean selfAdjustCommentNum,
+            int backComment,
+            FileSetting tcommentSetting,
+            boolean addTcomment,
+            SFile convertFile,
+            boolean convert,
+            boolean appendPrefixVideoId,
+            String mailAddress,
+            String password,
+            Proxy proxy,
+            String ngId,
+            String ngWord,
+            String ffmpegPath,
+            String vhookPath,
+            boolean vhookDisabled,
+            String fontPath,
+            int fontIndex,
+            int videoShowNum,
+            int shadowIndex,
+            boolean showConvertingVideo,
+            boolean selfAdjustFontSize,
+            boolean opaqueComment,
+            FfmpegOption ffmpegOption) {
+        this.videoSetting = videoSetting;
+        this.commentSetting = commentSetting;
+        this.addComment = addComment;
+        this.selfAdjustCommentNum = selfAdjustCommentNum;
+        this.backComment = backComment;
+        this.tcommentSetting = tcommentSetting;
+        this.addTcomment = addTcomment;
+        this.convertFile = convertFile;
+        this.convert = convert;
+        this.appendPrefixVideoId = appendPrefixVideoId;
+        this.mailAddress = mailAddress;
+        this.password = password;
+        this.proxy = proxy;
+        this.ngId = ngId;
+        this.ngWord = ngWord;
+        this.ffmpegPath = ffmpegPath;
+        this.vhookPath = vhookPath;
+        this.vhookDisabled = vhookDisabled;
+        this.fontPath = fontPath;
+        this.fontIndex = fontIndex;
+        this.videoShowNum = videoShowNum;
+        this.shadowIndex = shadowIndex;
+        this.showConvertingVideo = showConvertingVideo;
+        this.selfAdjustFontSize = selfAdjustFontSize;
+        this.opaqueComment = opaqueComment;
+        this.ffmpegOption = ffmpegOption;
+    }
+    /** @return \89½\82©\8eÀ\8ds\82·\82×\82«\8f\88\97\9d\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. */
+    boolean shouldRun() {
+        return needsConvert() || needsDownload();
+    }
+    /** @return \89½\82©\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\82à\82Ì\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. */
+    boolean needsDownload() {
+        return (videoSetting.isDownload() || commentSetting.isDownload() || tcommentSetting.isDownload());
+    }
+    boolean needsConvert() {
+        return convert;
+    }
+    FileSetting getVideoSetting() {
+        return videoSetting;
+    }
+    FileSetting getCommentSetting() {
+        return commentSetting;
+    }
+    FileSetting getTcommentSetting() {
+        return tcommentSetting;
+    }
+    SFile getConvertFile() {
+        return convertFile;
+    }
+    boolean isselfAdjustCommentNum() {
+        return selfAdjustCommentNum;
+    }
+    int getBackComment() {
+        return backComment;
+    }
+    boolean getAddComment() {
+        return addComment;
+    }
+    boolean getAddTcomment() {
+        return addTcomment;
+    }
+    String getNgId() {
+        return ngId;
+    }
+    String getNgWord() {
+        return ngWord;
+    }
+    /** @return \95Ï\8a·\8cã\82Ì\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Ì\90Ú\93ª\82É\93®\89æID\82ð\82Â\82¯\82é\8fê\8d\87\82Ítrue. */
+    boolean needsAppendPrefixVideoId() {
+        return appendPrefixVideoId;
+    }
+    String getMailAddress() {
+        return mailAddress;
+    }
+    String getPassword() {
+        return password;
+    }
+    Proxy getProxy() {
+        return proxy;
+    }
+    String getFfmpegPath() {
+        return ffmpegPath;
+    }
+    String getVhookPath() {
+        return vhookPath;
+    }
+    boolean isVhookDisabled() {
+        return vhookDisabled;
+    }
+    String getFontPath() {
+        return fontPath;
+    }
+    int getFontIndex() {
+        return fontIndex;
+    }
+    /** @return \95\\8e¦\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90\94. */
+    int getVideoShowNum() {
+        return videoShowNum;
+    }
+    int getShadowIndex() {
+        return shadowIndex;
+    }
+    boolean isShowConvertingVideo() {
+        return showConvertingVideo;
+    }
+    boolean isSelfAdjustFontSize() {
+        return selfAdjustFontSize;
+    }
+    boolean isOpaqueComment() {
+        return opaqueComment;
+    }
+    FfmpegOption getFfmpegOption() {
+        return ffmpegOption;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Proxy.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/Proxy.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0f36e74
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+ *
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class Proxy {
+    private String host;
+    private int port;
+    public static final Proxy NO_PROXY = new Proxy();
+    private Proxy() {
+        this.host = null;
+        this.port = -1;
+    }
+    public Proxy(String host, int port) {
+        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(host) || port < 0 || port > 65535) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83v\83\8d\83L\83V\82Ì\90Ý\92è\82ª\95s\93K\90Ø\82Å\82·");
+        }
+        this.host = host;
+        this.port = port;
+    }
+    public String getHost() {
+        return host;
+    }
+    public int getPort() {
+        return port;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/SFile.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/SFile.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8b389f6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter;
+import java.io.File;
+ * \82³\82«\82ã\82Î\82·\82Å\88µ\82¤\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Í\81A\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\81v\82Æ\81A\81u\95Û\91\82³\82ê\82½\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82»\82Ì\82à\82Ì\81v\82Ì2\83p\83^\81[\83\93\82 \82é\81B
+ * \82±\82Ì\83N\83\89\83X\82Í\82±\82ê\82ç\82ð\82Ü\82Æ\82ß\82Ä\88µ\82¤\82½\82ß\82Ì\82à\82Ì\81B
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class SFile {
+    private final boolean isFile;
+    private final File file;
+    /**
+     * @param isFile \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue, \83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param file \82±\82Ì\83I\83u\83W\83F\83N\83g\82ª\8e¦\82·File\83C\83\93\83X\83^\83\93\83X.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException \91\8dÝ\82µ\82È\82¢\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\82½. isFile\82ªtrue\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\81A\90e\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82È\82¢\82Æ\82±\82Ì\97á\8aO\82Æ\82È\82é.
+     */
+    public SFile(boolean isFile, File file) {
+        this.isFile = isFile;
+        this.file = file;
+        File dir;
+        if (isFile) {
+            dir = file.getParentFile();
+        } else {
+            dir = file;
+        }
+        if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82Ü\82¹\82ñ:" + dir);
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isFile() {
+        return isFile;
+    }
+    public File getFile() {
+        return file;
+    }
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ import saccubus.net.VideoInfo;
 public class CommentFileWebGetter extends TcommFileWebGetter {
     private final boolean autoCommentNum;
 public class CommentFileWebGetter extends TcommFileWebGetter {
     private final boolean autoCommentNum;
-    private final String backComment;
+    private final int backComment;
-    CommentFileWebGetter(NicoClient client, VideoInfo vi, boolean autoCommentNum, String backComment) {
+    CommentFileWebGetter(NicoClient client, VideoInfo vi, boolean autoCommentNum, int backComment) {
         super(client, vi);
         this.autoCommentNum = autoCommentNum;
         this.backComment = backComment;
         super(client, vi);
         this.autoCommentNum = autoCommentNum;
         this.backComment = backComment;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class CommentFileWebGetter extends TcommFileWebGetter {
     public File get(File file, TextProgressListener listener) {
     public File get(File file, TextProgressListener listener) {
-        String com = this.backComment;
+        String com = Integer.toString(backComment);
         if (this.autoCommentNum) {
             com = getClient().getBackCommentFromLength(getVideoInfo(), com);
         if (this.autoCommentNum) {
             com = getClient().getBackCommentFromLength(getVideoInfo(), com);
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 /* $Id$ */
 /* $Id$ */
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
-import saccubus.VideoSaveKind;
+import saccubus.converter.FileSetting;
+import saccubus.converter.Profile;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
@@ -14,9 +15,9 @@ import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 public class FileInstanciator {
 public class FileInstanciator {
-    private final InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind> videoType;
-    private final InstanciationType<Boolean> commentType;
-    private final InstanciationType<Boolean> tcommType;
+    private final InstanciationType videoType;
+    private final InstanciationType commentType;
+    private final InstanciationType tcommType;
     private final String videoId;
     private FileGetter videoFileGetter;
     private FileGetter commentFileGetter;
     private final String videoId;
     private FileGetter videoFileGetter;
     private FileGetter commentFileGetter;
@@ -36,15 +37,14 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
     public static FileInstanciator create(
             ConvertStopFlag stopFlag,
     public static FileInstanciator create(
             ConvertStopFlag stopFlag,
-            InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind> videoType,
+            InstanciationType videoType,
             CommentInstanciationType commentType,
             CommentInstanciationType commentType,
-            InstanciationType<Boolean> tcommType,
+            InstanciationType tcommType,
             LoginInfo li,
             String tag, String time) throws
             IOException {
         FileInstanciator getter;
             LoginInfo li,
             String tag, String time) throws
             IOException {
         FileInstanciator getter;
-        if (videoType.getFileType() == VideoSaveKind.SAVE || commentType.getFileType().booleanValue() || tcommType.
-                getFileType().booleanValue()) {
+        if (videoType.isDoanload() || commentType.isDoanload() || tcommType.isDoanload()) {
             getter = new WebFileInstanciator(stopFlag, videoType, commentType, tcommType, li, tag, time);
         } else {
             getter = new FileInstanciator(videoType, commentType, tcommType, tag);
             getter = new WebFileInstanciator(stopFlag, videoType, commentType, tcommType, li, tag, time);
         } else {
             getter = new FileInstanciator(videoType, commentType, tcommType, tag);
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
     protected FileInstanciator(
     protected FileInstanciator(
-            InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind> videoType,
-            InstanciationType<Boolean> commentType,
-            InstanciationType<Boolean> tcommType,
+            InstanciationType videoType,
+            InstanciationType commentType,
+            InstanciationType tcommType,
             String videoId) {
         this.videoType = videoType;
         this.commentType = commentType;
             String videoId) {
         this.videoType = videoType;
         this.commentType = commentType;
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
     /** @return \93®\89æ\82Ì\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\95ª\82©\82ç\82È\82¢\8fê\8d\87\82Ínull. */
     public String getVideoTitle() {
         String fileName = null;
     /** @return \93®\89æ\82Ì\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\95ª\82©\82ç\82È\82¢\8fê\8d\87\82Ínull. */
     public String getVideoTitle() {
         String fileName = null;
-        if (!videoType.isAutoFileName() || videoType.getFileType() == VideoSaveKind.NICOBROWSER) {
+        if (!videoType.isAutoFileName()) {
             // \93®\89æ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\92¼\90Ú\8ew\92è\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82é\8fê\8d\87\82Í\81A\82»\82Ì\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8aî\82É\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82ð\8eæ\93¾\82·\82é.
             fileName = videoType.getInitFile().toString();
         } else {
             // \93®\89æ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\92¼\90Ú\8ew\92è\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82é\8fê\8d\87\82Í\81A\82»\82Ì\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8aî\82É\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82ð\8eæ\93¾\82·\82é.
             fileName = videoType.getInitFile().toString();
         } else {
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
      * @throws IOException \93®\89æ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82È\82¢, \8eæ\93¾\82É\8e¸\94s\82µ\82½.
     public final File getVideoFile(TextProgressListener listener) {
      * @throws IOException \93®\89æ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82È\82¢, \8eæ\93¾\82É\8e¸\94s\82µ\82½.
     public final File getVideoFile(TextProgressListener listener) {
-        File file = new VideoFileLocator(videoType.getFileType(), videoType.isAutoFileName(), videoType.getInitFile(),
-                getVideoIdWithBracket(), getVideoTitle(), ".flv").getFile();
+        File file = new FileLocator(videoType.isAutoFileName(), videoType.getInitFile(), getVideoIdWithBracket(),
+                getVideoTitle(), ".flv").getFile();
         file = videoFileGetter.get(file, listener);
         return file;
         file = videoFileGetter.get(file, listener);
         return file;
@@ -137,26 +137,23 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
         return "[" + videoId + "]";
         return "[" + videoId + "]";
-    public static class InstanciationType<T> {
+    public static class InstanciationType {
-        private final T fileType;
+        private final boolean download;
         private final boolean autoFileName;
         private final File initFile;
          * \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\83C\83\93\83X\83^\83\93\83X\89»\82·\82é\95û\96@\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\83N\83\89\83X.
         private final boolean autoFileName;
         private final File initFile;
          * \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\83C\83\93\83X\83^\83\93\83X\89»\82·\82é\95û\96@\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\83N\83\89\83X.
-         * @param fileType \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Ì\8eí\97Þ\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é.
-         * @param autoFileName \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8e©\93®\96½\96¼\82·\82é\82È\82çtrue, \92¼\90Ú\8ew\92è\82·\82é\82È\82çfalse.
-         * @param initFileName \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\8fî\95ñ. autoFileName\82ªtrue\82Å\82 \82ê\82Î\95Û\91\82·\82é\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\96¼\82ð, false\82È\82ç\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é.
-        public InstanciationType(T fileType, boolean autoFileName, File initFileName) {
-            this.fileType = fileType;
-            this.autoFileName = autoFileName;
-            this.initFile = initFileName;
+        public InstanciationType(FileSetting fileSetting) {
+            this.download = fileSetting.isDownload();
+            this.autoFileName = !fileSetting.getFile().isFile();
+            this.initFile = fileSetting.getFile().getFile();
-        public T getFileType() {
-            return fileType;
+        public boolean isDoanload() {
+            return download;
         public File getInitFile() {
         public File getInitFile() {
@@ -168,14 +165,13 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
-    public static class CommentInstanciationType extends InstanciationType<Boolean> {
+    public static class CommentInstanciationType extends InstanciationType {
         private final boolean autoCommentNum;
         private final boolean autoCommentNum;
-        private final String backComment;
+        private final int backComment;
-        public CommentInstanciationType(Boolean fileType, boolean autoFileName, File initFileName,
-                boolean autoCommentNum, String backComment) {
-            super(fileType, autoFileName, initFileName);
+        public CommentInstanciationType(FileSetting fileSetting, boolean autoCommentNum, int backComment) {
+            super(fileSetting);
             this.autoCommentNum = autoCommentNum;
             this.backComment = backComment;
             this.autoCommentNum = autoCommentNum;
             this.backComment = backComment;
@@ -184,7 +180,7 @@ public class FileInstanciator {
             return autoCommentNum;
             return autoCommentNum;
-        public String getBackComment() {
+        public int getBackComment() {
             return backComment;
             return backComment;
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/FileLocator.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/converter/filegetter/FileLocator.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..03676a0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FilenameFilter;
+ *
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+class FileLocator {
+    private final boolean autoFileName;
+    private final File initFile;
+    private final String prefix;
+    private final String title;
+    private final String suffix;
+    FileLocator(boolean autoFileName, File initFile, String prefix, String title, String suffix) {
+        this.autoFileName = autoFileName;
+        this.initFile = initFile;
+        this.prefix = prefix;
+        this.title = title;
+        this.suffix = suffix;
+    }
+    /**
+     * \83R\83\93\83X\83g\83\89\83N\83^\82Å\8ew\92è\82µ\82½\8fð\8c\8f\82Å\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\8c\9f\8dõ\82·\82é\81B
+     * autoFileName\82ªfalse\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\81A\92¼\90Ú\96¼\91O\8ew\92è\82Å\82 \82é\82½\82ß\8ew\92è\82³\82ê\82½\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\82»\82Ì\82Ü\82Ü\95Ô\82·\81B
+     * autoFileName\82ªtrue\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\81AinitFile\83f\83B\83\8c\83N\83g\83\8a\82Éprefix\82Å\8en\82Ü\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\91\8dÝ\82·\82é\82©\8c\9f\8dõ\82µ
+     * \82 \82ê\82Î\82»\82ê\82ð\95Ô\82·\81B
+     * \82±\82Ì\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82à\96³\82¢\8fê\8d\87\81A\8ew\92è\82³\82ê\82½\83p\83\89\83\81\81[\83^\82É\8f]\82Á\82½\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\95Ô\82·\81B
+     * @return \8f\8a\96]\82Ì\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\81B\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Í\91\8dÝ\82·\82é\8fê\8d\87\82à\82 \82è\81A\91\8dÝ\82µ\82È\82¢\8fê\8d\87\82à\82 \82é\82±\82Æ\82É\92\8d\88Ó\81B
+     */
+    File getFile() {
+        if (!isAutoNaming()) {
+            return initFile;
+        } else {
+            File res = searchFile();
+            if (res != null) {
+                return res;
+            }
+            return new File(initFile, prefix + title + suffix);
+        }
+    }
+    private final File searchFile() {
+        FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
+            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
+                return (name.startsWith(prefix)) ? true : false;
+            }
+        };
+        File[] res = initFile.listFiles(filter);
+        if (res == null || res.length == 0) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        return res[0];
+    }
+    protected boolean isAutoNaming() {
+        return autoFileName;
+    }
+    protected final boolean getAutoFileName() {
+        return autoFileName;
+    }
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
+import saccubus.converter.Proxy;
@@ -12,16 +14,12 @@ public class LoginInfo {
     private final String mail;
     private final String pass;
     private final String mail;
     private final String pass;
-    private final boolean useProxy;
-    private final String proxy;
-    private final int port;
+    private final Proxy proxy;
-    public LoginInfo(String mail, String pass, boolean useProxy, String proxy, int port) {
+    public LoginInfo(String mail, String pass, Proxy proxy) {
         this.mail = mail;
         this.pass = pass;
         this.mail = mail;
         this.pass = pass;
-        this.useProxy = useProxy;
         this.proxy = proxy;
         this.proxy = proxy;
-        this.port = port;
     public String getMail() {
     public String getMail() {
@@ -32,15 +30,7 @@ public class LoginInfo {
         return pass;
         return pass;
-    public boolean isUseProxy() {
-        return useProxy;
-    }
-    public String getProxy() {
+    public Proxy getProxy() {
         return proxy;
         return proxy;
-    public int getPort() {
-        return port;
-    }
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
 import java.io.File;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package saccubus.filegetter;
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.converter.filegetter;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
-import saccubus.VideoSaveKind;
+import saccubus.converter.Proxy;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
 import saccubus.net.VideoInfo;
 import saccubus.net.NicoClient;
 import saccubus.net.VideoInfo;
@@ -21,9 +18,9 @@ public class WebFileInstanciator extends FileInstanciator {
             ConvertStopFlag stopFlag,
             ConvertStopFlag stopFlag,
-            InstanciationType<VideoSaveKind> videoType,
+            InstanciationType videoType,
             CommentInstanciationType commentType,
             CommentInstanciationType commentType,
-            InstanciationType<Boolean> tcommType,
+            InstanciationType tcommType,
             LoginInfo li,
             String tag,
             String time) throws IOException {
             LoginInfo li,
             String tag,
             String time) throws IOException {
@@ -32,21 +29,17 @@ public class WebFileInstanciator extends FileInstanciator {
         if (li.getMail() == null || li.getPass() == null || li.getMail().equals("") || li.getPass().equals("")) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83\81\81[\83\8b\83A\83h\83\8c\83X\82©\83p\83X\83\8f\81[\83h\82ª\8bó\94\92\82Å\82·\81B");
         if (li.getMail() == null || li.getPass() == null || li.getMail().equals("") || li.getPass().equals("")) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83\81\81[\83\8b\83A\83h\83\8c\83X\82©\83p\83X\83\8f\81[\83h\82ª\8bó\94\92\82Å\82·\81B");
-        if (li.isUseProxy() && (li.getProxy() == null || li.getProxy().length() <= 0) && (li.getPort() < 0
-                || li.getPort() > 65535)) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\83v\83\8d\83L\83V\82Ì\90Ý\92è\82ª\95s\90³\82Å\82·\81B");
-        }
-        String proxy;
+        String host;
         int port;
         int port;
-        if (li.isUseProxy()) {
-            proxy = li.getProxy();
-            port = li.getPort();
+        if (li.getProxy() != Proxy.NO_PROXY) {
+            host = li.getProxy().getHost();
+            port = li.getProxy().getPort();
         } else {
         } else {
-            proxy = null;
+            host = null;
             port = -1;
             port = -1;
-        client = new NicoClient(li.getMail(), li.getPass(), stopFlag, proxy, port);
+        client = new NicoClient(li.getMail(), li.getPass(), stopFlag, host, port);
         if (!client.isLoggedIn()) {
             throw new IOException("\83\8d\83O\83C\83\93\82É\8e¸\94s");
         if (!client.isLoggedIn()) {
             throw new IOException("\83\8d\83O\83C\83\93\82É\8e¸\94s");
@@ -58,22 +51,31 @@ public class WebFileInstanciator extends FileInstanciator {
             throw new IOException(tag + "\82Ì\8fî\95ñ\82Ì\8eæ\93¾\82É\8e¸\94s", ex);
             throw new IOException(tag + "\82Ì\8fî\95ñ\82Ì\8eæ\93¾\82É\8e¸\94s", ex);
-        if (videoType.getFileType() == VideoSaveKind.SAVE) {
+        if (videoType.isDoanload()) {
             setVideoFileGetter(new VideoFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo));
             setVideoFileGetter(new VideoFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo));
-        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(commentType.getFileType())) {
+        if (commentType.isDoanload()) {
             setCommentFileGetter(new CommentFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo, commentType.isAutoCommentNum(),
             setCommentFileGetter(new CommentFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo, commentType.isAutoCommentNum(),
-        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(tcommType.getFileType())) {
+        if (tcommType.isDoanload()) {
             setTcommFileGetter(new TcommFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo));
             setTcommFileGetter(new TcommFileWebGetter(client, videoInfo));
+    /**
+     * \93®\89æ\82Ì\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82ð\8eæ\93¾\82·\82é\81B
+     * \8eÀ\8dÛ\82Ì\93®\89æ\83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82Í\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82É\97p\82¢\82é\82±\82Æ\82ª\8fo\97\88\82È\82¢\95\8e\9a\82ð\8aÜ\82ñ\82Å\82 \82é\8fê\8d\87\82ª\82 \82é\82½\82ß\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82É\93K\8d\87\82·\82é\82æ\82¤\82É\95Ò\8fW\82µ\82½\92l\82ª\95Ô\82é\81B
+     * @return
+     */
     public String getVideoTitle() {
     public String getVideoTitle() {
-        return videoInfo.getVideoTitle();
+        String name = videoInfo.getVideoTitle().replaceAll("[\\\\/:*?\"<>|.]", "_");
+        name = name.replaceAll("\u2212", "\81|"); // minus sign
+        name = name.replaceAll("\u301c", "\81`"); // wave dash
+        name = name.replaceAll("\u223c", "\81`"); // tilde operator
+        return name;
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/FileLocator.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/FileLocator.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3e091c6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package saccubus.filegetter;
-import java.io.File;
- *
- * @author yuki
- */
-class FileLocator {
-    private final boolean autoFileName;
-    private final File initFile;
-    private final String prefix;
-    private final String title;
-    private final String suffix;
-    FileLocator(boolean autoFileName, File initFile, String prefix, String title, String suffix) {
-        this.autoFileName = autoFileName;
-        this.initFile = initFile;
-        this.prefix = prefix;
-        this.title = title;
-        this.suffix = suffix;
-    }
-    File getFile() {
-        if (!isAutoNaming()) {
-            return initFile;
-        } else {
-            return new File(initFile, prefix + title + suffix);
-        }
-    }
-    protected boolean isAutoNaming() {
-        return autoFileName;
-    }
-    protected final boolean getAutoFileName() {
-        return autoFileName;
-    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/VideoFileLocator.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/filegetter/VideoFileLocator.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bed92b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package saccubus.filegetter;
-import java.io.File;
-import saccubus.VideoSaveKind;
- *
- * @author yuki
- */
-public class VideoFileLocator extends FileLocator {
-    private final VideoSaveKind kind;
-    public VideoFileLocator(VideoSaveKind kind, boolean autoFileName, File initFile, String prefix, String title,
-            String suffix) {
-        super(autoFileName, initFile, prefix, title, suffix);
-        this.kind = kind;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected boolean isAutoNaming() {
-        if (kind == VideoSaveKind.NICOBROWSER || !getAutoFileName()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
index 04bbf57..052c0d6 100644 (file)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package saccubus.prompt;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag.State;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag;
 import saccubus.ConvertStopFlag.State;
-import saccubus.Converter;
-import saccubus.ConvertingSetting;
+import saccubus.converter.Converter;
+import saccubus.properties.SProperties;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
 import saccubus.net.TextProgressListener;
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public class Prompt {
                String pass = args[1];
                String tag = args[2];
                String time = args.length < 4 ? "" : args[3];
                String pass = args[1];
                String tag = args[2];
                String time = args.length < 4 ? "" : args[3];
-               ConvertingSetting setting = ConvertingSetting.loadSetting(mail, pass);
-        Converter conv = new Converter(tag, time, setting, sl, new ConvertStopFlag(scl));
+               SProperties setting = SProperties.loadSetting(mail, pass);
+        Converter conv = new Converter(tag, time, setting.toProfile(), sl, new ConvertStopFlag(scl));
                System.out.println("Saccubus on CUI");
                System.out.println("Saccubus on CUI");
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/BasicSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/BasicSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0c9393e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \8aî\96{\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class BasicSetting {
+    private static final String PROP_MAILADDR = "MailAddress";
+    private static final String PROP_PASSWORD = "Password";
+    private static final String PROP_USE_PROXY = "UseProxy";
+    private static final String PROP_PROXY = "Proxy";
+    private static final String PROP_PROXY_PORT = "ProxyPort";
+    private final String mail;
+    private final String password;
+    private final boolean proxyUse;
+    private final String proxyHost;
+    private final int proxyPort;
+    public BasicSetting(String mail, String password, boolean proxyUse, String proxyHost, int proxyPort) {
+        this.mail = mail;
+        this.password = password;
+        this.proxyUse = proxyUse;
+        this.proxyHost = proxyHost;
+        this.proxyPort = proxyPort;
+    }
+    public String getMail() {
+        return mail;
+    }
+    public String getPassword() {
+        return password;
+    }
+    public String getProxyHost() {
+        return proxyHost;
+    }
+    public int getProxyPort() {
+        return proxyPort;
+    }
+    public boolean isProxyUse() {
+        return proxyUse;
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_MAILADDR, getMail());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, getPassword());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_USE_PROXY, Boolean.toString(isProxyUse()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_PROXY, getProxyHost());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_PROXY_PORT, Integer.toString(getProxyPort()));
+    }
+    public static BasicSetting load(Properties prop, String user, String pass) {
+        if (user == null) {
+            user = prop.getProperty(PROP_MAILADDR, "");
+        }
+        if (pass == null) {
+            pass = prop.getProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, "");
+        }
+        boolean proxyUse = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_USE_PROXY, "false"));
+        String proxyHost = prop.getProperty(PROP_PROXY, "");
+        int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_PROXY_PORT, "-1"));
+        return new BasicSetting(user, pass, proxyUse, proxyHost, proxyPort);
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ConvertSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ConvertSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5753f95
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \95Ï\8a·\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class ConvertSetting {
+    private static final String PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK = "VhookDisabled";
+    private static final String PROP_SHOW_COMMENT = "ShowCommentNum";
+    private static final String PROP_FONT_PATH = "FontPath";
+    private static final String PROP_FONT_INDEX = "FontIndex";
+    private static final String PROP_SHADOW_INDEX = "ShadowIndex";
+    private static final String PROP_SHOW_VIDEO = "ShowVideo";
+    private static final String PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE = "FixFontSize";
+    private static final String PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT = "OpaqueComment";
+    private static final String PROP_NG_WORD = "NG_Word";
+    private static final String PROP_NG_ID = "NG_ID";
+    private final boolean vhookDisabled;
+    private final int maxNumOfComment;
+    private final File font;
+    private final int fontIndex;
+    private final int shadowIndex;
+    private final boolean showConverting;
+    private final boolean selfAdjustFontSize;
+    private final boolean commentOpaque;
+    private final NgSetting ngSetting;
+    public ConvertSetting(boolean vhookDisabled, int maxNumOfComment, File font, int fontIndex, int shadowIndex,
+            boolean showConverting, boolean selfAdjustFontSize, boolean commentOpaque, NgSetting ngSetting) {
+        this.vhookDisabled = vhookDisabled;
+        this.maxNumOfComment = maxNumOfComment;
+        this.font = font;
+        this.fontIndex = fontIndex;
+        this.shadowIndex = shadowIndex;
+        this.showConverting = showConverting;
+        this.selfAdjustFontSize = selfAdjustFontSize;
+        this.commentOpaque = commentOpaque;
+        this.ngSetting = ngSetting;
+    }
+    public boolean isCommentOpaque() {
+        return commentOpaque;
+    }
+    public File getFont() {
+        return font;
+    }
+    public int getFontIndex() {
+        return fontIndex;
+    }
+    public int getMaxNumOfComment() {
+        return maxNumOfComment;
+    }
+    public boolean isSelfAdjustFontSize() {
+        return selfAdjustFontSize;
+    }
+    public int getShadowIndex() {
+        return shadowIndex;
+    }
+    public boolean isShowConverting() {
+        return showConverting;
+    }
+    public boolean isVhookDisabled() {
+        return vhookDisabled;
+    }
+    public NgSetting getNgSetting() {
+        return ngSetting;
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHOW_COMMENT, Integer.toString(getMaxNumOfComment()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FONT_PATH, getFont().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FONT_INDEX, Integer.toString(getFontIndex()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHOW_VIDEO, Boolean.toString(isShowConverting()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_NG_WORD, getNgSetting().getWord());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_NG_ID, getNgSetting().getId());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE, Boolean.toString(isSelfAdjustFontSize()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT, Boolean.toString(isCommentOpaque()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK, Boolean.toString(isVhookDisabled()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SHADOW_INDEX, Integer.toString(getShadowIndex()));
+    }
+    public static ConvertSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        String win_dir = System.getenv("windir");
+        if (!win_dir.endsWith("\\")) {
+            win_dir = win_dir + "\\";
+        }
+        int maxComment = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_SHOW_COMMENT, "30"));
+        String font = prop.getProperty(PROP_FONT_PATH, win_dir + "Fonts\\msgothic.ttc");
+        int fontIndex = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_FONT_INDEX, "1"));
+        boolean showConv = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SHOW_VIDEO, "true"));
+        String ngWord = prop.getProperty(PROP_NG_WORD, "");
+        String ngId = prop.getProperty(PROP_NG_ID, "");
+        boolean adjustFont = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_FIX_FONT_SIZE, "true"));
+        boolean opaque = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_OPAQUE_COMMENT, "false"));
+        boolean vhookDisabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DISABLE_VHOOK, "false"));
+        int shadowIndex = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(PROP_SHADOW_INDEX, "1"));
+        return new ConvertSetting(vhookDisabled, maxComment, new File(font), fontIndex, shadowIndex, showConv,
+                adjustFont, opaque, new NgSetting(ngWord, ngId));
+    }
+    public static class NgSetting {
+        private final String word;
+        private final String id;
+        public NgSetting(String word, String id) {
+            this.word = word;
+            this.id = id;
+        }
+        public String getWord() {
+            return word;
+        }
+        public String getId() {
+            return id;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputCommentSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputCommentSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f19d5fb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \93ü\97Í\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class InputCommentSetting extends InputFileSetting<Boolean> {
+    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FILE = "CommentFile";
+    private static final String PROP_BACK_COMMENT = "BackComment";
+    private static final String PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV = "DeleteCommentAfterConv";
+    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME = "CommentFixFileName";
+    private static final String PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "CommentFixFileNameFolder";
+    private static final String PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM = "FixCommentSize";
+    private static final String PROP_SAVE_COMMENT = "SaveCommentFile";
+    private final boolean selfAdjustNumOfComment;
+    private final int numOfComment;
+    public InputCommentSetting(boolean download, boolean autoNaming, File folder, File file, boolean deleteAfterConvert,
+            boolean adjust, int numOfCom) {
+        super(Boolean.valueOf(download), autoNaming, folder, file, deleteAfterConvert);
+        this.selfAdjustNumOfComment = adjust;
+        this.numOfComment = numOfCom;
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FILE, getFile().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_BACK_COMMENT, Integer.toString(getNumOfComment()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV, Boolean.toString(isDeleteAfterConvert()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME, Boolean.toString(isAutoNaming()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, getFolder().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM, Boolean.toString(isSelfAdjustNumOfComment()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_COMMENT, getProcessKind().toString());
+    }
+    public static InputCommentSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        String file = prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FILE, ".\\comment.xml");
+        String numOfComment = prop.getProperty(PROP_BACK_COMMENT, "500");
+        boolean delete = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DEL_COMMENT_AFTER_CONV, "false"));
+        boolean adjustNumOfComment = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true"));
+        String folder = prop.getProperty(PROP_COMMENT_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[out]comment\\");
+        boolean autoNaming = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_FIX_COMMENT_NUM, "true"));
+        boolean download = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_COMMENT, "true"));
+        return new InputCommentSetting(download, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), delete,
+                adjustNumOfComment,
+                Integer.parseInt(numOfComment));
+    }
+    public final boolean isSelfAdjustNumOfComment() {
+        return selfAdjustNumOfComment;
+    }
+    public final int getNumOfComment() {
+        return numOfComment;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputFileSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputFileSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3770bed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+ * \93ü\97Í\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\90Ý\92è\82Ì\82½\82ß\82Ì\83X\81[\83p\83N\83\89\83X.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public abstract class InputFileSetting<T> extends ProcessFileSetting<T> {
+    private final boolean deleteAfterConvert;
+    /**
+     * \93ü\97Í\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\90Ý\92è\82Ì\82½\82ß\82Ì\83X\81[\83p\83N\83\89\83X.
+     * @param processKind \83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue, \83\8d\81[\83J\83\8b\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\97p\82¢\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param autoNaming \83t\83H\83\8b\83_\96¼\82Ì\82Ý\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\82Ä\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\96½\96¼/\8e©\93®\8c\9f\8dõ\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue,
+     * \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Ü\82Å\8ew\92è\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param folder \89æ\96Ê\82Å\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\96¼. autoNaming\82ªtrue\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82É\97p\82¢\82ç\82ê\82é.
+     * @param file \89æ\96Ê\82Å\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼. autoNaming\82ªfalse\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82É\97p\82¢\82ç\82ê\82é.
+     * @param deleteAfterConvert \95Ï\8a·\8f\88\97\9d\8cã\82É\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\8dí\8f\9c\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
+     */
+    public InputFileSetting(T processKind, boolean autoNaming, File folder,
+            File file, boolean deleteAfterConvert) {
+        super(processKind, autoNaming, folder, file);
+        this.deleteAfterConvert = deleteAfterConvert;
+    }
+    public final boolean isDeleteAfterConvert() {
+        return deleteAfterConvert;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputTcommentSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputTcommentSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..be54731
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82É\8aÖ\82·\82é\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class InputTcommentSetting extends InputFileSetting<Boolean> {
+    /**
+     * \81u\93ü\97Í\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\81v\83p\83l\83\8b\82Ì\90Ý\92è.
+     * @param download \83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\95K\97v\82ª\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. \83\8d\81[\83J\83\8b\82É\82 \82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\97p\82¢\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param inputDirectory \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\82Å\8c\88\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l.
+     * @param inputFile \83\86\81[\83U\82ª\81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\81v\83e\83L\83X\83g\83t\83B\81[\83\8b\83h\82É\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\92l.
+     * @param delete \8f\88\97\9d\8fI\97¹\8cã\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\8dí\8f\9c\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. \8ec\82µ\82½\82Ü\82Ü\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     */
+    public InputTcommentSetting(boolean download, boolean autoFileName, String inputDirectory, String inputFile,
+            boolean delete) {
+        super(Boolean.valueOf(download), autoFileName, new File(inputDirectory), new File(inputFile), delete);
+    }
+    public static InputTcommentSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        String str;
+        str = prop.getProperty(PROP_DOWNLOAD, Boolean.toString(true));
+        boolean down = Boolean.valueOf(str);
+        str = prop.getProperty(PROP_DELETE, Boolean.toString(false));
+        boolean del = Boolean.valueOf(str);
+        str = prop.getProperty(PROP_AUTOFILENAME, Boolean.toString(true));
+        boolean naming = Boolean.valueOf(str);
+        String dir = prop.getProperty(PROP_DIRECTORYNAME, ".\\[out]tcomment");
+        String f = prop.getProperty(PROP_FILENAME, ".\\tcomment.xml");
+        return new InputTcommentSetting(down, naming, dir, f, del);
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DOWNLOAD, getProcessKind().toString());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DELETE, getProcessKind().toString());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_AUTOFILENAME, Boolean.toString(isAutoNaming()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DIRECTORYNAME, getFolder().toString());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FILENAME, getFile().toString());
+    }
+    private static final String PROP_DOWNLOAD = "TCDownload";
+    private static final String PROP_DELETE = "TCDelete";
+    private static final String PROP_AUTOFILENAME = "TCAutoNaming";
+    private static final String PROP_DIRECTORYNAME = "TCDirectory";
+    private static final String PROP_FILENAME = "TCFileName";
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputVideoSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/InputVideoSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ddd50d4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import saccubus.VideoSaveKind;
+ * \93ü\97Í\93®\89æ\90Ý\92è\82ð\95Û\8e\9d\82·\82é\83N\83\89\83X.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class InputVideoSetting extends InputFileSetting<VideoSaveKind> {
+    private static final String PROP_SAVE_VIDEO = "SaveVideoFile";
+    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FILE = "VideoFile";
+    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME = "VideoFixFileName";
+    private static final String PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV = "DeleteVideoAfterConv";
+    private static final String PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "VideoFixFileNameFolder";
+    public InputVideoSetting(VideoSaveKind download, boolean autoNaming, File folder,
+            File file, boolean deleteAfterConvert) {
+        super(download, autoNaming, folder, file, deleteAfterConvert);
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_VIDEO, getProcessKind().toString());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FILE, getFile().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME, Boolean.toString(isAutoNaming()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, getFolder().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV, Boolean.toString(isDeleteAfterConvert()));
+    }
+    public static InputVideoSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        final VideoSaveKind kind = convertVideoSaveKind(prop);
+        boolean autoNaming = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true"));
+        String folder = prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[out]video\\");
+        String file = prop.getProperty(PROP_VIDEO_FILE, ".\\video.flv");
+        boolean delete = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_DEL_VIDEO_AFTER_CONV, "false"));
+        return new InputVideoSetting(kind, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), delete);
+    }
+    /** \96{\89Æ\82³\82«\82ã\82Î\82·\82Å\95Û\91\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82½\8fê\8d\87\81APROP_SAVE_VIDEO\82Ítrue/false\82È\82Ì\82Å\95Ï\8a·\82·\82é. */
+    private static VideoSaveKind convertVideoSaveKind(Properties prop) {
+        VideoSaveKind kind;
+        String saveVideo = prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_VIDEO);
+        if (Boolean.toString(true).equals(saveVideo) || saveVideo == null) {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.SAVE;
+        } else if (Boolean.toString(false).equals(saveVideo)) {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.NO_SAVE;
+        } else {
+            kind = VideoSaveKind.valueOf(saveVideo);
+        }
+        return kind;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/MovieSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/MovieSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2ba2314
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import saccubus.converter.FfmpegOption;
+ * \93®\89æ\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class MovieSetting {
+    private static final String PROP_FFMPEG_PATH = "FFnpegPath";
+    private static final String PROP_VHOOK_PATH = "VhookPath";
+    private static final String PROP_OPTION_FILE = "OptionFile";
+    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_EXT = "CMD_EXT";
+    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN = "CMD_MAIN";
+    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_IN = "CMD_IN";
+    private static final String PROP_CMDLINE_OUT = "CMD_OUT";
+    private final File ffmpeg;
+    private final File vhook;
+    private final File optionFile;
+    private final FfmpegOption ffmpegOption;
+    public MovieSetting(File ffmpeg, File vhook, File optionFile, FfmpegOption ffmpegOption) {
+        this.ffmpeg = ffmpeg;
+        this.vhook = vhook;
+        this.optionFile = optionFile;
+        this.ffmpegOption = ffmpegOption;
+    }
+    public File getFfmpeg() {
+        return ffmpeg;
+    }
+    public File getVhook() {
+        return vhook;
+    }
+    public File getOptionFile() {
+        return optionFile;
+    }
+    public FfmpegOption getFfmpegOption() {
+        return ffmpegOption;
+    }
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_FFMPEG_PATH, getFfmpeg().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_VHOOK_PATH, getVhook().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_EXT, getFfmpegOption().getExtOption());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN, getFfmpegOption().getMainOption());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_IN, getFfmpegOption().getInOption());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_OUT, getFfmpegOption().getOutOption());
+        if (getOptionFile() != null) {
+            prop.setProperty(PROP_OPTION_FILE, getOptionFile().getPath());
+        } else {
+            prop.remove(PROP_OPTION_FILE);
+        }
+    }
+    public static MovieSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        String name = prop.getProperty(PROP_OPTION_FILE);
+        File optionFile = null;
+        if (name != null) {
+            optionFile = new File(name);
+        }
+        String ffmpeg = prop.getProperty(PROP_FFMPEG_PATH, ".\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe");
+        String vhook = prop.getProperty(PROP_VHOOK_PATH, ".\\bin\\nicovideo.dll");
+        String ext = prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_EXT, "mp4");
+        String main = prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_MAIN, "");
+        String in = prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_IN, "");
+        String out = prop.getProperty(PROP_CMDLINE_OUT, "-f ipod");
+        FfmpegOption opt = new FfmpegOption(ext, main, in, out);
+        return new MovieSetting(new File(ffmpeg), new File(vhook), optionFile, opt);
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/OutputVideoSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/OutputVideoSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d6c56e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \8fo\97Í\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\95t\82«\93®\89æ\82É\8aÖ\82·\82é\90Ý\92è.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public class OutputVideoSetting extends ProcessFileSetting<Boolean> {
+    private static final String PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED = "SaveConvertedFile";
+    private static final String PROP_ADD_COMMENT = "AddComment";
+    private static final String PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT = "AddTcomment";
+    private static final String PROP_CONVERTED_FILE = "ConvertedFile";
+    private static final String PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV = "NotAddVideoIDtoConverted";
+    private static final String PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME = "ConvFixFileName";
+    private static final String PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER = "ConvFixFileNameFolder";
+    private final boolean cutIdName;
+    private final boolean addComment;
+    private final boolean addTcomment;
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param processKind \95Ï\8a·\8f\88\97\9d\82ð\8ds\82¤\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
+     * @param cutIdName \8fo\97Í\96¼\82É\93®\89æID\82ð\82Â\82¯\82È\82¢\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue. autoNaming\82ªtrue\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82É\97p\82¢\82ç\82ê\82é.
+     * @param addComment \95Ï\8a·\8f\88\97\9d\8e\9e\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82ð\95t\89Á\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
+     * @param addTcomment \95Ï\8a·\8f\88\97\9d\8e\9e\93\8a\8de\8eÒ\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82ð\95t\89Á\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
+     */
+    public OutputVideoSetting(boolean processKind, boolean autoNaming, File folder, File file, boolean cutIdName,
+            boolean addComment, boolean addTcomment) {
+        super(processKind, autoNaming, folder, file);
+        this.cutIdName = cutIdName;
+        this.addComment = addComment;
+        this.addTcomment = addTcomment;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void save(Properties prop) {
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED, Boolean.toString(getProcessKind()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_ADD_COMMENT, Boolean.toString(isAddComment()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT, Boolean.toString(isAddTcomment()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONVERTED_FILE, getFile().getPath());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV, Boolean.toString(isCutIdName()));
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME, (new Boolean(isAutoNaming())).toString());
+        prop.setProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, getFolder().getPath());
+    }
+    public static OutputVideoSetting load(Properties prop) {
+        boolean process = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_SAVE_CONVERTED, "true"));
+        boolean addComment = Boolean.valueOf(prop.getProperty(PROP_ADD_COMMENT, "true"));
+        boolean addTcomment = Boolean.valueOf(prop.getProperty(PROP_ADD_TCOMMENT, "true"));
+        String file = prop.getProperty(PROP_CONVERTED_FILE, ".\\video.avi");
+        boolean cutId = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_NOT_ADD_VIDEOID_CONV, "false"));
+        boolean autoNaming = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME, "true"));
+        String folder = prop.getProperty(PROP_CONV_FIX_FILE_NAME_FOLDER, ".\\[out]converted\\");
+        return new OutputVideoSetting(process, autoNaming, new File(folder), new File(file), cutId, addComment,
+                addTcomment);
+    }
+    public final boolean isCutIdName() {
+        return cutIdName;
+    }
+    public final boolean isAddComment() {
+        return addComment;
+    }
+    public final boolean isAddTcomment() {
+        return addTcomment;
+    }
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ProcessFileSetting.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/ProcessFileSetting.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a1b5e15
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * \8f\88\97\9d\91Î\8fÛ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\90Ý\92è\82Ì\82½\82ß\82Ì\83X\81[\83p\83N\83\89\83X.
+ * @author yuki
+ */
+public abstract class ProcessFileSetting<T> {
+    private final T processKind;
+    private final boolean autoNaming;
+    private final File folder;
+    private final File file;
+    /**
+     * \8f\88\97\9d\91Î\8fÛ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\90Ý\92è\82Ì\82½\82ß\82Ì\83X\81[\83p\83N\83\89\83X.
+     * @param processKind \8f\88\97\9d\82·\82é\8eí\97Þ\82ð\90Ý\92è\82·\82é. 
+     * \91Î\8fÛ\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82É\82æ\82è\88Ó\96¡\82Í\88Ù\82È\82é\82ª, \93ü\97Í\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Å\82Í\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue,
+     * \8fo\97Í\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Å\82 \82ê\82Î\95Ï\8a·\82·\82é(\8fo\97Í\82·\82é)\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue, \82Æ\82¢\82¤\82æ\82¤\82É\97p\82¢\82é.
+     * @param autoNaming \83t\83H\83\8b\83_\96¼\82Ì\82Ý\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\82Ä\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\96½\96¼/\8e©\93®\8c\9f\8dõ\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue,
+     * \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Ü\82Å\8ew\92è\82·\82é\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     * @param folder \89æ\96Ê\82Å\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\96¼. autoNaming\82ªtrue\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82É\97p\82¢\82ç\82ê\82é.
+     * @param file \89æ\96Ê\82Å\93ü\97Í\82µ\82½\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼. autoNaming\82ªfalse\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82É\97p\82¢\82ç\82ê\82é.
+     */
+    public ProcessFileSetting(T processKind, boolean autoNaming, File folder, File file) {
+        this.processKind = processKind;
+        this.autoNaming = autoNaming;
+        this.folder = folder;
+        this.file = file;
+    }
+    public final T getProcessKind() {
+        return processKind;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return \81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83H\83\8b\83_\82ð\8ew\92è\82µ\81A\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82Í\8e©\93®\82Å\8c\88\92è\82·\82é\81v\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îtrue.
+     * \81u\95Û\91\82·\82é\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\96¼\82ð\8ew\92è\82·\82é\81v\82Ì\82Å\82 \82ê\82Îfalse.
+     */
+    public final boolean isAutoNaming() {
+        return autoNaming;
+    }
+    public final File getFolder() {
+        return folder;
+    }
+    public final File getFile() {
+        return file;
+    }
+    public abstract void save(Properties prop);
diff --git a/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/SProperties.java b/frontend/src/saccubus/properties/SProperties.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ae3645
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+package saccubus.properties;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import saccubus.converter.Profile;
+ * <p>
+ * \83^\83C\83g\83\8b\82³\82«\82ã\82Î\82·
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * \90à\96¾: \83j\83R\83j\83R\93®\89æ\82Ì\93®\89æ\82ð\83R\83\81\83\93\83g\82Â\82«\82Å\95Û\91
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * \92\98\8dì\8c : Copyright (c) 2007 PSI
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * \89ï\8eÐ\96¼:
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author \96¢\93ü\97Í
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+public class SProperties {
+    public static final String[] ShadowKindArray = {
+        "00:\82È\82µ",
+        "01:\83j\83R\83j\83R\93®\89æ\95\97",
+        "02:\89E\89º",
+        "03:\88Í\82¢\8d\9e\82Ý"
+    };
+    private final BasicSetting basicSetting;
+    private final InputVideoSetting inputVideoSetting;
+    private final InputCommentSetting inputCommentSetting;
+    private final InputTcommentSetting inputTcommentSetting;
+    private final OutputVideoSetting outputVideoSetting;
+    private final MovieSetting movieSetting;
+    private final ConvertSetting convertSetting;
+    public SProperties(
+            BasicSetting basicSetting,
+            InputVideoSetting inputVideoSetting,
+            InputCommentSetting inputCommentSetting,
+            InputTcommentSetting tcommentSetting,
+            OutputVideoSetting outputVideoSetting,
+            MovieSetting movieSetting,
+            ConvertSetting convertSetting //            String videoshownum,
+            ) {
+//        this.saveVideo = savevideo;
+//        if (videofile.lastIndexOf(".") < videofile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
+//            videofile += ".flv";
+//        }
+//        VideoFile = new File(videofile);
+//        if (commentfile.lastIndexOf(".") < commentfile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
+//            commentfile += ".xml";
+//        }
+//        CommentFile = new File(commentfile);
+//        if (convvideofile.lastIndexOf(".") < convvideofile.lastIndexOf("\\")) {
+//            convvideofile += ".avi";
+//        }
+        this.basicSetting = basicSetting;
+        this.inputVideoSetting = inputVideoSetting;
+        this.inputCommentSetting = inputCommentSetting;
+        this.inputTcommentSetting = tcommentSetting;
+        this.outputVideoSetting = outputVideoSetting;
+        this.movieSetting = movieSetting;
+        this.convertSetting = convertSetting;
+    }
+    public Profile toProfile() {
+        // TODO toProfile\8eÀ\91\95.
+        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+    }
+    private static final String PROP_FILE = "./saccubus.xml";
+    public static void saveSetting(SProperties setting) {
+        final Properties prop = new Properties();
+        setting.getBasicSetting().save(prop);
+        setting.getInputVideoSetting().save(prop);
+        setting.getInputCommentSetting().save(prop);
+        setting.getInputTcommentSetting().save(prop);
+        setting.getOutputVideoSetting().save(prop);
+        setting.getMovieSetting().save(prop);
+        try {
+            prop.storeToXML(new FileOutputStream(PROP_FILE), "settings");
+        } catch (IOException ex) {
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public static SProperties loadSetting(String user, String password) {
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        try {
+            prop.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(PROP_FILE));
+        } catch (IOException ex) {
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        return new SProperties(
+                BasicSetting.load(prop, user, password),
+                InputVideoSetting.load(prop),
+                InputCommentSetting.load(prop),
+                InputTcommentSetting.load(prop),
+                OutputVideoSetting.load(prop),
+                MovieSetting.load(prop),
+                ConvertSetting.load(prop));
+    }
+    public BasicSetting getBasicSetting() {
+        return basicSetting;
+    }
+    public InputVideoSetting getInputVideoSetting() {
+        return inputVideoSetting;
+    }
+    public InputCommentSetting getInputCommentSetting() {
+        return inputCommentSetting;
+    }
+    public InputTcommentSetting getInputTcommentSetting() {
+        return inputTcommentSetting;
+    }
+    public OutputVideoSetting getOutputVideoSetting() {
+        return outputVideoSetting;
+    }
+    public MovieSetting getMovieSetting() {
+        return movieSetting;
+    }
+    public ConvertSetting getConvertSetting() {
+        return convertSetting;
+    }