% % This is part of CLFSja package. % % This is a CTIE change file for the original XML source of the CLFSbook. % @x @y @z @x The Libee is an event expression library. @y Libee はイベント表現 (event expression) ライブラリです。 @z @x Installation of Libee @y &InstallationOf1;Libee &InstallationOf2; @z @x Prepare Libee for compilation: @y &PreparePackage1;Libee &PreparePackage2; @z @x Compile the package: @y &CompileThePackage; @z @x Libee will fail to compile if using multiple jobs with make. Append "-j 1" to the following make command: @y Libee は Make 時の同時並行ビルドを行うとビルドに失敗します。 したがって以下のコマンドにおいては "-j 1" を加えてください。 @z @x This package does not come with a test suite. @y &NotExistTestsuite; @z @x Install the package: @y &InstallThePackage; @z @x Contents of Libee @y &ContentsOf1;Libee &ContentsOf2; @z @x Installed Program Installed libraries Installed directory @y &InstalledProgram; &InstalledLibrary; &InstalledDirectory; @z @x libee-convert libee.[a,so] /usr/include/libee @y libee-convert libee.[a,so] /usr/include/libee @z @x Short Descriptions @y &ShortDescriptions; @z @x libee-convert todo @y (未記述) @z @x libee is the event expression library @y イベント表現 (event expression) ライブラリ。 @z