% % This is part of CLFSja package. % % This is a CTIE change file for the original XML source of the CLFSbook. % @x @y @z @x cross tools @y &CrossTools; @z @x Installation of MPFR @y &InstallationOf1;MPFR &InstallationOf2; @z @x Prepare MPFR for compilation: @y &PreparePackage1;MPFR &PreparePackage2; @z @x The meaning of the new configure options: @y &MeaningOfOption1;configure &MeaningOfOption2; @z @x LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" This tells configure to search in /cross-tools for libraries. @y configure がライブラリを探すディレクトリを /cross-tools に指定します。 @z @x --with-gmp=/cross-tools This tells configure where to find GMP. @y configure が GMP を探すディレクトリを指定します。 @z @x Compile the package: @y &CompileThePackage; @z @x Install the package: @y &InstallThePackage; @z @x Details on this package are located in @y &Details1;&Details2; @z