X-Git-Url: http://git.sourceforge.jp/view?p=chemicraft%2Fchemicraft.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=common%2Fpcc%2Fchemicraft%2FChemiCraft.java;h=828960a0a4352155e1468c2f20937b70f9d1796c;hp=ac73030b1187df625ef644e52f831fe6bab19552;hb=1f2c996395430c702096ad059db825935e64fa8d;hpb=67708146175d4cfb32823ead4e48aa3ddaca62bd diff --git a/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java b/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java index ac73030..828960a 100644 --- a/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java +++ b/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java @@ -1,186 +1,32 @@ package pcc.chemicraft; -import net.minecraft.block.Block; -import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; -import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; -import net.minecraft.item.Item; -import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; -import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader; -import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration; -import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; -import net.minecraftforge.common.Property; -import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; -import pcc.chemicraft.block.BlockChemicalCombinationTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.block.BlockChemicalCraftingTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.block.BlockElectrolysisTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.block.BlockPyrolysisTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.block.BlockToolAndWeaponCraftingTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.compounds.CompoundDebug; -import pcc.chemicraft.compounds.CompoundWater; -import pcc.chemicraft.creativetab.CreativeTabAtomOres; -import pcc.chemicraft.creativetab.CreativeTabChemiCraft; -import pcc.chemicraft.debug.CommandDeleteItem; -import pcc.chemicraft.debug.CommandGenDebugRoom; -import pcc.chemicraft.debug.CommandSetTile; -import pcc.chemicraft.entity.EntityDust; -import pcc.chemicraft.gen.EnumOreSpawnFrequency; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemAtoms; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemAtomsGrenade; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemChemiCell; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemCompounds; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemDust; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemGasCollectingBottle; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemRadiationBallet; -import pcc.chemicraft.item.ItemRadiationGun; -import pcc.chemicraft.ore.BlockAtomOres; -import pcc.chemicraft.ore.ItemAtomOres; -import pcc.chemicraft.system.CommonProxy; -import pcc.chemicraft.system.PacketHandler; -import pcc.chemicraft.tileentity.TileEntityChemicalCombinationTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.tileentity.TileEntityChemicalCraftingTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.tileentity.TileEntityElectrolysisTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.tileentity.TileEntityPyrolysisTable; -import pcc.chemicraft.tileentity.TileEntityToolAndWeaponCraftingTable; +import pcc.chemicraft.core.ChemiCraftAPI; import pcc.chemicraft.util.Auxiliary; import pcc.chemicraft.util.Auxiliary.ArrayAuxiliary; +import pcc.chemicraft.util.Auxiliary.MathAuxiliary; import pcc.chemicraft.util.Auxiliary.NameAuxiliary; -import pcc.chemicraft.util.NBTRecipeGrenade; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PostInit; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PreInit; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.ServerStarting; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerStartingEvent; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; -import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry; +import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLStateEvent; /** - * ChemiCraft本体 - * @author P.C.C. + * @author P.C.C */ -@Mod(modid = "chemiCraft", name = "ChemiCraft", version = "beta") -@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = true, versionBounds = "1.4.6", channels = "chemicraft", packetHandler = PacketHandler.class) -public class ChemiCraft implements Runnable { +public abstract class ChemiCraft implements Runnable { /** - * 元素名配列 - */ - public static final String[] ATOMSNAME = { - "Hydrogen", "Helium", "Lithium", "Beryllium", "Boron", "Carbon", "Nitrogen", "Oxygen", "Fluorine", "Neon", "Sodium", "Magnesium", "Aluminium", "Silicon", - "Phosphorus", "Sulfur", "Chlorine", "Argon", "Potassium", "Calcium", "Scandium", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Chromium", "Manganese", "Iron", "Cobalt", "Nickel", "Copper", "Zinc", "Gallium", - "Germanium", "Arsenic", "Selenium", "Bromine", "Krypton", "Rubidium", "Strontium", "Yttorium", "Zirconium", "Niobium", "Molybdenum", "Technetium", "Ruthenium", "Rhodium", "Palladium", - "Silver", "Cadmium", "Indium", "Tin", "Antimony", "Tellurium", "Iodine", "Xenon", "Caesium", "Barium", "Lanthanum", "Cerium", "Praseodymium", "Neodymium", "Promethium", "Samarium", - "Europium", "Gadolinium", "Terbium", "Dysprosium", "Holmium", "Erbium", "Thulium", "Ytterbium", "Lutetium", "Hafnium", "Tantalum", "Tungsten", "Rhenium", "Osmium", "Iridium", "Platinum", - "Gold", "Mercury", "Thallium", "Lead", "Bismuth", "Polonium", "Astatine", "Radon", "Francium", "Radium", "Actinium", "Thorium", "Protactinium", "Uranium", "Neptunium", "Plutonium", - "Americium", "Curium", "Berkelium", "Californium", "Einsteinium", "Fermium", "Mendelevium", "Nobelium", "Lawrencium", "Rutherfordium", "Dubnium", "Seaborgium", "Bohrium", "Hassium", - "Meitnerium", "Darmstadtium", "Roentgenium", "Copernicium", "Ununtrium", "Ununquadium", "Ununpentium", "Ununhexium", "Ununseptium", "Ununoctium" }; - - /** - * 元素名日本語版配列 - */ - public static final String[] ATOMSNAMEJP = { - "水素", "ヘリウム", "リチウム", "ベリウム", "ホウ素", "炭素", "窒素", "酸素", "フッ素", "ネオン", "ナトリウム", "マグネシウム", "アルミニウム", "ケイ素", "リン", "硫黄", "塩素", "アルゴン", "カリウム", "カルシウム", "スカンジウム", - "チタン", "バナジウム", "クロム", "マンガン", "鉄", "コバルト", "ニッケル", "銅", "亜鉛", "ガリウム", "ゲルマニウム", "ヒ素", "セレン", "臭素", "クリプトン", "ルビジウム", "ストロンチウム", "イットリウム", "ジルコニウム", "ニオブ", "モリブデン", "テクネチウム", "ルテニウム", - "ロジウム", "パラジウム", "銀", "カドミウム", "インジウム", "スズ", "アンチモン", "テルル", "ヨウ素", "キセノン", "セシウム", "バリウム", "ランタン", "セリウム", "プラセオジム", "ネオジム", "プロメチウム", "サマリウム", "ユウロビウム", "ガドリニウム", "テルビウム", "ジスプロニウム", - "ホルミウム", "エルビウム", "ツリウム", "イッテルビウム", "ルテチウム", "ハフニウム", "タンタル", "タングステン", "レニウム", "オスミウム", "イリジウム", "白金", "金", "水銀", "タリウム", "鉛", "ビスマス", "ポロニウム", "アスタチン", "ラドン", "フランシウム", "ラジウム", - "アクチニウム", "トリウム", "プロトアクチウム", "ウラン", "ネプツニウム", "プルトニウム", "アメリシウム", "キュリウム", "バークリウム", "カルホルニウム", "アインスタイニウム", "フェルミウム", "メンデレビウム", "ノーベリウム", "ローレンシウム", "ラサホージウム", "ドブニウム", "シーボーギウム", - "ボーリウム", "ハッシウム", "マイトネリウム", "ダームスタチウム", "レントゲニウム", "コペルニシウム", "ウンウントリウム", "ウンウンクアジウム", "ウンウンペンチウム", "ウンウンヘキシウム", "ウンウンセプチウム", "ウンウンオクチウム" }; - - /** - * this is ChemiCraft instance. - */ - @Instance("chemiCraft") - public static ChemiCraft instance; - - /** - * proxy of ChemiCraft. - */ - @SidedProxy(clientSide = "pcc.chemicraft.client.ClientProxy", serverSide = "pcc.chemicraft.system.CommonProxy") - public static CommonProxy proxy; - - /** - * CreativeTab of ChemiCraft. - */ - public static final CreativeTabs creativeTabChemiCraft = new CreativeTabChemiCraft("ChemiCraft"); - public static final CreativeTabs creativeTabAtomsOre = new CreativeTabAtomOres("AtomsOre"); - - /** - * the ItemID. - */ - public int atomsID; - public int compoundsID; - public int gasCollectingBottleID; - public int atomGrenadeID; - public int chemicalCellsID; - public int dustID; - public int radiationGunID; - public int radiationBalletID; - - /** - * the BlockID. - */ - public int pyrolysisTableID; - public int electrolysisTableID; - public int chemicalConbinationTableID; - public int toolAndWeaponCraftingTableID; - public int chemicalCraftingTableID; - - public int[] atomOresID = new int[3]; - - /** - * the GUIID. - */ - public int guiPyrolysisTableID; - public int guiElectrolysisTableID; - public int guiChemicalCombinationTableID; - public int guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID; - public int guiChemicalCraftingTableID; - - /** - * Variables of Block type. + * this is Thread on ChemiCraft. */ - public Block blockPyrolysisTable; - public Block blockElectrolysisTable; - public Block blockChemicalCombinationTable; - public Block blockToolAndWeaponCraftingTable; - public Block blockChemicalCraftingTable; - - public Block[] blockAtomOres = new Block[atomOresID.length]; + protected Thread thread; /** - * Variables of Block type. + * the Event Instance. */ - public Item itemAtoms; - public Item itemCompounds; - public Item itemGasCollectingBottle; - public Item itemAtomGrenade; - public Item itemChemicalCells; - public Item itemDust; - public Item itemRadiationGun; - public Item itemRadiationBallet; + protected FMLStateEvent event; /** - * this is Textures Path on ChemiCraft. + * API Instance and Data Instance. */ - public final String ITEM_ATOMS_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/items/Atoms.png"; - public final String ITEM_COMPOUNDS_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/items/Compounds.png"; - public final String ITEM_VEGETABLES_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/items/Vegetables.png"; - public final String ITEM_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/items/items.png"; - public final String BLOCK_CHEMICAL_CRAFTING_TABLE_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/blocks/cctable.png"; - public final String BLOCK_ATOMS_ORE_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/blocks/AtomsOre.png"; - public final String BLOCK_VEGETABLES_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/blocks/Vegetables.png"; - public final String GUI_PYROLYSIS_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/guis/Pyrolysis.png"; - public final String GUI_ELECTROLYSIS_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/guis/Electrolysis.png"; - public final String GUI_CHEMICALCOMBINATION_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/guis/ChemicalCombination.png"; - public final String GUI_TOOLANDWEAPONCRAFTING_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/guis/ToolAndWeaponCrafting.png"; - public final String GUI_CHEMICALCRAFTING_TEXTURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/guis/MaterialCrafting.png"; - public final String ENTITY_PARTICLE_TEXRURE = "/pcc/chemicraft/entityParticles/dust.png"; + public ChemiCraftAPI api = ChemiCraftAPI.instance(); + public static final ChemiCraftData chemicalData = new ChemiCraftData(); /** *These Instances required on ChemiCraft. @@ -188,257 +34,18 @@ public class ChemiCraft implements Runnable { public Auxiliary auxiliary = new Auxiliary(); public NameAuxiliary nameAuxiliary = new NameAuxiliary(); public ArrayAuxiliary arrayAuxiliary = new ArrayAuxiliary(); - - public ChemiCraftAPI api = ChemiCraftAPI.instance(); - public static final ChemiCraftData chemicalData = new ChemiCraftData(); - - /** - * this is Thread on ChemiCraft. - */ - private Thread thread; - - /** - * the Event Instance. - */ - private FMLPostInitializationEvent event; - - /** - * the Register Instances. - */ - public ChemiCraftRegisterBlock registerBlock; - public ChemiCraftRegisterItem registerItem; - public ChemiCraftRegisterTileEntity registerTileEntity; - public ChemiCraftRegisterRecipe registerRecipe; - public ChemiCraftRegisterChemicalRecipe registerChemicalRecipe; - public ChemiCraftRegisterCompounds registerCompounds; - public ChemiCraftRegisterCompoundsHandler registerCompoundsHandler; - public ChemiCraftRegisterEntitys registerEntitys; - - public ChemiCraft() { - this.registerBlock = new ChemiCraftRegisterBlock(this); - this.registerItem = new ChemiCraftRegisterItem(this); - this.registerTileEntity = new ChemiCraftRegisterTileEntity(this); - this.registerRecipe = new ChemiCraftRegisterRecipe(this); - this.registerChemicalRecipe = new ChemiCraftRegisterChemicalRecipe(this); - this.registerCompounds = new ChemiCraftRegisterCompounds(this); - this.registerCompoundsHandler = new ChemiCraftRegisterCompoundsHandler(this); - this.registerEntitys = new ChemiCraftRegisterEntitys(this); - } + public MathAuxiliary mathAuxiliary = new MathAuxiliary(); /** - * PreInit: - * Configをロードします。 - * @param event アノテーション呼び出しにより呼び出す必要なし + * this is Textures Path on ChemiCraft. */ - @PreInit - public void chemiPreLoadMethod(final FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { - Configuration cfg = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); - cfg.load(); - - Property baseBlockID = cfg.get("BlockID", "Base of Block ID", 2400); - Property baseItemID = cfg.get("ItemID", "Base of Item ID", 25000); - - ChemiCraftConfiguration ccfgBlock = new ChemiCraftConfiguration(baseBlockID.getInt()); - ChemiCraftConfiguration ccfgItem = new ChemiCraftConfiguration(baseBlockID.getInt()); - - this.pyrolysisTableID = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - this.electrolysisTableID = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - this.chemicalConbinationTableID = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - this.toolAndWeaponCraftingTableID = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - this.chemicalCraftingTableID = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - for (int i = 0; i < atomOresID.length; i++) { - this.atomOresID[i] = ccfgBlock.additionID(); - } - - this.atomsID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.compoundsID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.gasCollectingBottleID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.atomGrenadeID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.chemicalCellsID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.dustID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.radiationGunID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - this.radiationBalletID = ccfgItem.additionID(); - - Property guiPyrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIPyrolysisID", 1000); - Property guiElectrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIElectrolysisTableIDProp", 1001); - Property guiChemicalCombinationTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIChemicalCombinationTableID", 1002); - Property guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID", 1003); - Property guiChemicalCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIChemicalCraftingTableID", 1004); - - this.guiPyrolysisTableID = guiPyrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiElectrolysisTableID = guiElectrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiChemicalCombinationTableID = guiChemicalCombinationTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID = guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiChemicalCraftingTableID = guiChemicalCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - - /* - Property pyrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.getBlock("PyrolysisTable", 2400); - Property electrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.getBlock("ElectrolysisTable", 2401); - Property chemicalCombinationTableIDProp = cfg.getBlock("ChemicalCombinationID", 2402); - Property toolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.getBlock("ToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID", 2403); - Property chemicalCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.getBlock("ChemicalCraftingTableID", 2404); - - Property[] atomOresIDProp = new Property[this.atomOresID.length]; - for (int i = 0; i < atomOresIDProp.length; i++) { - atomOresIDProp[i] = cfg.getBlock("AtomsOreID:" + i, 2500 + i); - } - - Property atomsIDProp = cfg.getItem("AtomsID", 25000); - Property compoundsIDProp = cfg.getItem("CompoundsID", 25001); - Property gasCollectingBottleIDProp = cfg.getItem("gasCollectingBottleID", 25002); - Property atomGrenadeIDProp = cfg.getItem("AtomGrenadeID", 25003); - Property chemicalCellsIDProp = cfg.getItem("ChemicalCellID", 25004); - Property dustIDProp = cfg.getItem("DustID", 25005); - Property radiationGunIDProp = cfg.getItem("RadiationGunID", 25006); - Property radiationBalletIDProp = cfg.getItem("RadiationBalletID", 25007); - - Property guiPyrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIPyrolysisID", 1000); - Property guiElectrolysisTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIElectrolysisTableIDProp", 1001); - Property guiChemicalCombinationTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIChemicalCombinationTableID", 1002); - Property guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID", 1003); - Property guiChemicalCraftingTableIDProp = cfg.get("GUI", "GUIChemicalCraftingTableID", 1004); - - - this.pyrolysisTableID = pyrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.electrolysisTableID = electrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.chemicalConbinationTableID = chemicalCombinationTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.toolAndWeaponCraftingTableID = toolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.chemicalCraftingTableID = chemicalCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - for (int i = 0; i < atomOresID.length; i++) { - this.atomOresID[i] = atomOresIDProp[i].getInt(); - } - - this.atomsID = atomsIDProp.getInt(); - this.compoundsID = compoundsIDProp.getInt(); - this.gasCollectingBottleID = gasCollectingBottleIDProp.getInt(); - this.atomGrenadeID = atomGrenadeIDProp.getInt(); - this.chemicalCellsID = chemicalCellsIDProp.getInt(); - this.dustID = dustIDProp.getInt(); - this.radiationGunID = radiationGunIDProp.getInt(); - this.radiationBalletID = radiationBalletIDProp.getInt(); - - this.guiPyrolysisTableID = guiPyrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiElectrolysisTableID = guiElectrolysisTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiChemicalCombinationTableID = guiChemicalCombinationTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableID = guiToolAndWeaponCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - this.guiChemicalCraftingTableID = guiChemicalCraftingTableIDProp.getInt(); - */ - - cfg.save(); - } - - - - @ServerStarting - public void serverStarting(final FMLServerStartingEvent event) { - event.registerServerCommand(new CommandSetTile()); - event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDeleteItem()); - event.registerServerCommand(new CommandGenDebugRoom()); - } - - - - @PostInit - public void chemiPostLoadMethod(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { - this.thread = new Thread(this); - this.event = event; - this.thread.start(); - - try { - this.thread.join(); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { - e.printStackTrace(); - } - - proxy.registerRenderInformation(); - Thread.yield(); - } - - - - @Override - public void run() { - while (true) { - if (proxy != null && instance != null) { - this.settingProcessing(event); - this.apiProcessing(event); - this.debug(event); - break; - } - } - } - - - - private void settingProcessing(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { - - this.registerBlock.start(); - this.registerItem.start(); - this.registerTileEntity.start(); - this.registerRecipe.start(); - this.registerChemicalRecipe.start(); - this.registerCompounds.start(); - this.registerCompoundsHandler.start(); - this.registerEntitys.start(); - - // GUIを追加します - NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(instance, proxy); - - //電池を追加します - this.api.addChemicalCell(itemChemicalCells, "ChemicalCell", 1000); - this.api.addChemicalCellLanguage("ChemicalCell", "ja_JP", "化学電池"); - - this.api.addPyrolysisDecompositionFuel(new ItemStack(Item.coal), 2000*8); - } - - - - private void apiProcessing(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { - // API用の処理 - for (int i = 0; i < api.getAtomOresName().sizeKeysList(); i++) - { - for (int j = 0; j < api.getAtomOresName().sizeElementsList(api.getAtomOresName().getKeyList(i)); j++) - { - this.nameAuxiliary.addName(new ItemStack(blockAtomOres[i / 16], 0, i - i / 16 * 16), api.getAtomOresLanguage().get(api.getAtomOresName().getKeyList(i), j), api.getAtomOresName().get(api.getAtomOresName().getKeyList(i), j)); - OreDictionary.registerOre("ore" + api.getAtomOresName().getKeyList(i), new ItemStack(blockAtomOres[i / 16], 1, i - i / 16 * 16)); - } - } - - for (int i = 0; i < api.getAtomOres().size(); i++) - { - GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(api.getAtomOres().get(i)); - } - - for (int i = 0; i < api.getChemicalCellsName().sizeKeysList(); i++) - { - for (int j = 0; j < api.getChemicalCellsName().sizeElementsList(api.getChemicalCellsName().getKeyList(i)); j++) - { - this.nameAuxiliary.addName(new ItemStack(itemChemicalCells, 0, i), api.getChemicalCellsLanguage().get(api.getChemicalCellsName().getKeyList(i), j), api.getChemicalCellsName().get(api.getChemicalCellsName().getKeyList(i), j)); - } - } - - for (int i = 0; i < api.getCompoundsName().sizeKeysList(); i++) - { - for (int j = 0; j < api.getCompoundsName().sizeElementsList(api.getCompoundsName().getKeyList(i)); j++) - { - this.nameAuxiliary.addName(new ItemStack(itemCompounds, 0, i), api.getCompoundsLang().get(api.getCompoundsName().getKeyList(i), j), api.getCompoundsName().get(api.getCompoundsName().getKeyList(i), j)); - } - } - - } - - - - private void debug(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { - this.proxy.registerTickHandler(); - this.api.addCompound("Debug"); - this.api.settingCompoundHandler("Debug", new CompoundDebug()); - - this.api.addToolAndWeaponRecipe(new ItemStack[] { - new ItemStack(Block.stone, 1, 1) - }, - new ItemStack(Block.dirt, 1, 0)); - - } + public static final String ITEM_TEXTURE = "ChemiCraft:"; + public static final String BASE_PATH = "mods/ChemiCraft/textures"; + public static final String GUI_PYROLYSIS_TEXTURE = BASE_PATH + "/guis/Pyrolysis.png"; + public static final String GUI_ELECTROLYSIS_TEXTURE = BASE_PATH + "/guis/Electrolysis.png"; + public static final String GUI_CHEMICALCOMBINATION_TEXTURE = BASE_PATH + "/guis/ChemicalCombination.png"; + public static final String GUI_TOOLANDWEAPONCRAFTING_TEXTURE = BASE_PATH + "/guis/ToolAndWeaponCrafting.png"; + public static final String GUI_CHEMICALCRAFTING_TEXTURE = BASE_PATH + "/guis/MaterialCrafting.png"; + public static final String ENTITY_PARTICLE_TEXRURE = BASE_PATH + "/entityParticles/dust.png"; -} +} \ No newline at end of file