// project created on 2007/09/08 at 20:20 using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using NaGet.Packages; using NaGet.Packages.Install; using NaGet.SubCommands; using NaGet.Tasks; namespace AllGet { sealed class TaskSetEventHandlers { public static void OnTaskSetEvent(object sender, TaskEventArgs e) { switch (e.Type) { // case NaGetTaskSetEventType.COMPLETED_TASKSET // break; case TaskEventType.COMPLETED: Console.WriteLine("Done."); break; case TaskEventType.STARTED_SUBTASK: Console.Write(" " + e.TaskMessage); break; case TaskEventType.COMPLETED_SUBTASK: Console.WriteLine(" ... Done. [{0}%]", (int) e.ProgressPercent); break; case TaskEventType.INFO: Console.WriteLine(" " + e.TaskMessage); break; case TaskEventType.ERROR: case TaskEventType.WARNING: Console.WriteLine(" [Error]" + e.TaskMessage); break; } } public static void OnDownloadSubTaskEvent(object sender, TaskEventArgs e) { if (sender is NaGet.SubCommands.SubTask.DownloadSubTask) { if (e.Type == TaskEventType.STARTED) { Console.WriteLine(); } int origPosX = Console.CursorLeft; for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth - 1; i++) { Console.Write(' '); } Console.CursorLeft = origPosX; switch (e.Type) { case TaskEventType.PING: { int origPos = Console.CursorLeft; Console.Write(e.TaskMessage); Console.CursorLeft = origPos; } break; case TaskEventType.WARNING: case TaskEventType.ERROR: Console.WriteLine(" [Error]" + e.TaskMessage); break; default: Console.WriteLine(e.TaskMessage); break; } } } public static NaGetTaskQueryResult OnTaskQueryEvent(object sender, NaGetTaskQueryArgs e) { char result = '\u0000'; if (e.SelectionFlag == (NaGetTaskQueryResult.CONTINUE | NaGetTaskQueryResult.RETRY | NaGetTaskQueryResult.CANCEL)) { result = AllGet.Util.Query(e.Message + " [y/R/n]?", "yrn", 'r'); } else if (e.SelectionFlag == (NaGetTaskQueryResult.RETRY | NaGetTaskQueryResult.CANCEL)) { result = AllGet.Util.Query(e.Message + " [R/n]?", "rn", 'r'); } else if (e.SelectionFlag == NaGetTaskQueryResult.CONTINUE) { result = AllGet.Util.Query(e.Message + " [Y]?", "y", 'y'); } else { result = AllGet.Util.Query(e.Message + " [Y/n]?", "yn", 'y'); } switch (result) { case 'y': return NaGetTaskQueryResult.CONTINUE; case 'n': return NaGetTaskQueryResult.CANCEL; case 'r': return NaGetTaskQueryResult.RETRY; default: return NaGetTaskQueryResult.CANCELED_AUTOMATICALLY; } } } class MainClass { private PackageListsManager pkgListMan; /// /// サイレントインストールをするか否か /// private bool silent = false; public MainClass() { pkgListMan = new PackageListsManager(); pkgListMan.LoadPackageLists(); } public void Update() { update(true); } public void LocalUpdate() { update(false); } public void update(bool downloadPackageListFlag) { NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetUpdate2 tasks = new NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetUpdate2(pkgListMan, downloadPackageListFlag); tasks.TaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskSetEvent; tasks.SubTaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnDownloadSubTaskEvent; tasks.Run(); } public void CheckUpgrade() { foreach (Package pkg in UpgradeFinder.GetUpgradePackages(pkgListMan)) { bool isSystem = false; Package instPkg = null; instPkg = pkgListMan.SystemInstalledPkgList.GetPackageForName(pkg.Name); if (instPkg != null) { isSystem = true; } else { instPkg = pkgListMan.InstalledPkgList.GetPackageForName(pkg.Name); if (instPkg != null) { isSystem = false; } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("internal error."); } } Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}){3} => ({2})", pkg.Name, instPkg.Version, pkg.Version, (isSystem)? "@sys" : ""); } } public void Search(string keys) { foreach(Package package in pkgListMan.AvailablePkgList.Search(keys)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) - {2}", package.Name, package.Version, package.Summary); } foreach(InstalledPackage package in pkgListMan.InstalledPkgList.Search(keys)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})[@install] - {2}", package.Name, package.Version, package.Summary); } foreach(InstalledPackage package in pkgListMan.SystemInstalledPkgList.Search(keys)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})[@sys] - {2}", package.Name, package.Version, package.Summary); } } public void Show(string packagename) { PackageList allPkgs = new PackageList(); allPkgs.AddPackages(pkgListMan.GetAllPackages()); foreach (Package pkg in allPkgs.GetPackagesForName(packagename)) { Console.WriteLine("Package: {0}", pkg.Name); Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", pkg.Version); Console.WriteLine("Summary: {0}", pkg.Summary); if (pkg.Url != null) Console.WriteLine("Website: {0}", pkg.Url.Href); if (pkg.Tags != null) Console.WriteLine("Tag: {0}", pkg.Tags.ToLower()); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", pkg.Type); if (pkg.License != null) Console.WriteLine("License: {0}", pkg.License); if (pkg is InstalledPackage) Console.WriteLine("State: Installed"); Console.WriteLine("Repository: {0}", pkg.PackageListName); if (pkg.Description != null) { Console.WriteLine("Description:"); Console.WriteLine(pkg.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); } } public void Download(string[] packagenames) { Installation[] installations = null; { List downloadList = new List(); foreach(string packagename in packagenames) { Package foundPackage = pkgListMan.AvailablePkgList.GetPackageForName(packagename); if (foundPackage == null) { Console.WriteLine("E: Couldn't find package "+packagename); Environment.Exit(1); } if (! downloadList.Contains(foundPackage)) { downloadList.Add(foundPackage); } } installations = new Installation[downloadList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < installations.Length; i++) { installations[i] = new Installation(downloadList[i]); } } Console.WriteLine("The following packages will be downloaded:"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", Installation.ToString(installations)); if (AllGet.Util.Confirm("Do you want to continue [Y/n]?", true) == false) { Console.WriteLine("Abort."); Environment.Exit(0); } NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetDownloadToCache2 tasks = new NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetDownloadToCache2(pkgListMan, installations); tasks.TaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskSetEvent; tasks.SubTaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnDownloadSubTaskEvent; tasks.TaskQueryRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskQueryEvent; tasks.Run(); } public void Install(string[] packagenames) { if (! NaGet.Utils.IsAdministrators()) { Console.WriteLine("W: you are not administrators!"); } Installation[] installations = null; { List downloadList = new List(); foreach(string packagename in packagenames) { Package foundPackage = pkgListMan.AvailablePkgList.GetPackageForName(packagename); if (foundPackage == null) { Console.WriteLine("E: Couldn't find package "+packagename); Environment.Exit(1); } if (! downloadList.Contains(foundPackage)) { downloadList.Add(foundPackage); } } installations = new Installation[downloadList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < installations.Length; i++) { installations[i] = new Installation(downloadList[i]); } } Installation[] depInstallations; { Installation[] resolved; DependeciesResolver.ResolveInstallations(installations, pkgListMan, out resolved, out depInstallations); installations = resolved; } Console.WriteLine("The following packages will be downloaded:"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", Installation.ToString(installations)); if (AllGet.Util.Confirm("Do you want to continue [Y/n]?", true) == false) { Console.WriteLine("Abort."); Environment.Exit(0); } NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetInstall2 tasks = new NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetInstall2(pkgListMan, installations); tasks.TaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskSetEvent; tasks.SubTaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnDownloadSubTaskEvent; tasks.TaskQueryRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskQueryEvent; tasks.Run(); } public void Remove(string[] packagenames) { if (! NaGet.Utils.IsAdministrators()) { Console.WriteLine("W: you are not administrators!"); } this.LocalUpdate(); PackageList installedPkgList = new PackageList(); installedPkgList.AddPackages(pkgListMan.GetAllInstalledPackages()); InstalledPackage[] insPkgs = new InstalledPackage[packagenames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < packagenames.Length; i++) { insPkgs[i] = installedPkgList.GetPackageForName(packagenames[i]); if (insPkgs[i] == null) { Console.WriteLine("E: could not found package " + packagenames[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } // if (AllGet.Util.Confirm("Do you want to continue [Y/n]?", true) == false) { // Console.WriteLine("Abort."); // Environment.Exit(0); // } NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetUninstall2 tasks = new NaGet.SubCommands.NaGetUninstall2(pkgListMan, insPkgs); tasks.TaskEventRaised += TaskSetEventHandlers.OnTaskSetEvent; tasks.Run(); } public void CleanCache(string[] packages) { if (! Directory.Exists(NaGet.Env.ArchiveFolderPath)) { return; } int i = 0; if (packages.Length == 0) { foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(NaGet.Env.ArchiveFolderPath)) { Directory.Delete(folder, true); i ++; } } else { foreach (string package in packages) { foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(NaGet.Env.ArchiveFolderPath, package+"*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { Directory.Delete(folder, true); i ++; } } } if (i > 0) { Console.WriteLine("... Done."); } } public void Help() { string executeFileName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; Console.Write("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} update|localupdate", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} search|show pkg1 [pkg2 ...]", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} cleancache [pkg ...]", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} download pkg1 [pkg2 ...]", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} [--quiet] install|uninstall pkg1 [pkg2 ...]", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0} is a simple command line interface for downloading and "+ "installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update "+ "and install.", executeFileName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Commands:"); Console.WriteLine(" update - Retrieve new lists of packages"); Console.WriteLine(" localupdate - Update installed-soft-list only"); Console.WriteLine(" checkupgrade - Show upgraded-soft list"); Console.WriteLine(" search - Search the package list for not a regex pattern"); Console.WriteLine(" show - Show package detail"); Console.WriteLine(" cleancache - Clear cached archived file(s)"); Console.WriteLine(" download - Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives"); Console.WriteLine(" install - Install new packages"); Console.WriteLine(" remove - Uninstall packages"); Console.WriteLine(); } public void FooBar() { foreach (InstalledPackage pkg in pkgListMan.SystemInstalledPkgList) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", pkg.Name, pkg.UninstallInfo.UninstallString); } } public void Hoge() { foreach (UninstallInformation uInfo in RegistriedUninstallers.Uninstallers) { if (! uInfo.IsOSPatch && ! uInfo.IsSystemComponent) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", uInfo.DisplayName); } } } public void Moo() { // TODO スーパー牛さんパワー化 string executeFileName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; Console.WriteLine("誰か {0} をスーパー牛さんパワー化してくれ", executeFileName); } [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { // アーカイブSYSTEM32をパスに足す NaGet.Utils.AddDirectoryToPath(NaGet.Env.ArchiveSystem32); MainClass mc = new MainClass(); if (args.Length == 0) { mc.Help(); Environment.Exit(1); } else { try { NaGet.ArgParser argParser = new NaGet.ArgParser(); argParser["quiet"] = false; args = argParser.Parse(args); mc.silent = (bool) argParser["quiet"]; } catch (ApplicationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } } // 引数ごとに操作を決定 switch (args[0]) { case "update": if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: The update command takes no arguments"); Environment.Exit(1); } mc.Update(); break; case "localupdate": if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: The update command takes no arguments"); Environment.Exit(1); } mc.LocalUpdate(); break; case "search": if (args.Length <= 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: You must give exactly one pattern"); Environment.Exit(1); } mc.Search(string.Join(" ", args, 1, args.Length - 1)); break; case "show": if (args.Length <= 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: You must give exactly one pattern"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { mc.Show(args[i]); } break; case "download": if (args.Length <= 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: Invalid operation download"); Environment.Exit(1); } else { string[] packages = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, packages, 0, packages.Length); mc.Download(packages); } break; case "install": if (args.Length <= 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: Invalid operation install"); Environment.Exit(1); } else { string[] packages = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, packages, 0, packages.Length); mc.Install(packages); } break; case "checkupgrade": mc.CheckUpgrade(); break; case "remove": if (args.Length <= 1) { Console.WriteLine("E: Invalid operation remove"); Environment.Exit(1); } else { string[] packages = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, packages, 0, packages.Length); mc.Remove(packages); } break; case "cleancache": { string[] packages = new string[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, packages, 0, packages.Length); mc.CleanCache(packages); } break; case "foobar": mc.FooBar(); break; case "hoge": mc.Hoge(); break; case "moo": mc.Moo(); break; default: mc.Help(); Environment.Exit(1); break; } } } }