open Base type t = int let rec repeat n f stream = if n <= 0 then [] else match stream with parser [] -> c::repeat (n-1) f stream | [<>] -> raise (Stream.Error "invalid format") let of_channel ch = Stream.from (fun _ -> try Some (input_byte ch) with End_of_file -> None) let of_list xs = Stream.of_list xs let (++) x y = (x lsl 8) + y let byte = let u8 = parser [] -> c let u16 = parser [] -> n1 ++ n2 let size = Sys.word_size - 24 - 1 let s_extend d = (d lsl size) asr size let s24 = parser [] -> s_extend (n1 ++ n2 ++ n3) let leq n stream = match Stream.peek stream with Some m when m <= n -> stream | _ -> raise Stream.Failure let (+++) x y = Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left x 7) (Int32.logand y 0x7Fl) let rec read_u30 stream = match stream with parser [] -> Int32.of_int n | [] -> (read_u30 stream) +++ (Int32.of_int n) | [<>] -> raise (Stream.Error "invalid format") let u30 s = Int32.to_int @@ read_u30 s let u32 = read_u30 let s32 = read_u30 let d64 = let shift_or x y = Int64.logor (Int64.shift_left y 8) (Int64.of_int x) in parser [] -> Int64.float_of_bits @@ List.fold_right shift_or d 0L