* @author Stephan Schmidt */ /** * Dumps templates as HTML * * @package patTemplate * @subpackage Dump * @author Sebastian Mordziol * @author Stephan Schmidt * * @todo move this into patTemplate_Dump_Dhtml and keep it free from javascript */ class patTemplate_Dump_Html extends patTemplate_Dump { var $colors = array( 'borders' => 'C8D3DA', 'headerFills' => 'E1E7EB', 'subHeaderFills' => 'F0F2F4', 'source' => 'F5F7F8', 'linkNormal' => '8CA0B4', 'linkHover' => '8BC3E0', ); var $_useBorders = false; /** * display the header * * @access public */ function displayHeader() { echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

patTemplate Dump

'; } /** * dump the global variables * * @access public * @param array array containing all global variables */ function dumpGlobals( $globals ) { echo '

Global template variables ('.count( $globals ).')

'; if( !empty( $globals ) ) { echo '
'; echo ' '; foreach( $globals as $key => $value ) { $this->_displayLine( $key, $value ); } echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /** * dump the templates * * @access public * @param array templates */ function dumpTemplates( $templates, $vars ) { $templates = array_reverse( $templates ); echo '

Templates ('.count( $templates ).')   Expand all | Collapse all

'; echo '
Dumping selected templates...
'; foreach( $templates as $name => $tmpl ) { if( !isset( $vars[$name] ) ) $vars[$name] = array(); $vars[$name] = $this->_flattenVars( $vars[$name] ); echo '
'; echo '

[+] Template "'.$name.'"

'; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; $this->_displayAttributes( $tmpl, $name ); echo ' '; $this->_displayTemplateState( $tmpl ); echo ' '; echo '
'; if( !empty( $tmpl['dependencies'] ) ) { $dependencies = array(); foreach( $tmpl['dependencies'] as $dependency ) array_push( $dependencies, ''.$dependency.'' ); echo implode( '
', $dependencies ); } else { echo '[none]'; } echo '
'; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * display variables */ $nestedTypes = array( 'condition', 'modulo', ); if( in_array( $tmpl['attributes']['type'], $nestedTypes ) ) { $content = ''; foreach( $tmpl['subtemplates'] as $subName => $subDetails ) { $content .= $subDetails['data']; } } else { $content = $tmpl['content']; } $setVars = $this->_extractVars( $content ); echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->_displayVariables( $tmpl, $name, $setVars, $vars ); echo '
'; if( !empty( $tmpl['comments'] ) ) { echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo implode( '
', $tmpl['comments'] ); echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * display template content */ echo '
'; switch( $tmpl['attributes']['type'] ) { case 'condition': case 'modulo': $this->_displayConditions( $tmpl, $name, $vars ); break; default: echo '
'; echo '
'.$this->_highlightVars( htmlspecialchars( $tmpl['content'] ), $vars[$name] ).'
'; break; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo '
'; } function _displayVariables( $tmpl, $tmplName, $setVars, $vars ) { if( empty( $setVars ) ) { echo '[none]'; return true; } echo ''; $this->_useBorders( true ); $this->_displayHead( 'Name', 'Assigned value', 'Modifier' ); foreach( $setVars as $var ) { if( isset( $vars[$tmplName][$var] ) ) $value = $vars[$tmplName][$var]; else $value = '[no value set]'; if( isset( $tmpl['modifyVars'][$var] ) ) { $params = array(); foreach( $tmpl['modifyVars'][$var]['params'] as $n => $val ) { array_push( $params, $n.'="'.$val.'"' ); } $modifier = sprintf( '%s( %s )', $tmpl['modifyVars'][$var]['mod'], implode( ', ', $params ) ); } else { $modifier = '[none]'; } $this->_displayLine( $var, $value, $modifier ); } echo '
'; $this->_useBorders( false ); } function _displayConditions( $tmpl, $tmplName, $vars ) { foreach( $tmpl['subtemplates'] as $cond => $spec ) { echo '

[+] Subtemplate "'.$cond.'"

'; echo '
'; echo ' '; if( !empty( $spec['comments'] ) ) { echo '
'; echo '
'; echo implode( '
', $spec['comments'] ); echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; if( !empty( $spec['dependencies'] ) ) { $dependencies = array(); foreach( $spec['dependencies'] as $dependency ) array_push( $dependencies, ''.$dependency.'' ); echo implode( ', ', $dependencies ); } else { echo '[none]'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'.$this->_highlightVars( htmlspecialchars( $spec['data'] ), $vars[$tmplName] ).'
'; echo '
'; } } /** * display the attributes of a template * * @access private * @param array template data * @param string name of the template */ function _displayAttributes( $tmpl, $tmplName = null ) { echo '
'; echo ''; /** * type */ switch( $tmpl['attributes']['type'] ) { case 'modulo': if( $tmpl['attributes']['modulo'] == 2 ) $type = 'OddEven'; else $type = 'modulo (' . $tmpl['attributes']['modulo'] . ')'; case 'condition': if( !isset( $type ) ) $type = 'condition'; $this->_displayLine( 'Type', $tmpl['attributes']['type'] ); /** * condition variable, only used in condition templates */ if( isset( $tmpl['attributes']['conditionvar'] ) ) { if( isset( $tmpl['attributes']['conditiontmpl'] ) ) $this->_displayLine( 'ConditionVar', $tmpl['attributes']['conditiontmpl'].'.'.$tmpl['attributes']['conditionvar'] ); elseif( isset( $tmpl['attributes']['useglobals'] ) && $tmpl['attributes']['useglobals'] == 'yes' ) $this->_displayLine( 'ConditionVar', '__globals.'.$tmpl['attributes']['conditionvar'] ); else $this->_displayLine( 'ConditionVar', $tmpl['attributes']['conditionvar'] ); } break; case 'simplecondition': $this->_displayLine( 'Type', 'simplecondition' ); $requiredvars = array(); foreach ($tmpl['attributes']['requiredvars'] as $tmp) { if ($tmp[0] !== $tmplName) { $var = $tmp[0] . '.' . $tmp[1]; } else { $var = $tmp[1]; } if ($tmp[2] !== null) { $var = $var . '='.$tmp[2]; } array_push($requiredvars, $var); } $this->_displayLine( 'RequiredVars', implode( ', ', $requiredvars ) ); break; default: $this->_displayLine( 'Type', $tmpl['attributes']['type'] ); } /** * standard attributes */ $this->_displayLine( 'Visibility', $tmpl['attributes']['visibility'] ); $this->_displayLine( 'WhiteSpace', $tmpl['attributes']['whitespace'] ); $this->_displayLine( 'AddSystemVars', $tmpl['attributes']['addsystemvars'] ); $this->_displayLine( 'UnusedVars', $tmpl['attributes']['unusedvars'] ); /** * external source */ if( isset( $tmpl['attributes']['src'] ) ) $this->_displayLine( 'External Src', $tmpl['attributes']['src'] ); /** * varscope */ if (isset($tmpl['attributes']['varscope'])) { if (is_array($tmpl['attributes']['varscope'])) { $this->_displayLine( 'Varscope', implode(', ', $tmpl['attributes']['varscope'] ) ); } else { $this->_displayLine( 'Varscope', $tmpl['attributes']['varscope'] ); } } echo '
'; } function _displayTemplateState( $tmpl ) { echo '
'; echo ' '; $this->_displayLine( 'Loaded', $tmpl['loaded'] ); $this->_displayLine( 'Parsed', $tmpl['parsed'] ); echo '
'; } /** * hilight variables in a template * * @access private * @param string template content * @return string template content */ function _highlightVars( $template, $vars ) { $pattern = '/('.$this->_tmpl->getStartTag().'TMPL\:([^a-z]+)'.$this->_tmpl->getEndTag().')/U'; $template = preg_replace( $pattern, '\1', $template ); $pattern = '/('.$this->_tmpl->getStartTag().'([^a-z:]+)'.$this->_tmpl->getEndTag().')/U'; $matches = array(); preg_match_all( $pattern, $template, $matches ); for( $i = 0; $i < count( $matches[1] ); $i++ ) { if( isset( $vars[$matches[2][$i]] ) ) { $value = $vars[$matches[2][$i]]; } else { $value = '[No value set]'; } $replace = ''.$matches[1][$i].''; $template = str_replace( $matches[1][$i], $replace, $template ); } return $template; } /** * display a table header * * @access private * @param string property * @param mixed value, you may pass more than one value */ function _displayHead() { $args = func_get_args(); echo ' '; foreach( $args as $head ) { printf( ' %s', $head ); } echo ' '; } function _getClassName( $class ) { if( !$this->_useBorders ) return $class; return $class .= 'Border'; } /** * sets whether to draw borders in the tables generated via the * {@link _displayHead()} and {@link _displayLine()} methods. * * @access private * @param bool $state Whether to draw the borders. true=draw, false=don't draw */ function _useBorders( $state ) { $this->_useBorders = $state; } /** * display a line in a table * * @access private * @param string property * @param mixed value, you may pass more than one value */ function _displayLine( $prop, $value ) { $args = func_get_args(); $prop = array_shift( $args ); echo ' '; printf( ' %s', $prop ); if( count( $args ) == 1 ) { echo '  : '; } foreach( $args as $value ) { if( is_bool( $value ) ) { $value = ( $value === true ) ? 'yes' : 'no'; } printf( ' %s', $value ); } echo ' '; } /** * display the footer * * @access public */ function displayFooter() { echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ''; } } ?>