* @copyright 2003-2007 Lorenzo Alberton * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @version CVS: $Id: PearDate.php 4940 2012-06-06 02:20:28Z fishbone $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Calendar */ /** * Load PEAR::Date class */ require_once 'Date.php'; /** * Performs calendar calculations based on the PEAR::Date class * Timestamps are in the ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @category Date and Time * @package Calendar * @author Lorenzo Alberton * @copyright 2003-2007 Lorenzo Alberton * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Calendar * @access protected */ class Calendar_Engine_PearDate /* implements Calendar_Engine_Interface */ { /** * Makes sure a given timestamp is only ever parsed once * Uses a static variable to prevent date() being used twice * for a date which is already known * * @param mixed $stamp Any timestamp format recognized by Pear::Date * * @return object Pear::Date object * @access protected */ function stampCollection($stamp) { static $stamps = array(); if (!isset($stamps[$stamp])) { $stamps[$stamp] = new Date($stamp); } return $stamps[$stamp]; } /** * Returns a numeric year given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int year (e.g. 2003) * @access protected */ function stampToYear($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->year; } /** * Returns a numeric month given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int month (e.g. 9) * @access protected */ function stampToMonth($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->month; } /** * Returns a numeric day given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int day (e.g. 15) * @access protected */ function stampToDay($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->day; } /** * Returns a numeric hour given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int hour (e.g. 13) * @access protected */ function stampToHour($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->hour; } /** * Returns a numeric minute given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int minute (e.g. 34) * @access protected */ function stampToMinute($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->minute; } /** * Returns a numeric second given a iso-8601 datetime * * @param string $stamp iso-8601 datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) * * @return int second (e.g. 51) * @access protected */ function stampToSecond($stamp) { $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return (int)$date->second; } /** * Returns a iso-8601 datetime * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (13) * @param int $h hour (13) * @param int $i minute (34) * @param int $s second (53) * * @return string iso-8601 datetime * @access protected */ function dateToStamp($y, $m, $d, $h=0, $i=0, $s=0) { $r = array(); Calendar_Engine_PearDate::adjustDate($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s); $key = $y.$m.$d.$h.$i.$s; if (!isset($r[$key])) { $r[$key] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s); } return $r[$key]; } /** * Set the correct date values (useful for math operations on dates) * * @param int &$y year (2003) * @param int &$m month (9) * @param int &$d day (13) * @param int &$h hour (13) * @param int &$i minute (34) * @param int &$s second (53) * * @return void * @access protected */ function adjustDate(&$y, &$m, &$d, &$h, &$i, &$s) { if ($s < 0) { $m -= floor($s / 60); $s = -$s % 60; } if ($s > 60) { $m += floor($s / 60); $s %= 60; } if ($i < 0) { $h -= floor($i / 60); $i = -$i % 60; } if ($i > 60) { $h += floor($i / 60); $i %= 60; } if ($h < 0) { $d -= floor($h / 24); $h = -$h % 24; } if ($h > 24) { $d += floor($h / 24); $h %= 24; } for(; $m < 1; $y--, $m+=12); for(; $m > 12; $y++, $m-=12); while ($d < 1) { if ($m > 1) { $m--; } else { $m = 12; $y--; } $d += Date_Calc::daysInMonth($m, $y); } for ($max_days = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($m, $y); $d > $max_days; ) { $d -= $max_days; if ($m < 12) { $m++; } else { $m = 1; $y++; } } } /** * The upper limit on years that the Calendar Engine can work with * * @return int 9999 * @access protected */ function getMaxYears() { return 9999; } /** * The lower limit on years that the Calendar Engine can work with * * @return int 0 * @access protected */ function getMinYears() { return 0; } /** * Returns the number of months in a year * * @param int $y year * * @return int (12) * @access protected */ function getMonthsInYear($y=null) { return 12; } /** * Returns the number of days in a month, given year and month * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * * @return int days in month * @access protected */ function getDaysInMonth($y, $m) { return (int)Date_Calc::daysInMonth($m, $y); } /** * Returns numeric representation of the day of the week in a month, * given year and month * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * * @return int from 0 to 7 * @access protected */ function getFirstDayInMonth($y, $m) { return (int)Date_Calc::dayOfWeek(1, $m, $y); } /** * Returns the number of days in a week * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return int (7) * @access protected */ function getDaysInWeek($y=null, $m=null, $d=null) { return 7; } /** * Returns the number of the week in the year (ISO-8601), given a date * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return int week number * @access protected */ function getWeekNInYear($y, $m, $d) { //return Date_Calc::weekOfYear($d, $m, $y); //beware, Date_Calc doesn't follow ISO-8601 standard! list($nYear, $nWeek) = Date_Calc::weekOfYear4th($d, $m, $y); return $nWeek; } /** * Returns the number of the week in the month, given a date * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * @param int $firstDay first day of the week (default: monday) * * @return int week number * @access protected */ function getWeekNInMonth($y, $m, $d, $firstDay=1) { $weekEnd = ($firstDay == 0) ? $this->getDaysInWeek()-1 : $firstDay-1; $end_of_week = (int)Date_Calc::nextDayOfWeek($weekEnd, 1, $m, $y, '%e', true); $w = 1; while ($d > $end_of_week) { ++$w; $end_of_week += $this->getDaysInWeek(); } return $w; } /** * Returns the number of weeks in the month * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $firstDay first day of the week (default: monday) * * @return int weeks number * @access protected */ function getWeeksInMonth($y, $m, $firstDay=1) { $FDOM = Date_Calc::firstOfMonthWeekday($m, $y); if ($FDOM == 0) { $FDOM = $this->getDaysInWeek(); } if ($FDOM > $firstDay) { $daysInTheFirstWeek = $this->getDaysInWeek() - $FDOM + $firstDay; $weeks = 1; } else { $daysInTheFirstWeek = $firstDay - $FDOM; $weeks = 0; } $daysInTheFirstWeek %= $this->getDaysInWeek(); return (int)(ceil(($this->getDaysInMonth($y, $m) - $daysInTheFirstWeek) / $this->getDaysInWeek()) + $weeks); } /** * Returns the number of the day of the week (0=sunday, 1=monday...) * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return int weekday number * @access protected */ function getDayOfWeek($y, $m, $d) { return Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($d, $m, $y); } /** * Returns a list of integer days of the week beginning 0 * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 1 = Monday * @access protected */ function getWeekDays($y=null, $m=null, $d=null) { return array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } /** * Returns the default first day of the week * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return int (default 1 = Monday) * @access protected */ function getFirstDayOfWeek($y=null, $m=null, $d=null) { return 1; } /** * Returns the number of hours in a day * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * * @return int (24) * @access protected */ function getHoursInDay($y=null,$m=null,$d=null) { return 24; } /** * Returns the number of minutes in an hour * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * @param int $h hour * * @return int (60) * @access protected */ function getMinutesInHour($y=null,$m=null,$d=null,$h=null) { return 60; } /** * Returns the number of seconds in a minutes * * @param int $y year (2003) * @param int $m month (9) * @param int $d day (4) * @param int $h hour * @param int $i minute * * @return int (60) * @access protected */ function getSecondsInMinute($y=null,$m=null,$d=null,$h=null,$i=null) { return 60; } /** * Checks if the given day is the current day * * @param mixed $stamp Any timestamp format recognized by Pear::Date * * @return boolean * @access protected */ function isToday($stamp) { static $today = null; if (is_null($today)) { $today = new Date(); } $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return ( $date->day == $today->getDay() && $date->month == $today->getMonth() && $date->year == $today->getYear() ); } } ?>