! Program to test array constructors program constructors integer, dimension (4) :: a integer, dimension (3, 2) :: b integer i, j, k, l, m, n a = (/1, (i,i=2,4)/) do i = 1, 4 if (a(i) .ne. i) call abort end do b = reshape ((/0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/), (/3, 2/)) + 1 do i=1,3 if (b(i, 1) .ne. i) call abort if (b(i, 2) .ne. i + 3) call abort end do k = 1 l = 2 m = 3 n = 4 ! The remainder assumes constant constructors work ok. a = (/n, m, l, k/) if (any (a .ne. (/4, 3, 2, 1/))) call abort a = (/((/i+10, 42/), i = k, l)/) if (any (a .ne. (/11, 42, 12, 42/))) call abort a = (/(I, I=k,l) , (J, J=m,n)/) if (any (a .ne. (/1, 2, 3, 4/))) call abort end program