! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR42104 in which the call to the procedure pointer ! component caused an ICE because the "always_implicit flag was not used ! to force the passing of a descriptor for the array argument. ! ! Contributed by Martien Hulsen ! module poisson_functions_m implicit none contains function func ( nr, x ) integer, intent(in) :: nr real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: x real :: func real :: pi pi = 4 * atan(1.) select case(nr) case(1) func = 0 case(2) func = 1 case(3) func = 1 + cos(pi*x(1))*cos(pi*x(2)) case default write(*,'(/a,i0/)') 'Error func: wrong function number: ', nr stop end select end function func end module poisson_functions_m module element_defs_m implicit none abstract interface function dummyfunc ( nr, x ) integer, intent(in) :: nr real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: x real :: dummyfunc end function dummyfunc end interface type function_p procedure(dummyfunc), nopass, pointer :: p => null() end type function_p end module element_defs_m program t use poisson_functions_m use element_defs_m procedure(dummyfunc), pointer :: p => null() type(function_p) :: funcp p => func funcp%p => func print *, func(nr=3,x=(/0.1,0.1/)) print *, p(nr=3,x=(/0.1,0.1/)) print *, funcp%p(nr=3,x=(/0.1,0.1/)) end program t ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "poisson_functions_m element_defs_m" } }