! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-fdump-tree-original -fdump-tree-optimized -Warray-temporaries -fbounds-check" } implicit none integer :: i, j integer, parameter :: nx=3, ny=4 integer, parameter, dimension(nx,ny) :: p = & & reshape ((/ (i**2, i=1,size(p)) /), shape(p)) integer, parameter, dimension(ny,nx) :: q = & & reshape ((/ (((nx*(i-1)+j)**2, i=1,ny), j=1,nx) /), (/ ny, nx /)) integer, parameter, dimension(nx,nx) :: r = & & reshape ((/ (i*i, i=1,size(r)) /), shape(r)) integer, parameter, dimension(nx,nx) :: s = & & reshape ((/ (((nx*(i-1)+j)**2, i=1,nx), j=1,nx) /), (/ nx, nx /)) integer, dimension(nx,ny) :: a, b integer, dimension(ny,nx) :: c integer, dimension(nx,nx) :: e, f, g character(144) :: u, v a = p c = transpose(a) if (any(c /= q)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(a) write(v,*) q if (u /= v) call abort e = r f = s g = transpose(e+f) if (any(g /= r + s)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(e+f) write(v,*) r + s if (u /= v) call abort e = transpose(e) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= s)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(transpose(e)) write(v,*) s if (u /= v) call abort e = transpose(e+f) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= 2*r)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(transpose(e+f))-f write(v,*) 2*r if (u /= v) call abort a = foo(transpose(c)) ! Unnecessary { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(a /= p+1)) call abort write(u,*) foo(transpose(c)) ! 2 temps, should be 1 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) p+1 if (u /= v) call abort c = transpose(foo(a)) ! Unnecessary { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(c /= q+2)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(foo(a)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) q+2 if (u /= v) call abort e = foo(transpose(e)) ! 2 temps, should be 1 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= 2*s+1)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(foo(transpose(e))-1) ! 2 temps, should be 1 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) 2*s+1 if (u /= v) call abort e = transpose(foo(e)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= 2*r+2)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(foo(transpose(e)-1)) ! 2 temps { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) 2*r+2 if (u /= v) call abort a = bar(transpose(c)) if (any(a /= p+4)) call abort write(u,*) bar(transpose(c)) write(v,*) p+4 if (u /= v) call abort c = transpose(bar(a)) if (any(c /= q+6)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(bar(a)) write(v,*) q+6 if (u /= v) call abort e = bar(transpose(e)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= 2*s+4)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(bar(transpose(e)))-2 write(v,*) 2*s+4 if (u /= v) call abort e = transpose(bar(e)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any(e /= 2*r+6)) call abort write(u,*) transpose(transpose(bar(e))-2) write(v,*) 2*r+6 if (u /= v) call abort if (any(a /= transpose(transpose(a)))) call abort ! optimized away write(u,*) a write(v,*) transpose(transpose(a)) if (u /= v) call abort b = a * a if (any(transpose(a+b) /= transpose(a)+transpose(b))) call abort ! optimized away write(u,*) transpose(a+b) write(v,*) transpose(a) + transpose(b) if (u /= v) call abort if (any(transpose(matmul(a,c)) /= matmul(transpose(c), transpose(a)))) call abort ! 4 temps, should be 2 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(u,*) transpose(matmul(a,c)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) matmul(transpose(c), transpose(a)) ! 3 temps, should be 1 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (u /= v) call abort if (any(transpose(matmul(e,a)) /= matmul(transpose(a), transpose(e)))) call abort ! 4 temps, should be 2 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(u,*) transpose(matmul(e,a)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } write(v,*) matmul(transpose(a), transpose(e)) ! 3 temps, should be 1 { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (u /= v) call abort call baz (transpose(a)) ! Unnecessary { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } call toto (f, transpose (e)) if (any (f /= 4 * s + 12)) call abort call toto (f, transpose (f)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } if (any (f /= 8 * r + 24)) call abort contains function foo (x) integer, intent(in) :: x(:,:) integer :: foo(size(x,1), size(x,2)) foo = x + 1 end function foo elemental function bar (x) integer, intent(in) :: x integer :: bar bar = x + 2 end function bar subroutine baz (x) integer, intent(in) :: x(:,:) end subroutine baz elemental subroutine toto (x, y) integer, intent(out) :: x integer, intent(in) :: y x = y + y end subroutine toto end ! No call to transpose ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "_gfortran_transpose" 0 "original" } } ! ! 34 temporaries ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "struct\[^\\n\]*atmp" 34 "original" } } ! ! 2 tests optimized out ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "_gfortran_abort" 34 "original" } } ! { # Commented out as failing at -O0: dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "_gfortran_abort" 32 "optimized" } } ! ! cleanup ! { #dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "original" } } ! { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "optimized" } }