;; Preprocessor-like macro support. ;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ;; This file is part of CGEN. ;; See file COPYING.CGEN for details. ;; TODO: ;; - Like C preprocessor macros, there is no scoping [one can argue ;; there should be]. Maybe in time (??? Hmmm... done?) ;; - Support for multiple macro tables. ;; Non-standard required routines: ;; Provided by Guile: ;; make-hash-table, hashq-ref, hashq-set!, symbol-append, ;; source-properties ;; Provided by CGEN: ;; location-property, location-property-set!, ;; source-properties-location->string, ;; single-location->string, location-top, unspecified-location, ;; reader-process-expanded!, num-args-ok?, *UNSPECIFIED*. ;; The convention we use says `-' begins "local" objects. ;; At some point this might also use the Guile module system. ;; This uses Guile's source-properties system to track source location. ;; The chain of macro invocations is tracked and stored in the result as ;; object property "location-property". ;; Exported routines: ;; ;; pmacro-init! - initialize the pmacro system ;; ;; define-pmacro - define a symbolic or procedural pmacro ;; ;; (define-pmacro symbol ["comment"] expansion) ;; (define-pmacro (symbol [args]) ["comment"] (expansion)) ;; ;; ARGS is a list of `symbol' or `(symbol default-value)' elements. ;; ;; pmacro-expand - expand all pmacros in an expression ;; ;; (pmacro-expand expression loc) ;; ;; pmacro-trace - same as pmacro-expand, but trace macro expansion ;; Output is sent to current-error-port. ;; ;; (pmacro-trace expression loc) ;; ;; pmacro-dump - expand all pmacros in an expression, for debugging purposes ;; ;; (pmacro-dump expression) ;; pmacro-debug - expand all pmacros in an expression, ;; printing various debugging messages. ;; This does not process %exec. ;; ;; (pmacro-debug expression) ;; Builtin pmacros: ;; ;; (%sym symbol1 symbol2 ...) - symbolstr-append ;; (%str string1 string2 ...) - stringsym-append ;; (%hex number [width]) - convert to hex string ;; (%upcase string) ;; (%downcase string) ;; (%substring string start end) - get part of a string ;; (%splice a b (%unsplice c) d e ...) - splice list into another list ;; (%iota count [start [increment]]) - number generator ;; (%map pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) ;; (%for-each pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) ;; (%eval expr) - expand (or evaluate it) expr ;; (%exec expr) - execute expr immediately ;; (%apply pmacro-name arg) ;; (%pmacro (arg-list) expansion) - akin go lambda in Scheme ;; (%pmacro? arg) ;; (%let (var-list) expr1 . expr-rest) - akin to let in Scheme ;; (%let* (var-list) expr1 . expr-rest) - akin to let* in Scheme ;; (%if expr then [else]) ;; (%case expr ((case-list1) stmt) [case-expr-stmt-list] [(else stmt)]) ;; (%cond (expr stmt) [(cond-expr-stmt-list)] [(else stmt)]) ;; (%begin . stmt-list) ;; (%print . exprs) - for debugging messages ;; (%dump expr) - dump expr in readable format ;; (%error . message) - print error message and exit ;; (%list . exprs) ;; (%ref l n) - extract the n'th element of list l ;; (%length x) - length of symbol, string, or list ;; (%replicate n expr) - return list of expr replicated n times ;; (%find pred l) - return elements of list l matching pred ;; (%equal? x y) - deep comparison ;; (%andif expr . rest) - && in C ;; (%orif expr . rest) - || in C ;; (%not expr) - ! in C ;; (%eq x y) ;; (%ne x y) ;; (%lt x y) ;; (%gt x y) ;; (%le x y) ;; (%ge x y) ;; (%add x y) ;; (%sub x y) ;; (%mul x y) ;; (%div x y) - integer division ;; (%rem x y) - integer remainder ;; (%sll x n) - shift left logical ;; (%srl x n) - shift right logical ;; (%sra x n) - shift right arithmetic ;; (%and x y) - bitwise and ;; (%or x y) - bitwise or ;; (%xor x y) - bitwise xor ;; (%inv x) - bitwise invert ;; (%car l) ;; (%cdr l) ;; (%caar l) ;; (%cadr l) ;; (%cdar l) ;; (%cddr l) ;; (%internal-test expr) - testsuite internal use only ;; ;; NOTE: %cons currently absent on purpose ;; ;; %sym and %str convert numbers to symbols/strings as necessary (base 10). ;; ;; %pmacro is for constructing pmacros on-the-fly, like lambda, and is currently ;; only valid as arguments to other pmacros or assigned to a local in a {%let} ;; or {%let*}. ;; ;; NOTE: While Scheme requires tail recursion to be implemented as a loop, ;; we do not. We might some day, but not today. ;; ;; ??? Methinks .foo isn't a valid R5RS symbol. May need to change ;; to something else. ;; True if doing pmacro expansion via pmacro-debug. (define /pmacro-debug? #f) ;; True if doing pmacro expansion via pmacro-trace. (define /pmacro-trace? #f) ;; The original prefix to pmacro names. (define /pmacro-orig-prefix ".") ;; The prefix to pmacro names. (define /pmacro-prefix "%") ;; The pmacro table. (define /pmacro-table #f) (define (/pmacro-lookup name) (hashq-ref /pmacro-table name #f)) (define (/pmacro-set! name val) (hashq-set! /pmacro-table name val)) ;; A copy of syntactic pmacros is kept separately. (define /smacro-table #f) (define (/smacro-lookup name) (hashq-ref /smacro-table name #f)) (define (/smacro-set! name val) (hashq-set! /smacro-table name val)) ;; Marker to indicate a value is a pmacro. ;; NOTE: Naming this "" is intentional. It makes them look like ;; objects of class . However we don't use COS in part to avoid ;; a dependency on COS and in part because displaying COS objects isn't well ;; supported (displaying them in debugging dumps adds a lot of noise). (define /pmacro-marker ') ;; Utilities to create and access pmacros. (define (/pmacro-make name arg-spec default-values syntactic-form? transformer comment) (vector /pmacro-marker name arg-spec default-values syntactic-form? transformer comment) ) (define (/pmacro? x) (and (vector? x) (eq? (vector-ref x 0) /pmacro-marker))) (define (/pmacro-name pmac) (vector-ref pmac 1)) (define (/pmacro-arg-spec pmac) (vector-ref pmac 2)) (define (/pmacro-default-values pmac) (vector-ref pmac 3)) (define (/pmacro-syntactic-form? pmac) (vector-ref pmac 4)) (define (/pmacro-transformer pmac) (vector-ref pmac 5)) (define (/pmacro-comment pmac) (vector-ref pmac 6)) ;; Create a new environment, prepending NAMES to PREV-ENV. (define (/pmacro-env-make loc prev-env names values) (if (= (length names) (length values)) (append! (map cons names values) prev-env) (/pmacro-loc-error loc (string-append "invalid number of parameters, expected " (number->string (length names))) values)) ) ;; Look up NAME in ENV. (define (/pmacro-env-ref env name) (assq name env)) ;; Error message generator. (define (/pmacro-error msg expr) (error (string-append (or (port-filename (current-input-port)) "") ":" (number->string (port-line (current-input-port))) ":" msg ":") expr) ) ;; Error message generator when we have a location. (define (/pmacro-loc-error loc errmsg expr) (let* ((top-sloc (location-top loc)) (intro "During pmacro expansion") (text (string-append "Error: " errmsg))) (error (simple-format #f "\n~A:\n@ ~A:\n\n~A: ~A:" intro (location->string loc) (single-location->simple-string top-sloc) text) expr)) ) ;; Issue an error where a number was expected. (define (/pmacro-expected-number op n) (/pmacro-error (string-append "invalid arg for " op ", expected number") n) ) ;; Verify N is a number. (define (/pmacro-verify-number op n) (if (not (number? n)) (/pmacro-expected-number op n)) ) ;; Issue an error where an integer was expected. (define (/pmacro-expected-integer op n) (/pmacro-error (string-append "invalid arg for " op ", expected integer") n) ) ;; Verify N is an integer. (define (/pmacro-verify-integer op n) (if (not (integer? n)) (/pmacro-expected-integer op n)) ) ;; Issue an error where a non-negative integer was expected. (define (/pmacro-expected-non-negative-integer op n) (/pmacro-error (string-append "invalid arg for " op ", expected non-negative integer") n) ) ;; Verify N is a non-negative integer. (define (/pmacro-verify-non-negative-integer op n) (if (or (not (integer? n)) (< n 0)) (/pmacro-expected-non-negative-integer op n)) ) ;; Expand a list of expressions, in order. ;; The result is the value of the last one. (define (/pmacro-expand-expr-list exprs env loc) (let ((result nil)) (for-each (lambda (expr) (set! result (/pmacro-expand expr env loc))) exprs) result) ) ;; Process list of keyword/value specified arguments. (define (/pmacro-process-keyworded-args arg-spec default-values args) ;; Build a list of default values, then override ones specified in ARGS, (let ((result-alist (alist-copy default-values))) (let loop ((args args)) (cond ((null? args) #f) ;; done ((and (pair? args) (keyword? (car args))) (let ((elm (assq (car args) result-alist))) (if (not elm) (/pmacro-error "not an argument name" (car args))) (if (null? (cdr args)) (/pmacro-error "missing argument to #:keyword" (car args))) (set-cdr! elm (cadr args)) (loop (cddr args)))) (else (/pmacro-error "bad keyword/value argument list" args)))) ;; Ensure each element has a value. (let loop ((to-scan result-alist)) (if (null? to-scan) #f ;; done (begin (if (not (cdar to-scan)) (/pmacro-error "argument value not specified" (caar to-scan))) (loop (cdr to-scan))))) ;; If varargs pmacro, adjust result. (if (list? arg-spec) (map cdr result-alist) ;; not varargs (let ((nr-args (length (result-alist)))) (append! (map cdr (list-head result-alist (- nr-args 1))) (cdr (list-tail result-alist (- nr-args 1))))))) ) ;; Process a pmacro argument list. ;; ARGS is either a fully specified position dependent argument list, ;; or is a list of keyword/value pairs with missing values coming from ;; DEFAULT-VALUES. (define (/pmacro-process-args-1 arg-spec default-values args) (if (and (pair? args) (keyword? (car args))) (/pmacro-process-keyworded-args arg-spec default-values args) args) ) ;; Subroutine of /pmacro-apply,/smacro-apply to simplify them. ;; Process the arguments, verify the correct number is present. (define (/pmacro-process-args macro args) (let ((arg-spec (/pmacro-arg-spec macro)) (default-values (/pmacro-default-values macro))) (let ((processed-args (/pmacro-process-args-1 arg-spec default-values args))) (if (not (num-args-ok? (length processed-args) arg-spec)) (/pmacro-error (string-append "wrong number of arguments to pmacro " (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (cons (/pmacro-name macro) (/pmacro-arg-spec macro)))))) args)) processed-args)) ) ;; Invoke a pmacro. (define (/pmacro-apply macro args) (apply (/pmacro-transformer macro) (/pmacro-process-args macro args)) ) ;; Invoke a syntactic-form pmacro. ;; ENV, LOC are handed down from /pmacro-expand. (define (/smacro-apply macro args env loc) (apply (/pmacro-transformer macro) (cons loc (cons env (/pmacro-process-args macro args)))) ) ;; Expand expression EXP using ENV, an alist of variable assignments. ;; LOC is the location stack thus far. (define (/pmacro-expand exp env loc) (define cep (current-error-port)) ;; If the symbol is in `env', return its value. ;; Otherwise see if symbol is a globally defined pmacro. ;; Otherwise return the symbol unchanged. (define (scan-symbol sym) (let ((val (/pmacro-env-ref env sym))) (if val (cdr val) ;; cdr is value of (name . value) pair (let ((val (/pmacro-lookup sym))) (if val ;; Symbol is a pmacro. ;; If this is a procedural pmacro, let caller perform expansion. ;; Otherwise, return the pmacro's value. (if (procedure? (/pmacro-transformer val)) val (/pmacro-transformer val)) ;; Return symbol unchanged. sym))))) ;; See if (car exp) is a pmacro. ;; Return pmacro or #f. (define (check-pmacro exp) (if /pmacro-debug? (begin (display "Checking for pmacro: " cep) (write exp cep) (newline cep))) (and (/pmacro? (car exp)) (car exp))) ;; Subroutine of scan-list to simplify it. ;; Macro expand EXP which is known to be a non-null list. ;; LOC is the location stack thus far. (define (scan-list1 exp loc) ;; Check for syntactic forms. ;; They are handled differently in that we leave it to the transformer ;; routine to evaluate the arguments. ;; Note that we also don't support passing syntactic form functions ;; as arguments: We look up (car exp) here, not its expansion. (let ((sform (/smacro-lookup (car exp)))) (if sform (begin ;; ??? Is it useful to trace these? (/smacro-apply sform (cdr exp) env loc)) ;; Not a syntactic form. ;; See if we have a pmacro. Do this before evaluating all the ;; arguments (even though we will eventually evaluate all the ;; arguments before invoking the pmacro) so that tracing is more ;; legible (we print the expression we're about to evaluate *before* ;; we evaluate its arguments). (let ((scanned-car (scan (car exp) loc))) (if (/pmacro? scanned-car) (begin ;; Trace expansion here, we know we have a pmacro. (if /pmacro-trace? (let ((src-props (source-properties exp)) (indent (spaces (* 2 (length (location-list loc)))))) ;; We use `write' to display `exp' to see strings quoted. (display indent cep) (display "Expanding: " cep) (write exp cep) (newline cep) (display indent cep) (display " env: " cep) (write env cep) (newline cep) (if (not (null? src-props)) (begin (display indent cep) (display " location: " cep) (display (source-properties-location->string src-props) cep) (newline cep))))) ;; Evaluate all the arguments before invoking the pmacro. (let* ((scanned-args (map (lambda (e) (scan e loc)) (cdr exp))) (result (if (procedure? (/pmacro-transformer scanned-car)) (/pmacro-apply scanned-car scanned-args) (cons (/pmacro-transformer scanned-car) scanned-args)))) (if /pmacro-trace? (let ((indent (spaces (* 2 (length (location-list loc)))))) (display indent cep) (display " result: " cep) (write result cep) (newline cep))) result)) ;; Not a pmacro. (cons scanned-car (map (lambda (e) (scan e loc)) (cdr exp)))))))) ;; Macro expand EXP which is known to be a non-null list. ;; LOC is the location stack thus far. ;; ;; This uses scan-list1 to do the real work, this handles location tracking. (define (scan-list exp loc) (let ((src-props (source-properties exp)) (new-loc loc)) (if (not (null? src-props)) (let ((file (assq-ref src-props 'filename)) (line (assq-ref src-props 'line)) (column (assq-ref src-props 'column))) (set! new-loc (location-push-single loc file line column #f)))) (let ((result (scan-list1 exp new-loc))) (if (pair? result) ;; pair? -> cheap non-null-list? (begin ;; Copy source location to new expression. (if (null? (source-properties result)) (set-source-properties! result src-props)) (let ((loc-prop (location-property result))) (if loc-prop (location-property-set! result (location-push new-loc loc-prop)) (location-property-set! result new-loc))))) result))) ;; Scan EXP, an arbitrary value. ;; LOC is the location stack thus far. (define (scan exp loc) (let ((result (cond ((symbol? exp) (scan-symbol exp)) ((pair? exp) ;; pair? -> cheap non-null-list? (scan-list exp loc)) ;; Not a symbol or expression, return unchanged. (else exp)))) ;; Re-examining `result' to see if it is another pmacro invocation ;; allows doing things like ((%sym a b c) arg1 arg2) ;; where `abc' is a pmacro. Scheme doesn't work this way, but then ;; this is CGEN. (if (symbol? result) (scan-symbol result) result))) (scan exp loc) ) ;; Return the argument spec from ARGS. ;; ARGS is a [possibly improper] list of `symbol' or `(symbol default-value)' ;; elements. For varargs pmacros, ARGS must be an improper list ;; (e.g. (a b . c)) with the last element being a symbol. (define (/pmacro-get-arg-spec args) (let ((parse-arg (lambda (arg) (cond ((symbol? arg) arg) ((and (pair? arg) (symbol? (car arg))) (car arg)) (else (/pmacro-error "argument not `symbol' or `(symbol . default-value)'" arg)))))) (if (list? args) (map parse-arg args) (letrec ((parse-improper-list (lambda (args) (cond ((symbol? args) args) ((pair? args) (cons (parse-arg (car args)) (parse-improper-list (cdr args)))) (else (/pmacro-error "argument not `symbol' or `(symbol . default-value)'" args)))))) (parse-improper-list args)))) ) ;; Return the default values specified in ARGS. ;; The result is an alist of (#:arg-name . default-value) elements. ;; ARGS is a [possibly improper] list of `symbol' or `(symbol . default-value)' ;; elements. For varargs pmacros, ARGS must be an improper list ;; (e.g. (a b . c)) with the last element being a symbol. ;; Unspecified default values are recorded as #f. (define (/pmacro-get-default-values args) (let ((parse-arg (lambda (arg) (cond ((symbol? arg) (cons (symbol->keyword arg) #f)) ((and (pair? arg) (symbol? (car arg))) (cons (symbol->keyword (car arg)) (cdr arg))) (else (/pmacro-error "argument not `symbol' or `(symbol . default-value)'" arg)))))) (if (list? args) (map parse-arg args) (letrec ((parse-improper-list (lambda (args) (cond ((symbol? args) (cons (parse-arg args) nil)) ((pair? args) (cons (parse-arg (car args)) (parse-improper-list (cdr args)))) (else (/pmacro-error "argument not `symbol' or `(symbol . default-value)'" args)))))) (parse-improper-list args)))) ) ;; Build a procedure that performs a pmacro expansion. ;; Earlier version, doesn't work with LOC as a object, ;; COS objects don't pass through eval1. ;(define (/pmacro-build-lambda prev-env params expansion) ;; (eval1 `(lambda ,params ;; (/pmacro-expand ',expansion ;; (/pmacro-env-make ',prev-env ;; ',params (list ,@params)))) ;;) (define (/pmacro-build-lambda loc prev-env params expansion) (lambda args (/pmacro-expand expansion (/pmacro-env-make loc prev-env params args) loc)) ) ;; While using `define-macro' seems preferable, boot-9.scm uses it and ;; I'd rather not risk a collision. I could of course make the association ;; during parsing, maybe later. ;; On the other hand, calling them pmacros removes all ambiguity. ;; In the end the ambiguity removal is the deciding win. ;; ;; The syntax is one of: ;; (define-pmacro symbol expansion) ;; (define-pmacro symbol ["comment"] expansion) ;; (define-pmacro (name args ...) expansion) ;; (define-pmacro (name args ...) "documentation" expansion) ;; ;; If `expansion' is the name of a pmacro, its value is used (rather than its ;; name). ;; ??? The goal here is to follow Scheme's define/lambda, but not all variants ;; are supported yet. There's also the difference that we treat undefined ;; symbols as being themselves (i.e. "self quoting" so-to-speak). ;; ;; ??? We may want user-definable "syntactic" pmacros some day. Later. (define (define-pmacro header arg1 . arg-rest) (if (and (not (symbol? header)) (not (list? header))) (/pmacro-error "invalid pmacro header" header)) (let ((name (if (symbol? header) header (car header))) (arg-spec (if (symbol? header) #f (/pmacro-get-arg-spec (cdr header)))) (default-values (if (symbol? header) #f (/pmacro-get-default-values (cdr header)))) (comment (if (null? arg-rest) "" arg1)) (expansion (if (null? arg-rest) arg1 (car arg-rest)))) ;;(if (> (length arg-rest) 1) ;;(/pmacro-error "extraneous arguments to define-pmacro" (cdr arg-rest))) ;;(if (not (string? comment)) ;;(/pmacro-error "invalid pmacro comment, expected string" comment)) (if (symbol? header) (if (symbol? expansion) (let ((maybe-pmacro (/pmacro-lookup expansion))) (if maybe-pmacro (/pmacro-set! name (/pmacro-make name (/pmacro-arg-spec maybe-pmacro) (/pmacro-default-values maybe-pmacro) #f ;; syntactic-form? (/pmacro-transformer maybe-pmacro) comment)) (/pmacro-set! name (/pmacro-make name #f #f #f expansion comment)))) (/pmacro-set! name (/pmacro-make name #f #f #f expansion comment))) (/pmacro-set! name (/pmacro-make name arg-spec default-values #f (/pmacro-build-lambda (current-reader-location) nil arg-spec expansion) comment)))) *UNSPECIFIED* ) ;; Expand any pmacros in EXPR. ;; LOC is the of EXPR. (define (pmacro-expand expr loc) (/pmacro-expand expr '() loc) ) ;; Debugging routine to trace pmacro expansion. (define (pmacro-trace expr loc) ;; FIXME: Need unwind protection. (let ((old-trace /pmacro-trace?) (src-props (and (pair? expr) (source-properties expr))) (cep (current-error-port))) (set! /pmacro-trace? #t) ;; We use `write' to display `expr' to see strings quoted. (display "Pmacro expanding: " cep) (write expr cep) (newline cep) ;;(display "Top level env: " cep) (display nil cep) (newline cep) (display "Pmacro location: " cep) (if (and src-props (not (null? src-props))) (display (source-properties-location->string src-props) cep) (display (single-location->string (location-top loc)) cep)) (newline cep) (let ((result (/pmacro-expand expr '() loc))) (display "Pmacro result: " cep) (write result cep) (newline cep) (set! /pmacro-trace? old-trace) result)) ) ;; Debugging utility to expand a pmacro, with no initial source location. (define (pmacro-dump expr) (/pmacro-expand expr '() (unspecified-location)) ) ;; Expand any pmacros in EXPR, printing various debugging messages. ;; This does not process %exec. (define (pmacro-debug expr) ;; FIXME: Need unwind protection. (let ((old-debug /pmacro-debug?)) (set! /pmacro-debug? #t) (let ((result (pmacro-trace expr (unspecified-location)))) (set! /pmacro-debug? old-debug) result)) ) ;; Builtin pmacros. ;; (%sym symbol1 symbol2 ...) - symbol-append, auto-convert numbers (define /pmacro-builtin-sym (lambda args (string->symbol (apply string-append (map (lambda (elm) (cond ((number? elm) (number->string elm)) ((symbol? elm) (symbol->string elm)) ((string? elm) elm) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid argument to %sym" elm)))) args)))) ) ;; (%str string1 string2 ...) - string-append, auto-convert numbers (define /pmacro-builtin-str (lambda args (apply string-append (map (lambda (elm) (cond ((number? elm) (number->string elm)) ((symbol? elm) (symbol->string elm)) ((string? elm) elm) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid argument to %str" elm)))) args))) ) ;; (%hex number [width]) - convert number to hex string ;; WIDTH, if present, is the number of characters in the result, beginning ;; from the least significant digit. (define (/pmacro-builtin-hex num . width) (if (> (length width) 1) (/pmacro-error "wrong number of arguments to %hex" (cons '%hex (cons num width)))) (let ((str (number->string num 16))) (if (null? width) str (let ((len (string-length str))) (substring (string-append (make-string (car width) #\0) str) len (+ len (car width)))))) ) ;; (%upcase string) - convert a string or symbol to uppercase (define (/pmacro-builtin-upcase str) (cond ((string? str) (string-upcase str)) ((symbol? str) (string->symbol (string-upcase (symbol->string str)))) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid argument to %upcase" str))) ) ;; (%downcase string) - convert a string or symbol to lowercase (define (/pmacro-builtin-downcase str) (cond ((string? str) (string-downcase str)) ((symbol? str) (string->symbol (string-downcase (symbol->string str)))) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid argument to %downcase" str))) ) ;; (%substring string start end) - get part of a string ;; `end' can be the symbol `end'. (define (/pmacro-builtin-substring str start end) (if (not (integer? start)) ;; FIXME: non-negative-integer (/pmacro-error "start not an integer" start)) (if (and (not (integer? end)) (not (eq? end 'end))) (/pmacro-error "end not an integer nor symbol `end'" end)) (cond ((string? str) (if (eq? end 'end) (substring str start) (substring str start end))) ((symbol? str) (if (eq? end 'end) (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string str) start)) (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string str) start end)))) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid argument to %substring" str))) ) ;; %splice - splicing support ;; Splice lists into the outer list. ;; ;; E.g. (define-pmacro '(splice-test a b c) '(%splice a (%unsplice b) c)) ;; (pmacro-expand '(splice-test (1 (2) 3))) --> (1 2 3) ;; ;; Similar to `(1 ,@'(2) 3) in Scheme, though the terminology is slightly ;; different (??? may need to revisit). In Scheme there's quasi-quote, ;; unquote, unquote-splicing. Here we have splice, unsplice; with the proviso ;; that pmacros don't have the concept of "quoting", thus all subexpressions ;; are macro-expanded first, before performing any unsplicing. ;; [??? Some may want a quoting facility, but I'd like to defer adding it as ;; long as possible (and ideally never add it).] ;; ;; NOTE: The implementation relies on %unsplice being undefined so that ;; (%unsplice (42)) is expanded unchanged. (define /pmacro-builtin-splice (lambda arg-list ;; ??? Not the most efficient implementation. (let* ((unsplice-str (if (rtl-version-at-least? 0 9) "%unsplice" ".unsplice")) (unsplice-sym (string->symbol unsplice-str))) (let loop ((arg-list arg-list) (result '())) (cond ((null? arg-list) result) ((and (pair? (car arg-list)) (eq? unsplice-sym (caar arg-list))) (if (= (length (car arg-list)) 2) (if (list? (cadar arg-list)) (loop (cdr arg-list) (append result (cadar arg-list))) (/pmacro-error (string-append "argument to " unsplice-str " must be a list") (car arg-list))) (/pmacro-error (string-append "wrong number of arguments to " unsplice-str) (car arg-list)))) (else (loop (cdr arg-list) (append result (list (car arg-list))))))))) ) ;; %iota ;; Usage: ;; (%iota count) ;; start=0, incr=1 ;; (%iota count start) ;; incr=1 ;; (%iota count start incr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-iota count . start-incr) (if (> (length start-incr) 2) (/pmacro-error "wrong number of arguments to %iota" (cons '%iota (cons count start-incr)))) (if (< count 0) (/pmacro-error "count must be non-negative" (cons '%iota (cons count start-incr)))) (let ((start (if (pair? start-incr) (car start-incr) 0)) (incr (if (= (length start-incr) 2) (cadr start-incr) 1))) (let loop ((i start) (count count) (result '())) (if (= count 0) (reverse! result) (loop (+ i incr) (- count 1) (cons i result))))) ) ;; (%map pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) (define (/pmacro-builtin-map pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) (if (not (/pmacro? pmacro)) (/pmacro-error "not a pmacro" pmacro)) (let ((transformer (/pmacro-transformer pmacro))) (if (not (procedure? transformer)) (/pmacro-error "not a procedural pmacro" pmacro)) (apply map (cons transformer (cons arg1 arg-rest)))) ) ;; (%for-each pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) (define (/pmacro-builtin-for-each pmacro arg1 . arg-rest) (if (not (/pmacro? pmacro)) (/pmacro-error "not a pmacro" pmacro)) (let ((transformer (/pmacro-transformer pmacro))) (if (not (procedure? transformer)) (/pmacro-error "not a procedural pmacro" pmacro)) (apply for-each (cons transformer (cons arg1 arg-rest))) nil) ;; need to return something the reader will accept and ignore ) ;; (%eval expr) ;; NOTE: This is implemented as a syntactic form in order to get ENV and LOC. ;; That's an implementation detail, and this is not really a syntactic form. ;; ;; ??? I debated whether to call this %expand, %eval has been a source of ;; confusion/headaches. (define (/pmacro-builtin-eval loc env expr) ;; /pmacro-expand is invoked twice because we're implemented as a syntactic ;; form: We *want* to be passed an evaluated expression, and then we ;; re-evaluate it. But syntactic forms pass parameters unevaluated, so we ;; have to do the first one ourselves. (/pmacro-expand (/pmacro-expand expr env loc) env loc) ) ;; (%exec expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-exec expr) ;; If we're expanding pmacros for debugging purposes, don't execute, ;; just return unchanged. (if /pmacro-debug? (list '%exec expr) (begin (reader-process-expanded! expr) nil)) ;; need to return something the reader will accept and ignore ) ;; (%apply pmacro-name arg) (define (/pmacro-builtin-apply pmacro arg-list) (if (not (/pmacro? pmacro)) (/pmacro-error "not a pmacro" pmacro)) (let ((transformer (/pmacro-transformer pmacro))) (if (not (procedure? transformer)) (/pmacro-error "not a procedural pmacro" pmacro)) (apply transformer arg-list)) ) ;; (%pmacro (arg-list) expansion) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-pmacro loc env params expansion) ;; ??? Prohibiting improper lists seems unnecessarily restrictive here. ;; e.g. (define (foo bar . baz) ...) (if (not (list? params)) (/pmacro-error "%pmacro parameter-spec is not a list" params)) (/pmacro-make '%anonymous params #f #f (/pmacro-build-lambda loc env params expansion) "") ) ;; (%pmacro? arg) (define (/pmacro-builtin-pmacro? arg) (/pmacro? arg) ) ;; (%let (var-list) expr1 . expr-rest) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-let loc env locals expr1 . expr-rest) (if (not (list? locals)) (/pmacro-error "locals is not a list" locals)) (if (not (all-true? (map (lambda (l) (and (list? l) (= (length l) 2) (symbol? (car l)))) locals))) (/pmacro-error "syntax error in locals list" locals)) (let* ((evald-locals (map (lambda (l) (cons (car l) (/pmacro-expand (cadr l) env loc))) locals)) (new-env (append! evald-locals env))) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cons expr1 expr-rest) new-env loc)) ) ;; (%let* (var-list) expr1 . expr-rest) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-let* loc env locals expr1 . expr-rest) (if (not (list? locals)) (/pmacro-error "locals is not a list" locals)) (if (not (all-true? (map (lambda (l) (and (list? l) (= (length l) 2) (symbol? (car l)))) locals))) (/pmacro-error "syntax error in locals list" locals)) (let loop ((locals locals) (new-env env)) (if (null? locals) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cons expr1 expr-rest) new-env loc) (loop (cdr locals) (acons (caar locals) (/pmacro-expand (cadar locals) new-env loc) new-env)))) ) ;; (%if expr then [else]) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-if loc env expr then-clause . else-clause) (case (length else-clause) ((0) (if (/pmacro-expand expr env loc) (/pmacro-expand then-clause env loc) nil)) ((1) (if (/pmacro-expand expr env loc) (/pmacro-expand then-clause env loc) (/pmacro-expand (car else-clause) env loc))) (else (/pmacro-error "too many elements in else-clause, expecting 0 or 1" else-clause))) ) ;; (%case expr ((case-list1) stmt) [case-expr-stmt-list] [(else stmt)]) ;; NOTE: syntactic form ;; NOTE: this uses "member" for case comparison (Scheme uses memq I think) (define (/pmacro-builtin-case loc env expr case1 . rest) (let ((evald-expr (/pmacro-expand expr env loc))) (let loop ((cases (cons case1 rest))) (if (null? cases) nil (begin (if (not (list? (car cases))) (/pmacro-error "case statement not a list" (car cases))) (if (= (length (car cases)) 1) (/pmacro-error "case statement has case but no expr" (car cases))) (if (and (not (eq? (caar cases) 'else)) (not (list? (caar cases)))) (/pmacro-error "case must be \"else\" or list of choices" (caar cases))) (cond ((eq? (caar cases) 'else) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cdar cases) env loc)) ((member evald-expr (caar cases)) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cdar cases) env loc)) (else (loop (cdr cases)))))))) ) ;; (%cond (expr stmt) [(cond-expr-stmt-list)] [(else stmt)]) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-cond loc env expr1 . rest) (let loop ((exprs (cons expr1 rest))) (cond ((null? exprs) nil) ((eq? (car exprs) 'else) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cdar exprs) env loc)) (else (let ((evald-expr (/pmacro-expand (caar exprs) env loc))) (if evald-expr (/pmacro-expand-expr-list (cdar exprs) env loc) (loop (cdr exprs))))))) ) ;; (%begin . stmt-list) ;; NOTE: syntactic form (define (/pmacro-builtin-begin loc env . rest) (/pmacro-expand-expr-list rest env loc) ) ;; (%print . expr) ;; Strings have quotes removed. (define (/pmacro-builtin-print . exprs) (apply message exprs) nil ;; need to return something the reader will accept and ignore ) ;; (%dump expr) ;; Strings do not have quotes removed. (define (/pmacro-builtin-dump expr) (write expr (current-error-port)) nil ;; need to return something the reader will accept and ignore ) ;; (%error . expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-error . exprs) (apply error exprs) ) ;; (%list expr1 ...) (define (/pmacro-builtin-list . exprs) exprs ) ;; (%ref expr index) (define (/pmacro-builtin-ref l n) (if (not (list? l)) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %ref, expected list" l)) (if (not (integer? n)) ;; FIXME: call non-negative-integer? (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %ref, expected non-negative integer" n)) (list-ref l n) ) ;; (%length x) (define (/pmacro-builtin-length x) (cond ((symbol? x) (string-length (symbol->string x))) ((string? x) (string-length x)) ((list? x) (length x)) (else (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %length, expected symbol, string, or list" x))) ) ;; (%replicate n expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-replicate n expr) (if (not (integer? n)) ;; FIXME: call non-negative-integer? (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %replicate, expected non-negative integer" n)) (make-list n expr) ) ;; (%find pred l) (define (/pmacro-builtin-find pred l) (if (not (/pmacro? pred)) (/pmacro-error "not a pmacro" pred)) (if (not (list? l)) (/pmacro-error "not a list" l)) (let ((transformer (/pmacro-transformer pred))) (if (not (procedure? transformer)) (/pmacro-error "not a procedural macro" pred)) (find transformer l)) ) ;; (%equal? x y) (define (/pmacro-builtin-equal? x y) (equal? x y) ) ;; (%andif . rest) ;; NOTE: syntactic form ;; Elements of EXPRS are evaluated one at a time. ;; Unprocessed elements are not evaluated. (define (/pmacro-builtin-andif loc env . exprs) (if (null? exprs) #t (let loop ((exprs exprs)) (let ((evald-expr (/pmacro-expand (car exprs) env loc))) (cond ((null? (cdr exprs)) evald-expr) (evald-expr (loop (cdr exprs))) (else #f))))) ) ;; (%orif . rest) ;; NOTE: syntactic form ;; Elements of EXPRS are evaluated one at a time. ;; Unprocessed elements are not evaluated. (define (/pmacro-builtin-orif loc env . exprs) (let loop ((exprs exprs)) (if (null? exprs) #f (let ((evald-expr (/pmacro-expand (car exprs) env loc))) (if evald-expr evald-expr (loop (cdr exprs)))))) ) ;; (%not expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-not x) (not x) ) ;; Verify x,y are compatible for eq/ne comparisons. (define (/pmacro-compatible-for-equality x y) (or (and (symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (and (string? x) (string? y)) (and (number? x) (number? y))) ) ;; (%eq expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-eq x y) (cond ((symbol? x) (if (symbol? y) (eq? x y) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %eq, expected symbol" y))) ((string? x) (if (string? y) (string=? x y) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %eq, expected string" y))) ((number? x) (if (number? y) (= x y) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %eq, expected number" y))) (else (/pmacro-error "unsupported args for %eq" (list x y)))) ) ;; (%ne expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-ne x y) (cond ((symbol? x) (if (symbol? y) (not (eq? x y)) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %ne, expected symbol" y))) ((string? x) (if (string? y) (not (string=? x y)) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %ne, expected string" y))) ((number? x) (if (number? y) (not (= x y)) (/pmacro-error "incompatible args for %ne, expected number" y))) (else (/pmacro-error "unsupported args for %ne" (list x y)))) ) ;; (%lt expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-lt x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%lt" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%lt" y) (< x y) ) ;; (%gt expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-gt x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%gt" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%gt" y) (> x y) ) ;; (%le expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-le x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%le" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%le" y) (<= x y) ) ;; (%ge expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-ge x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%ge" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%ge" y) (>= x y) ) ;; (%add x y) (define (/pmacro-builtin-add x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%add" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%add" y) (+ x y) ) ;; (%sub x y) (define (/pmacro-builtin-sub x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%sub" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%sub" y) (- x y) ) ;; (%mul x y) (define (/pmacro-builtin-mul x y) (/pmacro-verify-number "%mul" x) (/pmacro-verify-number "%mul" y) (* x y) ) ;; (%div x y) - integer division (define (/pmacro-builtin-div x y) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%div" x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%div" y) (quotient x y) ) ;; (%rem x y) - integer remainder ;; ??? Need to decide behavior. (define (/pmacro-builtin-rem x y) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%rem" x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%rem" y) (remainder x y) ) ;; (%sll x n) - shift left logical (define (/pmacro-builtin-sll x n) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%sll" x) (/pmacro-verify-non-negative-integer "%sll" n) (ash x n) ) ;; (%srl x n) - shift right logical ;; X must be non-negative, otherwise behavior is undefined. ;; [Unless we introduce a size argument: How do you logical shift right ;; an arbitrary precision negative number?] (define (/pmacro-builtin-srl x n) (/pmacro-verify-non-negative-integer "%srl" x) (/pmacro-verify-non-negative-integer "%srl" n) (ash x (- n)) ) ;; (%sra x n) - shift right arithmetic (define (/pmacro-builtin-sra x n) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%sra" x) (/pmacro-verify-non-negative-integer "%sra" n) (ash x (- n)) ) ;; (%and x y) - bitwise and (define (/pmacro-builtin-and x y) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%and" x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%and" y) (logand x y) ) ;; (%or x y) - bitwise or (define (/pmacro-builtin-or x y) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%or" x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%or" y) (logior x y) ) ;; (%xor x y) - bitwise xor (define (/pmacro-builtin-xor x y) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%xor" x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%xor" y) (logxor x y) ) ;; (%inv x) - bitwise invert (define (/pmacro-builtin-inv x) (/pmacro-verify-integer "%inv" x) (lognot x) ) ;; (%car expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-car l) (if (pair? l) (car l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %car, expected pair" l)) ) ;; (%cdr expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-cdr l) (if (pair? l) (cdr l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %cdr, expected pair" l)) ) ;; (%caar expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-caar l) (if (and (pair? l) (pair? (car l))) (caar l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %caar" l)) ) ;; (%cadr expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-cadr l) (if (and (pair? l) (pair? (cdr l))) (cadr l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %cadr" l)) ) ;; (%cdar expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-cdar l) (if (and (pair? l) (pair? (car l))) (cdar l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %cdar" l)) ) ;; (%cddr expr) (define (/pmacro-builtin-cddr l) (if (and (pair? l) (pair? (cdr l))) (cddr l) (/pmacro-error "invalid arg for %cddr" l)) ) ;; (%internal-test expr) ;; This is an internal builtin for use by the testsuite. ;; EXPR is a Scheme expression that is executed to verify proper ;; behaviour of something. It must return #f for FAIL, non-#f for PASS. ;; The result is #f for FAIL, #t for PASS. ;; This must be used in an expression, it is not sufficient to do ;; (%internal-test mumble) because the reader will see #f or #t and complain. (define (/pmacro-builtin-internal-test expr) (and (eval1 expr) #t) ) ;; Initialization. ;; If RTL-VERSION >= (0 9), install %pmacros, otherwise install .pmacros. (define (pmacros-init! rtl-version) (set! /pmacro-table (make-hash-table 127)) (set! /smacro-table (make-hash-table 41)) ;; Predefined pmacros. (let ((macros ;; name arg-spec syntactic? function description (list (list 'sym 'symbols #f /pmacro-builtin-sym "symbol-append") (list 'str 'strings #f /pmacro-builtin-str "string-append") (list 'hex '(number . width) #f /pmacro-builtin-hex "convert to -hex, with optional width") (list 'upcase '(string) #f /pmacro-builtin-upcase "string-upcase") (list 'downcase '(string) #f /pmacro-builtin-downcase "string-downcase") (list 'substring '(string start end) #f /pmacro-builtin-substring "get start of a string") (list 'splice 'arg-list #f /pmacro-builtin-splice "splice lists into the outer list") (list 'iota '(count . start-incr) #f /pmacro-builtin-iota "iota number generator") (list 'map '(pmacro list1 . rest) #f /pmacro-builtin-map "map a pmacro over a list of arguments") (list 'for-each '(pmacro list1 . rest) #f /pmacro-builtin-for-each "execute a pmacro over a list of arguments") (list 'eval '(expr) #t /pmacro-builtin-eval "expand(evaluate) expr") (list 'exec '(expr) #f /pmacro-builtin-exec "execute expr immediately") (list 'apply '(pmacro arg-list) #f /pmacro-builtin-apply "apply a pmacro to a list of arguments") (list 'pmacro '(params expansion) #t /pmacro-builtin-pmacro "create a pmacro on-the-fly") (list 'pmacro? '(arg) #f /pmacro-builtin-pmacro? "return true if arg is a pmacro") (list 'let '(locals expr1 . rest) #t /pmacro-builtin-let "create a binding context, let-style") (list 'let* '(locals expr1 . rest) #t /pmacro-builtin-let* "create a binding context, let*-style") (list 'if '(expr then . else) #t /pmacro-builtin-if "if expr is true, process then, else else") (list 'case '(expr case1 . rest) #t /pmacro-builtin-case "process statement that matches expr") (list 'cond '(expr1 . rest) #t /pmacro-builtin-cond "process first statement whose expr succeeds") (list 'begin 'rest #t /pmacro-builtin-begin "process a sequence of statements") (list 'print 'exprs #f /pmacro-builtin-print "print exprs, for debugging purposes") (list 'dump '(expr) #f /pmacro-builtin-dump "dump expr, for debugging purposes") (list 'error 'message #f /pmacro-builtin-error "print error message and exit") (list 'list 'exprs #f /pmacro-builtin-list "return a list of exprs") (list 'ref '(l n) #f /pmacro-builtin-ref "return n'th element of list l") (list 'length '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-length "return length of symbol, string, or list") (list 'replicate '(n expr) #f /pmacro-builtin-replicate "return list of expr replicated n times") (list 'find '(pred l) #f /pmacro-builtin-find "return elements of list l matching pred") (list 'equal? '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-equal? "deep comparison of x and y") (list 'andif 'rest #t /pmacro-builtin-andif "return first #f element, otherwise return last element") (list 'orif 'rest #t /pmacro-builtin-orif "return first non-#f element found, otherwise #f") (list 'not '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-not "return !x") (list 'eq '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-eq "return true if x == y") (list 'ne '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-ne "return true if x != y") (list 'lt '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-lt "return true if x < y") (list 'gt '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-gt "return true if x > y") (list 'le '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-le "return true if x <= y") (list 'ge '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-ge "return true if x >= y") (list 'add '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-add "return x + y") (list 'sub '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-sub "return x - y") (list 'mul '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-mul "return x * y") (list 'div '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-div "return x / y") (list 'rem '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-rem "return x % y") (list 'sll '(x n) #f /pmacro-builtin-sll "return logical x << n") (list 'srl '(x n) #f /pmacro-builtin-srl "return logical x >> n") (list 'sra '(x n) #f /pmacro-builtin-sra "return arithmetic x >> n") (list 'and '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-and "return x & y") (list 'or '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-or "return x | y") (list 'xor '(x y) #f /pmacro-builtin-xor "return x ^ y") (list 'inv '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-inv "return ~x") (list 'car '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-car "return (car x)") (list 'cdr '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-cdr "return (cdr x)") (list 'caar '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-caar "return (caar x)") (list 'cadr '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-cadr "return (cadr x)") (list 'cdar '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-cdar "return (cdar x)") (list 'cddr '(x) #f /pmacro-builtin-cddr "return (cddr x)") (list 'internal-test '(expr) #f /pmacro-builtin-internal-test "testsuite use only") )) (prefix (if (member rtl-version '((0 7) (0 8))) /pmacro-orig-prefix /pmacro-prefix))) (for-each (lambda (x) (let ((name (list-ref x 0)) (arg-spec (list-ref x 1)) (syntactic? (list-ref x 2)) (pmacro (list-ref x 3)) (comment (list-ref x 4))) (let ((full-name (string->symbol (string-append prefix (symbol->string name))))) (/pmacro-set! full-name (/pmacro-make full-name arg-spec #f syntactic? pmacro comment)) (if syntactic? (/smacro-set! full-name (/pmacro-make full-name arg-spec #f syntactic? pmacro comment)))))) macros)) )