Work in progress (for next version): - Add popup hint to show Gantt chart load values. - Limit iCal calendar entries to actually allocated time slots. - Check FreeBSD repository patches ( - Add 'extend' support for accounts. Probably: - Macros to do date/time arithmetic. - 'limits' for tasks, not just for allocations. - vacations for tasks (to suspend a part of a project for some time). - Interactive account report - 'completedeffort' and 'pendingeffort' column - add a search box or filter field (like in the sidebar for file task and others) in UI Report, to be able to find easily tasks (by task id) or task resources - Legend to explain meaning of HTML report Gantt elements. - add LogExp functions like 'dependsOn' or 'precedes'. - Fix conceptually broken limits for allocations. They should be resource limits for tasks. Inheritance should be reconsidered as well. - Make vacations and shifts scenario specific. Maybe: - Timezone support for resources and shifts. - Limits for accounts. - support for renewable resources - Allocation selection by skill set. - Add support for flexible rates (per task, per shift) - Cleanup taskjuggler library API, so it can be used by other apps. - Color support for tasks and resources. - Gap with snap on weekdays. - Macros like ${TODAY}, ${ProjectStart}, ... - Hammock tasks (tasks that have logical childs outside the WBS) - Folding support for /* */ style comments in the editor. - New report that contains a tasks vs. resource matrix with customizable resource columns.