import os, sys from os.path import join, basename EnsureSConsVersion(1, 0) # FIXME: sometimes it would be good to build for a different python # version than the one running scons. (But how to find all paths then?) python = 'python%d.%d' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) print 'Building for', python if sys.platform == "win32": python = 'python' # usually no versioned binaries on Windows try: import numpy except ImportError: print 'You need to have numpy installed.' print raise SConsignFile() # no .scsonsign into $PREFIX please if sys.platform == "darwin": default_prefix = '/opt/local/' else: default_prefix = '/usr/local/' opts = Variables() opts.Add(PathVariable('prefix', 'autotools-style installation prefix', default_prefix, validator=PathVariable.PathIsDirCreate)) opts.Add(BoolVariable('debug', 'enable HEAVY_DEBUG and disable optimizations', False)) env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, options=opts) if sys.platform == "win32": # remove this mingw if trying VisualStudio env = Environment(tools=['mingw'], ENV=os.environ, options=opts) opts.Update(env) env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0') env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs libpng') env.Append(CXXFLAGS=' -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-write-strings') # Get the numpy include path (for numpy/arrayobject.h). numpy_path = numpy.get_include() env.Append(CPPPATH=numpy_path) if sys.platform == "win32": # official python shipped with no pc file on windows so get from current python from distutils import sysconfig pre,inc = sysconfig.get_config_vars('exec_prefix', 'INCLUDEPY') env.Append(CPPPATH=inc, LIBPATH=pre+'\libs', LIBS='python'+sys.version[0]+sys.version[2]) elif sys.platform == "darwin": env.ParseConfig('python-config --cflags') env.ParseConfig('python-config --ldflags') else: # some distros use python2.5-config, others python-config2.5 try: env.ParseConfig(python + '-config --cflags') env.ParseConfig(python + '-config --ldflags') except OSError: print 'going to try python-config instead' env.ParseConfig('python-config --ldflags') env.ParseConfig('python-config --cflags') if env.get('CPPDEFINES'): # make sure assertions are enabled env['CPPDEFINES'].remove('NDEBUG') if env['debug']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES='HEAVY_DEBUG') env.Append(CCFLAGS='-O0', LINKFLAGS='-O0') #env.Append(CCFLAGS='-fno-inline', LINKFLAGS='-fno-inline') Export('env', 'python') module = SConscript('lib/SConscript') SConscript('brushlib/SConscript') languages = SConscript('po/SConscript') def burn_python_version(target, source, env): # make sure we run the python version that we built the extension modules for s = '#!/usr/bin/env ' + python + '\n' s += 5*'#\n' s += '# DO NOT EDIT - edit %s instead\n' % source[0] s += 5*'#\n' s += open(str(source[0])).read() f = open(str(target[0]), 'w') f.write(s) f.close() env.Command('mypaint', '', [burn_python_version, Chmod('$TARGET', 0755)]) env.Clean('.', Glob('*.pyc')) env.Clean('.', Glob('gui/*.pyc')) env.Clean('.', Glob('lib/*.pyc')) env.Alias('install', env['prefix']) def install(dst, pattern): files = Glob(pattern) assert files, "Glob expression did not match any files" env.Install(join(env['prefix'], dst), files) install('bin', 'mypaint') install('share/mypaint/brushes', 'brushes/*') install('share/mypaint/backgrounds', 'backgrounds/*') install('share/mypaint/pixmaps', 'pixmaps/*') install('share', 'desktop/icons') install('share/applications', 'desktop/mypaint.desktop') # location for achitecture-dependent modules env.Install(join(env['prefix'], 'lib/mypaint'), module) install('share/mypaint/lib', 'lib/*.py') install('share/mypaint/gui', 'gui/*.py') install('share/mypaint/gui', 'gui/menu.xml') install('share/mypaint/brushlib', 'brushlib/*.py') # translations for lang in languages: install('share/locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES' % lang, 'po/%s/LC_MESSAGES/' % lang)