Release Notes for LCS 3.11.3 (Jonathan Stickles & Chris Johnson, July 8th, 2007) * Complete rewrite of LCSIO system. New system uses C I/O functions with special functions to open up files with certain prefixes. This allows greater portability and compatibility with Unix-like operating systems. Rewrite by Chris Johnson, VC++ compatibility by Jonathan Stickles. * Fixed: Bug that caused vacation dates to never end (was not in 3.11.2). * Fix for bug #1745455: Liberals that are captured now lose their hostages. * Fix for bug #1742330: Liberals that lose contact and go into hiding now stop their current actions. Bug submitted by Xavior (geminirai). * Fix for bug #1744460: Dates can now only be gone on if the liberal is either in the hospital or at the safehouse. * Fix for bug #1742347: The news no longer specifies whether you were killed when the LCS squad is wiped out on site, in order to support cases where you were really just arrested. Bug submitted by Xotes. * Fixed: Hostages which are rescued can no longer continue to be tended. * Fixed: During trials and on release from prison, Liberals are now transferred to the homeless shelter as their new base if their current base is no longer a safehouse. * Fixed: Bug with previous I/O system that caused save games to not be deleted on Linux has been fixed in the new system. * Fixed: You will now only be charged with assault for attacking people who aren't already hostile to you. * Fixed: Bug which would give you a warning instead of your proper sentence 1 in 4 times if you didn't commit murder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes for LCS 3.11.2 (Jonathan Stickles & Chris Johnson, June 23rd, 2007) * New file in docs documenting the .cpc graphics files used in the game. * You can't buy a printing press anymore -- now you need to pay $10,000 to establish the Liberal Guardian offices. This still serves as a safehouse, but the change is permanent: it permanently changes the name of the facility, is never dismantled, provides no extra cover from police, and can't be fortified. It essentially fixes one of your safehouses as unupgradable, but your writers need to be at that location or they can't write. * Writing is now: pick an issue, *silently* write on that issue in the background as long as there's public interest. Public interest is determined by news stories about you earlier that month. You can see how much public interest there is on the "pick an issue" screen. * If you're writing on an issue, and that day, you make the news on the same issue, the Liberal Guardian will run a front page news story following the normal news story, putting your spin on it, with your heading, your title, your article text. This triples the power of the news story, and increases how much interest it will generate for future editorials. * Site actions will no longer influence the issues up beyond about 4 times the amount of shift they create. If you just sneak around and steal stuff, you'll get maybe 10% of the population on your side at best. If you kill janators outside the front door, you'll get around 30% tops. If you storm the place shooting everything in sight and manage not to upset moderates, steal anything not locked down, kick in a dozen doors, and bust open the lock-up, then that will actually make some waves that could carry you to 100%. If you use the Liberal Guardian to multiply your news strength, you'll push this cap up as well. * Picking locks no longer generates news. * In court, the prosecution is a standard roll that is now strengthened for each charge brought against you, including how many counts. * The cops are now much more benevolent than the LCS gives them credit for. ;) You can always pull over or give up in a police chace, even if you start shooting earlier in the fight. You still can't surrender to death squads or non-police enemies. * Changed the driveskill calculation. Driving skill is now more important. The speed of your car is also more important. Having an injured driver is now very bad. Shooting the enemy driver is now very good. * Defense bonus during car and foot chases, higher in car chases. This change was suggested by Xotes on the Bay 12 Games forums. * Fix for bug #1740107 (Segfault during car chase). * Older saves are now invalid. Lowest save version is 3.11.2. * Fixed some buffer overflows with text handling. * Allowed for default names. You no longer have to pick a code name for people kidnapped or recruited through dating. Pressing enter without entering any code name will use that person's actual name by default. * New art added for the Liberal Guardian. * Fixed bug in which having high health doesn't protect you from damage, it protects your opponent from recieving damage from you. This fix will make fighter archetype characters and people with high health stats much more powerful, because there were being weakened by their own health rather than strengthened by it. * Fixed bug that always opened art files in read/write mode. Under Linux this caused problems if crimesquad was installed so users do not have write access to the art files. * Fixed Linux flag-burning bug that has been around since the original Linux port. * You can now be charged with multiple counts of the same crime. * ../art has been added to the search path for art on both Windows and Linux. * Fixed bug #1741974, Hostages not freed if arrested during chase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes for LCS 3.11.1 (Chris Johnson, June 19th, 2007) Note: These are the release notes for 3.11.1, but they were not included in that release. 3.11.1 was released on June 17th. * Fix for bug #1738212 (Segfault when members of a squad lose contact) submitted by Xavior * Split up game.cpp into many different files in different directories. * GNU Autotools support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes for LCS 3.09 (Tarn Adams, August 20th, 2004) * Fixed a crash that game from generating truckers in a non-existent work location. * Made people that go on vacation drop off squad equipment prior to disband. * Fixed up a crash bug with vehicle ids (Kevin did as well). * Fixed a crash bug in the squad movement code. * Kevin Sadler added cursor key support and auto saving (see linux_readme for details on his additions). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes for LCS 3.06 (Tarn Adams) * In setvehicles(), there was a bug where it printed the car coloraccording to index instead of ID number. * In advanceday(), there were 2 instance of activesquad that should have been squad[sq]. * Made presidential veto impossible in extreme-view cases. * Added addlocationname(locationst *loc) and used it to print business front names instead of location names in some places. * Added loadinitfile() and used it to handle an init file with key changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General porting note 3.05:I use verase() instead of erase() in the STL vector because erase() conflicts witha macro in PDCurses. It's also possible that they are fighting over clear().Tarn Adams