// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Linq; namespace KancolleSniffer.Model { public class ConditionTimer : IHaveState, Sniffer.IPort { private readonly ShipInfo _shipInfo; private const int Interval = 180; private int _lastCond = int.MinValue; private DateTime _lastUpdate; private double _regainTime; public bool NeedSave { get; private set; } public ConditionTimer(ShipInfo shipInfo) { _shipInfo = shipInfo; } public void Port() { CalcRegainTime(); } private void CalcRegainTime() { var now = DateTime.Now; var prevTime = _lastUpdate; var prevCond = _lastCond; _lastUpdate = now; _lastCond = _shipInfo.ShipList.Min(s => s.Cond); // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (_regainTime == double.MinValue) { ResetRegainTime(now); return; } if (prevCond == int.MinValue || prevCond == _lastCond) return; var next = NextRegainTime(prevTime); var ticks = next > now ? 0 : (int)(now - next).TotalSeconds / Interval + 1; var diff = (_lastCond - prevCond + 2) / 3 - ticks; if (_lastCond == 49 ? diff > 0 : diff != 0) ResetRegainTime(now); } private DateTime NextRegainTime(DateTime now) { var batch = new DateTime((long)((now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / Interval * Interval + _regainTime) * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)); return batch < now ? batch.AddSeconds(Interval) : batch; } private void ResetRegainTime(DateTime now) { _regainTime = (double)now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond % Interval; NeedSave = true; } public void InvalidateCond() { _lastCond = int.MinValue; } public void CheckCond() { if (_lastCond != _shipInfo.ShipList.Min(s => s.Cond)) _lastCond = int.MinValue; } public DateTime GetTimer(int fleet) { var target = _shipInfo.Fleets[fleet]; if (target.State != FleetState.Port) return DateTime.MinValue; var cond = target.ActualShips.Select(s => s.Cond).DefaultIfEmpty(49).Min(); if (cond >= 49) return DateTime.MinValue; var nextRegain = NextRegainTime(_lastUpdate); return cond >= 46 ? nextRegain : nextRegain.AddSeconds((46 - cond + 2) / 3 * Interval); } public int[] GetNotice(DateTime prev, DateTime now) { var result = new int[ShipInfo.FleetCount]; if (prev == DateTime.MinValue) return result; foreach (var fleet in _shipInfo.Fleets) { if (fleet.State != FleetState.Port) continue; var timer = GetTimer(fleet.Number); if (timer == DateTime.MinValue || prev < _lastUpdate) continue; if (prev < timer.AddMinutes(-9) && now >= timer.AddMinutes(-9)) result[fleet.Number] = 40; else if (prev < timer && now >= timer) result[fleet.Number] = 49; } return result; } public void SaveState(Status status) { NeedSave = false; status.CondRegenTime = _regainTime; } public void LoadState(Status status) { _regainTime = status.CondRegenTime; } } }